MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 127 Escape the Secret Train (21)

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The black cat tied the crow all the way into the No. 3 carriage. This number made both of them a little excited, which meant that they were not far from the end, but at the same time, not far from death.

Car 3 was as dirty and messy as ever, empty. But the characteristic that can be found as soon as you enter is that there are large expanses of water in it. On the ground and on the sofa, the window of the carriage was *, as if the carriage had just been washed by the water, and everything seemed a little crumpled.

"Oh, it's water, it's a wonderful thing." The crow was held by the black cat with a rope, but he was still at ease, because there was too much water on the ground, and the crow stepped on the water with force, making the water splash and splash. Go to the front black cat's pants.

The black cat has no objection to this. In his opinion, this is just a naughty way of this little devil, but it still needs to be well adjusted, so he pulled the crow over, held the other's waist, and put a light kiss on his lips. .

The crow narrowed his eyes and leaned against the black cat's arms. He squeezed the man's chest, and heard the beautiful ... the heart-sounding music, as if intoxicated, said "You It really contradicts me, handsome sir. "

"What kind of contradiction?" The black cat lowered its head greedily, biting the crow's ear.

"I can't describe ... if you die here, it's really a shame." The crow wanted to hug a black cat, such as the one that couldn't hang on him, but his hands were already tightly bound status.

"I won't die," said the black cat.

They immediately went to see the message on the connection door of Car No. 3, which is a singular car, so the hint on this door has a completely new improvement over the previous one, and it is clear that this car, and 'water 'related.

[Car 3 is cursed]

[It will make you hallucinate about ‘deep sea’]

[Don't be defeated by your senses]

[Kill the enemy to get the key]

"I always thought that the tips on these doors were really interesting, weren't they?" The crow leaned on the black cat's body, he looked lazy, and his whole body was a boneless appearance. If the cat doesn't help him, the crow will definitely collapse to the ground softer.

"What an interesting way?" The black cat said almost vaguely against his face.

"Always try our best to let us kill each other."

Although the crow's hands were tied, but the arms were still moving, he raised his hands and wrapped the black cat's head with his arms. He hung on the black cat in this way, and hungrily gnawed on the black cat. Come and go.

The crow said, "Look, we don't have much time left at all. I bet that the previous carriage No. 5 must have been wasted for more than half an hour. We only have less than an hour, but there is a final big time ahead. Difficulty, oh ... why? I'm going to die anyway— "

"So you want to ...?" The black cat smiled and hugged the crow's waist.

The crow squinted, the tone was almost coquettish, and said temptingly, "Let's do it."

This suggestion is really tempting for black cats.

Especially the face of the crow *, the legs still slap on the black cat, and the kind of seductive seductiveness is not concealed at all. This is really tempting for a man with normal needs, such as the black cat ... No, it's very big, like poison in a candy coat.

"Come on ... your place is hard." The crow rubbed his own and the black cat down against each other, fully showing their attractiveness and charm.

Even the voice of speaking seemed to be wiped with honey. The crow said, "Don't you want it? You obviously like me ... you see my hands are tied up, I have no weapons on me, and I can't beat you Just like the little sheep slaughtered by others, don't you want to do anything? For example, pull my legs apart and come up and do me hard ... "

The crow's voice didn't drop, and the black cat hugged him tightly, sealing his delicious lips.

He pressed him to the sofa seat in the compartment. Although the sofa was not so wet, neither of them could care about that much. The black cat was completely deceived by the crow. He pressed the abominable little devil on the sofa and began to tear his clothes. The crow smiled with a scheming smile and seemed to have been planning something.

Just as they all began to forget, they didn't notice that the water on the ground began to increase.

Car No. 3 is a tightly closed car, because the front and rear connecting doors of each car are the heavy iron doors. As long as they are closed, it is as if each car is tightly sealed, so in general, If the water in car 3 rises, it is impossible for water to flow through the seam of the door of the car into another car.

Therefore, when the faucet in compartment No. 3 was opened automatically, there was no drainage channel on the floor of the toilet, and the toilet was still a closed toilet. So, the water from the faucet filled the entire sink, and then it leaked out along the sink. The toilet door was closed, but the water still flowed out along the gap of about a few centimeters under the toilet door and flowed out of the toilet door. On the aisle, they started to merge with those standing water on the ground.

The water began to increase, and the speed of the water flow was also fast. The head of the toilet was about to explode and leaked like crazy. In addition, the area of ​​the car itself was not large. Soon, the floor of the car was full. A layer of water that can flow over the soles of the shoes.

The black cat just wanted to take off the crow's pants, but had to stop.

The crow's upper body had been stripped, his hands were still tied, and he was lying on the sofa softly over his head. The black cat ran up and kissed his lips.

"You are so cute, baby." The black cat said to him, "I really want to get to you, but not now."

They were already able to hear the sound of gurgling water in the toilet, and the water on the ground was rising, and the situation suddenly became a bit grim. Because if they don't stop the turbulent water flow anymore, they will have to do it in the water, although this sounds very exciting.

The black cat pulled the crow up and re-dressed him, but still tied the crow's hands, he let the crow sit on the sofa honestly, and kissed his lips again: "Wait here for me."

After talking, the black cat walked to the toilet over the water. The speed of the water was very fast. It was really amazing speed. The accumulated water had already spread over the black cat's shoes, soaked his pants, and burst into the calf. The stagnant water even caused some garbage on the ground to float, and an empty plastic mineral water bottle floated by the black cat's feet.

The black cat glanced down at the water bottle. Somehow, he thought of something subtle, like a flash of aura.

But the thought flashed too fast. The black cat didn't catch it, so he had to walk towards the toilet. He found that the toilet door was tightly closed, but the water flowed out along the gap under the toilet door. , Constantly flowing out.

The black cat reached out and twisted the handle of the toilet door, but the handle remained tightly closed.

The door was actually locked.

The black cat realized that it wasn't great. After thinking for a while, he began to think about using more violent means to open the door, so he took a few steps back and started to kick the door.

The black cat has a lot of strength, and it is unambiguous to lift up the door, but I do n’t know why, the door of the toilet is unshakable as if it was Tarzan, and Haw stood tightly and stood there, leaving the black cat to death Alas, it just refuses to open. And the more black cats knock on the door, the water flows faster.

The black cat frowned slightly when he saw that he couldn't open the door. He realized that this closet would not be so simple. The waterline on the ground was getting higher, and it had already spread over the black cat's calf, and it was about to reach the knee.

The crow over there retracted his legs and sat on the sofa seat. The water was getting more and more. I'm afraid I won't even be able to sit on the sofa later. The crow was a bit sorry, and he could almost do with the black cat, as long as it wasn't these bad waters.

However, it seems interesting. The crow thought something and smiled.

The black cat couldn't open the toilet door, and later he couldn't open the door to the flight attendant's lounge. He had to walk back and saw the crow squatting on the sofa and paddling. The crow saw the black cat return, and blinked and stared at him, smiling, "Will we drown here? Although I can swim."

"We need to find a way to let the water run out, or find the key to leave the compartment as soon as possible," said Black Cat.

"Every carriage is a perfect closet ... I don't think there will be a way for us to get this stagnant water out." Raven said, looking a little unhappy.

"Broken those windows?" The black cat looked at the window of the carriage. It was still dark outside, and occasionally seemed to be able to flash a light spot or two, but it seemed like an illusion.

"You can try ..." The crow licked his lips: "The windows of the train are very thick and can withstand extreme pressure. Of course, most importantly, we don't have tools to break the glass here. Impossible, unless we have a hammer, and unless you are strong enough to break the glass with your bare hands. "

"Of course, even if these conditions are met," said Raven, "we may not break these **** glasses in the end."

"So it seems we can only choose to find the key to leave this compartment as soon as possible?" The black cat squinted at the crow.

The crow said, "There is no alternative, but do you know where the key is?"

This sentence made the black cat's eyes a bit cold.

"Actually, you have a hunch yourself, don't you?" The crow jumped into the water and walked in front of the black cat. Now, the water line of this water has run over the knees and reached the thighs, and the sofa seat has also been run over. The sofa was soggy.

"Think of what I said before." The Raven continued: "There is a dead cat in carriage 12, drowning in the water, with an inexplicable wound on his body."

"Is that referring to me?" The black cat looked at the crow. The crow was a little shorter, thinner and weaker than him.

"The key to compartment 12 is in the cat's belly." The crow affixed to the black cat, regretfully: "Why didn't you just do it with me just now? It would be a shame to die like this."

"If you do it with you, I will probably become like that cat." The black cat smiled suddenly: "Being scratched by your beast and drowning in the water, so you can be logical. Open my belly and take the key.

"Really, you don't know how to enjoy it." The crow crouched on the black cat's chest. "Died in the gentle village, isn't it?

The author has something to say: _ (: 3∠) _ I really want to write meat, but the army of crabs is too fierce ... 2k novel reading network