MTL - Eternal Country-v2 Chapter 2240 Plan ancestral veins

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The world of nightmare can become a special bridge. If anyone can grasp this bridge, he has the absolute initiative to control the war. That kind of assistance is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Impossible. The World of Nightmare is very special. It is a top-level world that is not inferior to Eternal Night and Eternity. The law of Nightmare is the most weird and changeable. Once you enter, no matter how powerful you are, you may be buried in it. Detached. Even if Yong Ye knew it, he couldn't use it. The strong in the nightmare world would not allow it."

Yi Tianxing shook his head in denial.

If Yongye can use the nightmare world to borrow from it, it would have been used in the last epoch, and it will definitely not wait until now. The nightmare world is not available to everyone, this is a very strange world. Illusion and reality are intertwined, and it is possible to fall into it at any time, and all of their strength can be turned into nothingness.

The more you are the top power, the more you feel afraid of the nightmare world.

Will not touch this world easily.

If Yi Tianxing had a nightmare life orifice, he could open a nightmare sacred place anytime and anywhere in the nightmare world, stabilize the nightmare laws and change, and would not be willing to get in easily. Dayi has a nightmare door, integrated into the star network, and there are massive amounts every day. People of China set foot in the world of nightmare, but every day, immeasurable spiritual incarnations collapse and shatter. Fortunately, those are only spiritual incarnations, even if they fall, they just cause some damage to their own spiritual will.

After a while, you can recover again.

In the Great Changes, the experience of entering the nightmare world has long been regarded as a regular way of experience. He can even continuously obtain various rare treasures and training resources from it, and many nightmare hunters who specialize in the world of nightmare appear.

But when it comes to the scope of the nightmare world, it's just a drop in the bucket, and it's not worth mentioning.

"Well, that's the case, but we have you here, but we can use the world of nightmare as a springboard bridge, completely avoiding conventional methods and avoiding Yongye's sight. I'm sure that we are here now. Yongye is absolutely unknown."

Luo Hui said confidently.

Strange excitement flashed between the eyebrows.

Being able to enter the battlefield of Eternal Night quietly and without interest, this is also the front position of Eternal Night World. If it is not here to stir up the storm, wouldn't it be for nothing.

"Well, this time we come here, one is to determine the accuracy of the coordinates, and the second is to explore the reality of the Yongye battlefield, and the information of the ancestral vein. If possible, then take the ancestral vein. Just take it away."

Yi Tianxing's eyes flashed, and he said flatly.

The purpose of this visit is very clear.

Now, the first purpose has been confirmed. It is indeed possible to use the nightmare world as a bridge to cross the boundless distance and directly enter the battlefield of Eternal Night. Now, it is to accomplish several other purposes.

Lifting his eyes to look at the void, he can see that thirteen blood moons hang high in the void, and the moonlight that emits conveys a special charm. Bathed in it, my own emotions instinctively give birth to various waves.


"These thirteen rounds of blood moon are the foundation of Eternal Night World. Each round represents a terrifying top powerhouse. What appears on the Eternal Night battlefield is just the projection of the blood moon. Its body is not Here, it is always in the center of the Eternal Night World. However, even if it is a projection, it still has infinite power, even if it is a strong in the Hunyuan realm, it cannot shake the existence of the blood moon."

Luo Hui raised his eyes, with a solemn expression on his face, and said slowly.

Back in the last era, he was also the ancestor of ten thousand demons, with the top level of strength. When he attacked Yongye, he also followed and entered the Yongye. The information he learned was many times more than ordinary people did not know.

"Under my celestial secret umbrella, all celestial secrets can be covered. As long as we don't take the initiative to expose them, no one will notice in the battlefield of Eternal Night." Yi Tianxing nodded and nodded, not worrying about the blood moon. After all, this There is still a considerable distance from itself.

"In the battlefield of Yongye, there are three ancestral veins. Supporting the operation of the battlefield of Yongye, they are the shadow ancestral vein, the demon blood ancestral vein, and the dragon demon ancestral vein. They dormant in three heavy grounds. One is the shadow mountain range, One is the land of blood, and the other is the Dragon Soul Mountain Range. From the map, we should be the closest to the land of blood. The land of blood is occupied by the blood demon clan."

Luo Hui took out a map and glanced around, then said quickly.

Quickly locate your position. This map is also one of his treasures. What is recorded is a map of various topographical areas of the Yongye Battlefield. Here, it is also extremely important. If there is no map, if you rush forward, you won't even know where the target is. That's really bad.

"The strength of the blood demon race is not to be glimpsed. It is best at creating blood slaves. The blood slaves are not afraid of death at all. They are also blood poisonous. They obey orders. In terms of difficulty, they are not inferior to the Zerg. Experienced."

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

Back then, I fought with the Blood Demon on the Battlefield of Yongye. Although I won, I didn’t have the slightest desire to look down on the Blood Demon. According to the news from Yi Tianxie, the Blood Demon, in Yongye, was also top One of the strong clan, not a strong clan, how can it occupy a supreme ancestral line. Suppress the Evernight Battlefield and become one of the Optimus Primes on the battlefield. This is beyond doubt.

Moreover, the true background of the blood demons is not on the battlefield, but still in the eternal night, and it occupies a supreme ancestral vein called the blood river ancestral vein. One can imagine how strong the blood demon clan is. In order to occupy two ancestral veins. No one dared to provoke. Underestimating them, that is looking for death.

"I remember that when I first entered Eternal Night, the Blood Demon Race was one of the main forces of Eternal Night. The Blood Demon Race possessed a terrifying treasure. It was the supreme artifact comparable to the Eternal Heavenly Ark, called the Blood Demon Banner, shaking The blood demon banners, overwhelming the sky, are all endless seas of blood, involved in them, even the eternal heavenly ark has been destroyed, shattered, and perished in the **** sea. If it weren’t for the Wuzu’s Wu Tomb, the heavenly ark stood in front of it. Fear, it will become an insurmountable moat."

A trace of memory flashed in Luo Hui's eyes, and he said with emotion.

In his expression, he could still see a trace of fear.

In the battlefield of the last era, every scene was **** and tragic to the extreme. In each battle, I don't know how many creatures will die in it.

I fell asleep today and I don’t know if I can wake up tomorrow.

The horror of the blood demon banner surpassed the limit of the innate treasure and reached another level.

Say it again and again, go again.

Both of them are top-level powerhouses, with a heavenly umbrella covering the air machine, hiding their figures, fast shuttles in the void, guided by the map, and straight towards the target. Along the way, you can see that huge cities stand on the battlefield of Eternal Night. In each city, you can see that a large number of soldiers and slaves are continuously nurturing, and then they are quickly sent to various areas.

"Yongye’s evocation pool is their potential for war. The evocation pool is echoed by the blood moon. It can continuously draw on the power of the blood moon to breed magic soldiers. As long as the evocation pool is not destroyed, Yongye’s war potential will never be destroyed. In the last epoch, we were fighting with Yong Ye. We must find the Evoker Pool and destroy the Evoker Pool at the first time. Otherwise, the killing will not be finished, and you will be softened. The life of billions of trillions of trillions will be wiped out. , It will appear again in the next second."

Luo Hu also secretly said in jealousy.

Many things can only be deeply felt through personal experience.

The background of Yong Ye is unfathomable.

"In this era, after all, there will be a winner and a decisive decision."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

I have already prepared in my heart.

Now it depends on how much time this world can give itself.

Da Yi is still very weak and needs time to grow.

What Da Yi lacks is time

Talking all the way, did not disturb the surrounding Eternal Night Magic City. Unconsciously, he has come to a huge plain.

"What a place of blood, even the ground is blood red, completely stained with blood."

When I stopped, I could see that a vast plain appeared in front of my eyes. Here, the ground was completely blood-colored. I bent down and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground. With a slight pinch, I could see that there was a drop of water. The blood red blood seeps out, and when he smells the thick **** aura, he can fully feel the evil spirit contained in the soil and there is also a special devilish energy. This is the breath exuding from the demon blood ancestral veins.

On the ground, patches of grass grew.

The grass was not green, but blood red. These grasses seemed to be melted by blood, swaying wantonly, giving people a shuddering chill.

Moreover, the grass contains a special power of blood. If it is encountered by a monk who practices the law of blood, any piece of grass is a treasure of heaven and earth, and it can play a role in enhancing its own law. The value is extremely high.

"The demon blood ancestral vein is under this plain, and UU reading is in the land of blood."

Yi Tianxing and Luo Hui looked at each other and clearly felt that there was a vast aura in the ground. It was the breath of the ancestral vein, but I could feel that this ancestral vein did not seem to have reached its limit and was still growing. Among. It is a very young ancestral line.

"This is the important place of the blood demon clan. The guardianship of the ancestral veins is absolutely beyond imagination. Seeing that those towers are not there, these are called the blood demon towers. Cultivation with the power of the veins. In each blood demon tower, there are countless blood demon clan powerhouses practicing retreat. The strongest of them will not be inferior to the realm of the realm. There are even stronger people sitting in the ancestral veins. , Will not leave easily."

Luo Hui said.

Seems to know some information about this blood land.

"In this case, how can we steal the demon blood ancestral vein?"

Yi Tianxing frowned slightly. In this case, it would be extremely difficult to steal the ancestral veins silently.

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