MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 43

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In Yan's home, Gao Sheng's father, Gao Changyuan, has quit his job in the construction site in Gunan, and rushed here with a big bag.

This rushing road, his heart is excited. In the New Year, Zhou’s parents were ready to open a new store to talk to him many times, and finally he was told. Gao Changyuan has no knowledge of the world of self-employed people. He is also skeptical about the business that Zhou Jia’s parents can earn thousands of dollars a month. The main reason for the shake is that the construction site is too hard. In the hot sun, the rain and snow are hard to resist. Every day, the car pulls the bricks and climbs up and down the wind and rain. After a few years, his body has been exhausted. The key point is that the construction site in Gunan this year is difficult to see, the building is still being built, and the wages are not available. The foreman even wants to recruit people, and directly collects a group of teams to go to other provinces.

That is farther away from the clouds. Compared to going to other provinces, even if the wages are lower, he is more willing to come to Yan City. At least his son is here, and he is free to do business. What's more, according to the meaning of Zhou's parents, the money earned by opening a store may be more than that at the construction site.

The concept of Zhou’s father is that the business of the catering industry is too busy. The couple are mainly busy eating, and it is difficult to balance the operation outside the kitchen. The store involves money management work. They can't completely personally and don't feel comfortable recruiting individuals. It's better to find a knowledgeable person. Gao Changyuan has known them for many years. The two children have been playing together since childhood. They know everything about each other. First, they run the monk and can't run the temple. The other high-long-term character is also good. It has been so many years in the group. People have always been honest and sincere, and the wind evaluation is good.

Therefore, the couple even had a profit of 20%. They just pulled him over. After a long and long-term heartbeat, they were a little embarrassed. They also refused to take shares. I heard that Zhou’s parents are in Yanshi some time ago. Looking for the storefront, I rushed to send a thousand and four hundred pieces, which is already all the savings he can make.

One party is honest and the other is simple. It is impossible for such two families to collide. In the past few days, Zhou’s father went to see the location chosen by the couple. Gao Changyuan was very satisfied. It was just that the decoration had come to an end. He rolled up his sleeves and helped to move the furniture together.

Lin Jingsheng was busy with work and school. He didn't know the store's business. He also followed it to see it. In fact, he was somewhat surprised by the decisiveness and efficiency of these middle and senior generations.

I have to say that he was too small to see them before. He once thought that to let these uncles and aunts get rid of the regrets of his previous life, he had to succeed in having capital, but he did not know that they just lacked a proper opportunity. Although Zhou’s parents were only a worker, they were not too small. From beginning to end, in addition to side-clicking and pushing the waves, Lin Jingzhen gave almost no substantial help to their career development, but their careers developed so quickly.

The new store is just a short distance from home. This piece is not far from the famous university of Yantong University and the famous universities around it. The back is the community they are renting now. The size of this community is now one of the best in Yan City. The street is also close to the two streets of the east, so the surrounding people are absolutely dense, and there is no need to worry about the source.

The store is not big, dozens of squares, after separating the kitchen, probably only six or seven sets of tables and chairs can be opened. But it is precisely because of this, the rent of the store is not high, just well accommodated in a range that Zhou Jia parents can afford.

The location and price are so suitable, even if I let Lin Jingzhen find it, I can't find a better one. In terms of money, Zhou’s parents did not ask him for any help, and he did not care too much. Although Lin Jingzhen is familiar with Gao Sheng and Zhou Haijun's personality, their parents may not know the roots. Adult society only has their regulations. It is not necessarily a good thing to involve too much money.

Seeing that everything is on the right track, he also safely started the pickpocket, not paying attention, only occasionally knowing the current process from Deng Mai’s unintentional words.

The status of Deng Mai’s gossip has never collapsed. He seems to have a pair of eyes and ears longer than others. He has a door to hear about the little-known news in the corner. Recently, he is most concerned about the rumors that Lin’s business community privately contradicted Lin’s horror and Xiaochi.

I don't know if it started from the time of the shackles. After the inspection of Changqing, the Yancheng real estate industry circulated a big gossip - Centrino Real Estate and the two CEOs who started in real estate.

The incident has a nose and eyes, and people are convinced that it is said that the fuse is an arrangement negligence in an accommodation activity during the inspection. Perhaps he thought that he was not valued, and his dignity was provoked. In short, even Xiao, who had always been indifferent and indifferent, was always angry. The next day, he was directly organized by the people to break the door and enter the blockade!

The two companies have a background with a mysterious scale and a detached status. A thriving and powerful way of thunder and mystery is not to be underestimated. It is a big news to pick up each other.

Comprehensive advantages, this point in the power of the Centrino real estate to slightly better than a few, a lot of people have jumped out of the myth of the real estate land reselling profits of hundreds of millions of dollars, began to re-carefully evaluate this company.

Although this has made the original yin and yang stranger's eyes relatively much reduced, but Deng Mai still has some concerns, his expression is sad when driving: "Lin Ge, you should not really have trouble with Xiao Zong? These days, Centrino 3:5 from time to time The news came to you to go out and talk about things. Why didn’t you agree at all?”

The triangle development project of the two companies has been signed, and the planning process is being moved. Centrino Real Estate has initiated several invitations, and Lin Jingyi has pushed Deng Mai.

Lin stunned his eyelids and glanced at the front: "Why do I go, the project has not yet fallen, seeing more, I don't want to go to the wind."

"That should also contact each other's feelings." Deng McDonnell, "Would you like someone else to think about it? Even the generals have secretly asked me last time, and asked if you are reconciled."

Contact feelings? Think about what is right.

When I saw the last time, Xiao Chi was in the fire, and he wanted to make a small movement when he seized the opportunity all the time. It was really a blank face of absurdity. This place in Yanshi is different from Changqing. There are many people here, and the news is going fast. Before the project was completely completed, Lin Jingzhen really didn’t want to meet Xiaochi. In case he was seen, he would have trouble getting something to make a fuss. It is.

He closed his eyes and raised his god, and waved his hand toward Deng Mai, indicating that he would not have to say it.

In fact, in the depths of his heart, there have been another reasons for not agreeing to Xiao Chi’s several invitations in recent times, that is, he is worried that the two sides will meet again.

Men are actually very strange animals, they are impulsive but rational.

As Lin was shocked, and Xiao Chi felt very good when he was kissing, so he could hardly resist intimate contact at the moment, and even did not reject further. The last time in Changqing’s guest house, if it wasn’t for the peak of the generation, Lin Jingyi had already opened the condom.

However, after the spurt of the sputum, no more insects will go to the brain, and rationality will return to the furnace, and Lin Jingzhen will think more.

The first is the relationship between the two.

To be exact, now Centrino and the two companies are already in a cooperative relationship. The future business will only be more than now. The decision-making level of the two companies has developed this relationship beyond the normal range. It is hard to say whether it is a bad thing or a good thing. . To be good, it may be that the intimacy of both sides will be improved. It is not uncommon to think that it is not uncommon for a gunner to make a fuss. Once it happens, the consequences will be greater than a pure commercial break.

Not to mention Xiao Chi that person...

Lin Jingyi combined his own impressions of the other side, the more he felt, the more optimistic he was. He is really satisfied with Xiao Chi's body. The face of the other person's face and the tempering of his childhood and the seemingly innate flirting means can smother his original cold feeling. The secret and short-lived contact on the bus remains until now. Let him be upset when he is dreaming at midnight. Resolving physical needs is very important for men, but it does not mean that he is willing to take huge risks.

Seriously, Xiao Chi has been unpredictable. The other party sometimes behaves like a stupid, but in the evaluation of others (such as Deng Mai Fang Wenhao), it is obviously unpredictable. There are a lot of rumors about this person in Xiaochi. There is a blessing of the king of gossip around him. Lin Jingzhen has heard almost all of them, but only lacks news about peach color. It is precisely because of this that he is more afraid to make a conclusion to Xiao Chi's attitude.

Therefore, reason tells him that he should try to avoid meeting Xiao Chi before the two sides evaluate the matter.

Who knows that Xiao Chi wants to talk about him several times, and official business is definitely impossible. I also know it with my brain. If it is about guns, it is true that Lin Jingzheng really does not want to refuse, but it is difficult to cover the water. After the appointment, the relationship between the two sides will be irreversible. It is more likely that Xiao Chi wants to clear up the relationship. For example, explain that the last time you were impulsive, you don’t have to worry about it, then you smile and smack the forgotten things, so you don’t have to meet each other. You can understand the subtext of your own knowledge, and both sides can avoid face-to-face.

He thinks too much, his brain hurts, all kinds of pros and cons are balanced, and he feels that it is a good decision to not meet for the time being.

What's more, there is no shortage of things in his life that are more important than the need to understand the physical needs.

After returning from Evergreen, Wu Wangfei and Suede contacted Deng Mai and agreed on the date for the two sides to meet again.

Lin Jingwei set the meeting place at a business lounge in Yanshi. Starting from the real estate in Yan City, there is no office location. It is not appropriate to meet business at home. Lin Jingyi feels that it is time to combine the company's structure. The company's stalls are slowly laid out, and the business is getting more and more. Deng Mai also needs to recruit a group of employees who can solve problems for Deng Mai.

The start-up period is difficult, especially when there is a lack of funds, and people like Lin Jingwei who are generous and clearly show their investment intentions are very rare. In order to promote this cooperation, this time, Suede is very sincere and brings the name of their entire team, which is simply a desperate attempt.

Lin Jingyi looked at the short-term development plan of the project that he had clearly pointed out last time. The plan was written in an easy-to-understand manner. Although the structure is still somewhat general, it is obviously a big deal. Although Lin Jingyi couldn't understand some of the procedural terms in it, he understood that business planning was not a big problem. He was full of nervous sorrows on his opposite side: "Your first step is to do website integration?"

Suede quickly nodded and hesitated to explain: "Exactly, it is a bundle of integrated services, first relying on this organization to start a group of users, and then develop user communication services."

Nowadays, network practitioners do not have a precise concept of this kind of business. Lin Jingyu feels that this is not the search engine and communication software that are popular in the future.

But the meaning of suede is obviously only used as a springboard for the former, and it is really inappropriate. Think carefully about Lin Jingyu and understand that there are not many computer users in this year. The meaning of search is nothing more than letting this group of people not have to type a letter and a letter to enter the website. It is difficult for someone to see the business opportunities at this time. .

But Lin Jingzheng does not insist that in the present can put forward such concepts and implement actions, their ability has been much stronger than most people.

This is a qualified investment object, not to mention the price paid is also within the scope of Lin Jingyu. He closed the document, nodded, and determined the willingness to cooperate.

He asked: "Very good, is the company registered? Is there a shareholder now?"

When I heard this question, the mink knew it. His heart almost jumped out of his mouth and hurriedly said: "Nothing! I haven't registered yet, but the name I have already thought of is called 'Extraordinary Network Technology'. , has not been registered yet!"

extraordinary? Lin Wang, who was next to Lin Jingfei, glanced at him and had a new understanding of the friendship between the two men. The founder's friendship is definitely a foothold for the success of a new company, and he is therefore more satisfied. As a result of the final negotiation, Lin Jingzhen invested a total of 1.5 million yuan, accounting for 30% of the shares of "Extraordinary Network Technology", and Wu Wangfei and Mink each accounted for 35 percent. However, the two promised to allocate 5 percent of their shares to the members of the interest group who participated in the business during the same period. So far, the proportion of the three people is completely average.

Lin Jingzhen could not reach full control, but there was no objection to this allocation. Under the three-legged appearance, the mink also retains a little bit of his own thoughts, apparently to prevent the laymen from investing in the company's professional projects in the future.

Lin was shocked to see through this little young and harmless little means, and I was very happy. He doesn't understand the technology of Internet technology. Compared with Wu Wangfei, who has technology but is not very good at diplomacy, he is not suitable for managing a technology-oriented enterprise because he is good at business development but has no knowledge of technology. Suede is the most suitable manager. He can understand how to use self-protection, which is far better than stupidity. Managers who are free to entrust the true managers in the mall, I am afraid that only a little bit of insignificant winds and waves will be easily knocked down.


After the small investment of more than one million yuan in this investment was completed, Lin Jingzhen was forgotten. In the next few days, he was busy examining the triangle and trying to use his thin memory to modify his current plans for it. This piece of land originally had only more than 90,000 square meters. It was enough for office buildings, but the building was a bit awkward. Fortunately, the ownership of a circular block near the road and inside is in the hands of Centrino Real Estate. It only needs to be cut off a small part of the road. With the integration of more than 90,000 square meters, the position of this dragonfly can be changed. Become the best place to build a shopping mall.

Contemporary real estate developers have no idea about the complex, but the commercial complex of later generations has developed into the most popular existence within commercial real estate. This two-in-one design of office buildings and business occasions makes full use of every inch of land. In the early days, this model was also laughed at by the ingenuity of the mall design, but this advantage is reflected in the long-term. The market is changing rapidly, and commercial real estate is lucrative, but it is also a huge risk. In the past decade, it has been able to fish a few large ones, but the network industry, which is becoming more and more mature in the future, will gradually gain the upper hand and cause huge impact on physical shopping malls.

The shopping malls of the major shopping malls are thin, the door can be swayed, and the financial strength can barely support, and more small enterprises are directly defeated. Until then, the advantages of the complex building finally came to light: whether it is to continue to maintain the business model, or to change the part of the mall to office, the existence of office buildings has become the most secure retreat for these developers.

In the future, Yanshi, where the land price is worth a lot of money, will the office building in the prime location of the central business district be worthy of geometry?

To be honest, not only is money, it is beyond the scope that Lin Jingzhen can estimate now.

On the day the project was approved, he was picking the right office for the property. After hearing the news, he did not hesitate for a moment and drove directly to Centrino Real Estate.

The top executives of Centrino are almost all. In response to Lin’s contractual requirements, they poured all the development team into the field. The upcoming new challenges will make everyone eager to try, including Hu Shaofeng, who has always been a lover.

On the other side of the desk is Xiao Chi who hasn't seen each other for a long time. Lin Jingyu felt the other's gaze from the appearance, and the hot temperature in his head reached the peak when he smiled and greeted Hu Shaofeng.

"Stunning younger brother!" Hu Shaofeng has never had a formal shape. When he came up, he gave Lin Jingyi a hug. "I haven’t come out so many times, and I can’t see anyone in school. What have you been busy with recently?"

"I am afraid that I will leak the wind, and I will not be too high-profile. I am sorry." Lin Jingxiao smiled and greeted him with a smile. The reason for the export was bright and sound, and he could not hear any question. "Not to mention the other projects in these days. Busy looking for office and recruitment, I want to get out but there is no way."

“Other projects?” Hu Shaofeng’s face changed immediately, and the smile became more and more hot. “Yan’s real estate is not big enough? What do you find in your thrilling brother?”

Lin Jingyi waved his hand: "Which is so powerful, it is investing in a small company doing network technology. How can it not be seen in the future?"

This was originally mentioned as a chatter. Most people in the new technology of network technology were joking. I didn’t expect his voice to show an unexpected expression after he landed. He turned his head and looked at Xiaochi. A glance.

"You..." After a moment he smiled in amazement. "You are really..."

Lin Jingyi was unclear, so he was asked in the eyes.

Hu Shaofeng looked at Xiao Chi and saw Xiao Chi staring at Lin Jingyu and nodded. He explained: "This is the case. Xiao Six also invested in a network technology company half a year ago. It is too coincidental to talk to you." ""

He had always thought that Xiao Chi was probably fooled. The other company used a concept and 40% of the shares to get nearly 3 million of Centrino funds. However, Xiao Chi made the decision, and he had no room for ambiguity. Therefore, his heart was stunned for a while, only when the money was eaten and squandered, and he did not mention it.

But in just a few months, he heard this little-known industry from Lin’s mouth, and the accident in his heart was simply unspeakable. Lin’s ability to be astonished, he can’t doubt it at all. This is a master who takes a step and looks at twenty steps. The landlord who has not yet regressed in the north of the city does not say that he is from the cooperation of the triangle in the middle of the road. It is obvious that the difference in IQ between the two sides is felt. First, after Xiao Chi is Lin Jingzhen, is this coincidence or inevitable? Is it difficult for smart people to be deceived and invest now?

Hu Shaofeng couldn't help but wonder: "Which company did you invest in? Isn't it the same as us?"

After all, he had some doubts in his heart. He could get money from the hands of Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi. In such a high position, what kind of companies that engage in network technology will not be the same fraud group?

Lin Jingyi also had some visions of Accidental Centrino. After all, he did not cooperate in the future. In addition to a general concept of scale, he also knew for the first time that the other party had contacted other industries so early in real estate. He said: "You don't know Hu, you are a small company, or it was officially established after my funds were in place. It is extraordinary."

Hu Shaofeng thought for a moment, could not retrieve the name from the memory, and was not sure how much the speculation group had the possibility of guessing. He could only smile: "That is not really a family. The company that Centrino invested half a year ago is called. Immortal technology, not recently established, has been in business for several years."

After several years of operation, the company has managed to pull out the funds from the bottom of the mountain. Hu Shaofeng thought of the scale of Centrino Real Estate, which was established almost immediately, and he could not help but be optimistic about the prospects of the other side.

Immortal technology! ?

When I heard the name, Lin Jingzhen immediately stopped, and even the eyes that fell on Xiao Chi became different.

Unlike the extraordinary network that is about to die because of the fate of the fate, the achievements of the immortal technology in the network company are absolutely worthy of its name. The influence of this company has gone beyond the scope of the industry and penetrated into every aspect of ordinary people's lives. The most famous is the communication and game industry. The immortal instant messaging business has occupied a considerable share of the Internet since its inception, and the other two well-known communication softwares of the later generations are three-legged, evenly divided, and Lin Jingyi has applied for its customer number, because of the industry association, this customer number You can directly open and log in several large game accounts that are immortal. Although Lin Jingzhen does not play games, some of his friends are mostly their loyal fans.

In the later many economic industry summits, the major subsidiaries of Immortal are the focus of the eyes of business owners. Lin Jingyi vaguely remembers the impression that there is still an impression in the industry evaluation report, the immortal group also had an annual profit of 42.2 billion The data flashed through your eyes.

This is one of the few Internet giants recognized by the business community. The influence is so big that the CEOs are all in a state of turmoil. A little bit of motion can cause countless speculations and controversies.

As a result, this company turned out to be Centrino real estate investment?

After investing in an extraordinary network, Lin Jingyi can probably guess the means of Xiao Chi. Nowadays, the unknown technology can bring his money, not to mention absolute control. The shares he got are also absolutely amazing. After several rounds of financing in the afterlife, the shares of Immortal Technology have developed to the level of the staff of the furry can rely on the dividends to get the degree of oil, it is no wonder that Centrino's production capacity is stable at the peak of the real estate industry.

He secretly sighed and said that he would come back again, and the difference between people is still like a divide. He also thought that his current investment in extraordinary networks is already a pioneer in the era. Who knows that half a year ago, Xiao Chi was a step faster. Cooperation is still an unlimited target for future achievements.

He was amazed and amazed, but he couldn’t see anything on the face. He only smiled and smiled at Xiao Xiao’s words: “Xiao’s vision.”

Xiao Chi is no different: "Lin always."

Such short-sightedness and language communication, in addition to the line of sight is brighter than before, the speed of the beads on the hand is faster than before, Xiao Chi did not show any wrong. Although the relationship between the two sides is more or less different, Lin Jingzheng can't pass through his previous speculations from the performance of the other party. Therefore, he can only do business as usual, and he began to negotiate the development of the triangle after he sat down.

The process was very pleasant. Xiao Chi didn't talk much except listening to the report, only occasionally mentioning a few key suggestions. Centrino's current development team is a senior construction team that he has invited to return from overseas. The acceptance of the comprehensive building concept proposed by Lin Jingzhen is very high. Although this concept has no precedent in China, the capitals of some developed countries overseas have already It is quite large and the benefits are obvious. They have some concepts and experiences on this, plus the highlights of several new trends that Lin Jingzheng has seen in his life. Several professional designers in the development team are inspired and discussed, and the meeting is just over. Collectively check to verify the concept of data implementation.

Lin Jingyu said that he was dry and drank his mouth and went to Xiao Chi's office.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Xiao Chi did not speak, and Lin Jingyi was equally silent. He leaned on the sofa and looked at Xiao Chi with his tea.

Depending on the line of sight, no one can see what they want to know from the other's eyes.

Lin Jingyi felt that he was probably guessing right. From the attitude that Xiao Chi now shows, he can't see too much embarrassing content. The sensuality between the gunners is far more explicit and obvious than between them. They have never eaten pork, and he has also seen pigs running.

Since the other side has no intention of development, he does not insist on much. In fact, the business dealings are of course purely some Hu Shaofeng who has finished the regulations and pushed out the door. Lin Jingyu made a look, and Deng Mai also learned to drive.

In the office, only Xiao Chi and Lin Jingwei were left. Lin Jingqi stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the city building in Yan City, which is now gray, he thought about it for a moment. Ok, everyone is tacitly pretending that there is no such thing.

After making up his mind, he coughed and prepared to leave.

In the transparent glass reflection in front, there was a flash of body shape, and then a hot temperature was attached to the back.

The deep woody aroma filled the nose, and the applied temperature immediately applied strength. Xiao Chi slammed up from the back, a powerful arm wrapped around his waist, and then bowed his neck. A gentle kiss fell on the joint.


Lin Jingzhen has not yet pulled himself out of his deep and long-term thinking, and he suddenly turned back.

Xiao Chi hangs his first hand to kiss his eyes, without a trace of sensuality, only silently cast a sharp look.

Lin stunned and felt that the position of the other side against his lower back did not have anything hard.

What does he want to do?

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