MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 161 Modern Agent 12

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"Oh." Mo searched, and then looked at Mochi and did not continue.

"..." Mochi really looked angry when he saw Moxun. If he couldn’t beat him, he really wanted to move the sofa and smash it.

"Mo Wuye don't be angry." Shao Qian was really impressed with this Mo Wuye. The original introduction to Mo Qi was very rare. The only introduction was that Mo Qi was really behind the Mo Sanye and finally won. It was very tragic, and the death of his father who died from his father’s death.

After Mo Sanye was killed, Mo Qi looked for Mo Xun. The two talked in the study for a long time. Finally, Mo Qi left the Mo family with a doctor and the remaining three old people. Since then, the whereabouts are unknown.

"This is?" Mochi had just seen Shao Qian, but he had never had time to ask who. At this time, I heard Shao Qian’s speech and quickly seized the opportunity to ask: “Your relationship with Moxun...”

"It is your relationship with Ru." Mo searched directly on the bedside table, and right handed Shao Qian left hand to kiss.

Mochi saw this look, a look of horrible expression, he did not think, did not find love is actually like this?

"Mo Wuye wants to leave at any time." Shao Qian patted the chest of Moxun: "Moxun will not limit Mo Wuye's every move."

When Mochi heard this, he would look down on Moxun’s body and ask if he couldn’t count.

Shao Qian has already spoken. Do you still dare to say that you don’t count? He had some helpless sweeping through Shao Qian, then nodded his nose. Moxun originally thought that even if he had to leave the five-father, he would have to smash a layer of skin, but since his own partner had spoken, this ferocious idea could only be expelled from the brain.

This time Mochi really wants to look at Shao Qian, and he has been with Mo to find him for ten years. Can he still understand what this stinky boy is? As for his appearance of this week's skin, even if he really let go, it is absolutely not so simple to finish, then maybe the old end must give out the hands and put them out.

Now, because of this young man's sentence, let Mozun nod to promise? This is simply unbelievable. Do you want to check what the young man is?

Xu is Mo Wuye's too serious to look at, which directly makes Moxun somewhat unhappy. Although his five uncles are like a bandit, they act like a bandit, but they are really good when they are young. He is so staring at the words of anger, will not be a good slogan?

So, looking for a sideways sitting on the edge of the bed, directly blocking the view of Mo Wuye, it looked like a provocative sweep of Mo Wuye, some disdainful cut, are old man, still want swan meat?

Mo Wuye was not convinced of this move. He didn’t know what to say. It’s only a slight twitch in his mouth, and he couldn’t say anything if he spit.

Although he mixed up in his youth, he is definitely stable now, and his feelings are still very good. There is no other plan, and it is not easy to eat.

"Cough, then, Mr. Mo, let's go back first?" Ru Jun always felt that the scene seemed to be somewhat wrong. He tentatively said: "When we go, we just want to leave with a few elderly people, absolutely not It’s a bit of a move.”

"Along the way." Shao Qian patted Moxun to let him open, and then whispered: "When you leave, don't take the road, be careful of some people."

When Mochi heard this, he looked at Shao Qian again: "Young people, do you seem to know about Mo?"

"I can't compare with you." Shao Qian did not say much, but just nodded to Ru, and then he made a look at Mo.

"The five uncles are no longer seen." Mo Xun did not care about the hand: "If you can't open the pot in the future, remember to call me, they are all surnamed Mo, I will leave you some."

"Get out of the way." Mo Qi looked awkward, he hadn't left yet, and he thought about the days when he couldn't open the pot.

Mo Qi took a look of anger and pulled Ru to leave. After walking to the corner of the corridor, he turned to look at the ward where Mo found, and he took a deep breath and slowly showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Finally, I have to leave.

"How do you know that your mother was sent away by Mo Wuye?" Listening to Mo Wuye's tone, the mother who was looking for Mo was only pregnant, so unless someone told him, he would not know.

"My mother has a diary." Mo found to Shao Qiang's horn: "The uncle Wu seems to have no eyes, but in reality it is the real thing to see everything. He was so easy to let go of the Mo family. The position is nothing more than just trying to take charge of this decadent Mo family."

When I was looking for a situation, if Mo Wuye really wanted to **** the Mo family, he would not win so easily. After all, the second-generation veterans in the hands of Mo Wuye are not furnishings.

"There is nothing wrong with the confusion." For Mo Wuye's practice and choice, Shao Qian can only say that Dazhi Ruoyu, abandon the most cumbersome and complicated position that even loses his life, and choose to be a leisurely Mo Wuye, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Just, some people are confused, but they are pretending to be clever." Moxun reached out and gave Shao Qian a press on his shoulder: "When do you guess when?"

"That depends on how big the wind of Rongwu is." Shao Qian was very comfortable when he was looking for it. His eyes were half-shouldered. The lazy look really made you look for it, just thinking about it. Throw the person early.

"It's not the pillow, I don't believe he can blow the sky." Mo Xun did not feel relieved about Mo Sanye and Rong Wu. In his opinion, Rong Wu is just a jumping clown, not worthy of him. Put it in your eyes.

"Why, this scar is still not good, just forgot the pain?" Shao Qian squinted, and then his fingers poked twice on his shoulder: "This place is blood stopped, your brain is also Hasn't it been working?"

Do not look at Shao Qian's expression, inexplicably, there is some guilty conscience, his eyes turn, and immediately express his expression: "Yin, pain."

"Do you know the pain now?" Although Shao Qian had a look of carelessness on his face, the original finger was a lightly touched place where he was injured. The cold light flashed in his eyes. For those who hurt Moxun, he naturally Will not let go.

To say that Shao Qian was a hedgehog wrapped in layers, hiding his thorns under the surface, now he is showing all the thorns, but whoever hurts him or himself is most concerned. This person is unforgivable and cannot be let go.

"I always know the pain. Especially the wound that was bitten by the dog." Mo Qian looked at Shao Qian's face and got better. When he rushed, he licked his nose and rubbed his cheek on his cheek. "This time it was because I saw you a little bit smug." I am still very smart on weekdays."

Say that you are savvy, it is absolutely modest to find it. Anyone who knows Moxun, all of them say that he is like a fox, his heart is like ice, he is not only ruthless to others, but also dare to use himself as a bait to lure the enemy.

For example, Mr. Mo, who is now in the 'intensive care unit'.

Shao Qian didn't immediately pick up the phone. He leaned his head and leaned his head on Mo's chest. He lifted his neck and pulled his head down. "If you use this excuse next time." I will marry you directly."

Moxun originally thought that the baby in his arms had to be intimate with himself. He had to be pro-going in his posture. He didn’t expect to hear such a cold, but he was really scared, and he was so cold that his cold sweat on his forehead immediately took off. When he came out, he laughed twice. It was really a matter of pointing to the light bulb on his head and swearing that he would never dare to be so careless.

Shao Qian was a little relieved after his repeated guarantees, but he also made a reservation. After solving the top boss of Rongwu and the original owner, he plans to leave ZF in the future and stay in the same direction as Moxun. This kind of fear is scared. The days are really enough.

When he looked for Shao Qian, he seemed to be in a daze. He quickly took a sip on the face of his face. When Shao Qian turned his eyes to look at him, he also calmed down and coughed: "The next thing is handled by me. You Resting for a few days, concussion is not a small thing."

"Listen to you." Care is one thing, and the ability to believe in not being able to trust your partner is one thing. Shao Qian's two things are very clear. He also believes that the words that the previous partner said, and the lessons learned from the mind, do not need him to waste a lot of thought.

Mo seeks to help Shao Qian to lie down, and carefully observes that his hindbrain has not oozing blood and smiled: "I am going to arrange some things, you will close your eyes and raise your spirits for a while."

"Okay." Shao Qian closed his eyes and listened to the sound of footsteps and closing the door. He asked the system to directly check the information of the original boss, and then closed his eyes with satisfaction after getting some relatively confidential things.

Originally this **** raised everything on the original owner, he will definitely double back. The boss of the original Lord loves his face. To put it plainly is a hypocritical hypocrite. If the thing he wants is destroyed, the scene must be very lively.

Moxun left the ward, directly let people ring the alarm on this floor, and made a message to enter the operating room to rescue, just pity some of the hospital's old doctors, hurried all the way to the operating room, but when They saw that some of the chairs in the operating room and the red envelopes on the chairs were speechless. Is this a show of fun for others?

Well, the world of rich people doesn't understand. Since the bosses have made red envelopes for them to rest, they will take the money and sit down. It is also a good choice to take a break from this opportunity.

The author has something to say: mua, all of your friends have to be happy in 17 years, healthy and healthy, learning and progressing, and living a happy life. Don't vomit my words, because there are so many out in my mind~ The brain has been corroded recently.

Read The Duke's Passion