MTL - Everlasting Immortal Firmament-Chapter 4 Ancient sea legend

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Song Kingdom, Songcheng, the Capital! A remote residence in Songcheng. House name, Tianfu.

It was late, but one of the main halls of Tianfu was brightly lit.

There are only two people in the hall, one of them is the ancient sea in the ancient mansion not long ago.

Gu Hai is a dusty servant, as if he has traveled a long way, the only difference is a white hair, but it is dark at the moment. No more white silk.

The other was a man in a yellow robe, about thirty years old, with a Chinese character face, a thick eyebrow, and eyes full of energy.

"Yifu, you are so fast!" The man in the yellow robe smiled as he passed a hot towel.

Gu Hai took it, gently wiped his face and hands, and handed it back to the man in the yellow robe.

"It's old. After a few years, you can't run. This time, you can't afford to lose!" Gu Hai Shen said.

The ancient man in the yellow robe immediately brewed a cup of tea for the ancient sea and handed it to the ancient sea with great respect.

"Yifu, Sovereign Qinghe, have you agreed?" Said the ancient Han with some expectation.

Gu Hai nodded: "Yes, otherwise I would not come!"

"That's great. If the righteous father can break through the innate realm, my ancient family can flourish for another hundred years. No, the righteous father only lacks this opportunity. Once the ban is broken, no one can stop the footsteps of the righteous father!" Gu Han With a touch of excitement.

"You brothers, I grew up watching, and your roots are all excellent. Even without me, you can enter Xianmen sooner or later!" Gu Hai laughed.

"No, both my brother and I believe in Yifu!" The ancient man said in a deep voice.

"Well, in the name of Gu Qin, at this moment sits in Chen Guohu prison, Gao Xianzhi's army is attacking at any time, and the time is urgent. Tell me about Song Kingdom first. I haven't been to Song Kingdom for 10 years as a father! What's so special about the Battle of the Nation? "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

The ancient Han looked at it and nodded his head: "Yes, this time, Gao Xianzhi won the command of King Song and was dispatched by Marshal Chen. It was controlled by one person. However, King Song was also worried, so he made the prince the deputy marshal. Traveling with the army can be regarded as monitoring Gao Xianzhi, but the prince has no military power. The child has been in Song Kingdom for eight years and is responsible for hosting all the shops in Song Kingdom. According to the request of the righteous father, he was renamed Tian Han. In these years, he has fully supported the Prince with financial resources. Even the prince became a prince from the princes, and we have the financial support, so I have gained the prince's trust! "

"Prince?" Gu Hai looked slightly.


"In the past few years, have you collected a lot of information about Song Guojun and his officials?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, it's all sorted out!" Gu Han nodded.

Gu Hai nodded and said, "Send me all the information of the monarchs and ministers immediately. I want to study how to use this to rebellion!"

"Father, come all the way without taking a break?" The ancient man worried.

"No need, don't wait for me, fast!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The ancient man answered.


Qinghe Sect, the lord's hall.

The Qinghe Sovereign and Songjia Sovereign still accompanied the Master Liu and the girl.

Everyone looked at the map.

"Master Liunian, you deduced, how will the military forces of the two countries work?" The girl asked with a smile.

"The army of Gao Xianzhi has a high morale. At this moment, you should go all out and take advantage of the tiger prison. Chen Guo and Chen Wang are down. The morale decline is the best time. Moreover, this ancient sea is just a businessman. He is a very clever person, and he should drive straight down, use the elite soldiers to cover the situation with lightning, and immediately break through the tiger prison. Chen Guo's hinterland has no resistance, and the war is over!

"Oh, don't you like this ancient sea?" Cried the girl.

"It's useless, it's too late! Isn't Gao Xianzhi a stupid person, how can he let anyone fight back?" Master Liu Nian laughed.


A loud shout came from outside the hall.

"Ha, here's the messenger. Look at the deduction from Master Liunian, right?" The girl laughed.

Soon, a man in white entered the hall.

"Meet the lord, met the lord, and met the Qinghe lord!" The man in white said.

"How? The army of Gao Xianzhi went straight to Hu prison?" Song Jia suzerain asked. More and faster chapters are here.

The man in white shook his head and said, "I didn't go straight to Tiger Prison, but stopped and slowly collected the surrounding city!"

"Oh?" Master Liu Nian gave a slight meal.

"What's going on?" Song Jia ruler stared.

"The disciples have been following Gao Xianzhi, always inquiring first-hand news, and immediately came, originally, the three barriers were broken, the troops and horses, 800,000 troops, were prepared, leaving 500,000 to slowly receive the Quartet city, leaving 300,000. With Gao Xianzhi's long drive straight in, went straight to Huguan Pass, but suddenly there was news that Chen Guo opened the ancient sea, and Gao Xianzhi stopped immediately! "The man in white said.

"Oh? Because of the ancient sea?" Qinghe Sovereign eyes brightened.

The man in white nodded reluctantly.

"How is that possible, that ancient sea is just an old man who is dying. Will Gao Xianzhi still be afraid of him?" Song Jia's lord suddenly stared. Update the first time

The man in white said bitterly: "The response from Gao Xianzhi was extremely fierce. When the horse sent a letter to return to the king of Song, he must immediately monitor the merchants across the country to prevent chaos at the moment. At the same time, he should immediately control the grain stores and drug stores to prevent the army from being cut off by Gu Hai by commercial means demand!"

"His Gao Xianzhi is too sensitive, how can a small businessman affect the war situation? Grain store? Medicine store? His ancient sea can affect the entire Song Dynasty?" Song Jia suzerainer suddenly asked angrily.

The man in white smiled bitterly: "The disciples also asked him this way, and Gao Xianzhi said," Yes! "

Sovereign Song Jia: "………………!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Qinghe Sovereign was happy.

The fleeting masters and girls looked at each other with a hint of surprise.

"What's the matter now?" Song Jia's lord Shen cried. Update the first time

"I heard that it is under control. Song Guo sent a large number of troops to guard enough grain and medicinal materials to supply the frontline army to ensure foolproofness!" Said the man in white.

"Since the grain and medicinal materials are intact, why haven't you attacked yet?" Song Jia, the supreme master, cried.

"Gao Xianzhi said that it is now important to collect the surrounding cities first and cut off all rebellious conditions for Chen Guo! Therefore, the journey to Hulaoguan Pass has been temporarily suspended. Gao Xianzhi said that until three-quarters of Chen Guo's land is collected, that The Huolao Pass must be frightening. With each day of delay, this panic will ferment for one more day. When the Huolao Pass arrives in the next day, you can take it for yourself! "The man in white said.

"Oh? Psychological warfare? However, this will take a long time!" Master Liu Nian frowned.

On the one hand, Song Jia's lord also said Shen: "Psychological warfare? How long will it take? Isn't his Gao Xianzhi a war god? An old man killed halfway, he is also afraid?"

"The disciples asked the same thing!" The man in white smiled bitterly.

"Oh? What does Gao Xianzhi say?" Master Liu Nian curiously.

"Gao Xianzhi said that although Gu Hai was in business, he was the first in the world with soldiers!" The man in white smiled bitterly.

On the one hand, the Qinghe Sovereign suddenly flashed in his eyes. This is Gao Xianzhi's evaluation. First in the world? How can it be? However, listening to Gao Xianzhi's evaluation, Qinghe Sovereign was happy again. Maybe, maybe Chen Guo can really turn the tide?

"Using soldiers, first in the world?" The girl also suddenly became interested.

"Lord, the vision of this group of mortals is confined to this secular area, and only to these six mortal kingdoms. It is not real!" The man in white immediately laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, why did Gao Xianzhi say that the ancient sea soldiers were the first in the world? And seeing him use soldiers, Gao Xianzhi is also extremely confident and proud, why is he so cautious?" The girl asked.

"Yes, I also asked Gao Xianzhi next, Gao Xianzhi told me the truth, this ancient sea did command the army before, and the results were amazing!" The man in white said.

"Oh? Why didn't you come before? Didn't you say Gu Hai has always been a businessman?" The girl frowned.

"This matter is very secretive. I did not know before I waited. He Gao Xianzhi knew it, or his father told him it was Gu Hai forty years ago. I didn't know where it came from suddenly. Gu Hai was thirty years old at that time. I met Chen Wang and Chen Taiji. At that time, there were eight secular kingdoms in this area. Chen Guo was the smallest one, and it was also in danger of extinction. The ancient sea quietly made Chen Taiji's military division to help Chen Taiji use troops. In a short time, he resolved In all crises, even under the command of Gu Hai, Chen Jun sang all the way, and he was invincible! "

"Oh? Invincible?" The girl was surprised.

"Yes, the enemy is invincible, the fewer and fewer other troops are fighting, but the army commanded by Guhai is increasing the number of troops. At that time, there were countless classic battles. What countryside surrounded the city, what sparrow wars, what authentic wars, what Wei Wei rescued Zhao, what These terms are not well understood in the following, but Gao Xianzhi said as several Jiazhen said, this is the term used by Gu Hai, and also used this unknown method of warfare, victory over and over again, no, for five consecutive years The battle in the battle never failed. Chen Guo, who was about to destroy the country, suddenly sang in the wind, destroyed a great country at that time, and then went to war. At that time, the eight kingdoms were suddenly destroyed by Chen Guo. Began to join forces of the Six Kingdoms and attack Chen Guo together! "The man in white recalled.

"Taking the difficulty of destroying the country, defeating defeat to win, defeating a large country, and at the same time fighting the six nations?" Master Liu Nian's face changed slightly.

"Yes, Gao Xianzhi said, the ancient sea commanded the army, which is too mythical. The six nations allied forces came, but they were still playing with the ancient sea in the palm of their hands. The two million army of the six nations fell short of their efforts. "Said the man in white.

"Destroy another country?" The girl was surprised.

"Yes, the army commanded by Guhai is like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers. Comers do not refuse, even the enemy forces dare to accept, so that Chen Jun is growing stronger and Chen Guo is becoming more and more powerful. His Gao Xianzhi's father was also a great celebrity and a coalition. After the battle with Gu Hai, one of the members was convinced and sincere, and no longer had the confidence to fight again, and then returned to his hometown. At that time, the army of Gu Hai was like a scabbard sword, where the sword directed, everything flew Grey annihilation. At that time, Gu Hai was preparing to calm down the five nations, but then the major gates intervened to stop Chen Guo's footsteps and no longer war! But even so, the remaining five nations are still worried! Dare to use Chen Bing. "The man in white explained.

Qinghe Sovereign brow frowned slightly: "Several sects found me that year, for the benefit of the sects, it was my order to stop Chen Taiji from fighting again. It turned out that it was not Chen Taiji who led the army, but Gu Hai directing in secret. of?"

"The ancient sea used soldiers, so amazing?" The girl's eyes flashed a gleam.

"Gao Xianzhi said that his father also learned about Gu Hai's manipulation of the war by coincidence. After he returned to his hometown, he collected the previous battles of Gu Hai and compiled them into a volume. When Gao Xianzhi was familiar with the military books from a young age, he continued to ponder Gu Hai From battle to battle, Gao Xianzhi said that he had studied for many years and knew the terribleness of the ancient sea, so he was ready to win the tiger prison by the most secure method! "Said the man in white.

"You said just now that Guhai never lost a battle for five consecutive years?" Master Liu Nian curious.

"So many battles, it only took five years?"

"Yes, Gao Xianzhi said this, saying that the ancient sea can be fought in several battles at the same time. In just five years, Chen Guo, who is to be destroyed, has become the strongest of the six nations, but then I do n’t know what caused the conflict with Chen Taiji. This is no longer involved in military affairs, and just being a rich man, even if he is a rich man, he is actually the richest man in the six countries! "The man in white smiled bitterly.

In the hall, everyone was silent for a while, because all this seemed to be too evil.

This book comes from the first time to see the genuine content!


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