MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 62v4

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He immediately circled his arms tightly without any hesitation in the past. Resting her chin on the top of her hair, she rubbed it lightly, a sigh stuck in her throat, wanting to vomit.

The heart is also slightly sore, there is a little joy, but also a little relief, a little melancholy, and countless pity.

What makes him happy is the smoke and fire of love in the world of mortals. He gradually smells it, as if turning a corner, his eyes light up, and he finally sees the beautiful peach blossoms in the April sky on the road of life that is as white as snow.

What is relieved is that she was a little unhappy when she knew about her obsessions. His life seems to have the world, but in fact it is pale and cramped. After being filled with her brilliance, there is no room for others, and there is no place for others in her life. He only looks at her world, which is full of people. It's all one him. But now I suddenly feel that there are these beautiful people and things hidden in her heart, and it's good to have thoughts and ties. It can let her still have the past that she can think of and smile in the torment of wind and frost, it can let her still have a direction to find firmly in the ups and downs, and she can still have a shoulder to rely on after she loses him. Not so empty.

The melancholy thing is that now I can only give her a beautiful scene, after all, I can't really bring those three people in front of her; the pity is that she is in his arms, a woman who has been trained thousands of times and has hardly been weak recently. Her posture is still dependent, soft, and whole-hearted. No matter how strong she has been tempered externally, deep down, the woman who is awakened is always the woman who hides her inner loneliness and uncertainty with a tired face.

He only hated himself for not being able to give her more.

He only hated that his arms were not warm enough.

He just wanted to hug her even tighter at this moment, and use the power of a tight hug to tell her that all kindness and care will have God's care.

Feeling this force, Jing Hengbo sighed comfortably, and pressed his face into his arms. At this time, he didn't care about pretending to be awkward, and seized the opportunity to enjoy his initiative and gentleness.

God knows that next time he may run away for some reason, and when he can be caught, he must be rubbed hard to loosen him, rub him thoroughly, like kneading a dough with dead muscles, put in all his strength, and wait for him to let out a loud noise. open.

She felt that he was a little enlightened, her embrace was no longer as stiff as before, it looked soft and relaxed, and her hands rested on her waist naturally, she squeezed her chest in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, feeling his trembling Trembling, but the previous subconscious retreat is gone.

Jing Hengbo was happy in his heart, but at the same time he felt a little bit sad—it would be great to be enlightened like this earlier, and it didn't have to be such a big deal at the beginning, but now that he has enlightened, he can't sleep anymore.

There was already a commotion outside, probably because the two of them stayed in the black curtain for so long, and felt a little weird. Jing Hengbo heard Pei Shu's impatient footsteps, and turned around outside the curtain several times, and he probably became patient soon. Exhausted, going to break in.

She got up, wiped away her tears, and smiled at Gong Yin. Gong Yin got up and opened the curtain a little greedily and regretfully.

The expressions of the people outside were different, Pei Shu was full of anger, Yeluqi was slightly sad, Jing Hengbo looked at the expectant expressions of everyone in the audience, and then remembered that there must be a result in this husband selection.

She gave Gong Yin an apologetic look, no matter what, Yeluqi was going to stay, and she had too many questions to ask.

When Gong Yin saw her eyes, he understood what she meant, curled his lips, and didn't want to care about it at the moment.

He had no intention of fighting for this "husband", except for the most important position in her heart, everything else can be ignored. Will come out to stir up trouble, although there are reasons why watching those people are not very happy, but it is more because she thinks her behavior is strange, wants to know the reason, and feels that those people have impure motives, afraid of bringing her danger, and want to help her. Just remove it.

Her actions just now have already explained everything, so why care about the rest of her name. Jing Hengbo is kind in nature, and it is impossible for her to ignore Yeluqi who has returned from calamities.

It's just... He frowned slightly, it seems that someone still holds a very important position in her heart...

Jing Hengbo wanted to laugh seeing his complicated face, Gong Yin was becoming more and more human, cracks appeared in his iceberg-like posture, and she could already easily see several changes in his inner emotions.

Just as he has already understood that to love one needs to be connected with each other, and to love one needs to know perfection, he is approaching the world of mortals, approaching her.

"Everyone," she said happily, "The result of today's husband selection..."

Gong Yin beside him suddenly frowned, then Pei Shu also turned around and looked out of the crowd, Yeluqi was not in good spirits, he took a step slowly, raised his head as if he was listening to something.

Jing Hengbo shut up vigilantly, and looked at the three of them. Her bright moon heart was given to Gong Yin, and she no longer had the sharp eyes and ears when she was cultivating true qi, but these three are masters. The expressions of "discovering something wrong" at the same time showed that they should There is something.

She looked around and found that Luoyun officials had suddenly disappeared.

Figures flashed, Tianqi and Qisha had already swept out to check, Jing Hengbo wondered if the people arranged by Donggong and Prince Fushui here were ordered to do something? Thinking about it, I feel that it is unlikely, Prince Fushui and Donggong are too late to escape now, how can they have the time to take care of this?

After a while Tianqi came back and whispered: "There are guards of honor approaching outside, there are many guards, probably some prince or noble passed by and is evacuating the people."

Immediately, Jing Hengbo saw the officials of the Luoyun Department rushing back across the crowd, and the Minister of Rites wiped the sweat off his face and said with an apologetic smile: "Your Majesty, it was our king who heard that the arena here is wonderful, and suddenly thought of it. Come to congratulate the queen, you see..."

Only then did Jing Hengbo feel relieved, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is too polite, so I will go and greet you."

"You should announce Mrs. Wang's election first," the official said. "The people are still waiting, otherwise they won't disperse..."

Jing Hengbo was a little strange when he heard this, and then he thought that it was indeed late, and it would be dangerous for the crowd to gather in the street again, so he walked down the stage to meet Ge Shen, and pointed at Yeluqi with a smile, saying, "Today, the king's wife is chosen." Ah, the first choice is him..."

It was getting late, and the four camps outside Luoyun City gradually returned to calm after going through some chaos.

In order to shirk responsibility and avoid being attacked by the two camps of Luoyun, the Queen's Guard Battalion of the Hengji Army has retreated ten miles and chose a safe place to camp again.

The floating guard camp was in chaos, and many people were still missing in the mountains.

At night, sparks lit up and down the mountain. They were the remnants of the falling clouds and floating water, using torches to summon the lost soldiers.

There was a sound of panting on the mountain road.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... see those torches?"

"I see, Your Highness." The answering voice was mellow and charming, "Is this one of us? Shall we also go down the mountain with the lights? I still have a fire pocket on my body."

"Don't be so reckless," Wu Weiyan's voice had become hoarse after half a day of desperately fleeing, "It's not sure if it's our floating people or the horizontal halberds. Let alone the horizontal halberd army, even the Luoyun tribe You can't blindly trust the army now, who knows if they have reached a deal with the Queen... You, first go find the nearest torch to see if it is ours. If it is ours, help me to meet up, isn't it? Ours must continue to be hidden."

"Yes," the woman's eyes rolled in the darkness, her smile was gentle, and she didn't seem to think that it was wrong for a man to drive a weak woman to take a mountain road in this wilderness. She even took out a champagne and found a tree trunk for Wu Weiyan , spread the veil, helped him to sit down, and said, "Your Highness, rest here, and I will come whenever I go."

Wu Weiyan waved his hand impatiently, and suddenly said: "Remember to find something to eat."

The woman responded with a smile, and walked away. Wu Weiyan looked at her graceful back, and while beating his sore legs, he smiled with satisfaction, thinking that the beauty he picked up was really lovely, gentle, considerate, loyal and reliable , and endured hardships and sins, and ran away on the mountain road for half a day, even a big man who practiced martial arts felt that he couldn't bear it, but she could still hold on...

When he thought this way, he suddenly froze, and felt that something seemed wrong?

The chaotic brain is usually not clear. He rested his forehead and was thinking. Suddenly, the woman in front of him turned around and smiled at him.

He was stunned, only thought that the smile was bright and beautiful, and subconsciously smiled back, but seeing the woman smiling, she suddenly pulled out a bow from behind her.

The bow was huge, a real giant bow made of iron, and even the arrows were three points thicker than other arrows. Standing in front of the woman in the dark, the tip of the arrow was as cold as an eagle's eye.

Wu Weiyan was stunned, thinking about an irrelevant question at this moment - she has been wearing thin clothes and can't hide anything, where did this bow come from?

This bow was originally hidden behind the tree here!

Ke Xin helped him here!

So where he is sitting now...

Wu Weiyan wanted to jump up suddenly, as if his **** was bitten.

He couldn't jump up, however, because the **** was literally bitten.

The champagne under his buttocks was originally a beauty's champagne, but at this moment it was like a thorn felt covered with poison, which stings his skin hotly, but it stuck to his buttocks, his legs were weak, and he couldn't struggle for a while.

Behind the peeling scales and the old pine tree surrounded by bushes, two hands suddenly stretched out, and a wide cloth belt in their hands suddenly wrapped around his neck!

Wu Weiyan struggled in shock, kicking the ground with both feet, shoveling the mud flying, but the force behind his neck was the same, neither strangling him tightly nor letting him go, it seemed that he just wanted him to stay where he was generally.

During the interval of struggling, Wu Weiyan still clearly saw Kexin drawing his bow on the opposite side!

Not in a hurry, with a calm posture, he could even feel the calm smile in her eyes.

Such a heavy bow is very difficult to draw, except for a few people who specialize in this way, very few people can shoot fast arrows with this bow.

A round of pale moon wanders between the dense forest and mountain roads, the brilliance appears and disappears from time to time, the torches cruising in the darkness in the distance, at this moment look like ghost fires in the Netherland, Wu Weiyan can't call for help, and he can't save himself, his hands are indiscriminately Scratching in the air, but only able to reach the cold air, there was a colder laughter behind him, he saw in despair, the iron arrow, which was coated with the clear light of the cold moon, flashed suddenly.

"call out."

The arrow of the heavy bow is like breaking the wind.

The extremely fast black light is like electricity, and it is overwhelmed by darkness.

Before the arrow arrived, the people behind Wu Weiyan pulled off the cloth belt and the poisonous veil under Wu Weiyan.

Wu Weiyan got up subconsciously and wanted to escape, leaning forward.

In the next moment, there was a "chirp", and the tip of the arrow arrived.

Wu Weiyan froze.

For a moment, the blood light was like a red cherry.

The arrow pierced through the throat, and then shattered the throat bone, still half a foot into the wood, almost piercing through the century-old tree.

The blood didn't even splash out, but flowed back into the pine tree along the broken throat bone. The pale tree pulp is dripping red.

If the tree is still alive in the coming year, I don't know if the bark will be peeled off, and the light red tree body can be seen.

A black shadow slowly turned out from behind the tree.

On the opposite side, Kexin was drawing her bow slowly, hissing while drawing it.

"The heavy bow of the Zuoqiu family is really not something that ordinary people can play with. It is said that Zuoqiumo can shoot three arrows in one step with this bow. It is incredible."

Her tiger's mouth has been shattered by the arrow, and her hands are covered with blood. She whistled and shook her head constantly, "If you hadn't restrained him with a cloth belt over there, I would have shot this arrow within five steps!" out."

"I don't have the skills, it's okay to make it look like it." The man slowly put away the cloth strip, bent over to look at Wu Weiyan's wound, and said with satisfaction, "We were too worried, and we were afraid that the cloth strip would leave marks that would attract suspicion, so we chose it on purpose. I shot such a wide strip of cloth, but I didn't expect the arrow to be so heavy, this guy's entire neck was broken."

Kexin looked at Wu Weiyan's posture, he kept his posture leaning forward until death, nodded and said, "You have grasped the timing just right, let him go at the moment when the arrow arrives, and be nailed to death at the moment when he gets up. Except Zuoqiu Family, who has such a heavy arrow? Except Zuoqiu family, who can use such a heavy arrow to kill the enemy in an instant, so that the opponent has no chance to escape?"

The man smiled contemptuously, "Of course, in this world, who is more resourceful than the princess?"

"Soon," Ke Xin said leisurely, "Zuo Qiumo will know that taking shelter under the Queen's command will also cause trouble; the Queen will also know that the honor of a king is not enough for her to protect everyone, including Zuo Qiu Mo, and herself."

In the night wind, under the cold moon, in front of Wu Weiyan's corpse, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Jing Hengbo pointed at Yeluqi, and the Luoyun official's eyes flashed, then he bowed and smiled, and said, "The subordinate official should go to see him." He said, leading the group of subordinate officials who were always bending over and controlling their backs behind him, Go to Yeluqi.

Jing Hengbo's attention was outside at this time, because the guards of honor in front led the people to give way, and Ge Shen had already arrived.

She went to meet Ge Shen, Pei Shu and Gong Yin's attention was naturally on her.

Jing Hengbo had just walked a few steps down the stage when he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.

She suddenly looked back.

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