MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 27

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Tian Dahua feels that he is flying all over the world. He never expected Lin Jingzhen to come.

The heart that rushed from the time of receiving the call rose to the peak at this moment. He shook his hand with a few horrified hands, and he said that he was so uncomfortable that he was so excited that he suddenly woke up and took a step. : "Don't say it, the airport is full of people, not the place to talk. Mr. Lin just got off the plane, it is really hard, fast, I have already prepared the hotel, first go back to the hotel to rest."

He is really grand, and the car connected to the machine has found another luxury version. In the early 1990s, there were not many choices for domestic car brands. The one he got was included in the top of the pyramid.

Tian Dahua personally helped Lin to shut the door and put the suitcase on the door. The friends who came with him saw him so eagerly and couldn't help but stretch his hand: "Laotian, you didn't make a mistake, let's wait for more than two at the airport. Hours, what kind of big man should I wait for, this? What is the relationship between this child and you? Is it guilty..."

"Shut up!" Tian Dahua drank him. "Are you stupid? If you don't want to say something, don't say anything, children, children, no eyesight..."

Into the top suites of the Garden Hotel arranged by Tian Dahua, Lin stunned to the window and overlooked the garden from behind the half of the glass.

This is a newly opened hotel a few months ago. It is also famous in the later generations. Lin Jingyi felt the sincerity of Tian Dahua from the treatment of this road. He took over Tian Dahua’s hastily brewed tea and let the hot cup wall iron On the palm of your hand.

Tian Dahua smiled and watched him drink tea: "Mr. Lin walked for nearly two months. I finally came back to Shenshi. I must let me do the friendship of the landlord. I have arranged the Cantonese restaurant of the downstairs hotel. And we have the most famous nightclubs in Shenshi..."

"Tian Zong." Lin Jingxiao smiled. "Do you bother to work hard, the rice must be eaten, the nightclub is still forgetting, I still have some things to do in Yanshi, next time."

"Hey!" Where does Tian Dahua dare to disagree? Immediately promised to come down. Seeing the forest horror, I watched the window and held the teacup. The old **** was walking to the sofa area in the ground. He was anxious and boldly said: "Mr. Lin, what about our stock..."

"Oh!" Lin Jingwei seems to have just thought of it, but he still sat down on the sofa and answered casually. "That, no hurry, I am not here?"

Tian Dahua sat down opposite him and did not dare to urge him. He only felt that the bottom of his **** was burning a fire, and it was like acupuncture, which made him sit up. Every time I face the forest horror, he always has the illusion of facing the deep water, or an abyss, even if he is older, but standing on the heights, looking down, the bottomless The fear is even more horrifying.

Lin Jingxi saw him like this, sighed and leaned on the back of the sofa: "Tian Zong, you have already left, this mentality can't."

Tian Dahua wiped a sweat on his forehead and realized that he was still seeing his mind. Some of them said: "Mr. Lin is still considerate. After all, you see that the stock market in Shenshi is now, the market is going, it is a red fire. Ah! I entered the market one second later, and I made money one second later than others."

When he said this, he saw Lin Jingzhen didn't take a seat, just sitting across from him and staring at himself deeply. After a long while, he sighed and shook his head slightly.

Lin Jingwei did not make it difficult for Tian Dahua. He only took a moment to go with him to the securities company. On the way, Tian Dahua was completely rigorous. Everything was done with his own hands. After getting off the bus, he also watched the two sides with particular vigilance. He determined that there were no suspicious people, and he was careful to sit in the car and stunned: "Lin, the outside is very safe. Come down."

Lin Jingzheng now holds 170,000 shares of Time Technology, which is a big household. Time Technology’s current share price is more than twenty-one, so the market value of his stock has soared to more than 350 yuan.

The result of the final negotiation made Tian Dahua happy, and Lin Jingyi was willing to give up 50,000 shares to him.

Nowadays, the securities market is in full swing. The trader has hardly handled such a large transfer commission. He was amazed, but without waiting to see more, Tian Dahua, who was in a hurry, urged him to go through the formalities.

Just for a while, the red line of the market has soared all the way, but at this time, Tian Dahua’s heart is not as suffering as the previous period. Lin Jingzhen’s 50,000 shares, like the same mind, deeply broke into his chest. .

After the cruise ship had been started for a long time, he finally managed to catch the boat and catch up with the trip.

Looking at the bright red lines that didn't make people feel glaring, Tian Dahua suddenly woke up after a while, and did not dare to take his attention back to Lin Jingyu. Seeing that the other party is reading the latest financial magazine in Shenshi, he breathes. I put it lightly, and I was so excited that I couldn’t help but recover a little bit of clarity in these days.

In fact, he still has doubts in his heart.

For example, he really can't figure out why Lin Jingyi wants to transfer this stock of the day, this is a golden hen that is laying golden eggs every moment!

Tian Dahua has no doubt that this young man’s eyesight is far better than himself. When Shenshi opened the market, he was able to put his chips into the market with confidence in the cautious wait-and-see attitude of the whole market, and then settled on the profit of the fisherman. Every decision must have his deep meaning.

When he bought stocks, he was definitely optimistic about the securities market, and now sells...

Is there any change in the situation?

Thinking of this, Tian Dahua immediately came out with a cold sweat. He didn't dare to ask, for a long time, and finally just cautiously knocked on the side: "Mr. Lin, there are still 120,000 shares left in your hand, is it for me to help you find...?"

Lin Jingyi raised one hand and interrupted his words: "No hurry, I still have to keep the rest."

When he said this, Tian Dahua’s thoughts lasted for a long time and he immediately calmed down a lot. He hurriedly nodded and smiled a little embarrassed: “I thought that Mr. Lin’s coming to the city is a special trip to sell. I’ve been This mixed, I also met a few bosses, now it is hard to find, they may be willing to add more..."

Lin stunned the magazine in his hand and squinted at him, his face showing a little obvious smile.

"You are too worried about Tian, ​​I will definitely throw these stocks in my hands, but not now."

Now the 50,000 shares transferred to Tian Dahua are just for cash. The Shenshi company has pressed the registered capital of 200,000 yuan, and it must be paid off within three months. This means that Lin Jingyi had to pay off the bank's six-month loan before canceling the company.

Before 1993, the domestic stock market was in a period of rapid development, and almost no bear market appeared. Although it will be too late to take control of the special market in which the market is now empty, but there is little trading volume, but for the securities market, Lin Jingzhen is still full of optimism, just to pay off the 700,000, only had to endure Cut love.

He smiled at Tian Dahua, who had become awkward because he had broken his mind. He raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Tian Zong, although we are talking about business, we have to talk about friendship, you say yes? You If you want to make a fortune, I will bring you. As for others, I really can’t manage that much.”

Tian Dahua can only get through the seams: "Mr. Lin, don't misunderstand, I don't mean that..."

Lin stunned and tempered and nodded: "I understand, I understand."

After this incident, Tian Dahua did not dare to talk indiscriminately. He felt that he was acting like a shameless villain in front of Lin Jingyu. Therefore, when the horror of the day went to the bank to return the loan, his heart was puzzled, but he did not dare to ask more. He only persuaded: "There are still several months."

Lin Jingyu leaned against the window in the back seat, and he gave a lazy temperament to his body. He said without hesitation: "I still have it, I have to cancel my company first."

Tian Dahua said: "Mr. Lin, what's the problem with the company? How did you open it for a few months...?"

Lin was shocked and determined: "Oh, miscalculated, I didn't think so much at the time. Now I found that Shenshi is still too far away from Yanshi, and it is too inconvenient to go back and forth."

Tian Dahua looked back from the rearview mirror, and then he saw Lin Jingyu raise his hand and pinch his nose, and his face was tired.

He thinks too. If Lin Jingzhen is really stationed in Yanshi, it is indeed too far away for the company to open in Shenshi. As a matter of pondering, he had a little cola in his heart, and it felt like he saw the sage who had never made a mistake and did the stupid things.

He made a slogan: "Oh, I will definitely do this for you."

Lin Jingzhen almost did not spend any extra money in the transfer transaction. The fees such as handling fees were all made by Tian Dahua. After the transaction was successful, he had more than one million yuan on the books, so he still lost that. The loan of half a million is completely out of the question.

With a loan of 500,000 yuan plus some interest payments and liquidated damages for early repayments, Tian Dahua was assisted by the situation, and the business was handled very quickly. It was completed before the bank’s morning hours.

The two of them drove to the office to cancel the company. This year, unlike the later generations, the company’s registered capital finds an intermediary with a big mouth and a mouthful of Husband, and it’s really worth the money. If it’s not so, I’m not going to spend a lot of money. A circle.

The tax issue was handed over to Tian Dahua, confirming that the company did not leave a debt problem, and the matter was solved simply. At this time, the entrepreneurial tide, the number of people who opened the company, and the number of bankruptcies were many. They took over similar business every day, and the industry and commerce had already become familiar with the process.

After the loosening of 200,000 yuan, the original road was returned to Tian Dahua, and both sides were clear.

At this point, Lin Jingyi has no money, and he used his own 20,000 yuan to change the stock of more than two million shares in the stock market, and the more than 500,000 that can be used at any time. Liquidity.

He was a mood that could not be spoken to outsiders. He left the bank and sat in the car. He leaned forward and elbowed his elbows. His palms held his forehead on his forehead and closed his eyes and sighed.

"This day, I ran back and forth, are you tired?" Tian Dahua didn't know what he was thinking. He was still embarrassed about the fact that he had not rejected the forest horror in the bank. "Mr. Lin, you are really, take me. Say that the 10,000 yuan that I received before will be refunded to you, what are you polite with me!"

Lin Jingyi did not look up, kept his original posture chuckle, he looked very tired, and the sound of the palm of his hand was as steady as ever: "The brothers settled the accounts, the friendship is the friendship, the business belongs to the business, and you can I still have so many people waiting to eat."

The other side of this party, Tian Dahua can not help but feel moved, he nodded heavily, and saw Lin Jingzhen exudes a tired atmosphere, all the way back to the hotel, the car is particularly careful and stable.

Lin Jingyu fell asleep after eating, and woke up the next day. In the face of Tian Dahua’s invitation, he only said that he had something to do in Yanshi and could not stay longer.

Tian Dahua didn't know his background, and he was afraid of delaying his business. He hurriedly asked people to go to the airport to book a ticket. After running, he smashed his luggage and drove it to the airport.

All the way to the car is flying, Tian Dahua is not happy, this morning, the technology of the times soared again, the stock price went straight to a piece, Lin Jingzhen took him to the cruise, he earned a pot full .

Near the security checkpoint, his heart was filled with infinite excitement, and his ambition and enthusiasm rushed to the forest to panic: "Mr. Lin, I am someone who remembers your feelings, what do you have to do in the future, just let me know, I am going to the fire. Do not leave!"

Lin Jingxi shook hands with him, and heard a little smile: "Do more care."


On the plane, Lin Jingzheng thought all the way, more than two million enough to do something.

This figure is in the afterlife, which is roughly equal to his salary for a few years, a good car, or a commercial housing in a second- and third-tier city. But at the moment, this Yanshi housing price is not an era of thousands of dollars, the purchasing power of more than two million, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Lin Jingzhen is very suspicious of his IQ. For him, the safest way to make this money appreciate is to buy a house. In some first-tier cities, some houses will be built. After a few decades, the house price will soar. All these small riches are safe, eat and drink.

He leaned against the window and quietly looked at the clouds under his feet. After breaking through a certain threshold, the clouds were full of clear and clear real sky.

Is that really the case? The heart is filled with a lot of unwillingness. The experiences of past lives and this life are intertwined, and flashing through my mind. Lin sighs and sighs. He finds that he has come back again and he still has unrealistic expectations for the future.

Sure enough, that idiot.

It was a hot summer, and Yan’s summer was very grueling. When Lin Jingyi returned to his bedroom, he found Deng Mai is stalking.

He has nothing to do now, and he lives close to Yanshi University and Wutong University. Therefore, he is quite obedient, and he spends a butterfly in two universities and knows a lot of friends.

He has a very own set of people, and his teeth are not slick, and it is rarely irritating to him. The 305 boys have a good relationship with him. When Lin Jingzhen enters the door, he is talking hot.

Seeing Lin Jingzheng coming back, everyone’s eyes lit up. Deng Mai jumped up and took the baggage: "Lin Ge, you can count it back! This is so many days, I am really worried about dying."

The experience of going back to Shenshi in the last time left him an indelible impression. Lin’s various daring acts made him open his eyes. He remembered that Lin Jingzhen still owed 700,000 yuan in that. This time, the other party went to the meeting alone, and refused to bring him. Since the day when Lin Jingzheng just left, Deng Mai has been thinking about it.

What did Lin Jingmao do? He borrowed so much money, shouldn't he go to work with people?

Lv Xiaojiang is a Shenshi person who is somewhat sensitive to his hometown. He is also very curious about his own roommate who looks good and has a very mysterious style. His kindly white-faced face showed a puzzled expression: "I am going to start school soon. What are you going to apply for in the city?"

"A little bit of something to do." Lin Jingxuan evaded the weight and asked lightly, "Is the day of military training fixed?"

This is the most embarrassing thing for everyone. When I think about it for a while, I have to stand in the position of the sun. The face of everyone has changed. Wang Jun is lamenting on the bed: "It’s fixed, it is After a few days, I will send clothes. Starting next weekend, our school venue is not enough. I have to go to the base and lie in the grass for more than ten days!"

Lin Jingyu counted the time, and now there are only six days left until the end of next week.

He didn’t eat anything, so he didn’t feel that these children were in the mood of the end of the world. He was quite looking forward to it. In this life, he has been busy with things that he has been waking up. Exercise, this time from the military training, just to give up fitness.

It’s just that the closed activities for more than ten days have indeed delayed a lot of things. I’m so excited that I have to explain some of the things I’ve told before I’m in military training.

He has no knowledge of people in Yanshi. Although he knows a group of friends and friends in his life, he knows what methods he can use to get them. But this group of people can't use anything. Thinking about it, Lin Jingzhen remembered a person.

Fang Wenhao, Fang Laozi, his grandson.

Fang's father's family is still very trustworthy. Even if Wen Hao is a little bit, it is not naive for people to live. He should have already had his own career in his hand. Lin Jingzhen remembered that he had brought himself to the school to report the day, and the bp machine on his waist basically did not stop.

Such a small and well-founded object in Yan City is still very difficult to find, and can develop and develop cooperative business.

The student office of Yanshi University’s Student Union Propaganda Department is located in the school district. Fang Wenhao and he are in the same department. Lin Jingyi is listening to the direction and thinking about it. The radio broadcast on the campus is playing a famous contemporary pop. The song comes from a Hong Kong Island actress.

This is an ever-changing era. People living in the present, who can think of this singer-singing singer, will be too angry to sell tickets for concerts in later generations?

But Lin Jingsheng not only knows this, but also knows many secrets buried in time.

In the decades that followed, most of the people in the country were able to reach the most rapidly developing industries—Internet, real estate, currency, securities and futures, energy, and some manufacturing industries.

The most profitable Internet, unfortunately, Lin Jingzhen does not have this technology. At best, he only knows some small shortcuts with no technical content, such as registering a domain name to make money. As for programming technology, it is too difficult for him. He can't even play the king's pesticides.

Currency and securities futures have been speculative for a lifetime, but it takes time, not when you can make money.

Energy... This industry is so vast that it is at least inaccessible to his current strength.

The only thing left is real estate and manufacturing, and these two industries are all without exception.

He bypassed the gentle slope. The scenery outside the dormitory building of Yanshi University was very beautiful. It was very fragrant and scented. The end of the eye was in front, and Lin Jingzhen suddenly felt a burning gaze behind it.

After being intrigued with people for so many years, he was very sensitive to this and immediately turned and looked.

The person behind him watching him hurriedly turned his eyes and turned into a face that looked like nothing, and went in the other direction.

The serious middle-aged man dressed very neatly, his eyebrows wrinkled a deep "Chuan" pattern, his eyes were sharp, and his appearance looked like a very serious and uncomfortable professor in the department. His expression was disguised as seamless. It seems that I have no intention of passing this place, and I don’t know Lin Jingyu.

However, when Lin Jingzhen saw his moment, his heart was shocked.

The other side gradually drifted away, and the back gradually disappeared into a small fruit forest not far away.

Lin Jingyu stopped at the place, watched him leave, and the tip of his finger on his side trembled. He turned back and continued to take a step.

He didn't know if he would peek at himself under the cover of the jungle after entering the woods, but this middle-aged man who is so serious that he can't be approached is something he can't forget in his life.


Lin Jingxi recalled that he remembered that his father Lin Runsheng was not a professor at Yanshi University. In this era, he should be a professor in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering at a major university famous for his work in science and engineering. The two schools are not far apart, but under normal circumstances, the faculty and staff should not make a mistake?

Is the other party looking at yourself?

He thought of this, for a moment, his throat was awkward, and he couldn’t help but recall. Have the other people secretly paid attention to themselves in the past?

When did he know that he was admitted to Yanshi University? Where did you learn about the department you entered? When did he quietly follow him? How long did it take to stay outside the dormitory in order to touch this?

Lin Jingwei can't figure out what he has been thinking since his last life. Why can some people be introverted to this way, hiding their own painstaking efforts in the cold appearance, and the texture is impenetrable.

He stepped upstairs, carrying a heavy tiredness, found the office of the propaganda department and knocked on the door.

Fang Wenhao was talking to several people inside, and he was slightly surprised when he looked up at him: "Is Lin Jing? How come you?"

The fully armed smile almost climbed into the face in an instant. Lin stunned at the door and nodded to the same cadres who saw the same. Lazy to Fang Wenhao said: "Fang Ge, is there time? Have a meal together?"

Fang Wenhao certainly has time, let alone the grandfather of the family, so that he must be taken care of by Lin in the school. It happened to be lunch time. He explained the work, and packed up the things and came out. After a few words of horror and chilling, he laughed and walked downstairs.

As he walked, he introduced to Lin Jingwei: "If you want to enter the student union, you can almost prepare for it. We just have a few vacancies in our propaganda department. There is nothing wrong with you during the school, you can be active, and the student union has special The road to publishing a paper, the accumulation of qualifications, after graduation is good for you."

Lin Jingyi smiled absently and absently: "Still, I am not very good at organizing activities."

This kind of pretext, Fang Wenhao, certainly did not believe it, but he also saw that Lin Jingyi had no intention of this. People had their own ambitions. He did not advise much. He only turned his head and introduced him to the internal structure of the meeting.

"A few times to introduce a few senior school sisters to you to know, the school is also a small river, you should not be ready to enter the student council." Fang Wenhao said, "Yanshi University and other schools are not too The same, the inside is quite complicated, you will know it during this period of time. So don’t advertise in the school, don’t provoke things, especially in the student union, there are people who don’t deal with me, just the president Hu Shaofeng, especially Arrogant, when you meet such a person, you will hide away."

Lin Jingzheng felt that the name was a bit familiar. When I thought about it, I remembered that I had heard about it when I was having fun with the group of friends. It seems that it is a group of brothers who are not quite the same as ordinary sorghum, and they are taller than the horror of the forest. A few grades, it seems that the cause is still quite big, but only the name is known, and no one is seen.

He was full of heart for him, Lin Linsheng, no time to ponder this, nodded indiscriminately, saying that he remembered.

On the campus restaurant, Fang Wenhao raised some chopsticks with some accidents: "You want to give your buddy a training class? Doesn't he say he doesn't want to go to school?"

"Looking for a short-term one, one for the next 20 days, the focus is on giving him a bad business base." Lin Jingsheng said, "I am mainly in Yanshi, there is no way, so I have to ask you to help me. ask."

Fang Wenhao snorted: "A lot of people have been doing business in the sea in recent years. I really know a few good cram schools, just tuition..."

Lin said with amazement: "Tuition is not a problem, it will be reliable."

Fang Wenhao listened that he did not seem to be a pseudo-voice. He looked at his expression for a while and shook his head inexplicably. "I don't understand a bit. Just a buddy, are you so arranged for everything? And you can arrange for renting a house." In the cram school, people are not allowed to go to work. In Yanshi, the wages of workers are not low."

Lin said with amazement: "Working is not a way out. This is my buddy. I can pull one."

Fang Wenhao is really convinced. He asks himself to be a very loyal person. His style in the circle of friends is also very well received. However, if he and Lin are surprised, his way of speaking loyalty is to introduce a good treatment to his buddies. The work can never be done like Lin Jingyu, and even the future development of the other side is considered together.

The young boys always inevitably admire and yearn for this kind of friendship. Fang Wenhao abhors: "Cheng, I will rush you this heart, and this matter will be handed over to the brother, and the brother will do it for you."

Lin stunned and laughed, and touched the cup with him. The little white rabbit was as harmless as the image of Fang Wenhao. He took a moment and said: "Thank you."

After finishing this matter, Lin’s horror was relaxed before the military training, and all activities could be decided after Deng Mai graduated from the short-term economic tuition class. Deng Mai’s brain is active and people are smart. It is not difficult to understand the basic things. The investment in the cram school is also very necessary. The most precious resource in this year is the talent. The person who uses Deng Mai as a means, if it is placed in future generations, Know how many business owners will be robbed.

Seriously, in fact, he still takes advantage of it.

After eating, Fang Wenhao hurriedly quit, Lin Jingzhen walked all the way to contemplate, kicking a small stone that met his bad luck.

He has become accustomed to this way of thinking all the time. When too many things are found at the same time, he can't let him relax.

Turning a corner, he climbed the gentle **** with the sun and the warm wind, and walked slowly toward the dormitory.

The stone kicked a little more, and it rolled away. He woke up and looked up and wanted to find it.

Behind him, there was a sound that he expected and buried deep in his memory.

"Is Lin Jing?"

He jumped in his heart, stepped forward and looked back.

The middle-aged man behind him frowned at him, his eyes were sharp, his face was cold, and he was impatient and not close.

He stared fiercely at Lin’s face, which was sun-baked and red, and Lin’s horror saw the restlessness of his serious appearance.

The two sides seemed to be deadlocked for a while, and they saw the other side move backwards, as if they had to take courage back and leave.

"Let's have a cup of tea together." Lin Jingyu had no choice but to sigh and take the initiative to open, "Dad."

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