MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 219 Trial!

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"After so many years, there is finally a new tester, and my sledgehammer is about to rust."

He looked at Tang Tianfu and frowned slightly.

"You are the new tester? Why aren't you a giant? You're still a monk, what's the point!"

The beard blew his beard and said angrily.

Tang Tianfu seemed a little speechless. He was thrown here before he agreed, and he was still full of grievances.

"I... I don't want to try it yet. Who wants to inherit your Lacanton family's heritage? Let me go out!"

Tang Tianfu said unhappily.

The bearded man snorted coldly and said, "My clan's inheritance, why don't you accept it if you want, or don't accept it if you don't?"

"Take the hammer!"

The big beard smashed at Tang Tianfu with a single hammer.


The giant hammer fell, the earth cracked, and the mountains and rivers trembled.

"You are so unreasonable, why are you still using violence?"

Tang Tianfu was furious.

The bearded man looked at Tang Tianfu with disdain, and said, "It's not that I want to do it, but the rules, the rules, when you come here, you must fight!"

The bearded man said, and the hammer in his hand swung it again.

"I rely on!"

Tang Tianfu was helpless and could only resist the blow.

His body was hammered away, but he was not injured, just a little pain.

"You! I'm fighting back!"

Seeing that Tang Tianfu's body was short, the bearded man thought he would win easily, but he only used five points of effort, but he was surprised that Tang Tianfu's body was so strong.

"Good boy, it seems that you really have the blood of our family, otherwise how could you be so strong?"

"Come on, let me see your strength."

The beard's muscles were bulging, and the blue veins were bulging all over his body. He swung a huge hammer in both hands and smashed at Tang Tianfu again.


Tang Tianfu sacrificed the immortal burial coffin and slapped the bearded man fiercely.


With a loud bang, the bearded man flew upside down, fell to the ground, and smashed a big hole.

"What a powerful force!"

The bearded man looked at Tang Tianfu in surprise. He didn't expect his strength to be so great.

"How? Do you know how good I am now?"

Tang Tianfu said with a smile.

The bearded man smiled gloomily, "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up again and slammed into Tang Tianfu. This time, his strength was more ferocious than any before.


Tang Tianfu was knocked out again.

"Your attack power is too weak, come again!"

The bearded man let out a loud roar, and the hammer in his hand slammed down on Tang Tianfu again with the momentum of wind and thunder.

"I don't believe that your strength can be stronger!"

Tang Tianfu roared angrily, a golden stick appeared in his hand, and greeted the bearded man.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of huge explosions sounded in the starry sky.

A streak of golden energy swept past the two of them continuously, smashing huge deep pits on the ground beneath the two of them, rubble splashing, and smoke filled with dust.

"These tricks are not bad, but I have more strength and less skills."

"Come again!"

The big beard roared again, and the double hammers were constantly swung, and every time the power swung, the ground collapsed and the ground sank.

The sledgehammer kept bombarding Tang Tianfu's stick, causing Tang Tianfu to retreat again and again.

However, Tang Tianfu insisted on gritting his teeth.

Although he is not very good at fighting, his body has been tempered by his master with various heaven and earth treasures since he was a child. It is extremely strong and has a strong defense.

Tang Tianfu kept waving the long stick in his hand.

"Do you have that much strength? If you dare to come to the test, I will kill you with a hammer!"

As the bearded man said, he smashed a hammer towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly dodged.


A hammer slammed on the ground, and the entire surface collapsed directly into a mess.

"Come again!"

Tang Tianfu shouted and rushed up again.


Another blow, this time Tang Tianfu was knocked out, and his body smashed a deep hole on the ground.

"Haha, are you still not convinced?"

Bearded asked with a smile.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, I just don't accept it, come on, come again, come again!"

Tang Tianfu got up and rushed up again.

At this moment, the fighting style that the master taught him is constantly calculating in his mind. His master Xuanzhen was once a member of the royal family of the Immortal Burial Clan, and his strength is also very good, and he knows a lot of moves.

"Canglong out of the water!"

Tang Tianfu roared loudly, and golden light burst out from his eyes.

A monstrous aura emerged from his body, and a golden-yellow dragon-shaped gas flew out of his body and slaughtered towards the beard.

The big beard also changed his face and said, "This, you, you actually have such power!"

"Haha! How are you, are you afraid? Come, come again!"

Tang Tianfu laughed and rushed up again.

"Afraid of you? Joke!"

The bearded man shouted, wielding a huge iron hammer, and smashed the golden dragon with a single hammer.

But the beard was also taken two steps back.

"Good boy, you are really strong."

"However, I'm going to do my best now, be careful!"

The bearded face instantly turned solemn, and at this moment, he had to use his real strength.

The hammer in Big Beard's hand was constantly changing, attacking Tang Tianfu from an extremely tricky angle.

"Unsurpassed magic power!"

Endless black gas overflowed from the giant hammer and condensed into hundreds of thin black needles in the air.

Those thin needles exuded a faint green light, and strange magic patterns appeared on them.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Densely packed, hundreds of fine needles attacked Tang Tianfu at an extremely fast speed, but when these fine needles pierced Tang Tianfu's skin, they made a sound of gold and iron clashing, causing no harm.

"Hahaha, look, what is this?"

Tang Tianfu took off his clothes. It turned out that, at some point, he placed the Immortal Burial Coffin on his belly as a piece of armor.

"Good boy, quite clever."

"Look at this trick again!"

The bearded man smiled grimly, and charged at Tang Tianfu again.

This time, the huge hammer lifted up from bottom to top with the attitude of fishing for a moon in the sea.

"Condensation Dragon Seal!"

Tang Tianfu gave a low voice and put the golden long stick in his hand across his chest.

The clothes on his body were blown by the breath emanating from his body, making noises.

Immediately, pieces of crystal clear ice appeared on the golden long stick, wrapping him inside.

The huge hammer hit the golden long stick with a dull sound.


"Crack, click!"

The ice cube broke, and Tang Tianfu's body was shaken back and forth.

Seeing that Tang Tianfu was so shaken that he kept retreating, the bearded man laughed and said, "Little baby, how long can you block me?"

"You think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Tang Tianfu snorted coldly and waved the golden stick out.

"Fate to kill Buddha!"

Endless Buddha light gathered in the stick, and ripples rippled out in circles.

The beard was shrouded in these ripples, and the whole person couldn't help but tremble.

This trick is Master Xuanzhen's unique skill, and it is extremely powerful.

In Tang Tianfu's eyes, there was a flame burning, and the golden stick in his hand became more and more fierce.

When the bearded man saw that Tang Tianfu had not been defeated, there was a hint of consternation in his eyes.

"It seems that you will never admit defeat without giving you some color!"

The bearded man roared angrily, waved his hammer, and smashed towards Tang Tianfu again.

This time, he used all his strength.

The giant hammer slammed down, and the world shook.


The golden stick was waving in Tang Tianfu's hand, making a buzzing sound, and a terrifying energy wave spread out.


Tang Tianfu was thrown hundreds of meters away again.

"So strong!"

Tang Tianfu secretly said, this bearded man is really strong, he has used all his strength with the stick just now, but he is still not his opponent, how can he win?

"Is that all you have?"

The bearded man laughed.

Tang Tianfu roared and rushed over again.

This time, he did not choose to use a stick, but used another move, that is, King Kong Fist!


The golden golden fist was condensed in the void, and a terrifying power fluctuation swept in all directions.


A punch hit the bearded hammer, and the bearded hammer immediately bent.

"Crack! Kick!"

The hammer started to crack inch by inch.

The power of this punch has exceeded Beard's expectations, and Beard's face changed slightly.

"Break it for me!"

The beard stomped his feet suddenly, his body soared, his body increased tenfold, and the hammer in his hand also radiated black light, a hammer hit Tang Tianfu, directly knocking Tang Tianfu out.


Tang Tianfu spat out a mouthful of blood again and fell to the ground.

Tang Tianbu's bones were extremely hard and could be called a divine weapon. Even if they suffered such a powerful attack, there was still no damage.

"Come again!"

Tang Tianfu gritted his teeth, stood up again, and rushed over again.


Tang Tianfu was smashed and flew out again.

But he got up again and charged at Bearded again.

Looking at this undead Xiaoqiang, the bearded man smiled slightly, thinking to himself, 'This kid is not bad, logically speaking, he is qualified for so many moves against me, but, looking at his appearance, the organs behind it, it is very sad... '

'I need to exercise his will first. ’

The bearded eyes narrowed, and suddenly the hammer was put away.

"What, admit defeat?"

Tang Tianfu looked at the beard and suddenly put away the hammer, and asked suspiciously.

"Admit defeat? You underestimate the old man!"

The bearded yin and yang laughed angrily.

In his hand, a white tower-shaped magic weapon appeared.

"Take this move from me, and you'll pass!"

Tang Tianfu frowned and said, "I don't want to go through anything, I want to go out, you let me out!"

''That's up to you. Entering the trial grounds, either die or go to the end, there is no other way! "

"If you want to go out, take out your energy and be serious!"

With that said, the bearded man took out the giant tower, and the giant tower suddenly rose into the air. There were bursts of Brahma singing from the tower, as if a Buddha had descended.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

On the giant pagoda, Buddha seals appeared, Buddha statues emerged, and golden Buddha lights shot out from the Buddha seals, rushing towards Tang Tianfu.


There were bursts of burning sounds in the air, and the white giant tower shrouded Tang Tianfu.

The oppression of the giant tower made Tang Tianfu unable to breathe.

"What a terrible pressure!"

Tang Tianfu couldn't help being horrified.

Tang Tianfu didn't dare to care for the big, and used the burial coffin to protect the whole body.

However, the golden Buddha light ignored the immortal burial coffin and swallowed Tang Tianbu directly.

"Endless flame, burn!"

Tang Tianfu was trapped by the white giant tower, and golden flames burned inside, burning Tang Tianfu's body.


Tang Tianfu screamed again and again.

The flames in the giant tower were extremely hot, and soon, Tang Tianfu was burned to the core, which was horrible to watch.

The flesh and blood on Tang Tianfu's body was burned by the flames, but strangely it did not collapse, and a faint golden light radiated from his body, resisting this scorching heat.

However, Tang Tianfu was still in extreme pain, blood dripping from his body, and his injuries were terrible.

"No, I can't, I'm going to faint."

Tang Tianfu shouted.

He felt like he couldn't take it anymore, he felt like he was going to explode.

"Hold on, and you can find your true self."

"Believe in your own body, this is the most powerful physique in the world, don't let him bury it."

The bearded man sat on the ring, put the sledgehammer beside him, and looked at Tang Tianfu in the white giant tower with a smile.

For some reason, his face was also pale and he looked a little tired.

"You! I am me, what are you looking for? Don't talk nonsense, you bearded man."

Tang Tianfu said angrily.

The more and more the fire burned, his body was riddled with holes, but Tang Tianfu felt that the pain seemed to be less, and his skin was slowly growing new flesh.

The fire gradually turned light blue, and the temperature became higher. Tang Tianfu felt that his internal organs were about to be cooked.

His eyes were burning, he couldn't take it any longer.

"You are you, and you should live in your own world, not in this ghost place."

"You should be like your father, roaming the universe and protecting thousands of lives!"

"You shouldn't be buried in a place like this..."

Bearded's words kept reaching Tang Tianfu's ears.

"Father? Mother? I seem to have forgotten what they looked like..."

"What's the matter, my head hurts!"

Thinking of his parents seemed to touch something in Tang Tianfu's mind. A seal in his mind shimmered, preventing him from continuing to think.

"No! I have parents, I want to know what they look like, I want to know why they abandoned me!"

Tang Tianfu gritted his teeth and used all his strength to resist the seal.


A huge dark cloud suddenly appeared above Tang Tianfu's head, and thunder and lightning continued to fall down.

Tang Tianfu's eyes were full of determination.

On the top of Tang Tianfu's head, a huge dark cloud appeared, flashing thunder and lightning constantly, and thick purple thunder and lightning continued to chop down.

On the top of Tang Tianfu's head, a huge purple thunder crashed down, covering him instantly.

The thunder and lightning and the fire kept destroying Tang Tianfu's body, and he could no longer hear all the sounds from the outside world.

It's just that his body, unknowingly, is getting bigger and bigger.

Tang Tianfu's body was constantly flowing with purple thunder, and sharp horns grew on his head, and his eyes were as red as beasts.

One after another purple thunder robbery bombarded Tang Tianfu's body.

I don't know how long time passed, the thunder dissipated and the fire burned out.

At this time, Tang Tianfu was already not a person, a ghost or a ghost.

Tang Tianfu's body was covered with ferocious wounds, many of which were still soaking with golden blood, and some wounds were even rotting.

However, Tang Tianfu was still standing, exuding a golden light.

Moreover, his body has exceeded a hundred zhang.

This is what a giant looks like.


"I'm still alive, I won!"

Tang Tianfu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Tang Tianfu felt that he was filled with a kind of power, a powerful power, a power he had never had before.

"As expected of his son, this kind of talent, I am afraid that few people in this world can match it."

The bearded man looked at the recovered Tang Tianfu with a strange look in his eyes.

This power is the ultimate power!

'My mission is completed. ’

Beard smiled relieved.

"Beard, come, let's fight another three hundred rounds."

Tang Tianfu felt the new body and smiled.

The bearded man slowly shook his head, looking at Tang Tianfu with a trace of nostalgia and relief.

"No need, you are qualified."

"The next few levels will not be so easy, but I believe in you."

The beard said, the figure gradually dissipated, and the white giant tower disappeared with the wind.

Looking at the disappearing beard, Tang Tianfu was stunned.

He still didn't understand, what kind of medicine was sold in this bearded gourd?

Although the bearded man just now spoke very hard, he didn't seem to want to kill him.

And, it seems to be helping him.

"Hey, what's your name? My name is Tang Tianfu, and I want to repay you."

Tang Tianfu shouted.

But the bearded figure disappeared.

Tang Tianfu looked at the scene around him and was a little disappointed.

He looked at his body and was slightly taken aback.

" did I get so tall?"

"Am I really a descendant of Lacanton?"

Tang Tianfu froze in place.

"Is that face my mother?"

He remembered something from his childhood, that face, he felt very familiar.

In front of him, a door opened.

Tang Tianfu looked at the door with doubt and confusion.

‘Does it mean that after I pass the level, I will restore all my memories? ’

"Okay, I must pass!"

Tang Tianfu walked into the door without hesitation.

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