MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 106v4 a world full of malice,

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Just a glimpse, only to see the woman's blood streaming down her face, King Ping was also a little dazed. At this moment, the water pavilion was toppled, and the stone pillars were smashed crookedly. Even with the bright luminous pearl lights, it is impossible to see everything clearly.

This water pavilion is specially set up, and it is never used normally. The stone pillars underneath are hollow, so it is easy to break. The underwater luminous pearl is to see all the movements of the people under the water. This water pavilion was originally prepared by King Ping to assassinate people. Yes, as for who the target is, it depends on the situation. Now, because she wants to test Jing Hengbo's early activation, she wants to break the pillar of the water pavilion and make her fall into the water. There are lights under the water. The nearby lotus boat depends on whether the guest will wave and summon the lotus boat on the shore from a long distance. No matter whether the other party uses teleportation or control to get out of trouble, as long as they get out of trouble easily, they can immediately detect the other party's identity.

The plan was perfect, and even cost a lot for it, but now it seems that the answer is not what it thought.

The "Assassin" had already dragged King Ping to the shore, and the guards from Prince Ping's mansion rushed up to "rescue him". Needless to say, after pretending to fight for a while, the "Assassin" left the wet King Ping and fled. King Ping got up on the bank , yelling in panic, "Save people! Save people!"

Everyone looked at the center of the water, the water pavilion was slowly sinking into the water, the koi were running around in a panic, and countless stone pillars stabbed out of the water, but what about people?

At this moment, Gong Yin is still in the water.

He watched a figure flash by in the water, and then saw another figure swimming over lightly and delicately. The latter just swam to a stone pillar that was about to fall. The prepared skin bag was slapped on his face.

Everyone's clothes and hair were spread out in the water, and both of them were slim and slender. As long as their backs were facing, no one could see it for a while.

A smile flashed across Gong Yin's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to grab it forward. A figure swam up from the bottom of the stone pillar and smiled at him.

It was Jing Hengbo.

And over there, in King Ping's vision, the woman whose face was "blooded" by the falling stone pillar was turning her head, showing her **** face to King Ping.

That is naturally holding snow.

The girl has grown up now and has a well-developed figure. Today, she deliberately wore a skirt with a different material from Jing Hengbo's and a similar style. It looks similar from a distance.

The moment they saw the water pavilion was set up, Jing Hengbo and Gong Yin had already made up their minds about how the other party planned to test it out, but they were just planning.

Gong Yin stretched out his hand to meet Jing Hengbo, ready to breathe for her, and send her ashore from another angle that King Ping couldn't see. She also wanted to find Meng Hu.

Jing Hengbo was smiling, and the pearls swayed in the waves, her smile was reflected brilliantly.

The smile froze suddenly, and then Jing Hengbo's hand suddenly slapped Gong Yin's away, and then waved fiercely.

At the same time, Gong Yin's body slid forward, and the waves surged with his backhand.

In the turbulent waves, a figure flipped out with the waves on his back, and hit the floating table on the water with a bang.

Jing Hengbo had already arrived at this person's side, stretched out his hand to grab this person's throat, glanced at this person's face, sneered, turned around and gestured to Gong Yin, and disappeared in a flash.

In another flash, she appeared on the uninhabited shore, surrounded by strange landscape rocks, and many flowers and trees, which can cover the figure of a person.

She threw the man under her feet with a loud sound.

The moonlight illuminated the man's face, which was pale and pale, and the extraordinarily gorgeous blubber on his lips had already been blistered and stained around his lips, making him look extremely hideous and bloody.

It's Miss Ji.

She was wearing a sharkskin swimsuit, and she held a water thorn in her hand. From what she looked like, she was already planning to ambush underwater.

Jing Hengbo looked at the stinger, which was extremely sharp and a bloodletting weapon. What was even more peculiar was that Miss Ji was holding a water bag in her other hand.

Water bladders are not necessary in the water unless they are used to hold things.

Reminiscent of her actions just now, and then reminiscent of her provocation at the city gate, this person's target is Gong Yin?

Release Gong Yin's blood?

Miss Ji was first slapped by Jing Hengbo, then slapped by Gong Yin, and finally hit the table. At this moment, there was a big lump on the back of her head, and she was unconscious.

Jing Hengbo's eyes fell on her fingertips. Once the girl washed off her make-up, she could see that her whole body was bloodless, her nails were all blue and white, and she looked like a snowman.

Moreover, Jing Hengbo had already seen the shattered ice flakes overflowing from the edges of her nails.

This daughter from a Mongolian aristocratic family has also cultivated the true energy of ice and snow? Belongs to Tianmen, or belongs to Longjia?

The possibility of the latter is unlikely. There is no one in the Long family living outside, but if this is a registered disciple of Tianmen, it seems that his skills are too poor.

At this time, he didn't care to explore her origin, Jing Hengbo slapped her awake with his palm, and the water thorn hit her throat.

As soon as Miss Ji opened her eyes, she felt a sharp pain on her neck, and heard a lazy voice with a smile, "Say, where is Menghu?"

When the water pavilion was overturned, a warning was sent from the palace, and many guards flew to the lake to rescue the prince.

Naturally, King Ping's plan to test Jing Hengbo would not tell everyone, so these additional guards sent to guard Menghu naturally had to rush to the place where the police call occurred according to the usual regulations. The rest of the people who stayed behind couldn't help being shaken and shifted their attention.

Menghu has discovered this.

He was imprisoned in an inconspicuous courtyard in the backyard of the palace. After entering, he wanted to commit suicide. However, King Ping was careful and had anticipated his plan. He guarded him very tightly and took away all weapons and sharp objects. Sealing his martial arts, he never found a chance.

It was a good opportunity at this moment, and the guards jumped up to the high places to check, but the water pavilion was far away from here, and they couldn't see anything for a while.

Meng Hu sneered, and walked to the basin stand where the washbasin was usually placed. The basin stand was rolled into a flower shape with iron bars, which could be used to hold the basin.

Meng Hu stretched out his hand to break it, stroked it, although martial arts were sealed, but the strength of a martial artist cannot seal it, the iron bar was straightened immediately, Meng Hu pushed both sides of his knuckles, and the wide end of the iron bar was pushed Triangular with a sharp tip.

People who really want to die, there is always a way to die.

He would rather die than bear the humiliation, and he would not be coerced and plunge the family into the abyss.

The guards on all sides had turned around one after another, and there was not much time.

Meng Hu closed his eyes, and the iron bar pierced his throat like lightning.

At this moment, a loud cry was suddenly heard, "Menghu!"

The voice was familiar, and at the same time, Meng Hu's hand shook, and the iron bar left his hand.

Meng Hu suddenly opened his eyes wide - in the whole world, there is only one person who can do this at such a long distance!

He suddenly rushed to the window, shouting heart-piercingly, "Don't come in!"

Jing Hengbo stood on the wall, looking at the room from afar. Earlier, she coerced Miss Ji and asked her to lead the way so as not to waste time. But this little girl has a gloomy temper, and the first time she made a mistake intentionally, Jing Hengbo severely punished her, but this time it was right. When she reached the top of the wall, she saw the half-open window with the hand of the Mongolian tiger raised, and said nothing. Before he had time to think, he yelled first, then adjusted his position and knocked down Menghu's iron bars.

This cry must have exposed the target. She saw that the guards in the yard did not rush out, but stood in their respective positions, staring at her with burning eyes.

There must be an ambush in the courtyard, and you can imagine it with your toes.

But is an ambush useful?

"There seems to be a lot of decorations in the yard." She asked the people below with a smile.

Everyone looked up at her, they really didn't expect her to say such nonsense on the wall at this time.

Someone touched his sleeve quietly, Jing Hengbo raised his hand, a stone hit his arm, the man let out an ouch, and the fireworks dropped from his sleeve. Jing Hengbo waved his hand, and the fireworks came into her hands. She looked at the fireworks, smiled, waved her hand, and the fireworks flew into the distance, and then "popped" into the sky in another courtyard dozens of feet away.

Footsteps could be heard faintly in the distance, and the emergency rescue team in the palace naturally headed in that direction.

Everyone in the courtyard looked blankly at each other. Have they ever seen such a method?

A person who looked like a boss, glanced at Miss Ji who was **** on the wall by Jing Hengbo, and snorted softly, signaling his subordinates not to act rashly.

"Send people out." Jing Hengbo pointed at Meng Hu.

After a moment of silence, Jing Hengbo smiled, and with a wave of the dagger in his hand, Miss Ji's body shook violently, and a small piece of white stuff fell off.

"Now it's a finger. When I count to ten, it's a hand. When I count to ten, it's a leg." Jing Hengbo smiled, "If your future princess or queen becomes disabled because of you, I don't know if you will still be handicapped." Can you survive smoothly?"

She glanced at Miss Ji who was struggling, and thought she was really Miss Jiao, but she just shaved off a piece of flesh from her fingertips, so why shake like this?

She is not interested in mutilating limbs at will, what she throws down is just a stripped branch from the wall, it's just a blindfold.

But Miss Ji's blood seemed a little strange, Jing Hengbo saw the few drops of blood on the wall, the color was very pale, shimmering, and then disappeared.

There was a commotion in the courtyard. Of course the guards knew the identity of this young lady and her future status in the palace. No one could afford such a responsibility.

Meng Hu was sent out, the guard leader gritted his teeth, he originally thought that even if the other party held Miss Ji to step forward, the layout of the courtyard would have a chance to trap the other party, who knew that this woman was so cunning.

Jing Hengbo nodded to Meng Hu who was slowly approaching, Meng Hu looked up at her, gritted his teeth for a while, then lowered his head and said, "I'm useless, I want you to come and rescue me personally..."

"It's useless," Jing Hengbo nodded, "I'm really disappointed that the most cowardly act of suicide can be done. But I'm too lazy to talk about you, and your real master will naturally punish you later."

Menghu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were pleasantly surprised, his lips twitched a few times but he didn't speak. Jing Hengbo knew what he meant, and nodded with a smile.

A white shadow flashed behind him, and Gong Yin came. He first glanced at Jing Hengbo, then at Meng Hu. Meng Hu was about to kneel in surprise, but was stopped by his gaze.

Immediately, Jing Hengbo pulled out the hairpin from Miss Ji's head, stuck it on the ground outside the courtyard, handed Miss Ji to Meng Hu, and motioned him to go first, and someone outside the palace would answer him. Meng Hu nodded, knowing that this was not the time to reminisce about the past, he carried Miss Ji into the night.

"Why are you here?" Jing Hengbo asked Gong Yin. She was a little worried. The two originally planned to rescue Meng Hu without revealing their identities as much as possible. Looking behind him, he asked again, "Where are Yongxue and the rest?"

"There was an accident in the middle of the lake. Of course all the guards had to go into the water to rescue people. The water pavilion messed up the bottom of the lake. It was very difficult to search and rescue. Yongxue and the others were good at water, so they found a place to hide. good."

While talking, Gong Yin walked around the courtyard wall.

Then in the yard, a big pit first sank, revealing a black hole at the bottom of the pit. Several guards couldn't react in time and fell down.

Gong Yin passed a big tree, and suddenly a big net fell from the tree, wrapped the person who wanted to be looted in the net, and threw him into the pit again.

The net flicked in the pit, bringing out strips of black mud-like things. Gong Yin walked to the place close to the room where Menghu was originally imprisoned, flicked the threshold with his finger, and a line of sparks shot out from the threshold. It quickly extended forward along the edge of the net, instantly burning into countless thin fire dragons, and light green gas was emitted from among the fire dragons.

The gas is dark green, condensed like a substance, like a giant green snake, meandering in the courtyard.

Countless people rolled out of the trees in the corner and fell down, struggling and rolling between the red fire and the green air. The entire layout of the courtyard was turned over by Gong Yin, and even if some were not turned out, they were destroyed by the linkage mechanism.

The yard seemed to be a hell. Many people rolled and struggled, covering their faces with their hands. Pieces of skin on their faces were withered until the bones were exposed. However, there was no blood, and there was no sound. The green air seemed to be strangling people's throats. After draining the blood of the people, the naked eyes can see that the throats of those people are constricting, twisting into a strange angle, like twists and turns.

Jing Hengbo had already covered the mouths and noses of himself and Miss Ji, and started to back away. When he saw it from a distance, his heart felt chilly. This virtuous king is really vicious in his actions. Moreover, his style of behavior and personality are really similar, he likes to kill people without making a sound, so many people are struggling in hell, but they can't make a sound at all, which is in line with his "low-key, calm, non-bloody and non-violent" hobby.

But Jing Hengbo felt that he was much crueler than the tyrannical and bloodthirsty King Li, so it was no wonder that King Li died early.

Finally, Gong Yin cut open the burning net with the ice sword, raised his hand and turned it over, and the net covered the room. The flames stretched down against the wall silently. It is estimated that the fire will ignite in less than a quarter of an hour.

Gong Yin swept down the yard, found a corpse similar in shape to Menghu, took out a mask that resembled Menghu from his bosom, stuck it on the man's face, and threw the corpse into the house.

King Yi Guo, who is good at changing appearances, was originally his subordinate. In the early years, he prepared several masks for him and several cronies. The two countries are not far away, and Yi Shan immediately sent the mask quickly.

Jing Hengbo was busy putting fake scars on his face. Grabbing Gong Yin's hand, after a few flashes, he arrived at a hidden lake and dived into the water.

After a while, someone in the lake shouted, "I found it! I found it!" Immediately, the water surged, and the guards surrounded Gong Yin, who was holding a person in his hand.

Prince Ping stood on the shore restlessly, looking at the lake, at the place where the fireworks were fired earlier, and at the place where Menghu was imprisoned. What happened tonight was very strange. Princess Ji fell into the water and was injured and disappeared. One group of guards went down to rescue people, but another group entangled him, saying that something happened to the princess in his mansion, and he intended to assassinate and start a war against Ji Guo, so he wanted to drag him to the king's presence to judge, and sent a letter on a flying horse Queen Baoji, before he could be torn apart from this group of people, the guards reported that they had been rescued.

He hastily pushed aside the crowd, stepped forward to check, and indeed saw Jing Hengbo "unconscious" in Gong Yin's arms, his face was pale, and there was a scar on his forehead, the blood must have been washed away by water, the scar looked quite serious very hideous.

He was stunned for a while, and hurried forward to ask for comfort. At this moment, Jing Hengbo "groaned" and "woke up leisurely". He saw King Ping approaching in front of him. He was stunned and touched his face again. With a "scar" on his face, he was startled suddenly, and then his eyes changed drastically.

Gong Yin looked down, he was born with ice and snow, there is no need to deliberately pretend to be angry, and people will think that his indifference is because he is in a rage. Seeing Jing Hengbo's series of movements and expressions at this moment, he couldn't help but smile in his heart .

This girl, her acting skills are getting more and more proficient, she is very good at singing, composing, reciting and playing. She interprets the expression and eyes of a woman who has undergone a great change, wakes up after falling into the water, finds that she is injured, and her face is disfigured. Even he almost takes it seriously. .

So at this moment, King Ping's expression was a little awkward, so he had to get closer, and was about to ask for warmth, when Jing Hengbo screamed "Ah", "I'm disfigured! I'm disfigured!"

While crying and losing her face, she "struggled" from Gong Yin's arms, rushed over and grabbed Ping Wang's collar, and scratched his face with both hands, "What guest did you invite, what apology did you say, what the **** are you doing?" What kind of water pavilion that will collapse when the wind blows! You are deliberately harming me! Harm me! You make me disfigured! How do you tell me to live in the future!"

While scratching, his knees secretly pressed against something, and he pushed hard.

"Ah—" King Ping was hit by her again, and before he could utter a scream, Jing Hengbo slapped him across the face and cried loudly, "You made me disfigured, my life is over!"

This series of movements was neat and neat, no one saw it until the top, only saw the earth-shattering slap at the back, after that slap, the guards reacted, rushing up to fight and support, some people wanted to take advantage of it Chaos to Jing Hengbo, Jing Hengbo jumped up nimbly, avoiding all the dark hands, turned around, and "weakly" fell to Gong Yin, holding his heart in one hand, crying, "Husband, I'm disfigured, You...will you not want me..."

Yongxue and the guards immediately bowed their heads deeply, and even Gong Yin's face twitched, and quickly caught her, gritted his teeth and said in the most gentle voice he could make: "Princess, don't worry, no matter what you look like, a certain They will all stay together.”

"My dear..." Jing Hengbo murmured "moved and weak", rolled his eyes, and fell into his arms.

She vomited blood and collapsed holding her heart, Gong Yin hurriedly carried her out, the guards and maid hurriedly went to find a doctor, and sternly rejected the suggestion of Ping Wangfu to invite a doctor on his behalf, saying that Ping Wangfu had ulterior motives, They will never stay again, and they will seek justice from King Ping in front of the king later. A group of people arbitrarily squeezed away the guards and went out. Staying stubbornly, King Ping who was lying on the ground rolled his eyes and said weakly: "Stay...stay...stay..."

Everyone looked at him eagerly. Are they saying to keep him or not? What should we do?

"...Stay...Stay...Stay...Leave them!" After King Ping managed to recover, he shouted this sentence, and everyone chased after him, and Gong Yin and others left the door early.

King Ping was lying on the ground dripping wet, stroking the key parts of his wounds twice, stroking his wounded heart, his heart was in a mess, lost the water pavilion, wasted manpower and material resources, and tried this one, But in the end, he was still in a daze, he couldn't be sure of anything, his important parts had already been trampled on, what's wrong with this world...

The house leak happened to be raining all night, and the injuries he had just suffered hadn't healed yet, so he saw groups of guards coming in a hurry, and heard the reports one after another.

"Report to Your Highness, Baoxiyuan's mechanism is on fire, and all the guards are dead!"

"Report Your Highness that Miss Ji is missing!"

"Report to Your Highness that the Inner Mongolia leader of Baoxi Academy was burned to death, and his body has been found."

"Report to Your Highness, find Miss Ji's hairpin in the grass outside Baoxi courtyard!"

Bad news hit King Ping one after another, and the world was full of malice at this moment.

"Pfft." With a sound, King Ping spat out a mouthful of blood.

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