MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 95v4 Intern Wife

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The west of Puyang City is the area where the poor live. The houses are densely packed and the alleys are crisscrossed. The area here occupies one-fifth of the whole city, but the poor people who account for almost two-thirds of the city's population live there. It is crowded and complicated. Know. Therefore, among these ordinary people, there may be thieves hiding in the rivers and oceans, flower pickers roaming around, and even more low-level **** who run cheap jobs in the city secretly. More secret casinos, brothels, fighting arenas, secret doors, some of the darkest and most exciting activities can often only grow here, so most of the time this is the place where Puyang gangsters are entrenched, even the government is open to it. Turn one eye and close one eye, occasionally there will be some sons and sisters who are tired of the silk and bamboo singing in Gaoshang District and come here for excitement, and they will usually become fat sheep to be slaughtered.

In a complex area, people are naturally not simple. There are a lot of prostitutes here. Of course, they can't be as ostentatious as a brothel. Some residents opened side doors and vacated a few houses, which can be regarded as simple inns for those wandering orioles to solicit customers. A small red lantern is hung in front of the door to show that the secret door invites guests here.

The Zhao family in Crotch Lane is in this business. There are slightly more houses in the family than others, and a small yard has been vacated, and a red light is hung. Very good at business, the room is allowed for short-term rental, and it is also possible to calculate it by the hour. Although it is more expensive than other houses for an entire night after careful calculation, it is cheaper to pay in installments. Those old prostitutes usually buy one or two. At Shichen, several batches came and went in and out of the room overnight, making it difficult for the Zhao family and not bothering them.

Tonight, the boss of the Zhao family looked very good, because he got a big deal, a prostitute actually bought a room for three days, and paid half of the house payment in advance, the boss of the Zhao family was happily holding the silver horn and humming , thinking about that prostitute's unattractive face, her figure is really enchanting, she must be very skilled in bed, otherwise she wouldn't be so rich, and thinking about the young man she helped here, she looks weak, I don't know what it is Which son or brother came here for excitement, three days and three nights? Tsk tsk, aren't you afraid of dying?

The boss of the Zhao family squinted his eyes and looked at the room. There was no rear window in that room, but there was a wall brick that could be pulled out, so he could go to see Fengyue later... Boss of the Zhao family, this trick has been done many times .

The door of that room was suddenly opened, and the prostitute with a voluptuous figure and a not-so-good face leaned against the door, raised her orchid fingers, and said delicately, "Shopkeeper, do you have any extra clean clothes? This guest from my house, would you like Change clothes."

The boss of the Zhao family is not surprised, there are all kinds of weird people who come here to seek pleasure, and transvestites are nothing, so he said repeatedly: "Yes, yes." Going back to the house, he went to find some clean old clothes, and was courteous. When handing it over, his fingers quietly pinched the back of the prostitute's hand.

From such a close look, this figure makes people want to spray nosebleeds, and under the half-covered peach red bellyband, two rounds of sun can be sprayed out!

The boss of the Zhao family only took one look, and felt that his legs were going to go limp.

The female prostitute took the clothes with a smile, her upper and lower red lips closed, and the melon seeds in her mouth lightly spit on the face of the boss of the Zhao family, and she turned around and closed the door.

The boss of the Zhao family touched his face passionately, took off the melon seed shell and sniffed it, smiled and said in a low voice: "Beauty spit, Bobo, Bobo..." Staggered away.

As soon as the door was closed, Jing Hengbo tugged on the pink corset depressedly.

Hell, this stolen dress just doesn't fit, why is the bodice so short? You can cover your chest but not your belly, and the hood is still covered with silk gauze. Do you want to dance belly dance?

When she looked up and saw the person on the bed, her expression became even more depressed.

Gong Yin really had a problem.

In the process of supporting him and flashing all the way, she felt the loss of his true energy. The speed is shocking, and the water of the Yellow River is just like that. She doesn't know how much true energy a person can have. worthy of such a loss.

It wasn't like this, his true strength was like a dam that was about to burst. The last palm of the assassin who broke through the wall earlier caused the last boulder in the dam to block the flood discharge, and it was instantly washed away.

In this case, it is useless to find a doctor, she needs a master, who can protect Gong Yin and recuperate her true energy, and gather the scattered internal energy, but she herself has lost the heart of the moon. Scattered, martial law in the city, three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry, it is very difficult for her to protect Gong Yin at this moment, where can she go to find her people?

She left them a note, hoping they would find it soon.

She chose to stay here because she found that the main city could not live, so she went to a medical center and an inn, and encountered officers and soldiers. Thousands of troops, but the efficiency of these troops is not that high. Currently, the main force of the search in the city is the city's strong soldiers, patrols and cadres under the jurisdiction of Lei Mansion. King Li died in the mansion. In order to get rid of the crime, Lei Mansion used all of his own With all the power she could use, she cooperated with the army to quickly launch a search. If she hadn't flashed so fast, she would have been bumped into many times.

In desperation, she moved to the complex and marginal areas. In addition, she heard that there is a mixture of dragons and snakes in this place, and there are some strange people. It is said that there is a Taoist priest in a small temple, who is good at rejuvenating, especially good at healing internal and external injuries. It is a great offering that no one in the local gangster dares to offend. Everyone survives by fighting with flesh and blood.

Because of the complexity and poverty of this place, there is not even a decent inn, only half-residents who live in prostitutes. If you want to settle down, you have to do as the Romans do.

Stealing a new set of clothes from a prostitute, the colors are gaudy, with "thin, see-through, and gorgeous" as the basic characteristics, Jing Hengbo sighed while wearing them, feeling that he, the queen, had a life of rich and weird experiences that was enough to write three legends to support a lifetime "Jing Hengbo Research Center" with tens of thousands of people.

The makeup matching the clothes was scribbled on the face, and it became a big mouth, bright red cheekbones, high cheekbones, dark eye circles, and blue eyes. She looked like an over-indulgent middle-aged woman. She laughed for a long time at the broken mirror in the room , turned around to change Gong Yin's clothes.

Gong Yin looks groggy, and has been sweating since the loss of his true strength. This person used to be made of ice and snow. In her memory, she has never seen him sweating. All the abnormalities now represent the collapse of the body , but she didn't dare to think about it.

There was a loud cry from outside the house, the voice was surprised, it was the voice of the boss of the Zhao family, "Ah, why is my face swollen!" Jing Hengbo smiled as he listened.

Is it easy to take advantage of sister's cheap? The melon seed shells are poisonous, and the so-called spit out of her mouth is just a cover-up. Her skill in eating melon seeds has been perfected as early as in modern times.

The boss of the Zhao family's eyes are so disgusting, he can't see them if they are swollen!

The bed in this kind of place was very dirty, Jing Hengbo tore off all the mattresses, and spread Gong Yin's sweat-wet outer shirt on the bed. The soaked underwear was taken off for him frequently, anyway, the baby is already there, so if you look at it more, you won't be pregnant again.

But when she took it off, she smiled at the corners of her lips, and her cheeks were still slightly flushed. She rolled with the man in front of the pine forest, and fought in the carriage. In the end, he is unavoidably shy. In my impression, he is well-proportioned, slender and tall. In the dark, his mind always looks like a cold jade and a snowy moonlight, smooth and crystal clear, as if his muscles and bones are transparent. It is really made of ice and snow. At this moment, he is sweating profusely. The ice and snow became a water-soluble moon, moist, shining in the misty candlelight, and the statue became a real body. The touch of the fingertips was elastic and cool, and they slid into the flat abdominal muscles as soon as they slid. He was so clean by nature. Human beings are not stained with the wind and dust of the world, and the dripping sweat does not make people feel filthy, but has a kind of shining beauty like a pure lotus flower. Jing Hengbo's eyes are slightly dizzy, and his breathing is gradually rapid. She has never known that pure And sensuality can also be perfectly intertwined. At this moment, his black hair was messily scattered on the pillow, so quiet, but her heartbeat was beating like a drum, and there were waves of heat in her body, she just wanted to throw herself on him.

After posting for a long time Chi still sighed, quickly dried his body, untied his belt through the coat, took off his underwear, soaked them together in the basin, the basin was ready-made, she thought it was dirty, so she took a knife to clean the outside All the layers of wood veneer were scraped off, washed with water three times, and then water was drawn from the small well outside the house again to wash his clothes.

She has always carried medicine with her, she has encountered a lot of things, and people around her, including herself, often suffer from injuries, so she dare not put on the royal air of a queen, like a Jianghu person, with a lot of money and medicines on her. The thousand-year-old wild ginseng that I took in the Luoyun Palace last time hadn’t been eaten yet, so I took it out and cut it into slices for him to suck. After a while, his sweating gradually stopped, and his whole body slowly cooled down.

Then she put on his clean outer robe close to his body, and then wrapped it with the clean coarse clothes that the boss of the Zhao family sent just now. Probably the boss of the Zhao family also often needs to deal with all kinds of weird requests, the clothes are really clean, But Jing Hengbo didn't dare to wear Gong Yin's close-fitting clothes anymore, she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it when he woke up.

She had never done these things before, and she was quite clumsy. She muttered while putting on, "Why are men's clothes so troublesome...I'll give him a clock in the future..." After finishing, she tied a beautiful bow on his belt.

His underwear was soaking in the basin, so it was inconvenient to go out to wash it. She was sweating profusely while washing it in the room. She suddenly stopped her hands while washing, tilted her head to think about it, and couldn't help giggling. It seems that in the previous life and the future life, it was all her. It was the first time for her to wash clothes for men. When she was in the research institute, she was beautiful and enchanting, and there were many men who were courteous. Others serve her, and now her hands are soaked in a basin full of soap scum, she suddenly feels a little dazed, as if this is really her life, an ordinary family, an ordinary housewife, a simple house, a man lying dead after a day's work, She swears and washes clothes and cooks for men—this kind of life has always been far away from her, and she has never imagined it carefully before. Full, real, warm, this kind of "pure life" state, I really look forward to it for a long time, even if this moment is short, I can still feel the feeling of being depended on.

Yes, rely on, for a long time, she and Gong Yin have been ups and downs, get together less and leave more, and seldom have a quiet and home-like day alone, so that occasionally such an opportunity, she feels extremely addicted.

Sighing, she smiled wryly, thinking that if such a life requires sacrificing Gong Yin's health every time in exchange, then she would be really miserable.

After washing the clothes, I sniffed them carefully before standing up in satisfaction. I found a bamboo pole and hung them inside the house. I opened the window and let the drafts dry the clothes quickly. There is no decent clothing store nearby. Gong Yin's coat can be changed , Underwear can't, for a person like him, it's impossible for him not to wear underwear, and he will definitely want to commit suicide if he wears other people's underwear.

As soon as the window was opened, there was a sound of laughter in the aisle. The clogs were crisp and clear. Many local prostitutes like to wear clogs because the ground is dirty and slippery. The high-soled clogs can be kept as clean as possible and have a unique style. Listen to this sound , The prostitute who worked in the middle of the night went out to solicit customers again.

Some people went in and some came out, and the ones who went in said, "Oh, sister Chunxi, did you buy two clocks today?"

The person who went out let out a "bah" and said: "That old man is doing thunder but not raining. For two hours, I don't know if there will be a moment when he is doing his job. He is just messing around there. Why don't he go home and eat his mother's milk?" !"

Another person laughed and said: "Speaking of a moment, there really is a moment. Last time, one of Sister Chrysanthemum's guests, from the arrival of the person to the completion of the work, there was not a moment. Sister Chrysanthemum bought a clock, and later regretted it for a long time, saying Lost!"

All the girls laughed wildly, Jing Hengbo held his chin and muttered, "What clock?"

The footsteps of those prostitutes were approaching, Jing Hengbo was afraid of being seen, so he closed the window with a slam, and there was a silence outside, and then there was a burst of wild laughter, "Hey, this one is still closing the window, but what kind of new tricks are you playing? Sisters learn."

Jing Hengbo laughed hoarsely through the window: "This is my little sister's unique skill. I call Zizhu to play the flute overnight. If my sisters want to learn, just buy thirty-six bells for my sister."

"Ha, I dare to open my mouth for such a trick. Sister, I can fly like a cow, watch the moon and swallows! Sister, do you want to learn from my sister for seventy-two hours?" There was a wave of laughter outside, and the crowd passed by. up.

Jing Hengbo laughed, and with a grunt in his stomach, he opened the door and called Boss Zhao, "Shopkeeper, bring a stove and a pot for some vegetables, this young man wants to play fresh with me, girl!"

There was a burst of laughter outside, and a woman rushed back and shouted: "Don't ask about vegetables, cucumbers! Eggplants! Cucumbers must be fresh, and eggplants must be soft or hard, smooth, round and long!"

Someone laughed and said, "The loofah is also good."

"too thin!"

There was a burst of laughter, and someone screamed: "I heard that this person bought a clock for three days!"

Someone else laughed, "If you want me to say, the longer you buy, the worse the product will be. A quarter of an hour is the best!"

Laughing again, Jing Hengbo also laughed, and looked back at Gong Yin, fortunately, he seemed to be in a deep sleep.

The temporary inn of the secret door is of high quality. The boss of the Zhao family with a swollen face didn't ask anything, and quickly brought the stove and a spatula. Sure enough, there were loofahs, cucumbers, and eggplants. Jing Hengbo took them, and looked outside. Said: "It seems that there is a sound outside, is there anything wrong?"

"What can be the matter?" Boss Zhao said nonchalantly, "Third Master Hei is covering our land. As long as you pay enough protection money, even if the king of heaven comes, he won't be able to ask you."

"That's right," Jing Hengbo rested his chin with his finger, his eyes fluttered, "But it's good to say that, and it's not good to say it bad, just in case Mr. Hei is suppressed by the government one day..."

Boss Zhao laughed like he heard a joke.

"Government? The government and this local snake, which one doesn't wear a pair of pants?"

Jing Hengbo's eyes widened, "Could it be that the third master Hei has friendship with our lord?"

"What is the mansion?" Boss Zhao sneered, "Don't look at our place is dirty and chaotic. Those high-ranking officials and nobles pass by and cover their noses. It seems that their feet will be stained every time they stand. God knows that at night, Puyang and even In the surrounding cities, how many nobles have changed their clothes and come here to have fun."

"Here?" Jing Hengbo looked up at the broken eaves covered with cobwebs and dust, and asked in surprise.

"The secret door here is dirty, and not many people want it, but there are still many interesting things. Some businesses that cannot be opened in the open can live very well here. There is also a secret port here, from the surrounding tribal countries. There are a lot of things that are hard to see in the market. So if you want to talk about the most complete and fastest news, even if you go to Mongolia several times, it’s just here. Don’t underestimate the third master Hei. He is a local snake on the surface, but even Mr. Lei If you want to search his territory, you can't just enter it."

"Cowhide!" Jing Hengbo scoffed, and slammed the door shut.

After chatting for a few words, it can be confirmed that the water is really deep in this place where filth is hidden. In such a powerful place, any outsider would be very conspicuous. It may be difficult for Yeluqi Peishu and the others to enter, but similarly, it may be difficult for the government to come in and search openly. Here, it is safe for the time being.

She didn't want to take the risk of taking Gong Yin out, it was obvious that he couldn't make a move, if he encountered pursuers, he would kill him if he tried his best, so he had to wait for his people to join him.

She closed the window and started cooking. She didn't dare to eat the food served here, and felt dirty, so she had to do it by herself.

Poor Queen Jing Da, who has never touched the spring water, has always been a beautiful woman far away from the kitchen. How could she have dealt with such a high-tech job. Cucumber sliced ​​or shredded or diced or stripped? How should eggplant be fried? How to solve the skin of the loofah?

Xiao Cake used to use cucumber fried pork slices, loofah boiled egg soup, but the poor here can't afford meat, so she had to eat vegetarian.

"Take it, take it, take it." The good intern wife was cutting vegetables, and she knew she was stupid when she heard the sound of chopping vegetables.

"Ouch." With a low cry, Her Majesty the Queen raised her finger tearfully, it hurt so much, a small piece of her beautiful and exquisite nail was cut off.

So the cucumber was cut into pieces of different sizes and put into the pot, the biggest was like a potato, and the smallest was like a chess piece. There was a loud chirp when it was put into the pot, and she screamed—the oil was fried on the back of her hand.

After frying for a long time, it is not cooked, so just add some water and boil the soup.

She still knew that the loofah needed to be peeled, but the knife kept breaking, not to mention the bumps. After losing another beautiful nail, she angrily pushed the loofah into the cucumber soup.

She remembered how to do the eggplant, she laughed slyly for a while, peeled a few garlic heads, flattened the eggplant, put some sauce on it, and steamed it in a pan. Just mix it back with oil.

This is good, this is simple.

After finishing her work, she looked at the tumbling loofah and green melon soup, the bubbling and steaming steamed eggplant, and the man's underwear drying on the bamboo pole. She touched her face with satisfaction, "Good wife, really good wife..."

Immediately there was a scream, "Ah, it's so spicy!"

When peeling the garlic, the technique is wrong. The nails are full of garlic juice. After peeling the garlic, I didn’t wash my hands...

After a while, she checked the pot with tears in her eyes, and lifted the lid frequently, wondering if the eggplant was steamed well.

"Wait for a quarter of an hour, don't always lift the lid of the pot, the heat will go away, and it will get better more slowly." The voice suddenly came from behind, Jing Hengbo was startled, and turned around in surprise, "Ha, are you awake?"

Gong Yin opened her eyes at some point, and leaned against the head of the bed, her face was slightly pale, but her eyes were shining black in the mist and heat of the room, staring at her through the mist, somehow, she felt that this gaze It seems to be smiling slightly, warm and caring.

For a moment, she thought of the words "mortal fireworks".

He felt the warmth of this moment as soon as he woke up.

Gong Yin looked at Jing Hengbo quietly. He had never seen her dressed like this. To be honest, it would be too polite to describe it as gaudy. The peach red tube top and the light green skirt were not embroidered with mandarin ducks or flowers, but the embroidered **** palace , Erotic men and women are still ugly, the men have sagging belly meat, and the women's thighs are as thick as pigs. The skirt is so thin that even the thighs can be seen, the drape is cheap, crumpled and has no belt in the wind, it looks like a rag hanging around the neck, but it is also trimmed with poorly made yellow butterflies, which looks like a drape. Two loofahs that just bloomed. Coupled with her intentionally smeared face, it was so ugly that both people and gods were angry.

However, he felt that she was as beautiful as the world at the moment.

The brilliance that walks in front of the world belongs to the whole wilderness, and the woman who is willing to be as low as dust for him in the heat of the shabby room at this moment belongs to him.

The cheap clothes and makeup, the makeup is the true love in the world.

We can be rich and noble, we can share weal and woe, the splendid hall and the muddy shabby room are equally beautiful.

Jing Hengbo met his gaze, just smiled casually, without any embarrassment or cover-up, she knew that she was ugly at the moment, and also knew that he would definitely not despise her being ugly.

She rinsed the dishes and bowls with hot water and filled them with meals that were not very good looking. She put the only stool in the house in front of his bed, put the food on the stool, and said with a natural smile: "Try it." My craft?"

Gong Yin also took the bowl naturally, and filled her with a bowl of rice. When he was loading the rice, he glanced at the rice pot, pushed aside the white rice on the top, and the scorched rice on the bottom. The rice in the middle section filled a bowl for her. On the other hand, he casually packed some food on his head.

Jing Hengbo didn't pay attention to these, she was busy for a long time, she was already hungry, took a bite of rice, and praised: "The food is not good, the rice is perfect!"

Gong Yin picked up a grain of rice slowly with his chopsticks, and suddenly said: "A clock is an hour."

"Ah?" The topic changed so quickly that Jing Hengbo couldn't get on the line.

Gong Yin glanced at her, and said again: "You know that I am more than a quarter of an hour, not more than ten quarters of an hour."

"Ah?" Jing Hengbo opened his mouth, but Gong Yin ignored her and lowered his head to eat.

It took Jing Hengbo a while to realize - this guy woke up earlier!

This guy overheard her conversation with the prostitutes!

This guy is shamelessly implying him that he has a long time!

She really wanted to spray it on his face, but between spraying it and not spraying it, she suddenly heard him ask again leisurely: "What is Zizhu's night flute?"

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