MTL - Eighteen Years Old-Chapter 140

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Blame Qingqing?

There must be some unhappiness, but it's strange... just seeing that Qingqing's face is full of tears, Yu Yao can't blame her. What's more, she obviously didn't want to change it, but she didn't say a word, it was just that her face was a little painful. If this is also to be blamed, it would be too harsh.

Instead of blaming her, it would be better to blame Su Ming.

It's just that Su Ming didn't do it on purpose after all, he has helped her so much, and he should be very sad if he couldn't even get her back.

Yu Yao shook her head and didn't say anything to blame, she just asked her: "Don't you want to change it back?"

Qingqing blindly admitted her mistake, but she didn't expect to accidentally say what was in her heart, her face panicked, and she suddenly became nervous.

"I, I didn't, I..." Under Yu Yao's calm gaze, she couldn't continue.

Yu Yao sighed, and didn't press her further, after all, she was doomed not to get back, so it would be pointless to embarrass Qingqing any more. Let’s talk when she wants to talk, and then help explain it.

Qingqing felt that Yu Yao was disappointed, she grew up so big, in truth, Yu Yao was the best person in the world to her. Yu Yao and her were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, and she was asked to call her sister and treat her as a younger sister, but she felt that Yu Yao was closer than her own sister.

She dare not disappoint Yu Yao.

She was afraid that Yu Yao would never treat her well again.

Not caring about how selfish her thoughts were, she hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I'll have to leave if we change back, after all, I'm not related to you, Aunt Zhao, or Uncle Zhao , if I change back, I have no reason to stay. I am reluctant to leave you, and I am even more afraid of being alone. I know that I am selfish, and I also know that I am too useless, but Sister Yaoyao, I am already changing, I must It will change..."

She is indeed changing it, otherwise she wouldn't be clearly unwilling, but she didn't say a word and kept cooperating to change it back.

Yu Yao nodded to show that she knew, and was about to speak, but saw Qingqing's face flushed suddenly, and she continued shyly: "Also, there is someone in my heart, even though he treats me..."

Qingqing was only halfway through speaking when Yu Yao's cell phone rang. It was Zhou Yan who called, Yu Yao patted Qingqing's hand and answered the phone.

"Are you home so soon?" she asked in surprise.

I could only hear some rapid breathing on the other side, and after a while, Zhou Yan's excited voice came over: "Yaoyao, you really, really like me, don't you?"

Happiness came too suddenly. On the way back, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a dream, so he couldn't help calling to verify.

Yu Yao glanced at Qingqing, she didn't intend to hide anything, she said openly, "Yes, that's right, I really like you!"

There was a low laugh coming from the phone, it was a kind of laughter that one could think of how happy he was just by listening to the sound, Yu Yao couldn't help but also curled the corners of her mouth, she saw Qingqing staring at her blankly from the corner of her eye, this He blushed with embarrassment.

"I won't tell you anymore, Qingqing and I are talking. You have been tired all day, go back and rest, and drive carefully."

Zhou Yan responded, but suddenly changed the topic: "Yaoyao, you and Qingqing, switch back sooner."

As soon as he said this, he felt guilty first, so he hung up the phone before Yu Yao could speak.

Yu Yao was also a little guilty, so she didn't think much about it.

After hanging up the phone, Qingqing seemed to be greeted with a paler face, but Yu Yao really didn't notice it at this moment. She said with some embarrassment: "Qingqing, help me and my mother keep it a secret for now."

Qingqing felt that she was almost speechless, so she tried her best to make a sound: "Is...Little Uncle?"

Ever since Qingqing called sister Yaoyao, Yu Yao didn't mind her calling Zhou Yan that way, and now the two of them are doomed to be unable to get back together. It's normal for her to call Zhou Yan little uncle with her own identity, so she nodded with a smile nod.

Qingqing clenched her hands tightly, and forced a smile on her face with her eyes downcast: "You guys..."

"We are in a relationship!" Yu Yao was happy, took the initiative to take the conversation, and explained: "We are only five years apart, and he is not my real uncle, so we can be together. I am afraid that my mother will Bian can't accept it for a while, and I'll tell her when Azhi recovers."

Qingqing nodded subconsciously. Indeed, in terms of age, they are a good match; in terms of personality and ability, they are even more suitable; Zhou Yan is so kind to Sister Yaoyao, and when it comes to feelings, they are also a natural match.

But the person in her heart is also Zhou Yan.

Even though he didn't treat her the way he treated Yu Yao, but at the beginning he was so gentle and loving to Yu Yao's body which had become a vegetable, she could see it a little bit. At that time, her heart moved quietly. He was not as nasty as his stepfather Wang Xiangang, he was not as fond of teasing her as his stepbrother Wang Min, he was not as quiet and sad as his biological father Yu Zhaoxing, nor As naive and annoying as those boys in the class.

He was the kind of person she had met for the first time, the kind who was good-looking and capable, and he was gentle and considerate to Yu Yao. It's hard for the girl's heart to not move.


She is really not worthy of such a person.

Even thinking about it in her heart, she sometimes feels shameless. And the only one who is really worthy of him is Yaoyao, who is so dazzling as if she can shine, and is so kind, no wonder she is selfish, they are really a good match.

Suppressing the sourness deep in her heart, Qingqing showed a sincere smile: "Well, I will keep it a secret for you."

Yu Yao was embarrassed and didn't want to mention herself, so she remembered Qingqing's words just now: "Is the person in your heart Su Ming?"

Qingqing was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

There seemed to be no other way than to admit it.

Yu Yao felt that this matter was a bit tricky, she really didn't know whether Su Ming liked Qingqing or Qingqing's beautiful face. If it's the latter, then Qingqing may have some troubles if she wants to be with him.

She asked, "Does Su Ming know?"

Of course Su Ming didn't know.

No, of course Su Ming knew that she didn't like it.

Qingqing could see that Yu Yao was embarrassing her, and when she thought of Yu Yao being so kind to her, the sourness in her heart was replaced by a warm touch, she smiled and said: "He doesn't know, but he is very kind to me. Don't worry, even if he doesn't like me, there is still the saying of love with each other, he made me and you unable to exchange, just use this to blackmail him, and I can have enough time to get along with him. "

Although I felt sorry for Su Ming, it was because of him that Yu Yao didn't sympathize at all.

But she was afraid that if Qingqing's temperament didn't go well, she would get into the horns, so she still said: "Well, you can try, but if he really dares not like you, then forget it. You are so good, you deserve better, and you will stay here in the future." Go to school and work in the capital, and I will help you introduce outstanding boys."

Qingqing suddenly hugged Yu Yao: "Okay, thank you, Sister Yaoyao."

Zhou Yan took over Zhaoshan very smoothly, and with Zhen Aihua's super fighting power, Pan Jiaying handed over half of Yu Jiangshan's gift, and the company's shareholders also accepted Zhou Yan after Qingqing came to the company.

Because Yu Yao and Qingqing have not been exchanged back yet, the assets under Yu Jiangshan's name can be transferred, so they are temporarily transferred to Yu Zhi's name. It's just that Yu Zhi is not well yet, not to mention Zhaoshan's shareholders for the time being, even grandma Zhen Aihua can't even see her.

She could only grab Qingqing, and said pitifully with red eyes: "Yaoyao, tell grandma, where did your mother take Ah Zhi to see a doctor? You should pity grandma, grandma has nothing now , I don’t see my eldest grandson again, I can’t live anymore!”

Qingqing already knew from Zhao Shuqin that Zhen Aihua is a human being, so she was unmoved at all: "Grandma, I know you are anxious, but Azhi hasn't returned yet, just wait a little longer, I will call you as soon as Azhi comes back."

If Zhen Aihua still disagreed, Yu Yao persuaded her: "Grandma Yu, your eldest grandson can't run away, so don't worry about it. Now it's mainly Boss Yu. It's not a problem for him to stay in the hospital like this now. You see How about he go to the nursing home with you? The environment there is good, maybe he will be healed one day. You take care of it first, and your daughter-in-law and grandchildren can rest assured that when your grandson is completely recovered, I will pick you up, you guys The whole family is well reunited."

Zhen Aihua originally thought that Zhao Shuqin should serve Yu Jiangshan, after all Yu Jiangshan left so much money, but when she thought that Yu Zhi couldn't do without others, she could only nod her head.

But looking at Qingqing, he said: "It's not easy for your father. This is all for your siblings. Now that he is like this, you, a daughter, have to be filial to him! I am an old woman who doesn't have so much energy. You are fine, stay with me for a few months to take care of your father, and you will change her when your mother comes back."

Not to mention Yu Yao, Qingqing wanted to roll her eyes.

Yu Jiangshan was **** off by his mistress, Pan Jiaying. This is a well-known joke on the Internet, but Zhen Aihua can still say such nonsense without blushing or blinking.

But she has always been soft-tempered, she only blushed with anger, but she didn't know how to get back.

Yu Yao said, "How can this be? Your granddaughter still has to go to school. Grandma Yu, you have to think about your eldest grandson. He can't study until now. He must be a little worse than his peers, and he doesn't have a brother to help him. So I have to rely on the help of my only sister, don't you think?"

Zhen Aihua thought about it, it really is.

She sighed, and could only say to Qingqing: "You have to study hard so that you can help Azhi in the future!"

Qingqing nodded helplessly.

The company affairs came to an end for the time being, Zhou Yan drove Yu Yao Qingqing and Zhen Aihua to the hospital, and the nursing home outside the city had already sent someone to pick up Yu Jiangshan.

Originally, Zhen Aihua wanted to beat Yu Cong, but after beating Pan Jiaying that day, she was released, so Yu Cong had already been taken away, and no one could be found, so the old lady could only speak harshly. give up.

A few people followed to the nursing home, and left after Yu Jiangshan had settled down thoroughly.

After sending Qingqing home, Zhou Yan took Yu Yao out for dinner on the grounds of dealing with company affairs, and then asked her: "You decided to let Qingqing go to school?"

Yu Yao said calmly, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, let's go there after the Chinese New Year is over, it's not unreasonable for her to stay at home all the time at her age."

Zhou Yan looked at her with deep eyes.