MTL - Dressed As a Villain’s Little Trick-Chapter 2

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With her palms close, the wheel/disc lit up suddenly, and the dazzling golden light almost blinded her eyes.

Chiyu squinted and looked out from the occluded fingers, the wordless wheel/disk was slowly turning, and a slight vibration came from the palm of the hand, thick and mysterious.

As the golden light faded, three lines of small characters slowly appeared under the dragon-shaped pointer.

【Gold】Skill: Heal

【Gold】Skill: Stealth

【Purple】buff: Knowing people and breaking things

Chiyu grinned, can you speak English?

"Drawing two skills and one buff, am I quite European?"

System: "The first three guarantees, two gold and one purple."

Pond Fish: Humph.

Switch back to the main page, and the blank spaces in the bottom row prominently light up two.

A grid is filled with grass green, with the word "healing" written in Song script, and a small plus sign in the lower right corner.

Click to open and there will be a line of smaller words, skill effect annotation: Can heal the living body.

A grid is filled with dark purple, with the word "Hidden" written in Arial, and a small plus sign in the lower right corner.

Click on the small print, skill effect note: You can hide yourself.

Pond Fish: "…"

This cheap style…

Poor enough to hire an artist?

As for knowing people and breaking things, she didn't find where the skills were embedded, neither of the two pages, it was probably a passive skill.


[The novice task is completed, and the main task is successfully unlocked. 】

A red and white task box pops up on the right hand side of Chiyu:

[Main quest: Save the world. 】

[Optional task branch: 1. Suppress the big devil and save the world.

3. The host explores by itself.

[Reward: blank coupon. 】

Pond Fish: The goal is terrifyingly ambitious.

However, it really has to live up to its promise, to do good deeds to save the world and the people from water and fire, without a single word.

Chi Yu was curious: "What is the use of the blank coupon?"

System: "Blank ticket means that the system can fulfill any wish of the host without touching the bottom line of human beings."

"Then!" Chi Yu jumped up in the Spirit Palace, "Can I live forever, fly away from the sky, be the most beautiful in the world, cool and invincible to dominate the whole universe?"

System: "You can do anything except the last item."

Poor system, powerful power?

It doesn't matter if she has a blank ticket or not, it's mainly because she wants to save the world.

Chi Yu said solemnly: "It seems that my life is to be a hero of salvation. The road is a long way to go, I will go up and down to seek!"

Quickly entered the task state, and actively asked: "What about this great devil, and the emperor? I have no memory of the original body, I can't figure out the setting of this world, and I don't know how to choose a task. , is there a reference?"

Dizi Lin Guyuan had just heard that it was the ex-husband who kicked her.

Avoiding personal feelings, from the perspective of these three options, choosing the second one, rewriting the script with a broken mirror is the lowest difficulty factor and the highest safety factor.

The first to suppress the big devil is completely out of her consideration. None of the skills she drew just now can be played, and the original body panel is still a small earth immortal.

System: "The degree of adaptation between the host and the original host is low, and most of the memory cannot be recovered. I have a relevant introduction package here, which can be browsed by the host. There are three gears, each of which can be spent 10 points, 1000 points, 10,000 points as value purchases."

Chiyu looked at the only 50 points left on his homepage as a value.

Low-level social animals have no choice: "The 10 o'clock one."

The homepage setting value is reduced to 40, and a blue and white pop-up window pops up again in the upper left corner, showing the transmission mark of the compressed file, and in the small text connection below, a long string of ellipses.

System: "The briefcase has been shipped, and there are still twenty minutes before the original body's death. Please read it as soon as possible."


In a minute.

Packet transfer completion: 2%

Chiyu: "???I need an explanation!"

This person is dead, and the goods will not arrive.

System: "Cheap is not good."

Pond Fish: "…"

You convinced me.

Can't sit still, Chiyu got up from the soft cushion, and wanted to quickly find Qin Ruoshui to inquire about some news.

Before opening, the system pop-up window suddenly flashed a huge message: Value +588

Chiyu: Huh? Why?

The next moment, the car body suddenly stopped.

Chiyu just got up, but not yet stood firm, staggered under the inertia of the sedan chair and flew out sideways.

The slightly open car curtain failed to stop her castration,

The pond fish was thrown out of the soft sedan chair, and the foot was empty…

Below is the void.

Pond Fish: Gan! I understand.

"Ah, ah, ah, help!"

Blink disappears from view.

Aw, this sedan chair is actually flying in the sky!

I blame her for being from the country and not knowing.

If she can do it all over again, she must pay attention to the safety of the car, follow the traffic rules, and fasten her seat belt during the flight.

Chiyu screamed in horror and fell down, opening the system homepage for the first time.

The skills of healing and concealment are of no use at this moment, she can only hope that the remaining 628 works will be full of European energy, and reward her with a new skill, such as Blink or Royal Air.

He looked up unconsciously, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the main page, the countdown time was still ten minutes.


Now this height will not let her lose more than ten minutes in a row?

Just thinking about it, a gentle force supported her waist.

Gu Nian realized that her physical fitness was too rude, and she fell for nearly 100 meters before buffering and stopping, and she landed lightly.

He came up and held her hand: "Aren't you scared?"

Chiyu's legs are soft, lying on the ground unable to stand up, panting: "I didn't..." Vomit! !

She opened her mouth and spat out.

Sorry, it's too exciting.

Qin Ruoshui's expression was stiff, and she pulled away the sleeve that she was supporting: "..."

After spitting up, Chiyu raised his head with difficulty, wanting to thank Qin Ruoshui for saving his life. Seeing her turn around with a swipe of her sleeves, and protect her behind her, her voice rushed out bluntly.

"What does Young Master Linyin mean by this move? You and I can't get married, and the love is still there. I am lying in ambush here, and I am trying to stop my young lady's boat. Is it because I want to tear my face in Yuncheng? Can't it?"

"Oh, Cloud City."

A mocking sneer seemed to sound in my mind.


Chi Yu noticed that something was wrong, wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and looked out from the gap in Qin Ruoshui's clothes.

It is dawn,

The heights are bright, and the light that falls deep into the jungle is much dimmed.

In the forest, the sky is covered with vegetation, the mist is lingering, and the bushes are overgrown. The mountain stream is gurgling and winding, making a ding dong sound, which is a deep and natural original scenery...

Chi Yu looked around, but did not see where the Linyin people in Qin Ruoshui's mouth were.

It looks like she was shot in the head when she was eating chicken, and she couldn't find the enemy's position until she died, and the food was extraordinarily real.

Fortunately, her ears were in charge, and across the gurgling water, she heard the sound of the robe brushing across the grass.

Looking for the reputation, a faint shadow appeared in the extremely dark part of the shadow of the jungle. It gets closer and closer, and stops at the edge of the division of light and shadow.

[Name: Lin Yin]

[Level: Unknown. 】

[Known relationship: cousin of Lin Guyuan]

[The rest are related: ugly. 】

Chi Yu looked at the shadow and widened his eyes.

The "Knowing people and breaking things" buff was passively turned on, and a black mist that was almost substantive lingered around the figure, which was cold.

As the mist flows, it condenses into gruesome-looking resentful spirits, rushing towards people with their fangs and claws. I don't know if it's a psychological effect, Chiyu even smelled a faint smell of blood in the air...

The appearance effect looks very cool, very difficult to mess with, but…

I can't see people at all!

What a tasteless second skill!

System: …stare at the character for ten seconds, the buff will dissipate automatically.

Chiyu didn't have time to complain, so he kept a close eye on it...

The wide hood came down, covering most of his face, only a small part of his chin was exposed, and his skin was so white.

Judging only from the slender and slender bones, Lin Yin should be a teenager. It's thin, but it doesn't feel weak and weak at all. You are like a ghost, just standing there quietly, the hostility around you makes your scalp numb.

"A single cloud city is not worthy of a relationship with me."

Lin Yin gently basked in the sun, "You can leave, she will stay."

The tone of command is unequivocal.

Qin Ruoshui was a little stunned.

It is rumored that Lin Yin, the eldest son of the Lin clan, is taciturn and reclusive, and is a sick child who will die soon. Qin Ruoshui was once the first pharmacist in Yuncheng after Chi Yu married into the Lin clan, and was invited to the Lin clan to diagnose and treat Lin Yin. I saw with my own eyes the terrifying half-crippled body under his dark robe.

How can a person who even stands on the support of immortals and survives, can say such a wild remark?

No sane person would make such a tough and provocative gesture without any evidence. There must be other assassins hidden in this jungle.

Qin Ruoshui's eyes are uncertain, no matter what Lin Yin's basis is, she and Lin Yin do not know each other, and only have superficial contact with the diagnosis and treatment a few years ago, and finally returned without success. leave her alone...

It is inevitable that people will doubt the intentions of their provocation.

Lin Yin spends many years recuperating in other hospitals, and even if she occasionally returns to her home, the Lin clan's patriarch will keep the troublemaker Chi Yu far away to save her from colliding with the patient.

It stands to reason that there is no festival between Lin Yin and Chi Yu.

Qin Ruoshui is Chiyu's half-daoist master. He only has a superficial relationship between emptiness and guile, but in the eyes of a ruthless and domineering lady like Chiyu, it is thinner than paper, and it will be broken with a poke.

Could it be that Lin Yin came to alienate her relationship with the Yuncheng forces?

Qin Ruoshui weighed it again and again, stood with a sword, and stood in front of Chiyu: "The city lord's order, let me bring Chiyu back to Yuncheng. If something happens to her, I will not be able to escape."

Lin Yin ignored her statement and indifferently curled the corner of her lower lip with a cold arc.

Leave your hand and walk slowly.

With the frequency of his leisurely steps,

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"…

Something fell from the sky and fell on Qin Ruoshui's body in turn.

Chi fish eyes narrowed, and liquid splashed into her eyes.

Rubbed his eyes and turned his head to look. In the pool of blood, someone's brain exploded, and the ribs came out of the chest cavity, and the flesh was blurred.

Chiyu was stunned, and it took a long while to realize what it was.


Really dead!

For the first time in her life, she saw a living dead person other than herself!

Look at the clothes, those who died were the maids and guards on the soft sedan chair. Everyone has been killed, and there is no possibility that the roots will remain.

Chi Yu tightened Qin Ruoshui's clothes in fear.

Master save me!

Lin Yin strolled and stopped three steps away from Qin Ruoshui.

"Think about it?"

More than ten corpses that died violently were surrounded, and the blood around them suddenly became rich.

This time, Qin Ruoshui did not answer, her body trembled slightly.

It's not that you don't want to answer, it's that you can't.

With a wow, blood spurted out of her mouth, Qin Ruoshui couldn't support it and knelt down on one knee.

She actually felt the coercion from the superiors from Lin Yin.

The bottom of the bloodshot eyes flashed with surprise.

When did he suddenly have such a cultivation? still…

Have you been keeping your edge and keeping a low profile?

No matter what the situation is, she knows that this time I'm afraid it's really a fall.

Qin Ruoshui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned around and looked at Chiyu.

She didn't forget Lin Yin's remarks that she would let her go.

The maids and guards who escaped just now are all dead and have no survivors. What happened to Chi Yu is up to her to decide, take 10,000 steps back, the person was killed by Lin Yin, and she can't blame her.

Pond Fish: "…"

She met Qin Ruoshui's indifferent eyes, her heart cooled little by little, and she silently loosened her clothes.

When disaster strikes, they will fly separately. It is understandable that human nature is like this.

"It's your fault that you are usually too self-willed, and I don't know when to offend people!"

Qin Ruoshui who turned around suddenly said to Chiyu.

Without waiting for her reaction, she buckled with one hand, grabbed Chiyu's shoulder, raised her sleeves and decisively threw her to Linyin...

Qin Ruoshui did not believe that Lin Yin would generously allow her to go back alive after showing her strength, but she had no other choice. While throwing the pond fish to distract him, the man quickly retreated, "I'll give it to you, I beg your son to follow his words and let me live!"

“…”? ? ?

Suddenly empty pond filled with question marks.

If you provoke such a killing god, it’s fine for the master to stand by and watch it, and he also comes with a thoughtful kick, right?

I can't understand this!

Master, your character is really questionable!

Lin Yin didn't even look at Qin Ruoshui who fled.

I just stared coldly at the image of no noble girl, and Ichi Yu, who looked extraordinarily cowardly today, frowned almost incomprehensibly.

When volleying, Wu Shi Zitong took out the soft whip wrapped around his waist, hooked the nearby tree trunk, stopped the momentum of flying towards Lin Yin, and pulled it in the opposite direction.

Flying is impossible to fly, and after landing on both legs, it flops like hell.

You can't run away, but it's good to fight for even a second. Hurry up and enter the wheel/disk space and spend 600 points to draw cards.

He slapped the wheel/disk hard.

"Help, system, get me a life-saving thing, ship, ship, ship, ah, ah!"

Green flashes.

Chiyu's eyes lit up slightly, she had never seen this color before! Maybe it's not the same as the skills drawn before, it's a life-saving prop? !

The wheel/disk speed slows down…

I haven't seen the result of the card draw, and Chiyu suddenly has a flower in front of his eyes, and he is suddenly hit in the abdomen by an invisible force, and he instantly jumps upside down.

Under the outrageous impact, the head of the fish in the pool was almost thrown off.

I was afraid that I would be paralyzed by this collision, and I was cowardly to the extreme. The ability to survive was super normal again, and I used the healing skills for myself at the first time.

I don't know if the body didn't respond in a short time, or the healing effect is too good.

Healed the burst of hair, and a trace of cold breath was injected into her body, but she did not feel any pain.

Hissing in fear, sucking in the air-conditioning, racing against time to concentrate on entering the spirit palace again, the wheel/disk has stopped, and six lines of characters appear under the pointer, five white and one green.

"empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "empty", "mid-grade spirit stone".


The so-called green light means that it is useless...

The pond fish fell to the ground.

Because the impact was too great, she rolled twice in a buffering manner, her hair was disheveled, and she lay flat at Lin Yin's feet.

Pond Fish: African Chiefs will not rest in peace!

The next second, the body lightly vacated again.

Lin Yin grabbed Chiyu's throat like a chicken and lifted it up.

Hero! If I have offended you ignorantly in the past, I will tell you... hiss..."

The struggling wide sleeves lifted his hood with a breeze.

Chi Yu caught his face off guard and gasped.

That face, half human face, half rotten bones.

The face is as delicate as jade, and the rotten bones are terrifying. The half of his rotten face did not have a complete epidermis, and the rotten and rotten flesh that was dark red and nearly black under the skin was glued and oozing pus. If you look closely, it seems that there are black, hair-like things moving between his rotten flesh, drilling the epidermis. riddled with holes…

Lin Yin was very satisfied with her terrified expression, so she opened her lips in a leisurely manner: "Remember what you said when you saw me like this? "

Chiyu's mind was blank, and the patient was afraid that the patient had died on the spot.

The scalp was numb to the point of bursting, and he waved his hand desperately, losing his voice: "Fuck me?!! Where's the hat, close it quickly!"

System: Value +999

Lin Yin: “…”

Like pinching grapes, she crushed her head and the juice splashed.

A muffled thud.

Headless body fell to the ground.

Chiyu: I died, I died of swearing and disrespecting the disabled, children must not learn.

In addition, this article ends with flowers.

Author: Don't listen to her, listen to me, this article is not over.

The new article has just been sent, and the big fat chapter is sent~~

If you like it, you can click it to save it, okay~

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