MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1410

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"Master Giovanni, Her Majesty Fergus has planned everything, and has a complete plan, not just a vampire, but also escape from the country of nightmare.

I just need the help of Lord Giovanni ... "

Lin Yun was still thinking about how to flirt with Giovanni. Giovanni nodded and said OK. Lin Yun carefully tried several times before he finally determined that this guy was flickered over, Lin Yun believed everything. ...

Can't believe it ...

In addition to the iron card of the Dinosen family, there is also the Scarlet Death Scythe. In addition to this method of entering and exiting the Nightmare Kingdom, not only the vampire can also enter or exit the Nightmare Kingdom.

Except for the mysterious, most of the undead and the dark creatures in the undead plane are the omnipotent king of the undead. Who else can do it?

Except for the King of the Undead, who jumped out to deny himself, otherwise, Giovanni would never believe it.

Everything went smoothly. The exit was in Giovanni's castle. In a strongest protected room, Lin Yun threw out the gate prepared in advance and inlaid it on the wall. This looks very deadly. Gate, no one doubts ...

The gate looks like a flash of white bone gate formed by the unclear number of undead being forcibly narrowed. The rich and pure death breath envelopes the surface of the gate, and there are many Giovannis that can't understand it. Runes and moire carvings.

There are five meters high and three meters wide on the surface of the door. A skeleton with a mouth open and a sorrow, his arms clasped with his chest, looks like he is being tortured by a nightmare. The skull's head is still shaking with the fire of soul ...

The magnitude of the trembling of the soul fire, I knew at a glance that it must be the most terrible thing encountered, an undead who had fallen into a nightmare ...

Giovanni saw this weird door, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. He didn't dare to be too close to the door. There seemed to be something terrible on the other side of the door.

I made this gate, Lin Yun was a bit helpless, after all, it was on the undead plane, and making a gate that didn't fit the undead plane was a bit unreliable.

I know more than a dozen ways to enter the Nightmare Kingdom. Three of them are entered by the method of the undead plane, and the only way to enter and exit is to conform to the style of the undead plane. There is only one such way ...

Use a spell to trap an undead creature into a nightmare, and then use the power of the nightmare to link to the nightmare kingdom. Open the door and you can directly enter the nightmare kingdom.

But it is not so easy to want to come out. This undead is gone once. You can go in. If you want to come out, you need something stronger as a coordinate.

If it is only in the outermost part of the nightmare kingdom, it is also possible to use a nightmare undead, but the current situation, Agalon will certainly not be only in the outermost part.

This requires the vampire to be a humanoid coordinate. No matter how deep into the nightmare kingdom, it will definitely guarantee escape.

I stood in front of the gate, Lin Yun glanced back at Giovanni, who was a little bit frightened.

"Master Giovanni, when you see a change on the gate, touch the gate and I can open the gate from the other side." 冇

After I finished speaking, Lin Yun pushed the door open.

The door was originally inlaid on the wall, just like a hanging picture, and the back was a hard wall. But now, Lin Yun gently pushed open the door, and there was a fog inside, no ground, nothing. It's like a void shrouded in mist.

Zhe Linyun stepped into the mist and disappeared in an instant, and the bone-bone door closed with a bang. Everything seemed to be an illusion.

Giovanni waited honestly in front of the bone-bone gate, and then ordered his army to protect the three layers of the castle and the three layers of the castle. The black pythons climbed out, and the body coiled around the castle to completely protect it. .

On the other side, after Lin Yun stepped into the mist, the sound seemed to dissipate, there was no earth under his feet, and there was no air around him. The body just floated in the mist, and the direction had no meaning.

I do n’t know how long it has been floating, the surrounding fog has begun to dissipate rapidly, the ground has appeared under the feet, and the sound of insects and birds calling has also appeared around it. It seems that there is a roar of Warcraft in the distance.

The moment when the sound of crickets appeared, it was like suddenly appearing in a real world from the endless void.

The real touch came from the stomping feet, the wet soil, and the weeds stepping on the feet. As the fog spread, the surrounding environment completely reflected in Lin Yun's eyes.

Gravity is at least three times higher than Northrend World, but trees are much taller than Northrend World.

Any big tree is hundreds of meters high, and there are even many giant trees that are at least tens of meters high, at least tens of meters thick, and the weeds on the ground are higher than Lin Yun.

Lin Yun still maintained the shape of the skeleton king. He turned away the dense weeds in front of him. Just after walking out less than ten meters, the weeds in front were suddenly pushed away by a force, a tooth with a length of at least three meters. The cannibal rushed over from the weeds, exuding a thick liquid mouth, biting fiercely at Lin Yun, and seemed to swallow Lin Yun with one mouthful.

Lin Yun waved the death sickle, and the strong death force covered the surface of the death sickle. A gray moon blade flew out, and instantly split the many cannibal flowers into two halves. The split cannibal flowers were quickly killed. The force eroded, and within a second, the brightly colored piranha turned completely gray, and then slammed into a pile of ashes.

Lin Yun looked at the surrounding environment, frowned slightly, and sensed the rules here. It seemed to be a little different from the normal rules, but the difference was not great. It can even be said that the rules here seemed more powerful and the rules were also More clear.

It slowly rises from the ground and reaches a height of thousands of meters. When you look towards the ground, you see a forest of tall trees, and there is a peak inserted into the sky in the distance. It is estimated that it is tens of thousands of meters high. Because the part inserted into the cloud layer is invisible.

Twenty-eight kilometers away, the trees were trembling, and there seemed to be giant beasts fighting in the forest.

Lin Yun converged and flew towards the place where the beasts fought. When they appeared on the battlefield, Lin Yun was shocked.

On the forest floor, there are two heads that look like lions, and a giant Wugui carapace carrying three hollow cylinders on the back. There are two waves on the head. Pointed beast.

Both beasts have hundreds of meters of body, tens of meters high, and the way of fighting is exactly the same as Lin Yun's memory.

With two lion heads, the beast covered with stones is very flexible. It constantly jumps in the forest. The strength of those giant trees is also terrible. It was shot by this beast. At that time, I just shook it, leaving a noticeable mark.

On the back of another giant looking tortoise with a tortoise shell, the three hollow cylinders continuously sprayed frost balls, and the **** hit the surface of a giant tree at least thirty meters thick. Instantly The terrible frost power spread along the surface of the giant tree. In less than three seconds, the giant tree that was 700 to 800 meters high became completely silver-white, and the surface was completely frozen.

And the giant monster like the double-headed stone lion is too flexible. The giant monster lying on the ground cannot attack the opponent at all, and the claws of the double-headed stone lion cannot break the turtle shell of the other giant.

After two consecutive hours of temptations, the two-headed stone lion seemed to have completely lost patience, and no longer kept dodging. He rushed to the turtle beast, and both mouths yelled, and shock waves visible to the naked eye On the head of the tortoise shell beast, it suddenly stunned.

The double-headed stone lion took the opportunity to wave its claws, and severely cut off one of the three hollow aids on the back of the turtle shell monster, that is, the aid that kept spraying frost balls.

It is a pity that after the double-headed stone lion cut off a cylinder, a current plasma was suddenly sprayed out of the other hollow cylinder. A liquid-like thunder erupted from the center of the head of the double-headed stone lion, terrible. The thunder of light envelops one of the heads of the double-headed stone lion, but the dazzling thunderous light does not spread at all, but only covers the head of the two-headed stone lion.

A painful roar sounded in the forest, the turtle shell monster raised his head, UU read the book www. bit one leg of the double-headed stone lion, and on his back, a white light burst out into the sky again in the last hollow cylinder.

Twenty-three seconds later, a white beam of light containing the power of thunder and frost fell from the sky and slammed into the other head of the two-headed stone lion.

Suddenly, the battle was over ...

The tortoise shell giant monster slowly walked up, biting off the head of the twin-headed stone lion that was still wrapped by the dazzling thunder. After a few seconds, it bit the other frozen head and devoured it.

I lost two heads, and in the fracture around my neck, blood spewed out like a fountain, and the thick **** smell spread rapidly in the forest.

After the turtle shell monster swallowed up the half-headed stone lion's half body, a roar sounded in the forest. There seemed to be other giants approaching, and the ground was shaking slightly.

The tortoise shell giant monster gave up the remaining half of its prey decisively and turned to run away, while his back, the cut hollow cylinder, had already recovered almost half by this time.

Zhe Linyun watched quietly, spurring the power of the Chapter of the Dead, and her body became human again.

After changed back to human, the vision of the undead completely disappeared, but more information could be captured again, bloody, magical, full of ancient breath.

He slumped to the ground and used tools to collect some material from the double-headed stone lion. Lin Yun flew up and floated on the top of a giant tree to hide.

(To be continued)