MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 5

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Just when the Yanshi Capital Museum urgently dispatched personnel to start preparations for important antiques to meet the work, in the southern province of Qiannan, thousands of miles away, there was a younger brother and sister who had not slept for a few days.

Jiang Xiaoyun couldn't figure out how to do it, and his own good plan would not even be able to open his head.

In order to ensure the safety of their work, in order to ensure their safety, Jiangcai and Lin Jingsheng must first be put on the line. However, since the first attempt to lose, many days later, they have not been able to find other suitable entry points. Lin stunned oil and salt did not enter, his character was too suspicious, and when the funeral was over, he changed his lock at home. Every day he went out and sticked with his screaming child, and did not give them. The opportunity to be close to me.

Wang Kechang, who is on the other side of the provincial city, has made several phone calls in the past few days. He has been very impatient with the attitude. He talked about the land approval of this group in the southern part of the city, and he is also very prepared to play with the Jiang family. the meaning of. Seeing that the situation is imminent, let alone Jiang Xiaoyun's younger brother, even the people in the provincial capital are just in a hurry. She changed her mind and wanted to exchange feelings with her son. It was urgent to even call the school.

But of course, Lin Jingzhen did not pick up after knowing the address of the caller.

Jiang Xiaoyun was so violently screamed by these hearts every day, and at that point, he met everyone who wanted to find a sly, and finished his brother’s analysis of the plan’s phone call, and his husband Liu De’s dog’s blood sprinkler, but there is no other way, she can only The arms are stiff and sitting on the head and angry.

Jiang Run heard the phone call: "Mom, is it for Lin Jingzhen?"

"This little bastard!" Jiang Xiaoyun hated and said, "Get a few broken antiques, and quickly forget that your name is awkward. Even the soft words of your mother don't eat. It's really a bastard."

Jiang Run heard the words sitting next to her, his face was very gloomy. On Monday, after the flag-raising ceremony, he was sneaked to the red company by the teaching director, and he was reviewed in the face of the teachers and students of the school. After the scatter of the sneer in all directions, he hated not being able to get into the mud, and he didn't want to live more in this world for a minute. It’s just that the shame is thrown into your home.

Lin Jingzhen is a big disaster star, and he has no good things when he meets him!

If it weren’t on the top of the head that had not yet fallen, Jiang Run had to find a chance to beat him.

However, listening to the meaning of the mother and the ape, it seems that with the antiques in the hands of Lin Jingyu, they can catch up with the big guys in the provincial capital.

If it is true, he is afraid of remembering what he remembered? People raise their hands casually, and the good universities in the province don’t just pick them up? Jiang Run’s mind was moved, and he pondered more. He gave his mother an idea: “Since he is toasting and not eating, let’s give him some color. Mom, you are not convenient to come here, I am coming!”


Hu Yu spent a few days studying the sets of textbooks. The more I studied, the more I felt that there was a door. The original belief in Lin’s sixty-five words was now rising to 90%.

She dreamed of pondering students' progress in school. Of course, when she found new findings, she could not sit still and urgently revised the new curriculum. She found the school leaders with the textbooks and the preparation of the curriculum.

It is unfortunate that the school leaders are not the same thing.

Hu Yu had to contact several class teachers in other classes. As a result, none of the class teachers supported her.

The class directors of the 234 class were fairly kind. When they looked at the textbooks, they were also picking up faults.

“Communication synthesis? Series synthesis? This type of question is too difficult!”

"That is, this product quality curve, even I have to count for a long time, this is not in the application range of high school students!"

"You are too over-prepared. How can you get it? Now is the review stage. The students' classes are so fast. We have come up with this set of materials, which is entirely in the seedlings."

"No, no, no."

Hu Yu's eyebrows are deep-locked: "Don't let them down with a bite, look at them more, see more and you will definitely change."

The class teachers were unmoved, and it was inevitable that although they could not see the surface, they couldn’t look down on Hu Yu, who was too old to be too old. Hu Yu’s proposal to them is like a primary school student trying to guide college students how to write a thesis. Who would really be the same thing?

Li Yurong is even more ironic on the spot: "What do you think? It's no wonder that the results of the five classes are always going up. I don't want to go to class. I am busy studying these things. So many teachers and school leaders have spent the school. After more than half a year of painstakingly reviewing the textbooks, you feel that they are not as good as the books they bought at Xinhua Bookstore. Teacher Hu, what do you mean? You are so capable, how can the scores of the five classes be the last?

Li Yurong is a new teacher who came to school a few years ago. His background is very deep, but his qualifications are not strong. Therefore, the benefits that come down all the way are naturally plundered by others who should have enjoyed them.

Preparation of quotas, provincial training, good teacher selection... Even before Li Yurong came, Hu Yu was once a class teacher. The contradiction between the two of them is well known throughout the school, so that Li Yurong’s performance in the five classes is particularly unsatisfactory, but she is so sharp-minded that Hu Yu’s honest middle-aged woman has resisted it, often as it is now. Being ironic and red-faced, I don’t know how to refute it. I can only get angry and tearful.

The other teachers were Li Yurong's delicate brows and wrinkles. But the profession of the teacher is noble and well-placed, but it is also an ordinary workplace. On the one hand, the old teachers who dare to light up the welfare of the school leaders, and the neighbors who can enter and leave the principal's office at any time, offend the latter for the former, obviously not worth the candle.

Li Yurong saw that Hu Yu’s thin back was ridiculed by himself. He sneered and wanted to say it again, but he was so scared that he was forgotten by a loud noise.

Everyone was subconsciously looking at the door. At the door of the teacher's office, Lin Jingzhen, a school uniform, looked at the room with his hands and expressions. He took back the foot of the door and looked at Li Yurong's face, as if he had just done nothing. He said to Hu Yudao: "Mr. Hu, go to class."

The school uniform is very large, and it is set on his tall and thin body. It has a very common style, but it has a very different temperament. It can't be seen how people can't move their eyes.

Hu Yu wiped her tears, nodded gratefully, and hurriedly gathered the teaching materials.

Lin Jingyu stared at Li Yurong for a while and then left.

It wasn't until the white, thin and delicate face left the line of sight that Li Yurong seemed to have recovered his breath, and then he burned it in anger: "Look at him, what does it look like..."

It is a pity that no one is in the same enemy. The other class teachers have some sneak peeks. No one wants to listen to her complaints.

Li Yurong’s class is five classes of English. When she thought of going to classmates for Lin Jingyu, she was very uncomfortable. I just picked up a few textbooks and took a few lessons. She decided that the class would still let the group of junk students study by themselves, but before she announced her self-study, she must reprimand the forest.

Who knows that when she stepped into the door of the fifth class, she couldn’t even open the door, and she was almost blinded by the 50-year-old student.

"Li Yurong, get out! Li Yurong, get out! Li Yurong, get out!"

Fifty students, while holding the book and slamming the desktop, the sound of the sound of the sound, the mountains and the tsunami, shocked Li Yurong and even feet can not open.

She stood in the spotlight and waited until she realized what was going on.

Lin Jingzhen sat at the last table, by the window, with one hand and one hand, and slouching the whole class. The whole class took the director under the command of Deng Mai, who was on the same table, and alerted several principals.

The students collectively striked classes, which has never been seen before in the middle of the school. For a teacher, there is no greater humiliation than this. Even though this humiliation came from a group of students who had never been seriously taught, Li Yurong felt that it was difficult to accept. She leaned on the corridor and cried so badly that she was stunned with bald heads and huge belly. The headmaster of the middle school was with him and was comforting her with a distressed face.

The director of the school brought back the unsuccessful news of communication, and at the same time, Li Yurong, who learned about himself, reported the situation of the five classes of students self-study courses to the principal. How much can he understand the anger of the five classes of students, and the teacher like Li Yurong is better than nothing.

As soon as the vice-president heard the situation, his face became very ugly. He thought that only the students were simply disobedient, and when they thought, there would be such an embarrassing inside.

He solemnly criticized: "Mr. Li, you are too irresponsible..."

Li Yurong heard that he was exposed to the old end, crying more and more, the headmaster could not bear it, and defended her: "Now, instead of investigating responsibility, it is better to think about how to solve this matter, and the chance of criticism will be there later!"

However, the law does not blame the public. At the time of entering the school, it is impossible for the school to simultaneously impose sanctions on more than 50 students at the same time. Therefore, the best solution is that Li Yurong did not do this and continued to go back to class.

But how could Li Yurong agree? She refused to voice her voice: "I don't teach!! I don't teach!! I don't want to teach this group of garbage students!!!!"

The headmaster was silent and sighed and discussed with the vice-president: "If they don't want to take English classes, let them go."

"President, how can this be! I will have a college entrance exam soon..." The vice-president’s face disagreed.

The headmaster patted Li Yurong's shoulder and comforted him. He interrupted his words a little impatiently: "I don't want to drink water, can we still make strong heads? On five classes, students are unorganized and undisciplined, and their achievements are a mess. You still count on their college entrance exam..."

He couldn't take it for granted. The vice-president couldn't stand it. He could only helplessly see Li Yurong, who was crying softly on his legs, and then went to the line of sight with the director who didn't know what to say.

They all understand that the five shifts were completely abandoned.

The troubles of the adults can't affect the children. In the classroom, they realized that they had successfully ousted Li Yurong's five classes of students and cheered.

Deng Mai tapped the pencil case and ran around the classroom happily, then sighed and stunned at the forest thriller table: "Man, you are too cow."

For a year in a row, Li Yurong basically did not give them a new lesson. Every time the class bell rang, she came in at the 260,000 to sit on the podium and announce the self-study. Wait for the forty minutes of class. Time, she did not do anything, but also always yin and yang sneer.

Wherein the key is that she also fudged the five classes of directors Yu Yu!

The students in the five classes have good grades, but they are not worried. Hu Yu knows how good they are and how well they know, so why not love learning, math class also try not to sleep quietly.

New hatreds and old hate a lot, the five classes of students have long wanted to drive away Li Yurong, but have been afraid of being punished by the school or called the parents, has been holding the gas.

But now, they actually rely on their own strength to fight the headmaster and dare not say anything, but also get what they want!

Lin Jingyi's two long, white fingers clamped Deng Mai's chin and shook his black face with a sigh of reverence and a close look.

Once the news of a middle school student’s strike is loud, even if the trouble is only the class with the worst performance, the headmaster has to eat and leave.

This kind of institution, the school that has already entered the society, has already stripped off the sacred cloak.

He ended his support, took back his hand, took out his chosen English textbook, lazily leaned back on his seat, and threw the textbook on the table.

"Don't be too happy." Lin Jingyi slowly opened the book and flipped it over. He placed the catalog page in the eyes of Deng Mai, and gently pointed a finger. "From now on, I will come to English." Lesson. If you are disobedient, I will ask you."

The morning sun penetrated the window and sprinkled on his white face. Deng Maifu looked down and looked up at his slightly raised squat and his slightly raised eyes, and he actually gave birth to a tamed loyalty.

After he had been there for a while, he suddenly returned to God and suddenly thought of something. He looked around and confessed to Lin’s ear and whispered: “Brother, telling you something, a class of Jiang Run is outside these days. I met a few big brothers, and someone gave me a line report, saying that he had a bragging with a girl and said that he would take a big brother to block you outside the school."

Lin stunned and moved to the side, avoiding the face that Deng Mai had come over, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his brother, Deng Mai was one and a half years older than himself.

As for Jiang Run and what "big brother"...

The big brothers in Jinyun City are just like jokes. They just mix some money and see the real underworld. They are afraid that they can scare the urine.

Lin Jingxi knows that Jiang Run’s sudden boldness is sure to have Jiang’s handwriting. The purpose is obvious. As for how to deal with his heart, he has a long-term calculation. Compared with this, he is more concerned with himself. Since the rebirth, there has been no other appearance since the reunion - Zhou Haijun.

Zhou Haijun has not come to school for a week, and Gao Sheng has not heard from him recently.

I was wondering about this, teaching the footsteps of the rushing head outside, and the long-awaited Gao Sheng, who was carrying his broken bag, also came in.

He still didn't know what happened in his class. He saw no teacher in the classroom. He immediately sighed and then slammed into the table at Lin's thriller.

"Shocked!" He brought back a heavy news. "I saw Zhou Haijun at the night market in Baima Street last night. He recognized a powerful big brother, and he was eager to invite us to eat supper tonight. Let's go or not? The chance is rare!"

Gao Sheng’s simple face is filled with the pride of being appreciated by the “world leader”. Lin Jingyu knows that this is the means by which the pheasant mixes and recruits the horse.

He stood up with the English textbook and prepared to teach on the podium. The emotions in his eyes were dark and unclear: "I am going."

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