MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 203 Extra 02

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After saying that Luo Jian lived with Xun Yan 'cohabiting', he still had a good life, but Xun Yan was unexpectedly surprised by Luo Jian, who was so strong that Luo Jian often had a sore back when he woke up in the morning. Cramps, he coquettishly reluctant to move on the bed, Xun Yan gave him a full-time nanny.

However, Xun Yan can not be idle every day, he still has to go to work. As for Luo Jian, because the school is still a few days away, he has nothing to do. What should I do when I have nothing to do?

Boring, Luo Jian walked around Xun Yan's big room by himself, and began to shamelessly turn over his master's things.

However, Xun Yan is a person with a good life style and loves cleanliness. He doesn't throw things away. His clothes are neatly folded and put in a closet. There is a picture frame on the bedside table. Group photo, when Luo Jian saw this photo, he could not help but lay on the bed of Xing Yan and smirked for a long time holding the photo.

There is a computer and a bookcase in the study room, and the computer has a power-on password. However, when Luo Jian narcissistically tried his password on his birthday, it turned out unexpectedly.

It's just that there is nothing special in the computer, there are not many games, and all are working documents. What makes Luo Jian continue to smirk is that the desktop background of the computer was a photo he took with Xing Yan when he was traveling.

Luo Jianming had never lived in this room before, but at this moment he felt his shadow everywhere in this house. Xing Yan would put his photo in each frame that could be placed and give him to Xing Yan The gifts were piled on the shelf, and he also saw an umbrella that he had lent to Xun Yan before, and he put it on the umbrella stand of the porch. There was only this umbrella on the small umbrella stand.

This shows how much the owner of this house loves me!

Luo Jian blushed without thinking, he wandered into the study again and started to turn the cabinet, only to find a knife in the drawer of the desk.

A saber.

Luo Jian hesitated for a while, but couldn't stop his curiosity. He took the knife and pulled the sharp blade out of the cover. Maybe Luo Jian didn't notice it at the moment. His knife-handling skills were so skilful and sharp. The blade naturally turned around in his palm. Then Luo Jian suddenly felt a strange **** boiling. He was like a flying knife. The blade was aimed at a thick shell red spine in the bookcase next to it, and the blade was thrown out accurately, with the blade in the center of the red heart.

"Wow ..." Luo Jian applauded, "I'm great."

At half a moment, he tilted his head in doubt, "Why, why am I so powerful?"

After a while, he screamed later, "Ah! I broke Xun Yan's book!"

Luo Jian immediately jumped forward nervously and pulled out the red book that was split by the saber. He pulled out the knife and looked left and right. There was an extra blade on the spine, which was ugly. Luo Jian was suddenly guilty, and could not imagine how Xun Yan would scold him when he returned, so he was determined to destroy the body.

He put the knife back in the drawer first, and then destroyed the books.

However, Luo Jian thought about it and was afraid that after Xing Yan returned, he found that the books were missing, so he decided to go out to the bookstore to see if he wanted the same. Buy a copy of the same book and put it back, Xing Yan would not find it.

So Luo Jian took his own evidence of the crime—the book that was cut in by a knife—a book called Night of Reincarnation; then he went out to find a bookstore, and then he went to the bookstore in the city. .

It just disappointed Luo Jian that when he traveled around the Book City, every bookstore owner told him that this book was out of print a long time ago and was no longer published on the market, otherwise Luo Jian could only buy pirated books. But the pirated book was too bad, the pages were rough paper, and the typography was vague and typos.

Then Luo Jian came back in frustration, holding his criminal evidence, and decided to apologize face to face with Yan Yan. When he returned home, Xun Yan was already at home, and he was standing in the study and thoughtfully facing the bookshelf.

Realizing that Xun Yan had discovered that his book was gone-how could he find it so quickly, and his insight was great! -Luo Jian had to obediently hold the copy of the criminal evidence in front of Xun Yan.

Xun Yan just took the criminal evidence in his hand, looked at the knife edge on the spine of the book, and said lightly, "How did you get it?"

Don't look at Xun Yan's seemingly indifferent appearance, but Luo Jian was deeply aware that the other party must punish him with thoughts, Luo Jian had to cry and answered honestly, "I poke a stab on it with a knife."

"Why a poke?" Xing Yan looked at him guilty and lowered his head, funny and a little helpless, knowing how this child must be making up for himself in the brain ... Well, maybe I should think of a punishment, for example, Do it once in the bathroom in the mirror?

Luo Jian shook his left and right, and pointed his fingers. "I found a knife in your drawer and played it as a flying knife. Then I inserted it in this book."

Xing Yan immediately turned his face, stern tone, "That was a sharp knife, very dangerous, how can you play it casually?"

Luo Yan's harsh tone immediately made Luo Jian's eyes red. He looked at Xing Yan and didn't cry. Xing Yan looked distressed when he looked at him, so he hugged to comfort him. "Well, don't scold you, don't cry, don't cry . "

"I didn't cry!" Luo Jian sniffed, and of course pulled back into Xing Yan's arms for comfort, "I didn't mean it."

Xing Yan kissed his eyelids and comforted him, "I know you didn't mean it, but can't you use a knife to know it later?"

"Yeah!" Luo Jian listened to Xun Yan's attitude and eased until the other side forgave himself. He immediately hugged Xun Yan. The two of them were tangled for a while. Luo Jian was pressed by Yan Yan on the desk. Kiss, after a while, Luo Jian stumbled and asked: "Xun Yan, why do you have a knife on your desk?" And it is still a saber, which is rare.

"It was sent by a friend who was a special soldier." Xing Yan replied, paused for a while, and seemed to think of something, and said, "Yes, my friend in the special forces just happened to be back on vacation and invited me out to play. Would you like it? go with?"

Of course, Luo Jian's attitude was that he would go where Xun Yan went, and immediately nodded.

However, it wasn't until the next day that Xun Yan took Luo Jian to meet the friend of the special forces, that Luo Jian realized that the place where they went out was not right.

In general, shouldn't it be travelling, drinking, eating, singing, etc.? For Mao to go to the training range! ?

Luo Jian, with a numb face, was taken by Xun Yan and his friend into a gun training range, very close to the army. It is estimated that many soldiers come here to practice guns in their spare time, and most of them are veterans. Although Yan said that neither is true, he seems to have a hobby in this area. He even has a member of the gun training range.

However, it seems that men are born with a hobby for these weapons. Although Luo Jian felt that he was not enthusiastic, he was happy when Xun Yan said he wanted to teach him how to use a gun. He got a 54 pistol for practice, took him to the shooting range, and by the way wore an earmuff.

"The gunshot is too loud to protect hearing." Xing Yan put on his earmuffs for him, and while no one found out, Xiao Pei took a sip on Luo Jian's lips and immediately made Luo Jian blush.

"I first teach you the posture of holding a gun." Xun Yan asked him to hold the pistol and was ready to correct Luo Jian's position of holding the gun, but Luo Jian did not have to listen to Xun Yan saying that he changed the hand holding the gun, no Shi Zitong posed a very standard gun position.

Xing Yan was sluggish.

Luo Jian didn't seem to realize what he had done, put his posture up, aimed his muzzle at the target of the shooting range, and asked Xun Yan, "Is this the way it is?"

Xing Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and answered, "Yes, that's it, Jane is very smart."

Hearing his lover's praise, Luo Jian was so happy that he almost threw the gun in his hand and threw it at Xun Yan, but eventually he endured. Listening to Xun Yan's ear and telling him to open the pistol insurance, he can start shooting directly.

In fact, Luo Jian didn't need anyone to teach. When he opened the insurance and tried to shoot, Luo Jian seemed to be addicted to the fun of using weapons, so that the people next to him could not see that he was actually a novice, and his shooting results It's not unusual. The middle of the tenth ring refers to him.

Xun Yan didn't speak, he just watched, his special soldier friend came over, looked at Luo Jian's grades, and asked Xing Yan: "Your brother is really a novice? It's amazing."

Xing Yan said that Luo Jian was his brother in front of others.

He smiled, "Of course, this is probably the so-called genius."

The special soldier didn't believe it, "It's absolutely impossible, even the best gun in my team can't be like him ... Say you seem to be the same before, the first time you use a gun is very good, but not like your brother It's so powerful. "

Xing Yan looked at Luo Jian gently and replied persistently, "I said, he is a genius."


Using a gun to make Luo Jian feel good for the first time, but after getting off the shooting range, his hands became red and swollen immediately, Luo Jian was crying and continued to seek the consolation of Xing Yan, Xing Yan had to wipe him with medicine.

"Whoever made you stop playing for the first time, this is deserved." Xing Yan held his paw and rubbed him a potion.

Luo Jian also seemed to feel strange, tilting his head in doubt, "Am I a genius too much? I have never touched a gun before, but why it feels like instinct."

"It's nothing bad, this is a talent." Xun Yan came over and rubbed Luo Jian's head. Luo Jian was rubbed by him and immediately left everything behind him and leaned into his arms. .

They sat at the training range and watched others firing.

The fierce gunshot echoed in the ear, and Luo Jian paused for a while, then suddenly asked Xun Yan, "Will we always be together?"

Xing Yan responded gently, "Of course, are we going to separate?"

Luo Jian narrowed his eyes a little, and seemed a little contented. Occasionally, the bright sunny sky gave him the illusion that he was still dreaming, and felt like he was still having a long and long nightmare. In the nightmare, he did not The method has been with Xun Yan.

However, the nightmare seemed to have ended, and his torture was sitting next to him. His heartbeat and temperature were so clearly visible. His breath was so pervasive that Luo Jian felt that he seemed to be integrated with this person.

The so-called happiness, but so be it. 2k novel reading network