MTL - Estranged-Chapter 69 Have you let go?

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Without hesitation, he pointed out his hand, and a sword energy pointed towards him.

The blue-faced and long-toothed "Chang Ming" was instantly shattered, his body fell apart, and cracks began to appear on the screen in front of him.

Yun Hai was expressionless.

He knew that his inner demons had grown like wild weeds, and he couldn't suppress them no matter what.

During the long years when Jiu Chongyuan was alone, there was always an unknown fire burning in his heart. He didn't know where it started, and he didn't know where it went out. , no matter how long it grows all over the mountains and plains, it is both lush and barren.

The "Eternal Brightness" with a blue face and long fangs in front of him is the best portrayal.

Reading a book with bamboo slips in hand is the ever-changing memory of the past.

At that time, the years were quiet and all turmoil had not yet happened. Although his past was cold, there was also a little warmth in it.

This Jiufang Changming, who turned around with a ferocious face and caught people off guard, is his current demon.

He went deep into the Nine Layers Abyss back then, fought with monsters, and the demon energy entered his body. Over time, he gradually couldn't suppress it. That's why Yun Weisi, who cultivated the ruthless way, split into a sea of ​​clouds that acted recklessly.

He may not even be able to tell which are the original thoughts and which are influenced by the demonic energy.

Before the picture was completely shattered, a voice came from afar, and it rang in my ears instantly.

It was deafening, like a lion's roar.

"Don't be distracted!"

Like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, it crashed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

It's Master.

Originally, Yunhai didn't want to be called Shizun.

Because the first time he saw Jiufang Changming was at the seaside of Jiuchongyuan. At that time, Jiufang Changming was very sick and his wounds were burning. Yunhai only knew that he wanted to kill him, but he did not know why. He had no memory of this person. Not to mention a trace of nostalgia, if Jiufang Changming hadn't aroused his interest, the other party would already be one of the dead bones.

But then—

When did it change?

Yunhai himself doesn't remember either.

Perhaps it was because of his several experiences with Jiufang Changming that he gradually recognized that this man was once his master.

Maybe it was Yun Weisi who slowly remembered the past, and his and Yun Weisi's memories gradually merged, and he had some empathy for the past.

As if he used to be Yun Weisi.

This Master, from teasing and joking, to unknowingly, as if something happened.

Yunhai's state of mind gradually calmed down.

Chang Ming closed his eyes tightly, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose.

He didn't expect that healing Yunhai would trigger his own cultivation, which would be a bottleneck.

Earlier, in order to achieve quick success, he chose a heart formula called Zhiyu Nianyue.

This heart formula allows people to quickly improve their cultivation in a short period of time. The only drawback is that fatal flaws will appear when they reach the eighth level.

Those who practice Zhiyu Nianyue would rather stop at the eighth level, because that is enough for them to become a master, but it is far from enough for Chang Ming.

At that time, it was just to gain the strength of self-protection faster, but now it has become a stumbling block in the front.

He originally planned to seek a solution after solving Zhou Ke's matter, but now in order to suppress the devilish energy in Yun Hai, this difficulty will be triggered in advance.

Sifeijian is full of spiritual power, but no matter how abundant it is, he can't get what he wants. At this time, he has to make a choice between two choices, choosing to give priority to himself to tide over the difficulties, or to help Yunhai.

Yun Hai sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, opened his spiritual veins, and allowed Chang Ming to absorb the spiritual power of Si Feijian and transfer it to him.

He woke up from the long dream, and was forcibly pulled into the vast snow-capped mountain road.

This is not a dream, but Chang Ming's sea of ​​consciousness.

His own primordial spirit accidentally broke into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

And the person standing not far in front of him is not the body of Jiufang Changming, but the primordial spirit of Jiufang Changming.

It's a mystical experience.

Yunhai knew that he existed in the form of primordial spirit, and he also knew that he was in the other party's sea of ​​consciousness.

But the other party was completely unaware of his invasion.

Is this Jiufang Changming's past, or is it an illusion derived from the memory of the other party?

What will I see again?

The sea of ​​clouds is full of interest.

The snow has been falling and getting bigger and bigger.

For Yuanshen, he is ignorant and insensitive, and there is no difference between cold and hot, but Yunhai can feel the biting frost coming towards his face.

It's familiar here.

The sea of ​​clouds looked up into the distance.

The outline of the mountains was blurred in the wind and snow, and the nearby road was even submerged under the thick layer of snow. This is almost a feature of most snow-capped mountains in the world. For a while, the sea of ​​clouds couldn't tell where it was.

Some familiar, but still can not remember.

Jiufang Changming had been standing on the cliff for a long time without changing his posture, looking at the snow-covered mountain road below the cliff.

At first, Yunhai thought he was practicing penance, but later found out that he was not.

The other party seemed to be waiting for someone.

Who are you waiting for?

One moment, two moments.

Time stands still here and becomes eternity.

Yun Hai was a little impatient and couldn't help reaching out to grab the man's robe sleeve.

"Don't wait."

The hand passed through the sleeve of the robe, and the voice fell into the void, and the other party did not respond.

After an unknown amount of time, the wind and snow finally stopped, and the sight was still white, but the vision was much better than before.

Yunhai stood beside Jiufang Changming's primordial spirit, staring at the road that he never took his eyes off, and then turned his head to look behind them, the feeling of familiarity became more and more intense.

This is…

The only way to enter Wanshen Mountain!

Look at Jiufang Changming, dressed in plain clothes, hunting and dancing in the wind, his figure is like a towering mountain, unshakable.

Eyes full of ice and snow, lonely and desolate.

At this time, he is still a little different from the future.

After all, Jiufang Changming at that time hadn't experienced any major setbacks. He was extremely talented. Even if he came from a small sect, he was always superior to others along the way. In front of him, no matter who has what kind of small thoughts, in front of this number one person in the world, he must be respectful and polite, and avoid three points.

But in the bleakness, there was a bit of determination.

The other party finally took a step towards the road into the mountain.

Before turning around, take one last look at the vast white behind him, full of frost.

And Yunhai finally realized suddenly.

He's going to an appointment.

Go to Wanshen Mountain to attend an appointment and become one of the array holders of Liuhe Candle Sky Formation.

At that time, Jiufang Changming had discovered all kinds of strange things in it. He chose to use his body as a chess game in order to go deep into the tiger's den to find out the truth.

He prided himself on his strength, but he didn't expect that the person who greeted him would almost die on the spot. In the end, his soul was severely injured and his cultivation was completely lost.

However, he already had a vaguely ominous expectation about his dangerous actions.

Before leaving, he was waiting for someone.

Waiting for someone who will never come.

He knew that the other party would not show up, but he still waited for a long time until the last moment.

The person who was waiting was called Yun Weisi.

Yun Hai felt a dull pain in his heart, as if he had been hammered heavily by an invisible object, which smashed him into pieces and knocked out another consciousness.

A faint figure floated in front of the sea of ​​clouds.

Yun Weisi, who was born exactly like him, was looking at him.

If it wasn't for the intrusion of the sea of ​​consciousness by chance, Yunhai would not have known about it, and Yun Weisi would never have known about it.

Yun Weisi and Yun Hai looked at each other.

Yunhai knew that deep down in his heart, he had been burying resentment.

He is Yun Weisi's resentment.

In order to find the clues of Jiufang Changming's disappearance in Wanshen Mountain, and to rectify Jiufang Changming's case, he stayed in Wanshen Mountain without hesitation. It is difficult to seek the way, and the cultivation base is advancing.

Yun Weisi was not steadfast from the beginning to the end. Under the torment of the demonic energy, he also had doubts and reluctance towards Jiufang Changming. Day in and day out in Jiuchongyuan, there is no clue.

Over time, resentment gradually dominates the consciousness, and is repelled by the body that cultivates the ruthless way, and a sea of ​​clouds naturally arises.

Suddenly, Yunhai understood the paranoia in his bones, and where did the idea of ​​killing Jiufang Changming come from.

That was my unwillingness in the past.

And Yun Weisi is his past.

I wanted to discard all the memories and start all over again, but I never thought about it. In the end, I chose to walk back because I was reluctant.

"I let go." Yun Hai said.

"I have spent and lost too much in the past. I don't want to waste any more. He has me in his heart, which is enough. No matter whether this kind of love is the relationship between master and apprentice, or the relationship between Taoist couple, or it has already surpassed the two. Or, as long as I can spend every day with him side by side, I have nothing else to ask for."

Yun Weisi said nothing, just looked at him quietly.

"Have you let go?" Yun Hai asked again.

Yun Weisi still didn't speak, but hummed.

Yunhai smiled.

He let it go completely.

Let go of all the entanglements and unwillingness that have been entangled in the past, just in the look that Jiufang Changming turned around to look at.

The other party looked into the void of the snow-capped mountains, but also looked into his spiritual consciousness.

He reconciled with himself.

Xu Jingxian and Xie Chunxi fought all night.

From the time when the moon was dark and the stars were sinking until the dawn was breaking, Xu Jingxian directly beat Xie Chunxi internally and vomited blood, and fled in despair, still feeling puzzled.

She wanted to secretly find an opportunity to kill people directly, anyway, this should be the style of a demon girl.

Kill everything, cut grass and roots.

However, Xu Jingxian also knew that Chang Ming had some connections with Song Nanyan, and Xie Chunxi is now considered a monk for the Queen of Luo, so it would be unsightly to die at her hands, so she was not busy chasing and killing Headmaster Xie, but came back first to follow Chang Ming breathed out, planning to get a gold medal to avoid death before doing anything.

As a result, just as he was about to open the door and enter, he was stopped by the formation.

Xu Jingxian snorted.

She recognized the array formed by Chang Ming, but the golden inscriptions in front of her eyes were looming in the air, and some of them disappeared. Obviously, the effectiveness of the array was weak and was about to wear out. Life is in danger.

But before she and Xie Chunxi fought last night, wasn't the other party still fine?

Could something have happened?

Xu Jingxian didn't want anything to happen to Changming. Although she had grown real grass and her cultivation had improved greatly, she was still not confident enough to walk alone because she had no blood sect to rely on. Only with thick legs can we have a chance to live a more nourishing life.

With a flash of thought, she made the formula with one hand and threw the gauze with the other, easily breaking the formation, stepped inside, ran to the courtyard where Chang Ming was, and stretched out her hand to push open the closed door.