MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 120 Western Blood 4

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The author has something to say: -------------------------- See me Hey~ Look at me~ Little friends, what is it, here is the beginning of the text, what is it, and, if you see what BUg, you can tell me, correct it.嘿嘿嘿------------------------------------------------ ----------

Prince Ansier is in charge of the blood family for tens of thousands of years. Although the friction between the time and the Holy See is indispensable, every time there is friction with the Holy See, Ansair can always handle things perfectly. It will not give the Holy See any benefit, nor will it let the blood family have any excessive losses.

It can be said that the time of this 10,000 years, one is because the Holy See and the blood family need to recharge their batteries, and the management of another Ansier has a great relationship.

It can also be said that Prince Ansier is the most competent and responsible prince of all blood races. However, his competence and responsibility have hampered those greedy elders. For thousands of years, they did not get much benefit. Instead, they will be restricted by the Prince’s shackles, not too far, or even for the purity of bloodlines. Allow their sons to start to grow into longevity.

This means that the family of the seven elders will reduce many longevity people. They think that the prince is deliberately weakening their strength so that he can gain greater power and make the major families better. Control.

I have to say that the idiom of the suspect stealing axe is a good interpretation of the thoughts of several elders. Or it is said that they just want to find a bright and excuse for their rebellion.

The seven elders secretly traded with the Pope of the Holy See. They only needed the Prince to fall asleep and be able to confine him.

The actions of the seven elders are undoubtedly the same as the tigers. They talked to the foxes about the deal, how could they not be slaughtered?

The Pope’s request was that he could provide special blood that would allow His Majesty to fall asleep, or provide the only two silver imprisons of the Holy See.

Although the seven elders are all interested in power, they do not mean that their minds can not think of other things. The imprisonment of silver is the weapon used by the paladins thousands of years ago. It is said that this imprisonment of silver is soaked in the holy water given by the nerves, and then the large pieces of Mithril are hammered and refined.

It was this silver imprisonment that left two generations of princes one death and one injury. Although the Holy See and the Pope of the Holy See also paid the price of their lives, this did not erase the fear of several elders who were against the silver.

The imprisonment of silver has this great significance for the Holy See. At this time, the Pope bluntly wants to send the imprisonment of silver to them. It is said that there is not a bit of a greasy seven elders who do not believe.

Since the Pope dared to say it, he was naturally prepared. His request was very simple. After the incident, he wanted a bottle of blood from the Prince, as long as the blood of the Prince.

I heard that it was the blood of the Prince. The elders really hesitated for a long time. His current prince is the only natural birth of the blood family, and his blood is precious. The pope bluntly wants the blood of the prince, and there must be secrets of ulterior motives.

However, the pope can still tell them what to do with the blood of the prince? Naturally, it is impossible. People say it bluntly. If you are willing, I will help you force the prince to sleep. If you don't want it, I am sorry, please come back.

The seven elders finally agreed to the requirements of the pope, so on the same day, they returned to the blood family with the blood of the saints containing the secret medicine. The blood with the secret medicine was at the banquet after three days, let the prince kneel down personally. Drink it.

The secret medicine did not work immediately. After the banquet ended, the prince began to feel sleepy and then slept. The Prince who slept in the past, until the second blood and the **** battle of the Holy See was forced to wake up, of course, wake up again is Shao Qian who rushed to death.

The **** battle between the blood and the Holy See was very fierce. The Pope, who received the blood of the Prince, took it himself and became a monster of half-human and half-blood. Even so, the pure blood power belonging to the four generations should not be underestimated. He almost One person's power to escape the seven elders of the Holy See, and finally, in desperation, forcibly removed the silver imprisonment and wanted to release the princes who were imprisoned by them.

However, what if they put the last breath to release the Prince? When the Pope gave them blood containing secret medicine, how could they not be doing it? Coupled with the shackles of the Prince who had been shackled by the silver for more than 20 years, the weakness at the time was conceivable.

Shao Qian was forced to face the Pope at the beginning, watching his half-perfect half of the rotten cheeks really fell down on his appetite. Moreover, after the pope saw him, the greed in his eyes could not be concealed, and the expression seemed to be coveted after seeing the tempting food.

The actual situation of the battle with the Pope Shao Qian naturally is not clear, but this does not prevent him from remembering that he was bitten by the Pope, and finally endured the pain of self-destruction.

When he returned to the Xinghai, Shao Qian was still worried. The feeling of being stretched from the inside to the outside was too horrifying. It really made him unable to slow down for a long time.

At the beginning, he seemed to swear that he didn’t want to be in this fight, the world of eggs came.

However, he is now here again. This luck is really no one.

However, since he is here, and his family has already found himself, he must not leave. And, is he still looking for those **** to settle accounts? Don't think that the last few **** will forcibly open the silver imprisonment, but he would rather have these people not open the silver imprisonment, maybe he can't die so badly.

People are forced to sleep, and then they will be released as cannon fodder in times of crisis. Can you not go to heaven? Oh, it’s wrong. The last of these shameless faces is really going to be smashed by the silver ban.

However, even if they finally burned to ash, they could not cover up the fact of murdering the prince. Shao Qian believes that he is not a gentleman. He has always been vengeful and resentful. Since this group of old people does not want to pick things up, he will not show weakness.

After taking the idea and accepting the plot, Shao Qian’s consciousness was separated. This time, the body seems to be synchronizing with consciousness. While conscious, he also opened his eyes and just saw the grain on someone's chest.

“Wake up?” The man didn’t dare to fall asleep. He watched the small bat’s every move on his chest at any time. So, when he opened his eyes, he hurriedly asked: “Where is it uncomfortable? I said."

Shao Qian swayed his wings and stood up. He watched the man's fingers stretched out and swung his wings. Obviously, the little bat didn't have the strength, but the man's fingers didn't stop. Instead, he pinched his hand along his movements. wing.

Shao Qian, who took the wings back, became a human form directly, but he still had a little soft body. After he became a human figure, he fell on the man's body, and he could not climb for a while.

Of course, the man obviously can't let him get up, isn't it? For the prince of the prince who sent the hug, the man was really welcome. The hoof touched Shao Qian’s waist directly. One hand still shamelessly patted Shao Qian’s sigh: “The body has not recovered yet. Will the human form be uncomfortable?"

Although you said this, what is the expression of the human figure on the face?

"Take your hoof." Shao Qian cheeks against the man's chest, and the tiny short blond hair falls on the man's chest, giving the man a strange touch.

"Today I saved you." The man shook his head and said to the ponytail: "I also repelled the chase, and I was hurt."

"..." Shao Qian would have to look at him, and he was hurt. The effort to lie is getting deeper and deeper.

"So, you need to compensate me." The man said with a sly smile: "My name is Anthony, and it is your partner from now on."

"..." You are really direct. You are so happy to decide, do you have any thoughts on the people on your chest?

"I will call you Ayr in the future?" Anthony took Shao Qian’s face and lifted it up. He poked his mouth and kissed Shao Qian’s forehead: "Although other people are calling your prince, I hope that I can have one." Exclusive to my nickname."

"Prim to go." Shao Qian simply wants to abandon him. His own partner seems to be getting worse and worse, and the self-talking ability is getting worse and worse. This is really not a good phenomenon.

"You just didn't object, I just agreed." Anthony took Shao Qian's arm and pulled the person up a bit. He put his man on his neck and licked his cheek: "Is it still hungry? You didn't have it before." How much to eat."

Shao Qian did not forget that he was fainting when he was sucking blood. He said that there is no such thing as a greasy one. He certainly does not believe it: "What did you put in your own blood before?"

You know, in this world, the blood prince can be said to be standing at the top of the dark world. It must not be so simple for things that can make him forced to sleep.

"The Holy See has a secret medicine, which is made from three generations of blood. It is said to be able to be placed in any of the four generations of blood." The man did not conceal: "However, this secret medicine is hard to come by, even if the Holy See has only three copies." ”

Shao Qian roughly calculated, Ansier was forced to sleep because he took this secret medicine, and then he fell asleep again today, then it was used twice. But how did the blood of the three generations of the Holy See come from?

"Three generations of blood were brought in the battle of 10,000 years ago." Anthony waited for Shao Qian to speak directly: "The silver ban is a chain, but it has a special groove to store a little blood."

This is also clear, the blood of the three generations is a kind of suppression for any blood group, so it seems that the Prince’s slumber will be able to understand.

"Fortunately, there are only three copies." Shao Qian’s head sighed on Anthony’s shoulder: “If there is more, is the blood family not messed up?”

"Wait a few days, I will steal the rest of the one." Anthony kissed Shao Qian and said: "The current pope is very ambitious. He wants to have a long life and wants to get infinitely close to the power of God. It is said that the blood of the blood family is derived from the fallen gods, even if the divine power in the back of the blood is diluted a lot, but it is better than human beings. It is reasonable to say that the blood of the three generations is more in line with his thoughts, however, among the Holy See. Only the remaining three generations of blood have been made into secret medicines, and they have little effect on him. Therefore, he will trade with those things that are not dead."

"He has already got my blood." Shao Qian said coldly: "If you don't get the first time, you want to use pure blood. You just don't know how to live."

-------------------------------------------------- - The text ends, what? Kiss your friends~---------------------------

Back to the palace, the Royal Regent directly took the little emperor into the cloakroom and personally picked up a red-bloomed outer shirt for his own little emperor, and he took out a set of ordinary black gowns from the other side.

"Uncle, how is your clothes in the cloakroom?" You can do it, and your hands are all in the emperor's cloakroom. If you want to sleep, you will have to sleep in the dragon bed. No... This product has already slept in the dragon bed.

"In order to take care of Xuan, the emperor will live in the palace in the future." The regent of His Royal Highness changed his clothes and picked up the little emperor in front of the bronze mirror, and the hair combed in the royal study room was re-combed and braided. Take out a thing in my arms and carefully fix it on the little emperor's forehead.

The bronze mirror was a little blurry and not really cut, but Shao Qian felt the touch of the coolness on his forehead, and couldn't help but touch the object with his hand. This diamond-shaped red jade is exactly the same as the ornaments he used when he was in the realm of the gods.

"You..." Shao Qian turned his head and looked at the Royal Highness of the Regent with a strange look. Could it be that he really couldn't remember? However, his reaction is not like the appearance of a complete memory. What is going on here?

"It really matches you best." In the eyes of His Royal Highness, there was a smile in his eyes. When he started his first dream, the first thing he painted was this forehead. Even after painting, the craftsmen of the Fuzhong team started to build. I think I can meet him again with his treasure.

Shao Qian touched the ornaments on his forehead and smiled: "This is nature."

At the beginning, the diamond-shaped forehead was made by Vincent for him. The gods did not have such bright red. Wensen was alone in the abyss of the demon world. He obtained the fire diamond from the depth of the magma closest to the center of the earth. The fist-sized fire diamond Take only the innermost piece and wear it after grinding. It can be said that Vinson of the year has piled up the devil's gods and three treasures on his body.

Although the partner gave him this thing, it is not as good as the fire diamond, but in this small world is a treasure that is hard to find. It can be seen that he has also spent a lot of thoughts on this fortune.

After packing up the little emperor, the Royal Regent directly took down the crest on his head, and then looked forward to watching the little emperor: "Help me compile."

He remembers that the man in his dreams has always been short blonde hair, and every time he writes a man to the dark-haired man. He woke up thinking that if he could meet a dreamer in this world, he must let him compile himself and compile his life.

Shao Qian let the regent of His Royal Highness turn around and pick up the horn comb to comb his hair. But he basically didn't wait for others, how can he comb a hair? Therefore, from time to time, the Regent Palace, which is pulling the hair, is under the head.

"Do you hurt?" Shao Qian put some tangles in the horn comb: "If it hurts, I will let the palace people..."

"No pain." Even if it hurts, I have to endure it. The Golden Retriever has not been able to enjoy it. How can I give up this opportunity if I can enjoy it? In addition, his little emperor is very expensive, where did he do such rough work? It’s just that this little pain and itching is nothing.

The little emperor, who was very expensive, helped the King of Regency to edit it. The craft was a bit horrible. However, in the eyes of the Regent's Royal Highness, this is simply the only one in the sky and the underground, and still narcissistic in front of the bronze mirror. I don’t think that the braids that have been compiled are ugly.

"Xuan Er is a handful." His Royal Highness the Prince of the Regent kissed the paw of the little emperor and took the man out and walked away: "The uncle's carriage is in the palace, and he can take Xuan Er out of the palace."

It is a bit far away to run back and forth like this. Would you like to move the Regent Palace to the place next to the palace? By the way, open a door on the palace wall?

"Uncle Huang, how much money do you have in your private library?" Shao Qian is now concerned about this issue. Don't go to the river to dig half of the money.

The regent of the Regent, who was thinking about it, hurriedly drove away the idea of ​​relocating the house. Now his private library is prepared for his own little emperor, and he can no longer spend a lot of money in the future.

The King of Regent entangled, and he really didn't know how much silver he had in his private library: "Change the children to calculate accounting."

"Well." Shao Qian thought in his heart, since people are his family, the private library is also his family, and the name changed people to move away.

Shao Qian went out, and he was going to bring him a blessing, lest he stay in the palace and think about it. He was afraid that the King of the Regent would eat his master.

The Royal Highness of the Regent really wants to eat people, but it is not the same as the kind of cherished.

From the palace to the Regent's palace, but a time of fragrant, the regent of the palace next time, the housekeeper told the butler to do the sugar gourd. When the housekeeper heard the command of his own prince, everyone was stupid. He felt that his family lord must be evil. If not, how can these gods become different in these days? Also, candied fruit, you have seen the chef will do this thing?

But can the prince’s command not listen? The butler is almost a bitter meal to go to. After conveying the meaning of the prince, the royal chef said with a knife: "Housekeeper, do you think you are a sugar gourd?"

“Or do you want to be a ghost who can make candied fruit?” The housekeeper’s dead fish stared at the chef.

"..." The royal chef had a tight and tight knife in his hand. He couldn’t bear to cut the knife on the cutting board, and then said something angry: "I do."

It’s good to say that the head has lost a bowl of cockroaches. But can you buy two strings of candied fruit for a copper plate? Value?

At this time, the royal chef simply wanted to sigh by the sky, thinking of his famous name, and black spots on the candied fruit. This world has food that he would not do, and he blamed the ancestors.

"That's what. What materials are going to be bought by people." The housekeeper said that he would leave when he wandered. His favorite thing was to throw things to others.

"Master, your brain hasn't turned around?" The little apprentice who stood by the side said his own temple: "Isn't it going to do, can't you ask outside?"

"I know that your boy is smart." I always feel that my very educated chef is swearing, and now I feel the value of this apprentice.

"Hey, the apprentice is going to invite people." The little apprentice ran away, and this time the matter was done, Master always rewarded his two crafts. So, what does this chef have to eat on weekdays?

His Royal Highness the Regent has been fascinated by the little emperor who went to the bedroom. Said to bring people to see the flowers, in fact, they went into the door and looked at them. At other times, they were all taken to the dormitory by the Royal Regent. Hold the person on the bed and personally pull a wooden box of half a person high to offer treasure.

Shao Qian looked at the baby who opened the box and felt that his eyes were brightly lit. How much do you like gold? The full box is full of gold nudes, gold bottles, gold plates...

"Xuan Er like it?" He remembered that there was a lot of gold in the place of his dream. He wanted to come to his little emperor and he also liked the color. Therefore, at the time of selection, he also specially selected gold.

"No..." He didn't have a hobby to go with his eyes. At the beginning of the gods, it was completely helpless. Who made the group of long-winged angels like these golden things? They didn't change it at first, but they were too horrified to be stared at by a group of angels, and they changed back.

The regent king’s face was paralyzed. Don't ask Shao Qian how he can see it from this expressionless face. He said that he didn't like it. The eyes of this product became godless.

The regent of His Royal Highness is not happy. It is obvious that the yellow-haired ghost always stays in a lot of golden places. How does his little emperor not like gold?

"Dazing." The little emperor shook his head and sighed: "Uncle Huang, your taste is real... oh..."

How can the Royal Regent confess that his taste is not good? In fact, he does not like the flash eye objects of these upstarts, and he will never let such dazzling things in his private library.

"These preparations are replaced by broken silver, so that the two adults of Song and Li are taken away." His Royal Highness Regent felt that he had been digging himself to jump, which is really not a good sign.

"It’s still the uncle’s thoughtfulness.” Shao Qian looked at the teasing and almost reached out and let the Regent’s Highness hold himself up: “Hold it out.”

His Royal Highness, the King of Regency, loves to see his little emperor slightly carrying his chin to order his small appearance. It is really tight, and he can't help but want to kiss a relative.

Of course, His Royal Highness Regent is not a patience master. He squats on the left side and squats on the right side, but he still wants to come in the middle of the addiction, but he is stopped by the little emperor: "Uncle Huang, you have a problem with your loved ones. Change it. Or do you say that the uncle is too lonely alone? If you want to help the uncle to see which daughter is going to marry?"

If you dare to say it, you will marry you.

His Royal Highness, the King of Regent, heard the little emperor’s words and revealed a different expression. He asked to make a smile, although the results were somewhat unsatisfactory...

The man took a step back and held the person directly on the bed. The right hand rubbed back and forth on the waist of the little emperor. He whispered to his ear and said: "What did Xuan Er say? The uncle did not hear clearly."

Shao Qian secretly said that the goods were not serious, but because he took most of his attention in his movements, he was touched by the Royal Highness of the Regent, and the words he wanted to say were swallowed back.

He is also a konjac. What is the appearance of this product? Actually, I still want to test him. I have to say that with this second time, my IQ has been lowered by an average.

"There is no trouble." Shao Qian pushed the regent of the Royal Highness: "I am wrong."

"Baby don't want to say this again in the future, I don't like to listen." When the Queen of Regent heard the little emperor want to give himself a slut, he gave birth to a violent temper from the bottom of his heart, the feeling of anger that seemed to destroy everything. .