MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 68

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Before the annual holiday, there were quite a lot of changes.

The winter of this year was particularly cold, and the people in the city gradually dispersed. Lin Jingzhen felt the empty space very hard, just as he felt when he came to Yanshi for the first time.

The change of the city seems to start flowing in the water inadvertently. This is not a whale, but an encroachment that is increasing every day. There are more and more real estates under construction, and the traffic on the streets is getting denser. People living in it, even Lin Jingzheng could not be touched in the first time. Just when he came to the company this morning, Deng Mai’s family often followed him. Say: "Sure enough, it is almost the New Year, the subway actually has a location."

It is also very pitiful. It is a high-ranking executive who started from real estate. Deng Maida’s Chinese New Year is still going out early to get to work in the subway. In fact, Lin Jingyu gave him a very high salary, but the cost of this time is really too big.

He bought a house along the subway. Second-hand, the house is not too new, but the location is really very bullish, just in the right place. His past living expenses were too big, and his wages were all used to rush to catch up with the trend. This time, a huge sum of money made him short of a small amount of savings, and he also carried a loan for ten years. But even so, he still can't afford a new real estate, and he doesn't even think about the high-rise big family like Gao Jia and Zhou Jia.

Therefore, I feel that I am very embarrassed by comparison. He has been screaming at the news until the formalities are completed. As a result, Lin Jingyi went to see it and stayed completely. It was actually a small courtyard.

The yard was small, and there was a mess of sewage in the inside. It was also a bicycle that was ruthlessly abandoned by the host. The messy furniture piled up at the door of the house, and the tiled roof of the roof was broken. Deng Mai packed it up and looked very shy: "You all have a room, so what am I still... What about the house? I have to write a set of books. I have to spend enough money for a few years. Real estate, change a good place to live. Now it is not alright, hey, I still want to buy a car first."

Lin looked at the gates in the distance and muttered, "No, it's good here."

From the previous purchase of the house to the present, he has never thought of this choice, it is really a quadrangle thing, the next generation is really far from the normal real estate market. But in the moment, Yan City does not have the concept of perfecting the real estate. The courtyards in the alleys are almost full of mixed people, and the living environment is really not so comfortable. The commercial housing has just been launched, but it is modern and trendy. Compared with it, it is undoubtedly a more popular choice. The old residents who are well-off are moving in the new house.

Lin Jingsheng said this, Deng Mai thought it was comforting himself, very touched. To be honest, if he pays more for the down payment, he will definitely move to be a neighbor with Gao Shengjia. However, there is no hurry anyway, his salary will only get higher and higher, and it is not too late to buy a new house. Buy this set first, and he is a good family.

Lin Jingwei looked at him and smirked and busy, busy and busy, and could not help but sigh that some people have this wealth in their life. Although Deng Mai was not familiar with him in his life, it was obviously the best one of them. In this life, the other party bought a house casually, don’t look broken and small, and then live for ten or twenty years. It is estimated that it will be even higher than the 200 square meters of Gao Shengjia.

Deng Mai smashed the broken tiles scattered in the yard, and the momentum was still full of enthusiasm: "The next year, I will spend more money, and then I will sell this set and join the house downstairs."

Lin Jingyi came back to his heart and touched his forehead in a complicated mood to persuade him: "No, if you are not used to living, Gaosheng downstairs will buy as usual, and I will borrow if you are missing. I will keep it here, and don't sell it." Then the big yard, your parents will be older, and they will be able to take care of them.

When Deng Mai heard it, he suddenly felt very reasonable.

On the way back, he said to Lin Jingsheng: "Before the head of what TOBR company, I recently called Mao Dongqing about dinner. Recently, I heard that I also sent a gift to Mao Dongqing, do not stare. Point?"

Deng Mai is not responsible for investment, so it is not clear about the things in TOBR. He has a good relationship with Mao Dongqing, but his position is somewhat competitive. Therefore, he is very concerned about each other's movements. Lin Jingyu knows this well, but he does not intend to intervene to change anything. He and Deng Mai are good buddies, worry about each other's work and life, paving the way for each other, but never means truly trusting each other. For the identity of his boss, it is better for the two players to be slightly inferior than the ones.

What's more, Deng Mai and Mao Dongqing both have numbers. Although they sometimes fight, they encounter projects that need cooperation, and they will not be indiscriminately hidden. The projects of the comprehensive building will go very smoothly with the cooperation of the two. .

The opponent’s confidant trusts Lin’s horror, but he’s just shook his head: “Don’t worry about him.”

However, after the annual meeting, Mao Dongqing still voluntarily confessed to him, and also handed in a very trendy mobile phone.

He stared at the phone with his eyebrows, his eyes as if he were facing the flood beast: "The Grando people brought me, I refused to accept it, but the man left and left."

Nowadays, the relationship between TOBR and the comprehensive building has been completely reversed. In the past, Mao Dongqing chased after the **** and asked for the TOBR to enter. At the moment, it was changed to TOBR. After Mao Dongqing, he sought the opening of the comprehensive building. In cooperation with the Sifeng Square, the Sifeng Square immediately changed its position. From the high-end luxury brand that conflicted with the comprehensive building, it stepped into the middle and high-end market. The direct bridge between the two malls immediately joined the construction plan after the approval. This ingenious concept also directly combined the influence of the two malls into one, and the organization became the most invincible in the shopping mall circle under construction in Yanshi. the power of.

Once the cooperation news came out, the brand side took the initiative to contact the investment department of the comprehensive building. Gao Sheng has accumulated some roads in the fashion circle for advertising reasons, and also contacted Mao Dongqing for several brands that have not yet clearly expressed their desire to enter Yanshi. The two sides have negotiated very harmoniously and have already fainted some intentions.

Grande has no choice. The decision-making tendency of these same-grade brands has already affected the TOBR head office. The senior executives of the company have personally questioned the location of Yanshi. As the head of TOBR China, which currently has only one store to manage, Grande’s rights are far from enough. What he is most worried about now is that the former grievances that started with the real estate will be known by the head office. In case the TOBR can't enter the same mall with the brand of the same stall because of his reasons, then his **** will give him unlimited scenery. Location, I don't know how long I can sit.

Therefore, he simply ignored the face, desperately trying to rebuild the old with Mao Dongqing, stalking and killing all the best, made Mao Dongqing heard the name recently like a ghost.

Lin Jingxiao smiled and took the phone to his hand: "Confiscation."

Mao Dongqing looked at his expression and knew that he didn't go to the heart, and he couldn't help but relax: "Receive it. Just Lin, and Grande have nothing to do with these gifts. I think TOBR's cooperation, the company can still consider it. ”

Lin Jing asked him: "You don't care for him?"

Mao Dongqing has no doubt that if he is difficult to forgive the grandfather, Lin Jingyi will never let the TOBR enter the mall. In the past year, there are bosses who will not be able to earn money in order to give their employees a sigh of relief. He feels unacceptable and inevitably feels moved and caring. Lin Jingyi is willing to give him a gas, he should not ignore the company's interests, so after a smile, only whispered: "I haven't taken him seriously."

However, the two sides did not break up at the beginning, and the cooperation could be smashed, but there was no such thing as a favorable condition.

Shop area? Zoom out!

Along the street? cut back!

Rent discount? reduce!

The rest, etc., and Grand really took the stone and licked his feet. He was very dissatisfied with this. He also knew that the head office would definitely return the questioning voice after the signing of the contract, but remembered that the task was released on the shoulder, and finally only the bite was signed.

TOBR officially announced that it has reached an investment agreement with the real estate under construction.

One of the most positioned shopping malls in Yan City has opened the curtain in the dust of the construction site.


Lin Jingyi will take a few other photos from Mao Dongqing’s mobile phone and give it to Gao Jia and Zhou’s elders.

Deng Mai set off early and returned to Jinyun. His parents are still working in Jinyun. At least they can't live without retirement. It is even more impossible to give up the familiar environment and go to Yancheng for the New Year. Therefore, this year's New Year's dinner can only miss a small partner.

Everyone was reunited at the home of Zhou Haijun, and the big restaurant was very busy.

Ms. Zhou directly placed her face on the table and learned the habits of the northerners in Yan City. Lin Jingyu and Gao Sheng Zhou Haiqi were both dragged to help, and the speed of the three people who made dumplings could not catch up with the skin that Ma’s mother had picked up. She really has a talent for cooking, but all the work related to the kitchen can be done very beautifully. The rolling pin was gently pressed, and the other hand then took a wave, and a soft rounded dough flew up in a volley, rotated and thrown to the table, and then was stuffed with a full stuffing and broken.

"Which day, which day." Hu Yu was on the side of the forest, and the horror package broke more than a dozen dumplings. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I stepped forward to the troubled child. "Go and watch TV." you guys."

After the forest horror was pushed open, he wiped the surface of his hand and did not leave. Hearing everyone’s family.

This is the first year they have spent in Yan City. In the new house, it is completely different from the past ten or twenty years, but it is magical and does not make anyone feel strange. Sure enough, to reunite this kind of thing, no matter where it is, as long as it is the right person, even if it is a strange environment, it can still be filled with the atmosphere of "home".

Everyone's life is on the right track, and there are busy schedules on weekdays, and they rarely get together. But leaving work and school, returning to life, they are still close to a family who can talk about nothing.

Ms. Zhou should be the busiest one. The bean paste of Haishu Food Factory has been quickly promoted to major cities across the country by the Dongfeng of the “Land of the Rivers and Lakes”. In order to supply such a huge market, she was almost busy building new factories in the last few months. Due to the large floor space, the second factory could not be settled in Yanshi. She and Wang Quan directly set the site in the neighboring city, and set up all the production lines at one time.

The popularity of the bean paste and the influence of the advertisement of "The Legend of the Rivers and Lakes" far exceeded their expectations. Lin Jingyu held a 35 percent stake and the dividends he received last year exceeded five million. Although he did not get the money at the end of the day, the profit was directly invested in the new factory. After the completion of the new factory, according to the current development, it is also possible to guess how high the future return will be.

That would be a terrible number.

Hu Yu quickly made dumplings and said what happened to him at school recently.

She wore new clothes from Lin’s horror, her shirt was white, and she cut a long hair in her hair, just like her quiet and supple temper. In the afternoon, I read a book for a while. Her glasses on the bridge of the nose forgot to pick it up. I looked down at the fat dumplings in my hands. The faint appearance looked like a teacher who was carefully correcting the homework.

Lin Jingyi is also able to understand the inside story of her listening to the normal school, it is very magical to say.

Hu Yu’s age is the biggest resistance of her postgraduate study. Even if the results are good, I am afraid that few instructors will be willing to accept such students who are nearing retirement age. Hu Yu is also obviously aware of her shortcomings. She reviewed her work very hard, especially in English, which is not very good at it, and almost read the information book as a meal. There was nothing to do on weekdays. In addition to going downstairs to help the neighbors’ children in the community, she ran to the normal school when she was free. She just wanted to mix classes, but this special face was not twice. I recognized it.

The education department has a veteran professor in his fifties who is relatively soft-hearted. She sees her taking notes so seriously in a group of young students. She does not drive away every time she recognizes her, but she does not see it.

But not all professors have this heart, so Hu Yu is often "pleased" outside the classroom.

She was thin and was embarrassed to sneak into the classroom when she was asked to go out. She only listened to the outside of the classroom. As a result, when the focus was on the handrails of the corridor, the old professor was seriously recruited to the office.

The old professor took a few papers that Hu Yu tried to write before, and she took a dog blood sprinkler. After she finished, she gave her a formal hearing.

After the hearing, Hu Yun became more and more busy, and the classes that he could go to did not fall. The old professor will occasionally arrange for her to enter several small classrooms. If she has nothing to do, she will arrange her homework. Once the content is not satisfied, it is absolutely fierce to make a loud voice.

When Hu Yu made a dumpling at this time, she still remembered several references that I had read through in the afternoon. I was afraid that there would be something wrong with the homework of the New Year, and she would be more serious than her pro-sister Gao Sheng.

Before Gao Sheng’s exam, he was busy dealing with the business of the advertising company. He didn’t have time to review it. He also hanged a section. Others also flew low.

However, he secretly stunned Yulin and Zhou Haijun not allowed to go out.

Fortunately, this year, no one has time to care about his achievements. Zhou Haijun, who is about to turn to a professional, is the top priority of the finale.

One hundred dumplings were gradually formed in the hands of Hu Yu, and there were ten patches and patches in the forest. The two dads who were hiding in the living room and didn't want to work were summoned and took the tray to the kitchen to make dumplings. The boiling water in the pot blew the steam of the clouds, and the fathers were busy in the kitchen of the Sun Street snack bar all the time. After all, they could not escape the scene at the end of the year.

But men also have their careers.

The dad in the kitchen with the dumplings discussed the opening of the branch next year.

The store in Sun Street was opened at the beginning of the year, and it is nearly a year away. In less than a year, the reputation has already started in the circle of residents in the south of the city. Although Zhou’s craftsmanship is not as good as that of Zhou’s mother, it is still much stronger than most of the current restaurants. Zhou’s father, who is satisfied with Xiaofu’s being safe, has been stimulated by his wife’s increasingly large-scale career. He is uneasy. Behind.

More and more passengers and increasingly crowded shops made him realize that expansion is imperative.

He took a new wave of apprentices and also optimistic about the next target store. This time it is a bustling commercial district in the east of the city, with a shop area of ​​200 square feet.

Zhou Fu wants to officially change the business model of “snack bar” into “restaurant”.

However, Zhou’s mother was busy with the work of Haishu Food Factory. She had no energy to participate anymore. Zhou’s biggest partner became a high-winner. This pair of buddies who have been very happy in the snack bar decided to continue to entangle, the two sides re-allocate the shares in accordance with the proportion of capital contribution, Zhou Dad out of the craft, Gao Fu manages the operation.

The aroma of the dumplings thumped up and drained into the frame with a big spoon. Gao Sheng first poked a chopstick and handed it to Lin’s mouth.

Lin horrified and bite into the mouth, the dumplings are tuned to the three fresh stuffing, but Zhou mother can never put a simple three fresh inside - pork mixed with shrimp, corn, mushrooms, fungus, etc. And other accessories, wrapped in a bag of soup in the mouth burst, soft and hot.

"good to eat!"

The meat bag in the cage was also cooked. Zhou mother hurriedly took the plate and handed it over to the children: "First eat the pad and the stomach, the dinner is not finished yet, I don't know when to eat."

The fluffy dough of the meat buns was just right. When it was placed on the plate, it even swayed back and forth. The smell of the milky scent was immediately overwhelmed by the scent of the stuffing, and the oily gravy could not wait to flow from the gap. Come out, spread on the dough, and the hungry forest stunned three to eat one.

The New Year’s Eve is still being done, and it will take at least a few hours to complete the situation.

He hurriedly took out several incubators from the cupboard and put the dumplings and meat buns that were drained in the basket: "I am going out!"

"Where are you going! The outside is so cold!" Hu Yu hurriedly chased him to the gate, anxious.

Lin stunned and smiled at her while wearing a coat: "Someth, I will be back soon."

Hu Yuchao's corridor stretched his neck: "You wear more!"


Lin Runsheng was squatting in the room, his eyes watching the phone from time to time, and he repeated it again and again: "You call the horror."

Shen Hao helped the aunts at home to organize the dishes, and heard the words silently watching her husband: "I will say it again, this call must be played by you personally."

Lin Runsheng frowned fragilely. His heart was filled with intense uneasiness and fear. What should he say after connecting the phone?

Will the horror be willing to come to the house to eat New Year's Eve? Didn’t call all day, was it euphemistically refusing? Lin Runsheng is very worried that what he is doing will irritate the other party out of time. Therefore, he wants to move a few times, and he is suppressed by the hesitation of his heart.

Shen Tiantian was scared by his frowning appearance and sat on the sofa without breathing. The door bell rang and couldn’t wait to jump and open the door. The cold wind ran down the gap in the door. She hadn't seen who was outside the house, and her mouth was stuffed with a hot thing.

The subconscious chewed two, the stuffing of the dumplings filled the mouth, and an unexpected face appeared in the line of sight. The sweet and sweet eyes suddenly lit up and rushed to the other's arm: "Brother!"

Lin was shocked by her face: "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year!" Shen sweet sweet door is not closed, pulling Lin Jingyi and squatting into the house, "Come in, brother, you are all snow, cold outside."

Lin Jingyu was pulled by her, and she quickly stood still. She stuffed the two insulated buckets into the arms of her little girl: "I won't go in and give you something."

Shen Tian sweet stunned, and immediately turned around and looked at the room, Lin Runsheng and Shen Yu had already ran out, and I was surprised to see Lin Jingzhen.

Sinking up and wanting to pull: "All go home, why not eat together, don't go!"

Lin Runsheng also frowned: "The snow is so big outside, where do you want to go?"

Lin was shocked and helpless, but his attitude was very determined. He smiled and pleaded guilty: "I really can't do it, and I still wait to eat there."

Shen Yan saw that he was serious. He was hesitant to pull the man's movements for a while. Lin Jingyu rushed to get out: "Go! I will come back to you on the first day of the year, Happy New Year!"

Lin Runsheng sighed, Shen Yan can only helplessly compromise, rushed people to pack some dishes, and pulled out the red envelope Chaolin horror pockets: "Happy New Year, good luck, must pay attention to safety, must come back to eat tomorrow, I don't go anywhere with your dad. If you don't see anyone, just wait for you at home."

After seeing Lin’s horror, Lin Runsheng’s mouth was stunned.

Sinking and touching his back comforted him: "Well! What do you want, horror will come to you for the New Year, what can be dissatisfied!"

Lin Runsheng committee succumbed to open the insulated barrel, gazing at the inside and poked a dumpling.

This dumpling does not have a shape, and the convexity of the concave and convex is like a pinch of the bear's paw.

"This dumpling is really ugly." He cherished the dumpling into his mouth, slowly and calmly said, "It must not be a thriller."

Shen Tian sweetly pouted and sent Lin Jingsheng to the yard, still unhappy: "Why don't you eat at home, I told my friends to come to see you at home."

Lin Jingzhen did not expect that she would want to introduce herself to a friend, for a moment of laughter, gently licking her mouth: "Next time, next time I take a whole day to take you out to play."

Shen Tianmei looked a little lost, and when he saw him in the car, he waved his hand a little, and said goodbye: "My brother, goodbye."

"It's cold outside, let's go in."

He immediately drove to the depths.

The car just drove into Xiao's yard, and was catching up with a car inside, breaking through the snow and opening it. After a certain distance from the other side of the brush, Xiao Chi drilled out from the inside, and his eyes obviously had an accident.

Lin Jingsheng got off the car with a heat preservation bucket and hurried to him with heavy snow: "Where are you going in the big night?"

Xiao Chi opened his mouth and looked at the two insulated buckets in his hand. He suddenly laughed and reached out and blocked his head and broke him into the room.

Xiao's unique aroma mixed with warm air, and when he heard the door open, he glanced at the outside of the Chaos and saw his son immediately asked: "Isn't it to send dumplings to the horror? I forgot to bring something." ?"

Lin Jingyi followed the door and heard a slight glimpse. Xiao Chi’s low voice rang in front of him: “There was a shock.”


Xiao’s parents ran out together, and Yu’s dress was bought by Lin’s horror, and after seeing Lin’s horror and Lin’s stunned pockets, he laughed: “You are a child! What are you running!"

Lin stunned and slowed down, and blinked his face, Xiao Chi, one hand quietly clenched with the other side, smiled and said: "Come on the road, happy New Year."

Xiao Chi's fiery fingers plunged into his fingers, interlocking with his fingers, turning his head and staring at him: "The hand is so cold."

Yu Yu is also a helpless face: "Happy New Year. How to wear so little, come in and come in quickly."

When the old lady heard his voice, he smiled and came out of the temple. He hung a red rope around his head: "Amitabha, you bad boy, I have waited for you for a day."

Lin stunned and looked down and found that the red rope was hooked with a talisman.

The amulet was made by oneself. The stitches were not so tight. Xiao Chi pulled it from the sweater and pulled out exactly the same one. He explained to him: "There are one children at home."

Children at home.

Lin smiled and grinned: "Thank you, Grandma."

The old lady had opened the insulation box he brought, took a steamed buns and ate it, and smiled at him while eating: "It's delicious."

Xiao Shenxing sighed aside and said: "The rice is almost ready, don't stand at the door, come in quickly."

Lin Jingyu has refused to experience, and he only smiled and said: "The family is still waiting."

Whether his words are serious, Xiao Chi can hear it, so he took the lead before the mother continued to export and retained: "Then I will send you."

Xiao Mama can only pack a few more dishes to let Lin take it away, and then look at the two backs of the door, some helplessly said to her husband: "The two children, really..."

Xiao Chi just put a box of dumplings out and said that she would send it to Lin Jingzhen. She still felt that she couldn't understand it. She didn't expect her son to go out before the door. Lin Jing's foot came early.

Sure enough, it was a young man who secretly pulled his hand at the gate, thinking that the elders could not see it, and she was embarrassed to follow her.

Xiao Dad snorted and was not convinced after Lin’s refusal. He had originally planned to introduce the other party to the guests who came to visit the New Year.

Xiao Chi took Lin’s hand and sent him to the car parked outside the hospital. The two men reluctantly held each other, and the sight of the intersection under the night entangled into a pile of unbreakable wool.

Lin Jingsheng whispered: "Happy New Year."

Xiao Chi leaned in, didn't kiss, just touched his forehead gently.

"happy New Year."

Lin’s speed was much slower than when he came, and when he came out, he wandered into the courtyard of Fang’s house – there was also a copy of Fang’s father.

Fang Wenhao’s parents were also at home in the New Year. After listening to the introduction of the old man, they knew that the far-reaching antiques were actually donated by such a young man. The attitude was surprisingly warm and polite, and it was the red envelope and the return of the dishes. Lin Jingyi left. At the time, I also went out to send it.

Finally, after the gift was delivered, Lin’s horrified car slowly opened in the direction of the home, and the snow fluttering in the place where the lights were hit in the night was beautiful.

The car audio played a brisk song, and he sang happily, looking straight ahead and passing by a car that was on the way.

"Wait!" Shi Nanxing, who was allowed to leave the hospital in the 30th year of the car, suddenly stopped calling the driver, then squatted on the window and looked at the light of the street lamp. The more he saw it, the more familiar he was. "That is not Lin." What a thrilling car?!"

"It seems to be oh." Kay Kay took a look at the rear window. "What have he been doing over the years?"

Could it be to see the parents of Xiao family? Hahahahaha! He is so playful and thinking, I think this reason is quite possible!

Shi Nanxing opened his door and opened the door. He used the lights to analyze the traces of the forest thriller’s tires from the snow. But this time there was a lot of traffic. He looked at it for a long time and barely saw a new mark. .

From the direction of Lin Jingyu’s departure, it has been stretched into the courtyard of Fang’s house.

Humph! It turned out to be a party! The relationship between the New Year and the New Year is coming!

Shi Nanxing consciously found out the truth, his face could not help but reveal a contemptuous expression, quite straightforwardly disdain, and snorted in the direction of Lin Jingyu’s departure.

Qi Kai did not know the situation, and he poked his head and called him: "Hey, why are you getting off the bus, the outside is so cold, your legs are not so good, be careful and fall -"

His voice has not yet landed, and Shinan, who is heading toward the direction of the car, slips and stuns.


A sturdy glimpse of it, someone who fell in the place was stunned.

A few seconds later, a mourning smashed the sky and rushed into the night. Lin Runsheng, who was eating dumplings from the forest thriller, looked up and was surprised to see the darkness.

"what sound?"

Shen Yanran said: "I don't know, which one is killing chicken."

Lin stunned his forefoot to the home, the back foot phone rang, and Xiao Chi’s gentle voice seemed like a warm light in the winter: "Is it home?"

"Come on." Lin Jingyu took off his coat with the help of Hu Yu and took the insulated barrel back to the restaurant. Xiao Chi’s breath could hear the sound of snoring. "Is the guest coming from home?"

"Yeah." Xiao Chi said, "I am, my aunt, and a few relatives."

In the background sound, a strange female voice smiled and asked: "Hey, eat a meal, who is Xiao Chi calling? This expression is gentle..."

Xiao Chi ignored it, and Lin Jingyi listened to him and asked: "Is it home?"

Xiao Chi replied to the outside of the phone, Yu Yudao said: "Call Xiaolin quickly brought him the hot soup to drink. This child is really so cold outside, just dressed too little."

It seems to be answering the question from the female voice: "Xiao Chi called his object. The child just gave us dumplings and walked on the front foot. Whether he cares about him, let them talk to themselves, let's eat first... ..."

Xiao Chi seems to be leaving, the phone is gradually quiet, and Lin Lin stunned Dong Laxi to talk a little bit sticky.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jingzhen had some stunnedness. He took out the red envelope that he had just stuffed him from his pocket, staring at the words "peace and joy" on the red envelope, and sighed softly.

The father who opened the insulated bucket on the table poured the dish into the dish and looked at him curiously. "Where did you go? Who is calling to report peace? It is so old."

"Definitely with him." Zhou mother, who is familiar with the situation, squeezed a smile and asked, "Is it?"

Lin Jingwei looked at the attention of the last room, and after half a sigh, he closed the phone and smiled.

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