MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 180 sneak attack (2)

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Qi Jingtong winked at several of his subordinates, signaling them to be more vigilant.

Just when a few people came out of the cabin, a soldier hurriedly ran into the big tent in the cabin.

"Report to the Governor, that someone was found under the hull of the ship, and the young man has already sent someone to inspect it."

Qi Jingtong nodded and said, "I knew that these people are not good people. It seems that they came prepared. I will inform them immediately, strengthen the vigilance of their respective positions, and send a few more sailors into the sea. Be sure to catch them all!"


The soldier spy immediately turned around and walked outside.

But at this moment, Qi Jingtong immediately felt that things didn't seem as simple as he thought. Although these people were suspicious, it was very likely that some of their soldiers had leaked the news, which could be a very serious matter.

Fortunately, His Majesty has left here now. Otherwise, there was the last Japanese pirate attack, and this pirate sneak attack would have been discovered by His Majesty, and he would not be able to eat and walk around.

Not long after, Qi Jiguang brought a group of people to salvage a few wet water thieves from the water.

It turned out that the pirates divided their people into three groups. The one-eyed dragon led nine of his men to support them on the spot. The second leader and the other leader each led a team of people from the boat and the water to the treasure ship of the Daming Zhenghe. Cross out.

The second person who entered the deck was the second master. He was the most talkative person among all of them, so he led a few people to try to distract the attention of the government.

"Master, these people tried to dig a hole under the treasure ship and were caught by our people!"

Qi Jingtong looked at these pirates. They were all wet, and now they were shivering from the cold, lying on the ground one by one.

"All were detained, tortured and interrogated, and asked them to explain the leader of the bandits and their hiding place."


Qi Jiguang cupped his hands and led the soldiers to **** all the pirates.

At the same time, the second leader led a few people into a guest room when they were locked inside by a few soldiers.

The second master immediately knew that the matter had been exposed, and could only instruct the few people he led to take out short knives and make a final counterattack.

However, a few screams like killing pigs came from outside soon, and then the next few voices stopped abruptly.

The second master was also frightened when he heard the sound in the guest room. He was originally a scholar, but he failed in the imperial examinations many times, and now he has become a tribute student.

Because of the need to survive, he also lost confidence in the imperial examinations. After a village was looted by robbers, he lost his trust in the Daming government more and more, and simply followed suit as a thief.

It's just that he rarely goes out to do things in person, because he has read books for a few years and is respected as the second master by these pirates, so he naturally becomes their military advisor.

This group of pirates is far more than 30 people.

But when they started to rob houses, they first got close to people, and when they saw their opponents being fooled, all their people would gather around them. The more people there are, the more powerful the robbery can be.

When the fishermen on a boat didn't talk to them, they also took a strong attack. Anyway, they have never missed a beat since they formed an army for more than half a year.

Because it has been such a petty fight, it has not attracted the attention of the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. This time they actually started to fight the idea of ​​​​the officers and soldiers.

The second master quickly gathered a few of his subordinates and began to discuss countermeasures. Because they were all ordinary people who robbed before, many things could be solved by force, but this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to implement.

"Master, they imprisoned us here, obviously with a purpose. For now, the plan is to open a big hole in this boat. It is important for us to escape."

The few subordinates he leads are all sailors with good water skills. When they have nothing to do on weekdays, they specialize in practicing water skills. It seems that this time they can be used.

"Well, there is only one way at the moment. The people we were sent to work underwater are estimated to have been discovered. It is not too late to do it now!"

After a few people discussed, they began to clearly divide the labor. Some people used daggers to pry open the sawdust on the deck, and some people kept watch, watching the movement outside.

In the effort of a cup of tea, two people with good skills have already dug a deep hole in the bottom of the boat, but when they go further down, they will no longer be able to dig it.

"Second master, it seems that he can't escape this time. There is a layer of steel plate in the middle of the ship's mezzanine!"

The second-in-command moved his head closer, and sure enough, he saw a layer of hard steel plate in the middle of the boat.

"Damn, it's no wonder that Laozi missed his hand. These officers and soldiers are really difficult to deal with. It seems that Laozi will admit defeat this time!"

As he said that, he spit at the place name and said, "Bah! I just don't accept my fate, let's just die with them!"

When a few sailor men heard this, they all frowned at first, but after thinking about it, this is a death both horizontally and vertically.

"Second master, look at this?"

"Brothers, I'm sorry for everyone, I'm hurting everyone. Later, we will start the fire from all around. As soon as the big ship catches fire, they will definitely come to put out the fire. We can go out one by one, and the people who go out will be different. It is the best way to escape by virtue of your ability!”

This rabbit is dead and fox sad, it is suitable for use on people.

A few people were secretly aware of it, and glanced at this scholar with admiration. Their second-in-command was often able to save them in the most critical times.

"Okay, listen to my unified command, take out the fire book, let's start now, instead of waiting here to die, let's work out a way with both hands."

"Obviously, the brothers under the boat have all missed it. This time, we must not miss it, let's start!"

So, several people took out the fire book from the clothes on their chests, and puffed up their cheeks to blow the fire book red.

At this time, in the discussion hall of the Zheng He treasure ship, Qi Jingtong and several of his subordinates were interrogating a sailor who had been brought up from under the ship.

"How many people have you come out this time?"

The sailor had been tortured to but after pouring a basin of cold water down his head, he seemed to regain a lot of consciousness.

This is the common way the Ming Navy treats pirates. Anytime a pirate is caught, it must be tortured with severe punishment before being interrogated.

This approach often works well, and few pirates are immune to this torture.

"We came out a total of 16 people. The one who came up earlier was our second master. He came to draw your attention. We made a few holes from the bottom of the sea, and then we can enter the ship and rob. Our master is not far away. pick us up..."

The man said it intermittently, but he basically said all the plans that had been negotiated before.

"Your boat is too hard. I still don't understand why it can't be drilled through. If I figure it out, it's worth dying!"

Although the sailor looked like he was dying, he still spoke all his thoughts in one breath with his strong lung capacity.

Qi Jingtong's face became a little ugly, it seems that there are quite a few worms hiding on his treasure boat!

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