MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 919 Chess practice

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"That's good, I just have some concerns." Lu Xiufeng said.

"Reassured, if I am there, he will certainly not have an accident." Miaoxi River, the tone is very calm, but Lu Xiufeng can hear, the absolute confidence in the words.

"Thank you."

"Polite, this is what we should do. It is our mistake, so that the guests coming from afar are hurt. It is really not. Qingfeng, you have to be punished!" Miaoxi River turned to Miaoqing Wind Road .

"Yes, patriarch."

"Hey, the Miao chief, we have to go hunting in the forest, this is an accident, and has nothing to do with Miao Lao." Lu Xiufeng hurried after listening.

"Even if you go to the hunting in the forest, you have an accident and he is not well cared for. The art is not refined." Miaoxi River.

"Yes." Miao Qingfeng bowed her head.

"This is the rule in the stockade."


Listening to Miao Xihe said that Lu Xiufeng was very embarrassed.

"Okay, continue to take care of Captain Yang."

Then they came out of the wooden house in Miaoxi River.

"Brother, I am really embarrassed, I did not expect such a thing." Lu Xiufeng said.

"Nothing, don't go to your heart." Miao Qingfeng.

"That, just now the Miao chief said that he would be punished for you. According to the rules in the stockade, how is a punishment law?"

"Nothing, little meaning." Miao Qingfeng smiled and waved her hand.

"Speak about it." Lu Xiufeng ordered a cigarette to insist on listening.

"According to the rules in the stockade, the stick is thirty." Miao Qingfeng.

"The rod of punishment?" Lu Xiufeng listened after a trip. "Isn't that the kind of playing on TV?"

Dragging out the big twenty boards, this scene often appears in ancient film and television dramas.

"Yes is that kind." Miao Qingfeng smiled.

"I am going, you are a private criminal court, illegal."

"What is illegal, Captain Lu, I am not good at listening, you don't mind, this army has been worn for hundreds of years, and people in our stockade feel that these rules are the so-called laws. In these years, the stockade The people always follow and are more binding than the laws outside of you." Miao Qingfeng.

Lu Xiufeng listened after a trip.

"Let's go, let's go back and see how Captain Yang is going."

When they went back, they found that Yang Guanfeng had stood up and walked slowly in the room.

"Hey, how do you stand up, hurry and lie down and rest." Lu Xiufeng said in a hurry.

"Nothing, I feel a lot better, the head is not so faint, it is still a little disgusting, just lying down when it is even more powerful, I think it is better to get up and move." Yang Guanfeng said.

"This poison is not even poisonous in the eyes of the patriarch." Miao Qingfeng. "He said that for two days, after two days, Captain Yang will certainly be restored to the original, and may be physically better."

"Yes, is there any benefit to poisoning?"

"That is because the medicine used by the patriarch is very wonderful. In addition to being able to detoxify, it can also raise capital and strengthen the physical fitness of the poisoned person. Moreover, we have some research on the nearby poisons in the stockade. The red head is a bit strange, we are stocking. The people in the room have been bitten by it, and most of them have become better after recovery." Miao Qingfeng.

"Yes, it's so amazing, I want to be overwhelmed by that." Lu Xiufeng said.

"Oh, the effect of the enhancement is actually limited, or not good." Miao Qingfeng smiled.

"It's okay, nothing, just fine."

Miao Qingfeng left in the wooden house for a while and then left.

"How are you feeling? Tell the truth." After the other party left, Lu Xiufeng was in color.

"It's okay, it's really much better than when I was in the mountains." Yang Guanfeng said. "The head is still a little dull, the stomach is swollen, and the nausea is vomiting."

"It is a coincidence that this poisoning is this!" he sighed.

"Well, it is quite good." Lu Xiufeng said.

Just as they continued to move forward and wanted to go up to the mountain, they were so bitten by the red-headed bite, not too late, just hindering their further investigation.

"Do you say that the Miao Qingfeng deliberately made it to stop us?" Lu Xiufeng said.

"Do not rule out this possibility, of course, there is another possibility. There are a large number of such poisons in the vicinity, which is a defense of them, but the intruders who are unfamiliar will be attacked." Yang Guanfeng said.

The two of them can basically be certain. Just now, the mountain they met in the forest had a problem, because it was indeed smelling the smell of the body. The two old criminals were very familiar and extremely sensitive. So, it is said that the mountain is definitely dead, how is it dead, is it because of the so-called "experiment"? They are not known.

"I feel that even if you are good, they will do everything possible to hinder us from entering the mountains." Lu Xiufeng said.

"Yes, maybe we will have other accidents when we get closer next time."

"What should I do?"

"Wait a minute, see what news is there?"

Among the towns of Lianshan County thousands of miles away, there is an ordinary household.

"Old man, where are you going?"

"Go to Xiao Pan."

"What are you going there?"

"Buy medicine." The old man said.

"Where to buy medicine, where is it uncomfortable?" the old man asked after he hurriedly listened.

"No discomfort, very comfortable, I feel that the medicine is almost finished, go out and buy a bottle." The old man said.

"What medicine?"

"Xiao Pei Yuan Tang, the kind produced in the county." The man in his 60s responded.

"Is that medicine useful?"

"Useful, I have been feeling warm for the past two days, and I have some strength, much better than before drinking medicine." The old man said.

"Is there a small half bottle?"

"Go buy two more bottles." The old man smiled.

Actually, he used to have a lot of anger in his medicine, and he was angry with his son. You are not saying that this medicine doesn’t work, then I don’t drink it. Don’t you want me to go to the big hospital to check it? Oh, I am still not going. The old man, when he is old, is like this. The child has the same temper, old boy.

However, he did not expect that after two days of drinking, the drug actually worked. He could clearly feel the changes in his body, and he had the spirit and strength.

"That line, you slow down."

"Got it."

The old man put on his clothes, then went out and went downstairs. The place where he lived was not far from the Renhe clinic.

"Little Pan."

"Uncle, you are here, is there something?" Pan Mei asked with a smile.

"There is something, I want to get some medicine."

"When you take the medicine, where are you not feeling well?"

"There is no discomfort, that is, the Xiao Peiyuan soup produced in our county last time is finished drinking, and then come to the two bottles." The old man said.

"Hey, that medicine, wait a minute." Pan Mei took him two more bottles.

"Is this medicine useful for you?"

"Useful, the effect is very good." The old man said.

"Oh, that's good." Pan Mei smiled after listening.

The origin of this medicine was mentioned by her younger brother. It was the prescription provided by Wang Yao, and then it was produced by the pharmaceutical factory just built in the county. It is a new drug in the entire Lianshan County. So far, They have sales in this clinic, the price is not expensive, but it is not cheap. The old man is the first patient to use this drug. Now she hears the old man saying that this medicine is effective, and she is very happy.

"Give it to you."

"Okay, give money." The old man said happily.

"I don't think that the things that we produce in our county are not bad!"

"Yes, then what good is it for you to do propaganda?"

"Sure, definitely." The old man smiled.

Among the mountain villages that are dozens of miles away.

In a small courtyard, Jia Zizhen and Zhong Liuchuan sat opposite each other. In front of the board, the chess pieces were divided into vertical and horizontal sections.

"Oh, I can't see it, brother, you know this chess!" Jia was thinking for a long time before he fell.

"Teacher, I really don't understand, you can't play Go, you have to play Gomoku." Zhong Liuchuan smiled.

"Hey, brother, don't you look down on this five-game chess. It's very learned. I haven't said it before. Sometimes the simpler things are less proficient."

Zhong Liuchuan was not talking after listening. The younger brother in front of him was purely because the chess game of Go was too bad to learn this simple and easy to learn backgammon.

"You lost." Zhong Liuchuan fell, four sons and one line, two invincible.

"Hey, brother, you make me so reluctant!" Jia said.

"This has never won once with you playing chess. Is it difficult to practice spirituality and promote intellectual development?" Jia said that he had never said it once.

"Is maybe you can." Zhong Liuchuan smiled after listening.

"real or fake?"

"You haven't found that since I followed Mr. Sr.'s practice, the thinking has become more agile, and the memory has improved significantly." Zhong Liuchuan.

"Yes, I have not paid attention to this aspect." Jia said.

"I noticed." Zhong Liuchuan smiled.

The reason why he pays attention is because his time of practice is early, and the time to enter the right path is early, and the reading is read early. The original text is quite a bit of a mouthful. He felt a bit awkward at the beginning of his reading. But as the practice deepens, it is found that the more and smoother the scriptures are, the easier it is to imprint in your mind, even in unfamiliar scriptures. Then he tries other articles and finds himself The memory has really strengthened a lot, not to mention unforgettable, but it is really strong.

"The body has become stronger, the memory has also been strengthened, and it is still able to prolong life. Hey, you said that the teacher taught us that it would not be the method of longevity?" Jia said with a smile.

"Longevity does not dare to expect, but I estimate that it is absolutely easy to live in such a hundred years without disease and disaster." Zhong Liuchuan Road.