MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 21

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Shenshi, in the evening, the most prosperous commercial street on the riverside is at the beginning.

At the main entrance of the Peace Hotel, a dark black car slowly separated from the endless guests and stopped at the gate. The doorman of the welcoming guest saw the eyes of the car and lighted up. He eagerly stepped forward and opened the door for the driver and passengers.

A 20-year-old young man in the driver's seat, wearing a special flower shirt with jeans, oily face, shoes can be used as a mirror. In his mouth, he smashed the smoke that had just been ignited. After he came down, he squinted and looked around. His eyes and the two tall foreign women who came on the face met, showing a sly smile, but then no Reluctantly turned away from sight.

He handed the car key to the doorman who opened the door for himself. He touched it and found fifty dollars to give it to the other party. After doing this, he immediately eagerly circumvented the back door and spoke to another young man who came down: "I will change you tomorrow, this car is too damn."

His companion didn't even lift his eyelids. He only nodded to the doorman who opened the door for himself. He said, "Thank you." At the same time, he refused the waiter's help to help him carry the bag.

"Xiao Chi." The car was driven away, and the two walked side by side toward the hotel. The young man in the shirt was still chattering: "The two of them are doing well in Yanshi. Why do they have to come to Shenshi so early? I also made a horse race with someone. As a result, the good guy, the plane is sitting, my mother’s head is big..."

"Hu Shaofeng." Xiao Chi kept on foot and didn't look at him. The fluffy curly hair shook slightly with the walking movement, hitting his careless face. "Would you like to smoke, or else?" Shut up, don't talk to me."

Hu Shaofeng gave him a stop and stopped. After two seconds of silence, he found that Xiao Chi was still moving forward. He really didn't wait for him. He could only rush the cigarette into the trash can and hurry to catch up.

“Can you go slower?”

The girl at the front desk stayed on Xiaochi's face several times, and reluctantly finished the formalities: "Hello, this is your room card."

They booked two suites on the top floor of the hotel. Hu Shaofeng was originally swearing. When he saw it, he was happy: "The suite, two big men, don't have to live in one room!"

Xiao Chidao thanked him and walked away with his carry-on bag. He replied calmly: "No, I am afraid that it will affect your daily play."

After entering the room, he stood at the entrance and looked at the room with a gaze. First, he threw the smoke from the gallery table into the drawer. The sharp eyes immediately stared at Hu Shaofeng, who was eager to move: "You dare to smoke here, I put You even throw people out of the window with fire."

Although Hu Shaofeng’s 20,000-80,000 people are still arrogant, he never dares to disobey his own friends. He can only smother the lighters that have already touched his hand and succumb: "Oh! OK! OK! Fathers."

If he wants a life, he said, "Do not smoke or find a woman. What is the life of Xiao Chi?" !

He was tortured by the smoky addiction and scratched his lungs. Hu Shaofeng fell into the sofa and screamed and kicked and screamed. He finally got up and said: "Talk about things, talk about things, talk about me back to my own side!" ”

Xiao Chi poured himself a cup of warm water, slowly swallowed it, kicked his foot, and kicked him in the duffel bag on the floor.

The bag was extremely heavy, and Hu Shaofeng took a lot of effort to drag it to himself.

In the direction of the gallery, there was a special and cold voice of Xiao Chi's metal: "The funds will be put out as soon as possible in the past few days. The more the better."

Hu Shaofeng agreed, and carefully opened the zipper of the duffel bag.

In the small bag, all the stacks of hundred dollar bills are placed.


Only after hitting the bus to enter the market, even the spoiled Gao Sheng and Deng Mai were not motion sick. They added a Zhou Haiyan, and the whole process was in a state of shock, even more rapid than this group. The magical place.

After getting off the bus, Lin Jingyu took the hungry three people to make a meal at the noodle restaurant next to the bus station. Gao Sheng looked at the price tag of the noodle restaurant. "I go, where is this, a bowl of noodles actually sells a dollar." !"

In Jinyun, the four cents in the noodle restaurant can eat very well!

After eating the face, Lin Jingzhen hit a car, familiar with the road to report the address, then leaned on the co-pilot to quietly appreciate. In the Shenshi market in the 1990s, this moment is still in the eyes of the fast-growing economic city. The scale of future generations of housing prices is still not seen, but compared with other cities in the same era, there is still nowhere to be modern.

The three stinky sons in the back seat were as excited as Liu Wei who entered the Grand View Garden. Especially when the car entered the main business district, the old residential buildings visible in the background disappeared completely, leaving only the scattered buildings and those with Western-style high-rise buildings. .

The taxi was on a ramp and stopped in front of the most embarrassing door in the night. The doorman quickly greeted the guests. The eager opening of the door and the baggage service made Gaosheng feel helpless, even if they saw the world. Deng Mai, can not help but turn the attention of help to the backbone of the small group.

Lin Jingyu paid the car and got off the bus, indicating that they didn't panic, and handed the duffel bag in the trunk to the welcome department: "Trouble."

Immediately, he walked inwardly and walked. The Peace Hotel had been there for a few times in his life. Although it is newer than it is now, this old hotel has not changed much in the past decades.

The taxi driver couldn't help but take a look at the probe. He felt very strange. When the young men arrived at Shenzhou, they came to the most luxurious peace hotel. When they gave the money, they were so happy, obviously rich, how to wear it. It’s so simple, it’s also like a country where you haven’t seen the world. In addition, the long, handsome and beautiful young man in the front passenger seat is exceptionally strong. It’s too strong and strong. From the moment you get on the bus, you can’t say quietly against the window. The look is like looking at it. What made him unable to get around the road.

Is this rich people greeting poor relatives? The children from the rich family really did not look the same on the temperament... He pondered through a pass, and then stepped on the gas pedal in the gestures urged by the waiters. In the Peace Hotel, when the front desk is about to arrive, Gao Sheng finally reflects Come over and grab the arm of Lin Jingyu: "Don't we want to live here today?!"

Lin horrified and raised his eyebrows to see him: "Or else?"

Deng Mai was dazzled by the splendid decoration of the hotel, and he heard it. He looked around and lowered his voice. "No, this place is very expensive!"

Zhou Haiyan’s eyes were on the side of a man wearing a suit and a beer belly. He was staying on the man who looked like the boss of the big brother and talking on the phone for two seconds, and fell on his shoes on the feet of the mother who wore the hole. It’s also very boring, secretly screaming at the horror of the forest: “Yes, the guests here look good and rich, let’s not live here, I just saw a guest house nearby in the car... ”

Lin stunned and waved his hand, indicating that they should not talk, pull out the wallet, opened the ordinary suite, five nights, six hundred dollars.

This is six hundred dollars! ! !

The six old man's heads were handed out by Lin Jingyu without thinking. He was fainted after winning a few heads behind him, and he was not able to return to the room until he was taken all the way.

Lin Jingyi said goodbye to the concierge who sent the luggage. He changed a few pieces of clothes from the duffel bag. It seems that there is no concept of how much money he has just spent: "You watch TV yourself, I will take a shower first."

Gao Sheng was like a plunge of water when he was slumbering. A scream jumped up and stopped him: "You are going to return the money!!!"

Deng Mai and Zhou Haijun were also awakened by him. They looked at each other and saw the incredible in the eyes of the other party.

Six hundred dollars! This place is more than one hundred nights! More than one hundred is a concept, Zhou Haijun, his father was tired and tired in the thermos factory for only one hundred dollars a month, Lin Jingyi took out the ordinary people three months of salary! Just for the simple accommodation!

This day from the fare to the catering, Lin’s way of screaming and spending money made them feel terrified. A taxi for a dozen yuan, a room more than one night, even the noodles have a bowl of money, and gold is just like this! Put a million yuan to come, can you stay for a few days? !

The three people were so scared that even the hotel suites that had never been seen before were so innocent, and they all came up and yelled at Lin Jing’s downstairs to return the money. The boat was tired, Lin Jingzhen was still thinking about things all the time. From the body to the heart, he was already exhausted. He was hurt by his brain and could only hide in the bathroom and lock the door.

The warm hot water dripped from the head, and in the long-lost fragrance, Lin Jingyi closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

He came to Shenshi, and also brought these children to Jinyun, not to simply take them to play or open their eyes. When he came here, there is naturally the intention to come here. The goal is to refer to the stock exchange that will soon open in Shenshi.

In the 1990s, this was an era of economic growth. Although there were many opportunities, they were fleeting.

Lin Jingyu asked himself that he was not very smart, otherwise he would not have passed his life in the past. If he knew that he would return to this era one day, he would not hesitate to choose to learn programming in his life. Then, in the near future, he can quickly acquire some Internet before the growth of the giants with advanced technology and eyesight. market share.

Or you can memorize the lottery number of the winning lottery in the countless period, buy a dozen or twenty notes in one breath, and then frantically buy a house in Yanshi or Shenshi, and then he will eat even if he eats in the future. It is doomed to worry about the economy.

However, it is a pity that he is just an ordinary person at best: there are some cities, but not deep; there are some eyes, but not wide; there is some courage, but not big; knowing some development history, but never deliberately studied it in depth.

Stocks and futures are the fastest way to think of money.

He washed himself, put on a bathrobe, and rubbed his wet hair behind his head, staring at him with a blank expression on his face, staring blankly at the young face that was steamed with pink blood.

He is calculating his own capital: the legacy left by his grandfather, the subsidy for donating antiques, and his previous savings, a total of 20,000 yuan, because the cost of this road is only about 19,000. .

This money seems to be quite a lot, but it is not really many. Even if it is fully invested in the stock market, it is difficult to reach the amount that can make him feel safe in the short term.

In the 90-year stock market, there is no such thing as a madness in the later years, and even if you put it there, you must have sufficient capital to make big money, one or two thousand dollars, at best, you can make a small muddy taste. Shrimp.

When the forest horror came out of the bathroom, it was late, and the suite was quiet and could not hear a little sound. He turned a corner, and the scene was slightly softer because of the scene he saw. The brother who had just clamored for Lin’s stunned checkout had already been huddled in the extra large bed on the outside.

The long journey was obviously exhausting them. Lin Jingyi turned off the lights in the room and adjusted the temperature of the room air conditioner to make sure they were not cold.

Then he made a cup of black coffee for himself, finished drinking, dried his hair, changed his clothes, took a room card, and left with a light hand.


After the night, Shenshi really came to her most lively time.

Business people who talk about business can be found everywhere in the hotel lounge. They are dressed in suits, rejuvenated, or send business cards, or talk softly. A loose T-shirt and casual pants are all unpredictable.

However, he seemed to have nowhere to look at it. After showing the room card, he went straight to a table at the window of the lounge and sat down. He ordered a cup of low-grade special drink, did not drink, and pushed it to the center of the table at random. I took a magazine on the side shelf and flipped through it.

The magazine is the latest issue, and it is related to finance. It talks about the upcoming exchange market in Shenshang. The editors have faintly brought some personal inclinations. It seems that they are not optimistic about the future stock market development. The text mentioned several times a few years ago. That huge "stock disaster".

Lin horrified and browsed through the scenes. Not waiting for the page to turn, Yu Guang approached a pair of shoes that were very clean. He looked up and looked at the people, capturing the twinkling emotions in the other’s eyes. .

The man was wearing a regular suit, carrying a briefcase under his arm, combing a big back, medium-sized, with a clear business temperament.

The other party looked at the special tone that had not been touched, and looked at him again. He said with some uncertainty: "Hello, are you... Mr. Lin?"

coming. Lin stunned and closed the magazine, and casually compared the gesture to the opposite side: "Please sit."

Actually it is? !

The other party was obviously surprised by the young man who was completely beyond his imagination. After a few seconds of reaction, he quickly reached out and said, "Hello, hello, I am Tian Dahua, you call me... Hey, Oda is good."

"Mr. Tian." Lin Jingyu’s attitude was faint, and he did not care about Tian Dahua’s gaffe. He signaled that the waiter would take back the drink list he had just taken away. He calmly said, “Sorry, I will arrive in Shenshi in the afternoon, about you. The time is a bit late."

His attitude of being so flat and stable called Tian Dahua's seven hearts and eight hearts slowly returned to his stomach.

Tian Dahua ordered a cocktail and looked at the darkness of the lounge in a dimly lit light. He just thought that he had been jealous of a child who was engaged in mischief, but now I can see it again. The other side is just a young man. Every move, every word and deed, is not calm enough to be better than himself.

He has been in the city for many years in the city, and he has been dealing with countless upper-class people every day. He has contacted countless privileged classes. This one is obviously the same temperament as those people.

Which is the giant of the giants or the big leader? Tian Dahua’s attitude was not arbitrary. He smiled and said: “Mr. Lin is younger than I thought. To be honest, I really scared me when I met.”

Lin stunned and smiled. He couldn't see any emotions on his face. His youth was both capital and short-board. From the day he decided to return, he was ready.

Tian Dahua was the way he found the fifty-dollar baggage for the concierge at the time of his stay. The other party can develop business in the Peace Hotel, and the means must be extraordinary. Lin Jingzheng just came to Shenshi, he had no money in his hands, he was unaccompanied, and he was carrying such crazy plans. What was missing was Tian Dahua, a collaborator who had the means to have a path.

He came to the door: "Mr. Tian, ​​I want to register a company."

In the 1990s, big cities such as Shenshi City, every day, there will be countless people going forward and rushing into the rolling commercial wave. Tian Dahua took it for granted and nodded. "You are looking for the right person. I just do this. I just don't know what company you want to register. What is the registered capital?"

"Real estate company." Lin Jingzhen seems to ponder a bit, and then followed by a slight tone of inconsistency, "registered funds, tentatively set to 200,000."

Tian Dahua was hesitant, and it was quite big, but when he thought about it, he felt that the children from the big family like Lin Jingyu were really in such an eye. This is a big business. He hesitated for a while. After calculating it, he said something difficult: "Mr. Lin, hey, you have to know that the risk of making intermediate guarantees is still very high. I will give you 200,000 registered capital. Make a discount, the lowest minimum, and at least this number."

He put out a finger and looked at the expression of Lin’s horror, so that he could measure the depth. The other person just smiled and fell freely after the seat: “The deal.”

200,000 yuan of funds guarantee, for a period of three months, it will cost 10,000 yuan, based on the income level of this era, it is simply a huge profit. But this figure is still within the tolerance of today's Lin Jingzhen.

Tian Dahua is overjoyed. This time, the customer is simply refreshing, and it really is a rich man!

He immediately smiled and went with the stick: "You have no objection. That's great. To be honest, this number looks expensive, but you can find the whole market in the city, and you can't find more affordable and reliable. People. Where is your office? I will sign a contract with you tomorrow!"

Lin stunned and smiled: "I didn't remember the address."

He took the paper next to him and wrote a bunch of numbers and handed it to the other party: "This is my room number. You will call me tomorrow night. I will sort out the other details and give it to you. How?"

Tian Dahua nodded again and again: "It can be."

Lin Jingyu showed a thumbs up smile, and took three hundred dollars from the wallet and put it on the table. He stood up and said, "That's it, time is not early, Mr. Tian also went back to rest early, I invited the wine."

He raised his hand to stop the action of Tian Dahua who wanted to grab the bill. The index finger knocked on the table, but smiled and could not resist it. "Mr. Tian is not welcome. As long as the cooperation is pleasant, we will come to Japan and change your hospitality next time." gone."

Tian Dahua quickly got up and stood up: "Mr. Lin walked slowly."

He stood at the table and turned to look at Lin's horror when he left. The other person wore the most ordinary casual wear, but the young and handsome face seemed unpredictable to him.

His eyes fell back to the table, three hundred dollars?

The two glasses of wine are a hundred dollars at most, and it really is a rich family, there is no concept of money!


The next day, Lin Jingqi got up early, and with Gaosheng they started running office buildings.

After running for a morning, the sun was swollen by the rising sun, and he finally found the desired goal.

This is a central office building, with small companies upstairs and downstairs, and the scale is not large. The office space he found was less than one hundred square meters. The floor was in the middle and the price was not expensive. One month and one thousand, the last tenant probably closed down and left a pile of desks and chairs for no one wanted.

Lin Jingzhen immediately made a decision, it is here.

Seeing that he has spent more than a thousand, and they are almost fainting when they win, they even suspect that Lin Jingzhen is crazy, why not rent an office building for no reason? ! ! ?

Lin Jingyi did not explain to them. The person who sent the investment office contacted the office management and hired a few hours to do the cleaning. In the evening, he directly informed the address of Tian Dahua who called.

Tian Dahua is still very cautious. Although there is a full commission of 10,000 hangs in front of him, he still insists on signing at the office. He sees that the office is quite large, and after the window is clear, the only remaining worry in his heart is finally put back.

The cooperation between the two parties was pleasant, and the signing was completed. Tian Dahua walked back and forth in Lin Jing’s separate office and looked at the unobstructed view of the city.

He is envious in his heart, the children of rich families, this is just an adult, there is capital to start their own companies, in time, achievements are bound to be unlimited.

Lin Jingyi repeatedly checked the official seal and carefully collected the contract. He asked: "Mr. Tian, ​​the intermediate fee is paid after the license is officially released?"

Tian Dahua nodded: "Of course."

"Then I still have one thing, I am too lazy to find someone else, or you can help me." Lin Jingyi sat back in the sofa area to make tea, and casually said, "Our company is ready to lend money, recently To implement, I have no way to go to Shenshi, and I have to bother you to help me run."

He smiled at the eyes of Ueda Ueda: "Of course, the hardship will definitely give a little, but just run a loan, you should not accept me as high as the guarantee fee?"

Tian Dahua is not suspicious of him. It is normal for private companies to make loans, not to mention the small businesses that Lin Jingzhen has just begun to build. In recent years, the state has strongly encouraged individual entrepreneurship. The bank's loans are quite simple. Lin Jingzheng has business qualifications and formal licenses. It is probably a matter of minutes.

He knew that Lin Jingyi was generous, so he was so embarrassed that he had a hard time, and immediately agreed to make a speech: "This is simple, cooperation has been repeated, everyone is a friend, you don't say, I have to help this. I don't know you. How much do you want to borrow?"

"Not much." Lin said with amazement, "500,000 is enough."

Tian Dahua opened a refreshing smile: "Well, one week, I will do a proper job for you!"

Lin stunned the first, rushed into the small teapot and boiled the boiled mineral water, and smashed it through the delicate little tea.

The topic of the loan seems to be a small detail that is unintentional to chat in the chat. He smiles and raises his hand to greet Tian Dahua: "Tian Zong, try it?"

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