MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 174 Modern campus text 10

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"If you like it, let's come back later." Lu Hao heard Shao Qian say this, this sentence did not go out through the brain.

"Is it coming back later?" Shao Qian heard this, his eyebrows were light, and he sat sideways on Lu's abdomen, his hands on his chest, so he looked down at Lu Xun: "Listen to your tone, this place is really coming. Going freely. You know, even me, I can only reach all the places I have been to. And you...hehe..."

Lu Hao really wants to bite his tongue now, how can he say it out? Ming knows that his own baby is now beginning to doubt, but actually still emotionally blurted out. This is this...

However, now that the words are spoken, he certainly hasn’t gotten a few minutes back. But let him admit it is also impossible. In any case, Lu Hao does not dare and can not tell the truth of the matter.

Therefore, this eyeball turned around, and then took a big white tooth back to Shao Qian a bright smile. Look at that look, it is clear that it is not.

"Don't you say?" Although I knew that I couldn't ask anything, but I saw Lu Hao's appearance, Shao Qian suddenly raised a nameless anger. He directly slammed on Lu's head and angered: "Then you will keep your secrets out."

After all, Shao Qian wanted to get out of bed.

When Lu Hao saw Shao Qian, the appearance was also anxious. He grabbed Shao Qian’s arm and forced him down. He suppressed Shao Qian’s struggle from his own body and hurriedly apprehended his eyes and kissed his mouth. After the rushed explanation: "Baby is angry, not that I don't say it now, but... but... give me some time, so I want to explain it to you, I will tell you all." it is good?"

Shao Qian’s anger is coming fast and going fast. Just after Lu Yu was arrested and kissed, Shao Qian’s heart was inexplicably scattered, and then Lu Yan was anxious, even when some incoherent explanations, Shao Qian’s original instigating heart was inexplicable. Down, now I am looking at my partner's eyes and anxious, and I feel a little distressed.

"I will wait for you to explain to me." Shao Qian finally sighed, his right hand screamed in the head of Lu Hao, and he saw an anxious color in his eyes. He also leaned over and kissed him in Lu’s mouth. appease.

Lu Yu was on Shao Qian's body, his hands clasped around his arms, his head smashed twice in his partner's neck, smelling the light mint on his body, and the temper rising in his heart for fear of leaving the baby gradually calmed down.

As long as he does not say to leave, Lu Yan can't imagine what he would be like without Shao Qian's day. Will you make something unforgivable?

In the following time, Shao Qian and Lu Hao did not take the initiative to speak. Lu Yan did not move on Shao Qian's body in this position. After a long time, his breathing gradually stabilized, and he thought he was already asleep.

Although Shao Qian is somewhat confused, there is something in his heart. He will not fall asleep for a while.

Therefore, after hearing Lu’s steady breathing, he was a little bit sorrowful. How can such a posture make him fall asleep?

I tried to push the land and found that although the goods were asleep, the arms around him were really tight, and even after feeling his struggle, they tried to wrap the people tighter.

Shao Qian couldn't, but he could only turn over the posture of Lu Yu, and put the arm of the goods directly on the side of his body. He looked at his frowning because he had some discomfort in his sleep because of his weight. In the end, it was a little distressed. He ignored this person. I can’t afford to worry about it.

It really owes him.

Thinking this way, Shao Qian gradually fell asleep. After falling asleep, his body was subconsciously close to Lu Hao, and he hugged his head against his head.

On the second day of the morning, Lu Hao was awakened by the sun and squinted at the position of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was discovered that the two people did not pull the curtains in time last night. It was only six o'clock in the morning, the sun was already sinister. The incoming light was directly stuck in the head of the two men.

Lu Hao moved his arm and found that Shao Qian was tightly pressed under his body and was pressed for one night. The arm below was almost unaware. However, he did not want to wake up Shao Qian, he could only cover Shao Qian’s eyes with one hand and wanted to shield him from the sunshine.

When he moved his arm, Shao Qian snorted, and then he opened his eyes with some stunned eyes. The eyes of Lu’s eyes naturally could not see anything else: “I woke up.”

"I know." Lu Hao knew when Shao Qian opened his eyes. Shao Qian's eyelashes were very long. When he opened his eyes, the eyelashes swept across the palm of his hand, giving Lu Yan an electric shock.

This early morning was so stunned, Lu Yan’s voice was a bit hoarse: "Would you like to sleep again?"

"Don't sleep." Shao Qian pulled Lu's left hand and kissed it gently. The tip of his tongue swept over Lulu with a little old-fashioned finger, and then placed his left hand on his cheek and smashed it twice.

Lu Hao himself did not have much self-control for Shao Qian. Now he is so stunned that if he can calm him, he will not call Lu Hao.

The suffocating atmosphere in the room slowly climbed up. Shao Qian took down the arm under his arm and gently pressed his hand to give Lu Lu a blood. However, this is followed by the direct attachment to Lu Hao.

Until 10 o'clock in the morning, Shao Qian and Lu Hao came out of the room, but when Lu came out, Lu Yan’s eyes were green, and Shao Qian’s neck was green.

After the two of them came out, the Lujia couple had already gone out. Lu Hao went to the kitchen to give Shao Qian some food. He looked at him in front of him: "Baby, hungry, eat more."

Shao Qian heard the words and turned his eyes. He only left a bowl of white noodles to Lu Hao. The others were brought to the front of him. He took a bite of rice and took a look at Lu Hao. It seemed that he really wanted to treat people as food and chew.

At the same time, Shao Qian also understands the truth that people can't be hungry, or they will have adverse effects. Appropriate ‘feeding’ is better than a comfortable one at a time.

If it weren’t for him that he was going to open his head, he couldn’t get out of bed today.

Lu Hao naturally knows that his partner is angry. He smiles and eats white noodles, and he also takes a bite to take a look at Shao Qian. If you look at it, he still doesn’t count. He also looks at the chair and goes to Shao Qian to make up. After a while, the two men sat side by side with their arms around their legs and their legs on their legs.

Shao Qian’s forehead blue muscles collapsed twice. He was trying to give Lu Hao a look. He saw that the goods were pitifully holding chopsticks and said: "Your majesty, white noodles are not good, and you can order them."

Shao Qian sang three dishes in front of him, and then licked the poor white noodles of Lu Lu, the heart was soft at once, and it seemed to inadvertently move a few dishes to Lu Yu, and then looked aside. The opening: "Why didn't you see you can't eat white noodles when you were training camp?"

"The training camp can be no pain, no food, no food." Lu Hao held the bowl and smiled straight: "I know that baby is distressed, and eating should also consider nutritional balance."

Shao Qian rolled his eyes and threw a piece of meat bone into the Lu Yi bowl: "Have you, so much."

Lu Yixi licked the bones of the meat, and then took advantage of Shao Qian’s unwillingness to kiss him on his face, and his mouth was full of oil.

This time, Shao Qian did not smoke him. He just looked at his eyes and blinked his eyes. Then he moved to the side.

Lu Hao followed closely and was close to the past. In any case, he was not willing to have a gap with Shao Qian.

These two people, the original meal that can be fixed in ten minutes, have been eaten for more than forty minutes, and the food is cool after a meal.

This meal can't be eaten, and it will not be hungry at noon. Shao Qian thought about going straight to the Li family. Although he was in the training camp in the past two years, Li’s every move did not hold him. After all, he has a jade that is not a plug-in.

For Shao Qian’s decision, Lu Hao naturally did not have any opinions. The two of them wore a camouflage uniform. They wear camouflage and wear habits on weekdays. It is still somewhat uncomfortable for them to change other clothes.

Lu Yujia Villa and Li Jia are still a little far away, one in the northeast corner, one close to the southwest, the two so slowly swallowed almost half an hour to arrive.

Shao Qian went to Li Jia naturally without having to press the doorbell, and directly pushed the small iron gate of the yard into it. They just walked a few steps and saw the door of the villa open. A fat man came out with a woman. When the man saw Shao Qian and Lu Hao immediately yelled: "Where are these two bandits coming from? Who put them in?"

"This... looks a bit familiar." Shao Qian frowned at the fat man in front of him, but it wasn't familiar with it. It was a model that was cheaper than that. In addition to looking younger, others could not see it. What is the difference, even the body is surprisingly similar.

"I thought who it was. It turned out to be you." Li Qi glared at Shao Qian with a pair of small eyes. At this moment, she recognized the person: "I haven’t come back in the past two years, I thought you were dead. It’s outside.”

"You are all alive, how can I die?" Shao Qian looked at Li Qidao with a look of disgust: "I really don't think it is the kind of man, and the look of the stranger is really not the third."

"You fucking..." Li Qi listened to this woman and immediately let go of the woman in her arms. She was angry and walked toward Shao Qian. It seemed that she wanted to start.

Lu Hao has stepped forward in front of Shao Qian, as long as the pig head dare to stretch his claws, he has a way to let him not return.

However, Lu Hao did not have the opportunity to do so. Li Qi had not yet reached Shao Qian’s face. There was another woman in the villa. When she saw Li Qi, she rushed forward, she ran over and directly stopped in front of Li Qi. A strange face to Li Qi shook his head: "Qier, my brother has eaten so much bitterness outside, must have gone home before coming home. must get along well with your brother."

After the woman said that she turned to look at Shao Qian and looked at him up and down, she said with a look of relief: "Jia Le has grown taller and stronger, and he has sunburned a few years ago. I must have eaten a lot of hardship outside."

Although the woman is gratified, but the schadenfreak in her eyes can’t be covered up. In her opinion, it’s definitely not going to come out before it comes back. In the end, it’s not asking for some money. Flowers?

The woman thought of this, her eyes flashed a hint of pleasure, when the woman was bullying herself at her own home, now her son is not relying on her own living? If you want to spend some money in the future, don't you want to look at your face? What about the original students? Everything in the family is not her son's thing at the end?

The author has something to say: If you can't live, this small world will end as soon as possible, and the next world will be cultivated. I feel like I am almost a waste person. I want to rise and fight. I swear to

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