MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 155 Time Corridor (11)

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Luo Jian then left the closet with the clown. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

But before that, Luo Jian must first solve some problems, and can't leave any worries.

However, Luo Jian knew that he had no time and time to escape every room with the clown, so when he left, he had to release the team relationship with the clown. But this is not difficult. For Luo Jian gm's identity, he just needs to adjust a few simple instructions.

Therefore, Luo Jian touched a blank purple printed note from the clown's pocket and wrote a letter to cancel the team relationship. After the clown signed it, this wonderful team connection was cancelled. Clown's team, he returned to the status of gm status, no longer a player, can not be a player anymore.

And Luo Jian cannot accompany the clown to continue the escape from the back room. The next thing must be worked by the clown himself. However, Luo Jian is not particularly worried. When he learned the clown's ability from the clown, Luo Jian knew The clown is an interesting special case in the back room. He has the power to open a plug.

However, Luo Jian must leave something on the clown so that Luo Jian can locate the clown so that he can find the clown smoothly in the next space-time shuttle and come to the clown accurately.

Because when ordinary players enter the back room from the real world, the back room will automatically clear some 'things that cannot be taken into the back room'. For example, when you put a normal short knife on the body, when entering the back room, the back room will Clear this knife and the player can't take it in.

What players can bring in are only the weapons and equipment given by the back room and the back room.

Of course, if the space in the carry-on closet is large enough, you can just put in whatever you want, such as knives, weapons, food, medical supplies, etc. If there is enough space, you can drive an armored car, tank, helicopter, or even a Transformer. The players in the back room are strange, and no one has done so.

The clown owns the portable back room. He got this when he experienced the third escape from the back room, but the portable back room will block Luo Jian's induction of the clown, so Luo Jian's stay on the clown must be one that can only be placed on the clown. The clown's body cannot be stowed in the back room, and this thing will not be eliminated by the will of the back room when the clown moves in and out of the back room freely.

But what exactly should it be?

Luo Jian thought for a while, and couldn't help raising his head to look at the clown. He asked the clown: "Hong, do you have the habit of wearing jewelry or something? For example, wearing earrings on your ears."

The clown scoffed: "The sissy will wear that stuff!"

Luo Jian heard that he couldn't help touching his ears. He still had a body of his own. He actually wore it. When he was in middle school, it was the second middle school with a serious illness and what was popular. During the period of Aberdeen, his body was tattooed, and his nose was pierced and worn with a nose ring. Various street fights pretended to be grown-ups. Although Luo Jian did not reach that level at the time, he had pierced ears and was with Alan.

Because studying at that time, the female students in the class always talked about the tall guy wearing earrings, broken hair, and wearing a black school uniform standing on the corner of the corner. So the boys began to inexplicably be "more handsome than others", and the pretense of wind was strong, so Luo Jian and his classmate A Lan were forced to swim this muddy water once.

The memories of the past are so beautiful no matter how far away, Luo Jian can not help but force himself not to think. He looked at the clown again, frowning and wondering what should be done to the clown. When he saw the white powder left on the clown's face, he couldn't help asking him: "You always paint such a ridiculous makeup for Mao? Back, the powder on my face was not removed by the back room. It should be a kind of prop? "

"This was accidentally obtained during my second escape from the back room. It is said that the effect of covering up the identity on the face was masked. I couldn't help trying it, but the prop seemed to be permanent. Anyway, every time I entered the back room, This weird thing will come up. Seriously, I'm not that good! I don't want to keep putting this kind of thing on my face! "

When the clown heard Luo Jian's question, he suddenly cried out and continued, "It's too miserable that the water can't wash off anything. Fortunately, I'm not like this in the real world, or I really want to cry!"

Luo Jian was so funny to hear him, his stomach started to hurt when he laughed, and he held his stomach and said, "Haha ... well! Actually, the effect of this prop is not reflected? I can't see the true appearance of your face until now What is it like. "

The clown grinned hard, wiped the blood on his cheek with his sleeve, and muttered, "I wouldn't have been so stupid to use such an inexplicable prop if I knew it already."

"That's good, I'll give you a prop too." Luo Jian suddenly came a little inspiration, he said so.

The clown was not polite with him either. He reached out his claws and asked Luo Jian to ask for props. Luo Jian waved the weapon in his hand to deform the weapon again. The weapon turned into a pen that looked very ordinary.

"Have you heard the story of Shenbi Maliang?" Luo Jian said to the clown while changing his weapon.

The clown nodded and smiled, "Of course, I read this story in my textbooks as a kid."

"Come over your face," Luo Jian said again.

The clown's eyes were still blind at the moment, for unknown reasons, but he still squatted down obediently and put his face to the side of Luo Jian's voice. Luo Jian stared at the face of the clown. Although his face was covered with blood, the clown makeup under the blood was still hanging on his face, although it looked a bit spent.

Luo Jian simply found a wet cloth and wiped the blood on the clown's face, leaving him to close his eyes ... Of course, because his eyes were injured, he was always closed. Although the blood on the clown's face could be wiped away, the white powder on his face could not be removed. The clown makeup was messed up by himself. Luo Jian borrowed the clown's scalpel and cut a knife on his wrist. Use your own blood as a paint to paint the clown.

He painted the corners of the clown's eyes red, and his lips also painted red, which looked gorgeous.

"Okay." After drawing, Luo Jian took the pen and said, "This way I can find you wherever you are."

The clown was also inexplicable: "Don't you say you want to give me props?"

"Yeah, I gave it." Luo Jian said: "The makeup on your face was ugly. Now I can help you look better. This is the prop I gave you." Because Luo Jian added his own Blood, this mask on the face of the clown will have an extraordinary effect of hiding his identity. Unless someone will team up with the clown in the future, anyone who has seen him in the future will soon forget the existence of the clown.

The main thing is that this clown makeup is a permanent prop, and it will not be eliminated by the back room. Even if it is not visible in the real world, it will play a role. Luo Jian can easily locate it by adding a few strokes to the makeup. The coordinates of the clown.

The clown was still a little disappointed. "That's it? I still hope that you can send me things that can dispel evil spirits. You were handsome when you called for the soul! ... I was most afraid of ghosts. The seniors in medical school always scared me to say There are so many ghosts in the hospital. What kind of □□ sound on an empty bed, what a mortal female ghost laughs, I feel terrible! ”

"Rest assured, this picture I painted for you can definitely help you but evil, and scare the ghosts away." Luo Jian heard the clown's words, and he could not help but crack his mouth and laughed. When the clown saw his strange smile, I couldn't help but panic and said, "What do you paint my face?"

The clown makeup on the clown face in his childhood is actually different from the makeup on the clown face that Luo Jian had seen later. The latter is more horrible. It is the kind of scary that can scare people in battle. The makeup, the pale powder on the cheeks and the blood-red lips, the redness of the corners of the mouth was pulled long, as if the lips were cracked to the root of the ears.

There are also traces of blood and tears under the corners of the eyes, and it feels more like the eyelids under the corners of the eyes have been turned out. There is also a little red on the nose. The whole person is abominable, not like a funny clown, but crawling out of the cellar. Evil spirit.

Although this looks a bit scary, Luo Jian still feels much better than the messy makeup he had painted before. The clown paints his own mess, and it feels like a mess of red and white. Now, if his voice is not familiar, Luo Jian did not even recognize this clown for a while.

So when Luo Jian painted his makeup, he painted according to his own impression of him. After Luo Jian finished painting, Luo Jian felt a bit wrong. It seemed that he was just affecting the future of the clown.

It's as if Luo Jian painted the clown in his original impression and painted it on the clown now.

Does this mean that Hong will look like that afterwards, also because of my fault?

Luo Jian shook his brush back and turned into a red umbrella again. But he was unwilling to continue thinking about this esoteric problem. He was unwilling to figure out the consequences and speculate on the ending, because the ending was already clearly visible. No matter what the future will look like, Luo Jian does not mind now. He has no escape route to speak of. He has only one belief now.

I cannot fail, absolutely not!

There is only this pair of gm's body left by the eagle. Once Luo Jian fails, the eagle will lose in the match with the back room. He waited for 100 years before he came to Luo Jian, the only winner. Can't bear to let him down.

More importantly, Luo Jian did not want to disappoint his companions.

A Lan, Duan Li, his cousin Luo Feng ... and Xun Yan.

If I fail, I will never see them again. This is the only thing, absolutely not, not!


After explaining the clowns, Luo Jianjian left him temporarily. He entered the realm of space and time and went to the next place. Luo Jian himself did not know where he was going. He tried to remember some things that Ying had told him. Ying Ying said that when their team built the secret room, they specially combined a studio, and their studio had the information about the secret room left behind, and Luo Jian's goal at this stage was to find the batch of information.

Where is the studio?

Luo Jian knew that the studio would be hidden in the back room. The studio not only kept the back room information, but also part of the core of the back room. Because when the 'reincarnation system' came to the present earth over 100 million years, it was almost destroyed, and the core was divided into eight pieces. In order to form the secret room, Eagle and his team put the core back. But only one piece was so badly damaged that I couldn't fight it back.

The core of the reincarnation system is a cube-like, boxy and colorful thing. Because there is a missing corner, and the missing thing happens to be the 'self-control center' of the reincarnation system. It is the 'lock' that will be added to the system by humans in the future.

And now, this lock is gone.

Perhaps this is the biggest reason that the secret room will get out of control and evolve to the point where it is today, and the Eagle and his team at the time did not even know the importance of this 'lock'. They saw that even if the ‘lock’ could not be added, the operation of the system would not have much impact and they would not be controlled. They were stunned by the chance of getting hands, technology, and knowledge.

"Although we cannot install the 'lock', there is still a fatal connection between the 'lock' and the 'reincarnation system'. Once the lock is destroyed, the secret room will be completely dismantled. This is the safety of the lock. It is caused by the mechanism lock. In the future, humans have envisioned that once the lock is separated and does not work, this method will be used to destroy the system. "

"So the secret room will hide this lock, it will rigorously lock its own 'lock', hide its own heart, and our purpose is to find it, that is the only hope that can destroy the secret room."

The eagle shawl in his memory sat on his solitary rock slab, and he described the scene to Luo Jian at the time, saying:

"If we have half the level of human technology in the future, we will not be so embarrassed today, but we do n’t have it. How can we bridge the gap of 100 million years. We think we want to control the future at the current level. Yes, this is the worst end. My companions, my friends, and even my ... lover, have lost their lives, because I stupidly picked up this stuff ... "

"But I have no time to regret it. I must save it."

"It's just that I can't leave here. I can't leave the Shura field. Once I leave, the Chamber of Secrets will not hesitate to kill me. It will pay me for everything and kill me because I know its secret. And the collapse of Shura field It will also make me lose my final hiding place. The players and monsters who become players in the Shura field will also lose my last hiding place. "

"I put the bet on success, Luo Jian."

The Eagle has not been able to wait for the winner on the Shura field. He was already impatient and was planning to give this opportunity to a hunter. I wonder if it was a coincidence. He originally wanted to turn this responsibility into hunting. The person's torture.

But now it is Luo Jian who takes on this responsibility.

Luo Jian will not evade responsibility, although this may not be what he must bear, the fault of others should not be his resistance, but if Eagle waits for 100 years in Shura field, Luo Jian knows that only He has the ability to take on this heavy responsibility.

When Luo Jian crossed time and space again, he opened his eyes and appeared on a busy street.

The child holding the red umbrella appeared out of thin air, and there weren't many surprised people around. Luo Jian looked around. He knew that he was lucky to appear in the real world. There were many people coming and going around the city. Street view, and at noon at this moment, the sun was hanging high in the sky.

"Eagle initially set up a studio. It seemed to be built on the outskirts of a city called And. In order to prepare for the studio's funds, they sold a small part of the future technology given by the core of the reincarnation system, relying on technology patents and some companies and manufacturers to cooperate To make a lot of money. "

Luo Jian said to himself, walking along the street holding an umbrella, "I want to record the time and location of this place to confirm my coordinate point. First, I must go to the era where Eagle was originally, but At that time, it was likely to be tampered with by the back room. In order to hide yourself, the back room would be set up with something ... such as a trap. "

"This is a dangerous journey, so be prepared."

Just as Luo Jian was walking and thinking, the corner of his eye suddenly saw a familiar shadow running across an alley next to the street, causing Luo Jian's heart to move and he couldn't help raising his heels. 2k novel reading network