MTL - Every World Seems Not Quite Right (Quick Transmigration)-Chapter 108 Ancient tyrants 2

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The author has something to say: -------------------------- See me Look at me, my friends, what? Hu Hansan is back, however, yesterday’s hard work was swallowed by the computer......------------------- ---------------------------------------

What thoughts at the time were definitely not remembered now. However, Shao Qian now thinks about how to give this aunt to the big blood and then throw it out to feed the dog.

In the eyes of those in power, Dai Xuan is only a dispensable character. Is it an ant that can be thrown out as a shield at any time, or is it that in the eyes of those in power, he is not qualified to be an ants?

However, it is precisely because of the carelessness of these authorities that the young Dai Xuan lost his life.

Shao Qian’s acceptance of the plot is very complicated. He can also receive a little memory of Dai Xuan while receiving the plot. At this point, he remembered that Dai Xuan was stunned by the three kings. He had only one side relationship with the three princes. He couldn’t think of the night and he called him to go to the Three Kings.

When he arrived at the Fuzhong, he saw that there were a few high-powered adults present before he suddenly realized that...the three kings are not going to...

The next three princes greeted everyone to sit down, Dai Xuan slammed into the innermost, only thinking that the three kings would not see themselves.

After seeing it as if he thought, the three princes were ganging to subvert the dynasty. This little kidnapper was really scared in front of him, and then there was chaos in his mind.

When the small champion Dai Xuan woke up again, the core had already changed its core.

"Hey." Shao Qian sat up and helplessly sighed, and some irritated squatting squats and combed the neat hair. Today, his little champion went into the Three Kings, but he was afraid that he had just entered the front foot, and someone had handed the roster to the Emperor.

It seems that he still needs to find a way to remove himself from this matter.

Of course, the most important thing is to look at the emperor, whether it is the partner who made the second mistake.

His family has always been the protagonist in every world, and the world should be no exception.

However, the exception is that you must first see the emperor before you know it.

Now that the color is too late, the emperor must have slept in the past. If he waits for the morning, he will use the power of the soul to test it when he enters the seal.

In this way, Shao Qian was not so entangled, simply put the headband in his hand on the bed, and then fell down and lay down.

At this time, Shao Qian fell to sleep with confidence, but the person he thought of was cold with a face listening to the news that the secret guard passed back.

"Dai Xuan?" For this new champion, Ying Fei still has some impressions. He should do a good job in the article. Although the opinions are tender and tender, there are merits in it. Among the many exams, his article can still be seen.

However, this champion is really bold and timid. If the person in the middle of the country is still unclear, he dares to be invited by others to go to the Three Kings House?

Although Ying Fei knew that the three kings wanted to call, there were not many who dared to refuse, but somehow, when he saw the name of Dai Xuan, he only felt annoyed and annoyed. Even faintly gave birth to a little wronged, how can this person go to the Three Kings?

The next squad, the dark guard, retired from the roster and then stepped back two steps. However, he had never heard the emperor talking. He couldn’t help but play some drums. His majesty was not suffocating, and he could not speak. ?

This dark guard is trying to sneak up and look at Ying Fei's face. Who knows that this head just lifted up, and he heard a slamming sound, and the tea pot placed on the table of the royal study was thrown down.

This time, the dark guard really did not dare to move, and there was a lot of cold sweat on the forehead. I was afraid that I should be uncomfortable in Fei’s heart, and let people pull him down and cut it.

Of course, although Ying Fei said that his temper is not very good, but he did not go to the point of indiscriminate murder, he really felt the tension in his heart at this time, and simply let the dark guard retreat, and frowned in the royal study room. Take a step.

After the dark guard went out, he was relieved. They were loyal to their majesty. They died naturally and there was no complaint, but if they could live, it would be the best. What's more, he always feels that his majesty is suddenly getting angry, and he has something to do with the new champion.

Can it be okay? This relationship has gone a long way. Ying Fei couldn’t say what was wrong in his heart at this time. He was inexplicably a little irritated. He looked at Dai Xuan’s name and saw it. There was always a strange feeling in his heart. He should be very If you are familiar with this person, you may even think that he should be his closest person?

Ying Fei, who was inexplicably out of this idea, directly blackened his face. He slammed the roster back onto the desk, and his eyes stared at the disappointment of Dai Xuan on the roster.

Seeing that it was too late, he did not have the mentality to deal with government affairs. It is also good to go back to the palace to rest.

However, I was walking to the door with my eyes down, and suddenly I came back to see the name of Dai Daixuan. Finally, I put the list in the sleeve and left the royal study.

After returning to the palace, Ying Fei directly retired the palace to wash it, and then put the roster under the pillow, and the breathing gradually slowed down.

However, it is not comfortable to sleep this night, but it is not a spirit to be tossed by a night of dreams.

He seems to have dreamed of a very strange place. He can see that the man who is not in the air is lying in the aperture. Looking at the man in the aperture, his inexplicable heart is really sour and sorrowful, and his eyes are faint and moist.

He always felt that men should have a lot to do with themselves, but I don’t know why I couldn’t see his face. The aperture wrapped around a man is not bright, but it gives him a illusion of glare, even The man’s face is also blurred, making it difficult to see what the person looks like.

Ying Fei was anxiously close to the man. He wanted to see who the man was. He wanted to know what the apertures that were wrapped around the man were.

However, just as Ying Fei’s hand touched the aperture, a sound suddenly exploded in his ear, awakening him from the wonderful dream.

Before the moment of leaving the dream, Ying Fei looked at the aperture with his fingers pulled a little, and at this time, he also saw the man's side face.

Yingfei, who woke up, sat up with a black face, and his eye knife brushed the **** who was responsible for calling him early. These eyes are really scaring the cold sweat of the little eunuch. I don’t know where I am doing it wrong, so that my Majesty’s early morning will release such awesome momentum.

This car should be groomed and dressed, and Shao Qian in the distance also yawned and got up in the sky. God knows how much perseverance he relied on to dig himself up from the bed.

Although the bed of this small champion is not very comfortable, it is not completely unbearable to sleep. Therefore, if he can choose, he will certainly not want to get up early so early.

Shao Qian moves fast enough, but the tea is dressed neatly. It’s just that, when the eyes are on the door, the hair is annoying.

Shao Xiaoqian, who thinks he can do anything, is stunned by this head. He picks up the horn comb in one hand and rubs the hair in one hand. He wants to comb and fix it neatly. The partial hair is like a special one, no matter who he is. From what direction, it is impossible to fix it all.

After a long time, Shao Qian was anxious. He directly combed the horns in his hand, and then fixed his hair with his two paws. Barabara's hair was completely unknown. He did not know the hair he combed, and he left two behind him and did not fix it.

Finally, Shao Qian, who was taking care of himself, rushed toward the palace in a hurry. He calculated the time and arrived before the ministers entered the Golden Temple. He joined the team and went to the Golden Temple. .

The two ministers standing next to Shao Qian looked at Shao Qian’s slightly embarrassed dress and could not help but frown, and then took a half step back.

This little champion is really a small family, a good official uniform is being worn by him... by him...

The adult standing on the left side of Shao Qian was somewhat uncomfortable and moved a little to the side. He had not discovered it in the past two days. This champion is a good face. It is not a good-looking boy, but a gentle and elegant man, plus one pair. Picking up the eyes of Danfeng...

This small champion should be running all the way, with a little dust on the hem, the shirt and the jacket are a bit wrong, and you can see the little champion with a little chest...

Someone on the left side of Shao Qian’s uncomfortable dry cough, and then rushed over to Shao Qian’s whisper: “Zhuang Yuanlang, you are stunned... messed up.”

This person has always been aiming at himself. Shao Qian is naturally aware. He thought that this person was only examining himself. Who knows that he actually looks at his clothes?

I don't know why, Shao Qian only felt a little hot on his face. He laughed and thanked the person, and then quickly picked up his clothes.

He has just pulled the clothes on, and there are eunuchs singing: "The emperor is driving."

Shao Qian heard the rush to follow the courtesy, but this pair of eyes could not help but aim at the top.

This does not look tight, but he found that the man who was above the top of the line with a sharp line of sight stared at himself, the sight with a burning heat like a person.

For a moment, Shao Qian only felt that there was only the person sitting on the dragon chair and looking at the face of the man. I don’t know why his inexplicable heart was so bitter and sorrowful, and even felt a little wronged, it was like drifting. For a long time, the wanderer finally came back to the kind of relief at home.

At this time, Ying Fei only had Shao Qian alone. When he came out of the inner hall, he went subconsciously to find the small champion. It was hard to find someone. Before he could have been happy, he saw the person on his side. He spoke in his ear, but he didn't know what the man said. The little champion suddenly reddened his face, and some of his hands clasped his collar.

Seeing that scene, Ying Fei’s face was even more ugly, and wasn’t that a little kidnapper? Will he be so scared?

If the official who reminded Shao Qian knew that the emperor had thoughts at this time, he would definitely scream and scream, and he would kindly give the little champion a wake up. How did it become a slap?

The priests who are kneeling in the temple are also somewhat puzzled. In the past, they have already gotten up, and how have they not heard the words of the moment?

At this time, there are people in the heart who have ghosts, and there is nothing in the war. Isn’t this what you know, so that they have not gotten up?

---------------------------------- The text ends, what? 哒---------- -------------------

It is too late for Shao Qian to retreat at this time. The power of the soul has to cover the neck and protect it as a protection, so that at least it will not suffer multiple injuries.

Who knows that the yin and sharp eyes saw the front, but he was thrown down, and then he felt a hot face. He opened his eyes and touched the warm liquid on his face. When Yin Hong blood, the pupils shrink.

"Doll, are you okay?" Song Dao, regardless of the deep visible bone wound on his shoulder, just looked anxiously on Shao Qian and tried to confirm whether he was injured.

Shao Qian has experienced many worlds, but no one has been in front of him when he is in danger. Even when the system is still there, he can only use mechanical sounds to remind him to be careful. Those who kill him will come. It is. (Why do you think the system reminds me not to remind you?)

Song Dao was the first person to be in front of him, and the first person who knew he was injured but still worried about him. Shao Qian feels warm in his heart, and the feeling of being cared for is very warm.


Shao Qian blackened his face and took Song Dao’s hand out of his clothes: "I am not hurt, you don't have to touch your hand into the clothes."

Mom, what moved was touched by the hand and the hand that was pinched, but can you be serious? Is it easy to feel sensitive once?

Song Dao smiled and climbed up from Shao Qian. He immediately thought of the horrible horrible face of the shadowy blade from the bottom up. I really didn’t think that the ghost was actually hidden under the cover. It seems to be He looked down at Lin Biao. After all, this deceived the ghosts and the way under the formation.

"It seems that they are quite ready." The fear of this place is more than a ghost. Lin Biao really took the blood this time and wanted to put him to death. He didn't know when he started to arrange.

"I am dealing with this female ghost, you will be buried in the ground and forced out." Shao Qian looked at the wound on Song Dao's shoulder and his face was cold and scary. This female ghost was tied with his beam, not killing her. I am sorry for myself and Song Dao.

"You are careful." Song Dao believes that Shao Qian is still the kind of unconditional trust. The sneak attack of Fang Cai was too unexpected. In addition, the ghosts hidden in the ground caught their feet and could not escape in time.

However, it seems that he is not too scared to look at his expression, but he is frowning and wants to be prepared to withstand the attack of the razor blade. But he couldn't see the doll and received the injury in front of him. Anyone who hurts the doll will die.

Shao Qian nodded and greeted the female ghost who had just broken the blood of Song Dao. Although he could not do it, the power of the soul could be used. The power of the soul that has experienced so many world tempering will not clean up the ghosts.

The female ghost was hit several times by the Song Dao blood, and the black gas had already gone to the majority. She originally planned to break away from the spell and then left and left. I didn’t expect that the powerful Tianshi would ignore her, which made it originally intended to escape. The female ghost is alive and active. It is better to swallow this little devil, and then she may be able to get rid of the devil's control.

In the hands of Song Dao, the film was destroyed in the room, and then the **** was drawn on the ground to draw a few refining arrays, and then a gossip figure was drawn in the center of the array.

When Song Dao evacuated his hand, the refining squad of golden light flashed out, and the whole room was covered by the array. The female ghost who followed Shao Qian’s fight was screamed by Jin Guang and wanted to escape. Only then the entire room was covered by the formation, she even want to hide and where to hide? Don't talk about hiding now, you just can't get out of the morgue.

"Dolls come to me." When Song Dao started the formation, he suddenly thought that his doll was also a ghost. This method would not be selective attack. It is necessary to start the array here and it will accidentally hurt the doll...

Thinking of Song Dao's face suddenly pale, he has begun to seal the plan to take back the already spread, even if it will cause serious consequences of counter-injury, he can not allow himself to hurt the doll.

"I'm fine." Shao Qian's body was covered by the power of the soul without revealing yin, but if he is close to Song Dao, he will be different. He has not forgotten that his power near Song Dao will be out of control.

When Song Dao heard Shao Qian’s words, he reacted. The female ghosts who were trapped in the refining squad were already curled up in a sullen atmosphere. However, their own dolls still looked undisturbed, and then Song Dao suddenly thought of the doll. Since entering this room, it seems that there is no yin leak. This... What is the reason?

However, the scene at this time also does not allow Song to pay attention to these things. After the refining of the soul, there are two ghosts forced out, and then a more powerful haze is coming up from the ground. The floor was also crushed by the haze, and even the refining array under Song Dao was shocked up and down.

Then there was a person slowly appearing on the ground. The man dressed in a costume was wearing a lily, and the red dress was extraordinarily enchanting, but the sullen sullenness of the body also made people know that such a enchanting beauty is a sin.

"Oh, I didn't expect your face to look good." Shao Qian looked up and down the woman's mouth and said: "I remember that you lost sight of it, how did this eye grow out?"

Can ghosts grow their eyes? It can't be. The eye is a female ghost who digs from the living person and infuse it with yin and then presses it on his face.

"Where is the beauty?" Song Dao heard Shao Qian boasted that the ghost was sour and slick: "The left and right are just illusion skins, how can they be compared with the dolls."

"You don't think she looks familiar?" Shao Qian chined the female ghost. In the original book, I said that the woman looks exactly the same as a painting in the hands of Song Dao, and then I live together for a long time.

"Ghosts don't have a look." Song Dao thought that Shao Qian really looked at the person's chilly opening: "I will take her back to the original shape and let you marry her before."

Shao Qian didn't have to worry about it. When I opened my eyes and saw it, it was this thing. That face definitely made him remember for a long time.

Women love beauty, or else they will not lick the eyes of others on their faces. But nowadays, this person is talking about her appearance in front of her face, and threatening to return her to the previous ugly appearance. Can this be tolerated?

The devil can be regarded as being blown up by the attitude of the two people. The sullen anger does not require money to flow out. However, the refining squad is the more yin, the more it plays, so this ghost is almost trapped. There is no movement in the array, but the haze of the partial body is somewhat uncontrollable.

Can he not understand the power of Song Daobu's formation? Of course, he knows, so it’s not so much care for Shao Qian to eat here. He is waiting, and it is best to wait for Lin Biao to come over. It’s just that Song Dao doesn’t know what happened to Lin Biao at home, or he will never wait to waste time here.

"She seems to be a little uncomfortable." Shao Qian stood on the other side of the room and looked at the stunned expression and groaned his chin. "Looking at her expression is like eating you."

"I don't have a hobby of eating ghosts." Song Dao's disapproval of the opening: "As far as she is concerned, it is really impossible to pick up the ghosts."

"Two ignorant children." The devil tried a few times and finally could not break free. She stood in the same place and stunned the man with a ghost: "You don't want to be proud. When I am out of trouble, I must take care of you."

"Oh, I am so scared." Song Dao patted his chest and walked toward Shao Qian in the direction of exaggeration: "Dolls comfort you comforting me."

"Stand up, don't come over." Shao Qian saw Song Dao rushing to open his mouth: "If you come over, I can't stay here."

Song Dao’s face was stiff, and then it seemed like nothing to do with Shao Qian’s two steps: “With me, I won’t hurt you.”

With the approach of Song Dao, Shao Qian felt that the power of the soul in his body seemed to be somewhat floating, and even the yin that was wrapped in it was leaking out. So the sinister appearance made him feel like a bit of pain in his hand. Feeling, it seems that the pain of burning the soul is really unbearable. Now Shao Qian can know how several ghosts in the morgue are feeling.

Shao Qian hurried back a few steps and took a deep breath to speak to Song Dao: "You don't come over again, I will explain it to you after I get home."

Song Dao saw that Shao Qian was a little gloomy when he avoided his face. However, when he heard that he said that he was going home, his face turned cloudy and sunny. He just heard the doll say 'home'. Did he default to his family?

Shao Qian did not have so much time to understand Song Dao. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the devil who was trapped in the original place. It seems that he must have neglected something. Otherwise, how did Song did not have any impression on this face?

However, in a moment of effort, the ghosts of several lines of writing are almost exhausted, and only the remaining slightly blurred souls are curled up.

Song Daoyan looked at the ghosts and finally did not kill the killer. In the income of a few ghosts when they wanted to fly away, they would be sent back to the house when they returned home, and the bad things they would do when they were born Clearing one by one.

Just after Song Dao packed up a few ghosts, he heard the door of the morgue being blasted. The ugly Lin Biao was holding a few spells in his hand and staring at Song. "You are a bit of a skill."

"It's better than your ability." Song Dao raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Bingqing's half of his face: "I look at your face and I feel a lot of pleasing to the eye."

Lin Biao's hand gently touched the face of the half of the bruise, and hated it even more, the **** little policeman

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