MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 89v4 revenge

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Before the words fell, the sound of bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang shriek, someone shouted: "You're crazy, you don't know that this is the property of Her Majesty the Queen..."

"Even the founding queen!" The sharp voice was still there, "This is Mongolia, not Dige!"

Jing Hengbo grabbed the pile of boxes and bottles, opened them to have a look, smiled, and walked in.

The inside was in a mess, the counter was knocked down, all kinds of bottles and boxes rolled all over the floor, and there were many people standing facing each other. Jing Hengbo saw that there were women on both sides, covering up the bottles and cans that rolled to his feet with long skirts, probably I plan to fish in troubled waters later, after all, the things on the counter are all expensive.

Seeing her walk in suddenly, people on both sides glared and said in unison: "Get out!"

Jing Hengbo laughed, and made trouble again, but he didn't want others to intervene, which was interesting.

"Hey, don't be like this," she said with a smile, "Why are you so angry in such a beautiful weather? Let me help you make peace, okay?"

"Which onion are you?" It was the refusal in unison again, coupled with contemptuous eyes with the same connotation.

Jing Hengbo rubbed his nose, it was really rare for both parties in a quarrel to despise him at the same time.

"Which onion I count, you will know later." Jing Hengbo lazily put the things on the unfilled counter, "But I have something to say about these cosmetics."

"It's your turn to talk?" The woman with a sharp voice turned her face, and Jing Hengbo saw a face with beautiful eyebrows, but it looked a bit old and vulgar because of the heavy makeup. Those gorgeous but inappropriately colored embroidered dresses and equally gorgeous but cumbersome jewelry ruined the overall beauty. Jing Hengbo's first feeling was that his eyes were tired. Didn't she know that a person's clothes should not exceed three colors at most? plant?

The woman came from a wealthy family at first glance, and the arrogance between her brows can only be cultivated after years of being pampered and pampered. Behind her is a group of maids and servants, and their clothes are not vulgar.

And the shopkeeper of the Beauty Hall opposite is also a woman, a middle-aged woman with slightly high cheekbones, pale complexion, two eyebrows drawn high, and a shrewd and capable look from makeup to expression, which should be what the Hall of Beauty needs. The temperament of the shopkeeper, but Jing Hengbo is not very comfortable to look at. This woman's eyes are too active, and he scans her whole body at a glance, and finds that her clothes are not luxurious, and she is wearing a wooden necklace around her neck. Immediately turned a 360-degree turn.

At this moment, the female shopkeeper took a step back, indifferently seeing the aggressive lady, she didn't intend to rescue Jing Hengbo.

Jing Hengbo was used to seeing this kind of people, and he didn't even bother to take a second look. He lazily said, "Everyone has the right to speak." He tapped the soap box, "Especially when I see a fool face to face, I can't help but not tell the truth." inhuman."

"Who are you calling an idiot?" The woman's brows were almost raised to her forehead.

"This kind of question is usually asked by idiots." Jing Hengbo giggled, and opened the soap box, "What do you mean there are black spots in the soap? These black spots are obviously deep water black pearl shavings, and the scrub effect is convenient for more clean skin. If you don’t understand, just ask carefully, don’t rush to embarrass yourself.”

The woman was startled, her expression changed, before she could speak, Jing Hengbo opened the purple wooden box again, picked up a bit of black skin flakes and said, "Heishuize Blackhead Remover Deep Cement Mask, the snake skin you mentioned is this Alas, I really don’t want to laugh at your ignorance, this is snake skin? This is the unique black chi skin of Heishuize, a famous monster in Heishui, worth a thousand gold, the ground black chi skin is rich in collagen, can Refining the skin and delaying aging, the existence of this kind of tiny chi skin just shows that this box of masks is genuine. If the noble ladies of the Emperor Song see this little chi skin, they will be very happy, but with the eyesight of Mongolian nobles, can they recognize it? It’s understandable to come out, next time, please remember not to make such jokes in front of Di Ge’s relatives and friends, I’m afraid that you will be listed as a refusal account because of this, and that will be the sin of my Beauty Hall.”

"You!" The woman's face was livid.

The shopkeeper of the Beauty Hall on the side frowned slightly, and turned to gesture to the back hall.

"I can teach you a lot." Jing Hengbo was about to open another box with a smile on his face. The woman's face was livid, she took a look at the crowds outside, took a step back, and said angrily, "It's not your turn." Come and teach me!" Turning to the servant, "Let's go!"

Just as she turned around, Jing Hengboman called out, "Wait a minute."

The woman turned around angrily, and glared at Jing Hengbo fiercely. Jing Hengbo was still smiling lazily, pointing to the mess on the ground, "Please return to the original state."

"You are worthy of commanding us!"

"The hall of beauty is spread all over the world. Today's madam's trouble is the most important event of the hall of beauty this year. This matter will be spread all over the world for the hall of beauty," Jing Hengbo said with a smile, "to spread the reputation of the madam's family in the whole wilderness."

The noble lady stared at Jing Hengbo, probably wanting to use her dignity and murderous spirit to make the person on the opposite side flinch. Unfortunately, Jing Hengbo only reacted to Gong Yin's winking eyes, and the rest of the people stared at him and felt that they were not beautiful enough. Her charming smile is motionless, neither angry nor contemptuous, everything is like an ant.

After a long while, the woman had to turn her eyes away and waved her hand fiercely. Several maids and servants had to step forward to lift up the cabinet and tidy up the things. After finishing her work, the woman hurried to leave, but Jing Hengbo shouted again, "Wait a minute."

"What nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, please return the goods from the Hall of Beauty that were hidden under the skirt and then quietly stuffed into the sleeves." Jing Hengbo pointed to the maids, "Although your servants have shallow eyelids, as long as you return them in time , I won’t tell everyone.”

The woman's face turned ashen, and she angrily said: "Nonsense! A servant of my family is also three points more noble than you, how could he take your pickled things!"

The group of maids hurriedly covered their sleeves and quietly stepped back.

Jing Hengbo didn't answer, just smiled and flicked his fingers. Crackling, a bunch of colorful boxes and bottles fell down from the sleeves of the group of maidservants. Before those people rushed to pick it up, Jing Hengbo quickly stepped forward to pick one up, shook it outside, and said with a smile: "The mark of the Hall of Beauty, look, the footprints you stepped on just now are still there."

Immediately outside, the hall roared with laughter, and someone shouted: "Sure enough, it is a famous family tutor. If there is a master, there must be a servant."

The woman's face turned from blue to purple, and then from purple to blue again, and suddenly she turned around and slapped a maid beside her with a "slap" on the face, shouting: "What a disgrace!"

She had a lot of gold, tassels, bracelets and gemstone rings in her hand. The face of the gemstones brushed against the servant girl’s face, leaving heavy bloodstains. The maidservant dared not cry out for pain or cover her face. Said: "Drag away! Go back and carefully look at your skin!" After saying that, he just turned around and heard another sentence, "Wait a minute!"

The woman suddenly turned around and shouted angrily, "You're never finished!"

"Madam, you haven't given me the compensation for smashing the counter and the goods." Jing Hengbo spread his palms, "The red sandalwood counter needs to be redone for smashing a corner, and the smashed goods..." She turned around and looked with a satisfied smile Meaning, "The Mystery of the Blue Sea Long-lasting Luxury Gold Mask, Sixi Dawn Eye Firming Diamond Star Eye Cream, Elizabeth Charming Yeying No. 7 Perfume..." After reporting dozens of items, I quickly got the mental calculation result, "Chenghui Baiyin The total is thirteen thousand two hundred and fourteen taels, and if you take off the odds for the first offender, you will be compensated for thirteen thousand taels."

There was a commotion outside, some people exclaimed and some snickered, the woman was so angry that her head was full of pearls and emeralds, she gritted her teeth and said: "You are extorting! I want to complain to Lord Fu Yin!"

"Please go ahead." Jing Hengbo said nonchalantly, "Everything in the Hall of Beauty is marked with a price tag, and it was hung before you smashed the market. Most of the things in the Hall of Beauty are sold to officials and nobles. They are all good things, and there is no room for any flaws. I believe Mrs. Fuyin will also have goods from the Hall of Beauty. She will know whether we have extorted or not. Not only her, but the entire Mongolia and even the entire Great Wilderness will know whether there has been extortion from the Hall of Beauty, and whether you are messing around and trying to repay your debt. .”

The woman's complexion changed again. She understood what Jing Hengbo meant, and then she remembered that the Hall of Beauty takes a high-end route, and its goods are exclusively for officials and nobles. Yes, if you really want to make a fuss in the government office, even though your family is a wealthy family, the governor may not lose face if you want to show face, but it will definitely spread to the residences of all officials and nobles in Puyang and even Mongolia. How can I have the face to participate again?

Resentfully, she took out a few gold tickets from her sleeve, threw them on the ground, and screamed, "Go!" This time, she walked very fast, for fear of hearing the fatal "wait a minute" again.

The spectators around the steps silently stepped aside and watched her go. Although they were afraid of the power and said nothing, it did not prevent them from expressing their contempt with their eyes. He had no choice but to walk quickly with his head bowed, just wanting to leave quickly, until he climbed into his carriage and entered, then turned around abruptly, pointing at Jing Hengbo, who was watching her with a smile in the shop, trembling all over.

Facing the trembling, shiny fingernails poking straight over, Jing Hengbo smiled and blew her a kiss.

The woman flicked her sleeves, turned her head and got into the carriage, her voice was not only shrill but also almost creepy, "Let's go!"

The carriage left the street at a speed close to fleeing, Jing Hengbo frowned as he watched the gorgeous golden carriage.

Then she turned around and saw that the female shopkeeper had picked up the gold tickets and put them into her sleeves, and smiled at her, "Thank you for your help, Miss, it seems that she is quite familiar with the goods in my Hall of Beauty, but it is also from my Hall of Beauty. the steward?"

Jing Hengbo smiled, noncommittal, and the female shopkeeper invited her in for tea, saying that she would like to thank her. Jing Hengbo waved to Gong Yin who had been standing at the bottom of the steps and looked at her, and said, "Let's taste the beauty of the Hall of Beauty together." Tea."

Gong Yin came over with a lot of things, and all the women in the hall stared at him blankly, Gong Yin handed the pile of things to a female assistant, and said, "Please keep it for me." The things were heavy and weighed heavily. The girl staggered, but stopped immediately, not only did she not complain, but also smiled like a flower on her face, and said: "Don't worry, young master, I will send you back to the mansion later."

Gong Yin just nodded lightly and walked over. He always only had Jing Hengbo in his eyes, and the idlers were just human beings in his eyes.

Jing Hengbo looked at the chattering girls with blushing faces and wriggling around, and curled his lips—when did the Beauty Hall take care of delivering non-Beauty Hall goods? A group of nympho!

Another look at the White House with hatred—attracting bees and butterflies!

Gong Yin came over, glanced at her, followed her gaze at the group of girls, raised his hand to trim her temples wisely, and said, "Chaos."

"What do you know, this is called fluffy cloud temples, a new hairstyle I just researched." Jing Hengbo immediately turned from anger to joy, took him by the arm and walked inside, with his head lovingly resting on his shoulder.

The corners of Gong Yin's lips curled up—actually, she knew that she was not jealous, nor was she playing childish thoughts. How could Her Majesty the Queen, who is rich in experience, still play such childish tricks? Mortals, just experience the fireworks in the world and the warmth of the world.

In her words, what is it called...down to earth?

I'm not used to being so close to people walking together, I feel like I don't know how to move my legs, and I'm worried that my steps will trip up, it's really hard for Jing Hengbo to walk in a long skirt, he wants to push her away, but more She couldn't bear it, and her heart tossed several times, but in the end she gently raised her hand to hold her waist, fearing that she might fall.

Jing Hengbo lowered his head slightly, and a smile gradually formed on the corners of his lips—Gong Yin, he is really slowly starting to get down to earth, this is really a good start.

I hope his physical condition is also improving. She is not afraid of suffering in the world, but she is afraid that God will not give her more time to manage happiness.

The female shopkeeper led the way, leading the two into the depths of the inner courtyard, ordered someone to serve good tea, changed her previous repulsive attitude, and chatted with Jing Hengbo with a smile. Jing Hengbo had always been acquainted. After talking for a long time, the female shopkeeper's expression became more and more clear, and she said with a smile: "No wonder the girl is so familiar with the goods of my Beauty Hall. It turns out that the girl is the steward of Dige Beauty Hall."

"Yes." Jing Hengbo said with a smile, "Being good at what you do, the shopkeeper is also very proficient in our things."

The face of the female shopkeeper changed, and she forced a smile and said: "This is the minimum rule of our Hall of Beauty. If you don't understand your own things, why are you talking about doing business?"

"Yeah, I must understand, I understand it too well." Jing Hengbo nodded, opened the box of powder cakes he had been holding in his hand, picked up a small piece of white flakes with his fingers, and said with a smile, "So I want to ask the shopkeeper for advice. What kind of thing is the dried insect?"

The shopkeeper's complexion changed, and he covered his sleeves and coughed, "Well..."

Jing Hengbo conjured another bottle from his sleeve, uncorked the bottle and sniffed it, and said, "Jiaorong Moonlight Essence, actually has a hala smell, is it a new variety? Why haven't I heard of hala smell?" essence?"

The female shopkeeper suddenly stood up, stared at the bottle, and said coldly for a while: "Are you here to smash the field?"

"Sit down, sit down." Jing Hengbo knocked on the table, "If I really came here to mess things up, I would have said that just now. To be honest, that naughty woman just now said that there is something wrong with the soap and the mask Although it is nonsense, this foundation and this essence are indeed inferior products, even... fakes."

"There's no such thing!" the female shopkeeper said solemnly, "The beauty hall sells, and they are always genuine products at a fair price. How do you know that it wasn't just that woman who just swapped things for blackmail?"

"If the things in the Hall of Beauty are really fakes, they cannot be made by ordinary people. Only those who are familiar with the shape and quality of these things can be imitated after special training. It's like this foundation. In fact, the main process is still good, but it is drying They did not go through the routine three-stage sieve during the production process, which resulted in the inclusion of sundries. If others want to blackmail with counterfeit products, they can only produce something completely different." Jing Hengbo leaned back in his chair and smiled calmly. .

Gong Yin only drank tea and looked at her—Jing Hengbo, who talked eloquently about the fields he was familiar with, so confident and calm, more charming than ever.

The shopkeeper's face changed again and again, after a long while, he slowly took out a gold ticket from his sleeve, and offered it with both hands in silence.

Jing Hengbo raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile, "What does the shopkeeper mean?"

"The girl came to Mongolia from Dige, and she must have been ordered by the main store to do a half-year routine inspection. The journey was hard, and the horses and horses were exhausted. This kind of thought is to comfort the girl's hard work. It is also my heart that you take it to add a bracelet. .”

Jing Hengbo glanced at the gold ticket, the amount was not low, it was one-third of the compensation amount just now, it was enough to buy a hundred gold bracelets, it was a big deal.

A businessman valued profits, everything was measured by gains and losses, and the amount of blood she was willing to shed meant that the matter itself was worth her investment.

And the mere flaws of a box of foundation and a bottle of essence are not worth such an investment.

Giving just enough money is called gratitude, and giving too much money is called disaster.

The smile on Jing Hengbo's face remained unchanged, even a little more greedy. He took the golden ticket and said with a smile, "You are so kind."

The female shopkeeper seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, stood up and said with a smile: "There is still some business ahead, please allow me to deal with it and then I will compensate the distinguished guests. You can rest here, and I will ask the staff to arrange a place for you later."

"Treasurer, please." Jing Hengbo was still thinking about the hidden bet of the gold ticket over and over again, with a face full of attention, and answered without raising his head.

The shopkeeper hurried out and carefully closed the door. As soon as he went out, Jing Hengbo threw down the gold ticket and laughed.

Gong Yin said at the same time: "She went outside to call for someone. Do you want to go now?"

"No, I want to know what she wants to do?" Jing Hengbo smiled, "I also want to see, how many defective products are there in this Hall of Beauty?"

She walked to the shelf where the goods were displayed, opened the bottles and jars one by one, smelled them, looked at them in the sun, and threw them away after a while.


Jing Hengbo's complexion was very ugly. The Hall of Beauty is her treasure. It was created by her, and she was determined to create a new wave of women's fashion in the wilderness. She took out her favorite and only thing she was good at in her life, and spent A lot of time and energy, the products, designs, mechanisms, and operation methods of Beauty Hall are all condensed with her hard work. It can be said that, compared to the queen who fell from the sky, Hall of Beauty is the domain of her self-realization and her spiritual sustenance. Now her hard work has just been on track and is in the most important period of development. How can she not be angry when such a scum appears in the whole country to spread the influence she needs?

More than half of the goods on this shelf are not of high purity or are simply fakes!

This kind of thing is facing high-end customers. Once a bad reputation spreads, the development of Beauty Hall will die in the middle.

The establishment of word-of-mouth may require many people to work hard for a long time, but it really only needs a reputation to be destroyed once it collapses.

It’s certainly wrong for that woman to cause trouble, but I can’t guarantee that she used the products of Lirentang first, and felt that the product was wrong, but she couldn’t find any actual evidence. It is understandable to come here to find fault with the money but not get the expected effect.

No wonder the shopkeeper closed the door and allowed others to make trouble. Seeing her come out to save the siege, he refused, and when he found out that she was proficient in the products of Lirentang, he became even more wary.

"People are coming." Gong Yin said suddenly.

There was a lot of footsteps outside, and a large group of people rushed into the yard. Suddenly, several torches were thrown into the window, and then the window was closed from the outside. Someone moved a heavy object and blocked it firmly.

There were also footsteps in front of the door, and something was pressed against the door with a "bang", which sounded like a heavy object.

This room has only two windows and one door. After being crushed to death, no one can get out.

Jing Hengbo curled his mouth and shouted to the door, "Hello! What are you going to do?"

The female shopkeeper's voice came from outside the door, and she giggled and said, "What are you talking about? Set fire."

"Is there still a law in broad daylight!" Jing Hengbo continued to shake the door.

"Hey, king's law? What is king's law?" The shopkeeper sneered, "Besides, who violated the king's law? The sky is dry and things are dry, and there is no intention to catch fire. This is your fate. Who is to blame?"

"I helped you just now, why do you want to avenge your kindness!"

"That's right, it's because you helped me just now, so no one will doubt me if I kill you." The female shopkeeper smiled, "Actually, you are stupid. I will leave after you help me, or you won't say anything." As for the problem of foundation, I’ll let it go, maybe I’ll really appreciate you and give you some scattered silver. Who knew you insisted on staying, you are from the Hall of Beauty, and you know my problem here, how can I Can you survive and sue the manager of the main store, Chai Da, or Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Is this why you want to kill?"

"Isn't this enough? You know how much money I spent to get the position of the head of the Mongolian Hall of Beauty, but there is half a chance, and I won't allow it to be destroyed!"

Jing Hengbo sighed, and murmured: "It seems that in any place, people are the big problem..."

The female shopkeeper outside sneered for a while, and then the window was opened, several barrels of liquid were poured in, a pungent smell came, and the flames roared up to the roof—the poured in was kerosene.

At the same time, the female shopkeeper screamed in panic.

"It's not good! There's a fire! Everyone, come and put out the fire!"

Following her cry, more kerosene was poured in. To outsiders, it looked like they were trying to "fight the fire".

The neighbors have been startled, and there are doors opening, exclamation, and footsteps. In the noise, the female shopkeeper giggled, and suddenly lowered her voice, "Don't blame me, I'm helping you too. You know Who is the lady you offended just now? That is the daughter-in-law of the Meng family! The royal family Meng family! The daughter-in-law of the Duke! If you offend her, you will die even worse. Now you can be burned to death, you have to thank me !"

She laughed and walked away. As soon as she walked through the house, she wiped her face and yelled, "Fire! Rescue our guest quickly! Quick!"

In the room, Jing Hengbo opened his mouth wide and stared at Gong Yin who was also surprised.

Meng family?

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