MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 157 Modern Agent 8

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I’m looking for my wounds to be processed. I’m looking for a place to call the phone and tell the place where they are, let them come directly with the doctor. .

He was worried about watching Shao Qian, who was lying in bed with a pale face. He really shouldn’t, why didn’t he think that they would ambush on the road? Was it too comfortable in the past few years, so I forgot to have a group of wolves around me?

However, Mo Xin also understands that the reason why the bodyguards will be turned away today is nothing more than to create a private space for themselves and their words. However, things are getting bigger now.

The people who were looking for it came very quickly. Someone found the phone after hanging for about half an hour. When people came in, they quickly checked Shao Qian. Because the injured place was the brain, the accompanying doctor only dared to clean up Shao. Moderately brush the hair around the brain and disinfect again. Other inspections are required to go to the place where the instrument is available for testing.

Moxun naturally knows this thing, but nowadays it is very likely that the slogan will cause a concussion because of the impact. If they move their words again, will it make his situation worse?

The doctor looked at Shao Qian’s eyes and finally negotiated with Mo Xun to bring the person back to the hospital for treatment. Otherwise, the instruments in this residential area cannot be moved, and there is no way to check.

Do not think again and again, the worried eyes looked straight at Shao Qian, who was slightly moved, but whoever tilted a little, he rushed to remind him to beware of secondary injuries.

The thing that Shenge looked at next to him was a stunned person. Although he was rarely able to see Moxun according to his identity, what he showed now is completely different from the rumors. Is there any weakness? Say good iron means? Say good to kill people like hemp?

Now this person can't lift people because of an arm injury. Is it really unreasonable to see someone who is slightly tilted and angry? And, why didn't he find that his own hair is small and has such a confusing ability? This has just been meeting for a few hours, has already let Moxun care about this?

Shen Ge said that he really is a long-term experience.

Mo Xun people drove the car directly to a private hospital, and Shao Qian took a few checks to confirm a slight concussion, and said that after a few days, he could recover and then he couldn’t relax, sitting on the bed and pulling Shao Qian. Why didn't the hand loosen.

Followed by the sinking of the cabinet, a look of no eyes, he now knows that his own hair is still a enchanting?

"Yin resignation. Yin resignation." Mo Xun did not dare to put Shao Qian's hand up, so he bowed his head and kissed his palm, watching him pale, this face lying on the bed, no **** cheeks and hospital white There is a ratio of pillows, and it looks like there is a kind of impulse to catch the people behind the scenes and kill them.

If you dare to do this at this time, you must be prepared to withstand his anger. In the past, he felt that the days were too boring, and there were a few clowns around him who could relieve boredom. Nowadays, people who care about themselves are hurt. The panic that is lost at any time almost drowns his entire person. In the end, he is still a light enemy.

"I won't let you hurt." Mo looked down and put his face in Shao Qian's hand, feeling the temperature of his palm, and his heart anger and panic miraculously faded.

Shao Qian was not good at this time. He entered the mysterious place again after fainting. This time, it seems that the spotlight is more, and it is more vigorous than before.

Looking at the appearance here, it should be the Xinghai that I will see later, or what he is seeing now is the growing star sea?

"I really didn't want to, and I ran out myself." Just as Shao Qian stood in the same place to observe this place, he was picked up from behind, and he picked him up and turned him around, his head pressed in his arms. His ass: "How many times have you been told, there are still a lot of turbulence outside, you can't run around. If you are injured, I still can't feel bad?"

"You can always stay with me. So you don't have to worry about my injury, I won't run again." Shao Qian feels that his body is no longer under his control, and the milky voice of the child is ringing again, he feels his hands. Holding the man's neck and looking up, he can only see his resolute chin: "What did you do before? Why do I think it seems clear here."

"I have to work hard to create more light spots, let them have life, have different civilized language habits, so that you can go anywhere you want to go, any place you can reach." Man Jean Shao Qian Sitting in his arms, holding his back in his arms, he puts people in his arms: "I hope, you can be happy."

"But my happiness is with you." Shao Qian heard the child's mouth sulking: "For me, you are all mine. Because, there is only you in my world."

When the man heard Shao Qian’s words, he paused slightly and then sighed: "You... is my life."

Shao Qian heard this, and his heart was inexplicable. When the man said this, he heard the desolateness and distress, and why... Why?

"Okay, we are home." The man put Shao Qian down and took his hand and chuckled: "Let's go home together."

"Good." Shao Qian looked at the inexplicable panic in some familiar doors. Why, this door... is it like when he was still human? Is it... the furnishings inside are like this one?

Shao Qian is a little embarrassed. He didn't know why, didn't have the courage to follow the man to push the door open, he was afraid, afraid that something was beyond his own perception.

However, even if he does not push open, the man will push away.

The familiar door was pushed open in front of his own eyes, and Shao Qian felt that his heart was more intense than the drumming. As the door is opened, the familiar furnishings inside, let Shao Qian’s heart fall to the bottom, really... exactly the same...

"What's wrong with Qian Qian?" The man looked at Shao Qian's face pale and his voice was a little anxious. He quickly squatted down his body and handed around Shao Qian's body to his back. The power of the burning soul quickly covered. Shao Qian’s whole body calmed his emotions.

"Modest." The man pressed Shao Qian's head on his shoulder, and closed his eyes gently on Shao Qian's neck, feeling his thick hair on his face: "I'm sorry."

Shao Qian heard the inexplicable apology of the man, his eyes wide open, and then the scenery in front of him began to fall back, and his man’s transformation into a thousand light spots disappeared, and the house... is getting farther and farther...

"Don't go..." Shao Qian slammed his eyes open. He was a little confused and wanted to get up, but he was even more dizzy because he looked up too hard: "Hey."

"Don't swear, don't move." Mo searched to appease the sweep: "You are just a slight concussion. It will be better after two days, but it may be a little dizzy these days."

Shao Qian closed his eyes and retched in the bed. After a while, the dizziness and vomiting fainted a little. He opened his eyes and looked at the worried face. "I am fine, how is your injury?" ”

"Sorry, it hurts you." Mo looked for a self-blame expression: "I am too big."

Hearing Mo’s “I’m sorry,” Shao Qian didn’t know why he felt that the three words he had said in his dreams overlapped. At this moment, he even thought that his partner should be the man who apologized to him. .

"Yin Ci?" Mo looked at Shao Qian for a long time without any reaction, suddenly a little anxious, this should not have any aftereffects? Although he is stupid, he also raises him, but he hopes to have a healthy and healthy partner.

Shao Qian is now lying on the bed, feeling a little more dizzy, and this is what he wants to open: "I don't blame you. I am a little thirsty, you can help me get a cotton swab wet lips."

When I was looking for a turn, I went to find the cotton swab and the water. Shao Qian saw Moxun turning around. This was the attempt to mobilize the power of the soul. This time, the power of the soul was not sentimental. He started to walk around and showed his body. presence.

Shao Qian suddenly had some speechlessness. The previous situation was so dangerous. The power of this soul seems to have disappeared. Nowadays, it is diligent enough. It has not been given to treat the concussion itself. It spontaneously removes the discomfort of the brain.

When I feel that the power of the soul is still close to the back of the brain, Shao Qian quickly slams it and stops. If it is only after a while, the brain wound will be fine. Isn't it to be seen as a monster?

Mo searched for a cup of warm water, but this did not take a cotton swab. He looked at Shao Qian’s face and asked for a dry cough and explained: “There is no cotton swab on the nurse’s side.”

Shao Qian heard this speech a little speechless. Do you believe this? Did the nurse stand without a cotton swab? The reason for this lie is really no one.

Mo couldn't sneak a sip of the warm water in the cup, bend over and lean in front of Shao Qian, licking his neck and picking up Shao Qian to pass a little bit of water in his mouth to his mouth. Shao Qian slammed his head and was drunk in a little bit of water. The two lips wanted to stick, and the expression on his face was covered. Most of them were looking for the eyes of the bend, and he knew that he should be in a good mood. .

The Shenge, who stood at the door of the door, couldn’t bear to look at it. He just ran to the nurse’s station and asked for a one-time cup. After the warm water, he thought of a cotton swab. The nurse was also confused by his fans. I took it directly to him.

The results of it? At that time, Mo Xun just wanted to reach out and suddenly thought of something and then retracted his hand. He thanked him and left. He felt that the expression on the face of the nurse at the time was stiff.

Shen Ge also thought about how to give a wet lips without a cotton swab. Who knows that Moxun is an old driver. If you drink it, you will block it, but you can say that your head is going to the Western Buddha. Uncomfortable?

The author has something to say: I am... abolished, I can't sleep at night, I have a headache during the day, I feel uncomfortable... It is really tired to work at night.

Read The Duke's Passion