MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 135 Blood red Shura field (5)

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The words "secret room" once made Luo Jian flash strange pain in his head.

Luo Jian is convinced that someone is waiting for him, but his memory is so chaotic. He can hardly remember anything, but he also knows very clearly at the same time--I must leave here and leave as soon as possible!

Leaving this strange back room, this place is called the Blood Red Shura Field.

"Hisse ... except for the hunter, I never knew anyone could go out in this ghost place." The monster with the snake head interrupted Luo Jian's delusion, he twisted his slender body and wandered slowly. In front of Luo Jian, and looking at Luo Jian's appearance up and down, he saw Luo Jian's eyes, dark eyes.

Then the snake-headed monster regretted, "Obviously, you are not a hunter, you cannot go out from here."

"Why only a hunter can go out ... what is a hunter?" Luo Jian didn't understand the monster. He now felt his head hurt. The word hunter seemed to make Luo Jian think of something. But when trying to think back to trying to make memories, Luo Jian's brain became very uncooperative.

"God hiss ...!" The snake-headed monster was amazed. He turned to look at the bone man wearing armor behind him, and the bone man began to draw hands and feet with unknown meanings. The snake body understood it and turned back. To Luo Jian:

"You really make me feel incredible. You know, if you are a rookie-level player who just entered the back room without knowing anything, it is impossible to have the opportunity to enter the back room of the Blood Shura Field."

"I don't think I'm a rookie." Luo Jian shook his head. "My head hurts, and my memory is also chaotic. I am probably having amnesia."

"This rhetoric is quite in line with your current situation." The snake body nodded and said, "Come on newcomer, follow us, we will tell you what this place is, honestly, this secret room is very, very boring. "

Luo Jian didn't know where he was going or what he should do now, so ... Although the two guys on the opposite side did not look like humans, Luo Jian obediently followed them because Luo Jian felt that the other party was unnecessary. Against themselves, of course, even if they did something wrong, Luo Jian would not be afraid.

His fears had been polished by the horrible wolf.

Luo Jian followed the two monsters to their old nest. The snake body was not idle along the way. He kept telling Luo Jian some basic information. And even though this guy looks like a monster, his IQ is quite high. He tried to use some sentences to awaken Luo Jian's memory. For example, he would say:

"Do you remember your name? Hiss?" The snake body shook the tip of his tail as he walked forward. His tip of the snake tail was very cute and always attracted Luo Jian's attention unconsciously.

Luo Jian had to stare at his dangling tail and replied, "My name is Luo Jian."

"His ... Luo Jian. Then I will introduce myself. My name is Ya'an. Before I became this ghost, I was also a player in the back room ... a living human." Strange ... No, he should be called Ya'an. He looked back at Luo Jian and continued:

"As soon as I see you, you know that you are from country Z." Ya'an said.

"Aren't you from Z?"

"No, I'm from country y, but I used to live in country z for a long time, and then I came here magically." Ya'an answered Luo Jian.

Luo Jian looked up and down on this snake. This is a **** snake. His body is very long and long. He walks along a perfect s-curve, but there is a human face on the snake's head. It's terrible. The eyes are slender like snakes, and the pupils are the pupils of cold-blooded animals of that kind.

In addition to the eyes, the mouth is also very wide, and the corners of the mouth can almost split to the root of the ears. When speaking, he will unconsciously spit out the tip of a long bifurcated tongue. This will make Yaan speak with a snake-like voice That kind of hissing.

Luo Jian looked at this scary monster and frowned unconsciously: "Are you really a human before?"

"Of course I'm a human hissing! Do you think I want to look like this ?!" Ya'an didn't seem very happy, shaking his tail, but this guy's tail-shaking action was really cute, Luo Jian always Unconsciously attracted by his tail.

Ya'an also seemed to notice this, and continued to shake his tail proudly, saying: "Almost all the people who come to this closet are losers."

"Wait, you said that this place called the Scarlet Shura Field ... is a secret room, isn't it?" Luo Jian paused, and asked suddenly.

"Yes, of course this is a secret room ... Hmm? Hiss ~ do you remember anything?" Ya'an looked at Luo Jian expectantly.

"No, nothing ... Oh, nothing." Luo Jian rubbed his temples uncomfortably.

Luo Jian said: "Before I woke up in this ghost place, I thought I should be in a ... well, in the kind of closet you said, I don't know how to describe it, that's a closed space ... I think I should still have my companions, and they are there, and a voice in my heart keeps telling me to go to them soon. "

"So you want to leave this place?" Ya'an hissed.

Luo Jian nodded: "Yes, I really want to leave here."

Luo Jian's thoughts were going crazy, and the constant red sun in the sky seemed to be some kind of warning. When Luo Jian stared at the dazzling sun, he would give birth to ... like somewhere from deep in his soul. The emergence of urgency forced Luo Jian to leave and leave here! Escape!

So Luo Jian wanted to escape, wanted to go out, wanted to leave, very much wanted!

Ya'an hissed and regretfully shook his head: "We also want to leave here, and I'm like you. From the moment I wake up in this place, I don't want to leave here all the time. I want to see my friends and loved ones, my companions My lover. Hiss, but we've been here for more than a decade and we haven't found a way out. "

Ya'an's words left Luo Jian dull. He couldn't believe looking at Ya'an: "Have you been unable to go out ?!"

"No, no one can hiss out from here ~" An Ya glanced at the bone man who walked quietly next, then pointed to the finger bone man with his tail, and continued to Luo Jian:

"Have you seen this guy? He came earlier than me, more than 20 years earlier. This guy couldn't speak because he was just a bunch of bones, until someone taught him sign language, and it happened that I could understand sign language."

"Wait! How many people are there in this Scarlet Shura?" Anya's words made Luo Jian suddenly realize that there might be many people like Ya'an in this closet. Of course, it wasn't clear whether anyone was in the end.

"As far as I know, there are nearly two thousand people in the hissing ~ blood red Shura field, most of them are failures like me, or players who want to escape from the control and punishment of the secret room, and occasionally use the wrong props or Players who have gone the wrong way came in by mistake. In short, as long as these people come in here, don't even think about going out. "

Around 2,000 people, Luo Jian could not help but looked up at this huge valley. The surrounding peaks surrounded the valley into a huge circle, and in this circle, there were 2,000 frogs looking up at the sky. .

"Did anyone really go out?" Luo Jian asked impassively: "Don't you say that the hunter can go out ... What is the hunter?"

"Stalkers? Those are a bunch of poor worms, even worse than those of us who have been turned into monsters because of failure." Ya'an shook his tail boringly.

"Why do you say that? Is the hunter also a group of monsters?" Luo Jian asked curiously.

"No, the hunters are all humanoid. They are perfect, powerful, and invincible." Ya'an hissed and sighed.

"But neither of them has a mind. It is no different from a machine." Anya said, "The monster in the back room ... hiss, like me, when I became like this, there was no human nature and no memory at all. It seems as if it really turned into a monster, but as time passes, my memory and reason will slowly return to the cage. When I fled to this Shura field in order to get rid of the control of the secret room, I had completely recovered my mind. "

"But the hunters are different. They are the other way around. Their souls have been torn. When they first became hunters, their psyche was almost still, but as time passed, they slowly disappeared. And Permanently disappeared. At this time ... the hunter will become the perfect tool for the secret room, and the secret room can even control them to do anything. "

"So, can hunters go in and out of the Chamber at will?" Luo Jian roughly understood what Ya'an meant. His understanding was that the hunters were a group of very powerful things, and they were tools used by the Chamber to directly interfere with players.

"The hunters will be given some baff by the back room, just like the state aura blessing in the game, and it is still blessing permanently. As long as the hunter is still the hunter, then they are in an" unbreakable "state. This back room He died and was resurrected in the next chamber. Of course, if he was going to stay in a chamber for a long time, he would be resurrected about every two hours. "

Ya'an scratched his chin with his tail, adding: "In addition to the resurrection aura, they also have the ability to freely move through various chambers. They can walk in any space, but this ability is limited to themselves."

"Finally, there is another point worth mentioning. The hunters are dumb with red eyes, they can't speak, they can't speak. No communication can be made, so body language can't be there, no matter where , Even in this special blood-red Shura field. "

"So, you said before that only hunters can leave, is it also for this reason?" Luo Jian heard that, it was considered understandable, he was not a hunter, so he did not have the power to shuttle space freely. So he can't leave this back room either.

"I don't understand why you know the hunters so well." Luo Jian frowned and said, "Don't you say that the hunters can't communicate with anyone? In this case, how can you know them so well? "

Anya paused, hissed out his tongue, and looked back at Luo Jian: "You're quite keen ... well, I know about the hunter. Actually I learned it from an old man. He almost knew the secret room. I also think that he is also the only person who knows how to leave this Sanctuary of Shura Shrine, and this time we take you away, we will take you to meet him. "

The only person who knows how to escape.

After hearing Anya's words, Luo Jian suddenly felt a little excited.

However, both the two blame one went forward on their own, they didn't seem to notice that there was a follower quietly following, and this follower was obviously directed at Luo Jian, it was hidden in the dense grass In the middle, gently stepping on the grass and green leaves, staring at the eyes of a pair of beasts, staring at Luo Jian quietly.

If Luo Jian found it, he would know it. It was the wolf that had been fighting the deadly fight with Luo Jian.

The author has something to say: a core character is about to appear in the next chapter. Parents should remember him, the guy who talked with Xun Yan in the Shura field = v = 2k novel reading network