MTL - Dragon Emperor, Martial God-Chapter 1836 Avenue Confrontation

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The two sword-level flying sword magic weapons are attacked with one mind, and the sword gas explosion caused by it is extremely terrifying. Even if the self-defense of Jin Dan Realm can't bear it, it will inevitably be seriously injured.

Moreover, the two were in the center of the explosion.

After all, Dao Feijian is Dao, Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu, although they can use them to hurt their enemies, they can’t withstand their destructive power with their own defenses, even if the sword gas explodes.

This is because their current state is limited, and defense always has a limit.

However, both of them were in the center of Jianqi explosion, and did not hurt.

It turned out that even though Ning Lingyu shot with anger, at the same time he sacrificed the flying sword, he took the initiative to smash a golden lotus in front of him, turning it into a curved golden shield and blocking it in front of him.

Ling Yun was even more fierce. On the occasion of a sudden attack, the Dragon Sword rushed out of his eyebrows, and Ren Wangyin immediately stood in front of him, suddenly turned into a size, and firmly blocked Ling Yun behind him.

At the moment before the two flying swords collided, both of them had foreseen the outcome that would happen, and had prepared for the defense in advance!

Therefore, both talents can be unharmed!

Such a short distance, such a short time, attacking, defending, accurately predicting, and protecting yourself in advance, all this must be done in a flash!

What kind of mentality, what kind of vision, how fast is the battle response, and absolutely enough means to achieve this?

Chi Yunzi was actually shocked by this. He asked himself that he would never be able to do it under the same circumstances. Otherwise, Ning Lingyu succeeded in breaking through the border. When he attacked him, he would have been able to avoid it. Will be stupid stabbed two swords.

But these two guys actually did it!

Chi Yunzi can see that for these two people, fighting is already an instinct, but I don’t know how many battles of life and death they need to experience in this instinct, and how many times they have to come out of the sea of ​​corpses to have it!

And yourself? Although he insisted on sword cultivation into a pill, no matter whether he was on the earth or later into Kunlun, the racks he played were really pitiful. All the time, almost all of them were used to cultivate the breakthrough, even if he became Jindan Jianxiu. , But to fight, I am afraid that at most you will be able to suppress people with circumstances.

"So this is the battle!"

Chi Yunzi used his eyes and his mind to firmly lock the two people outside. Fearing that he would miss any details, he was uplifted and felt a lot!

When it comes to fighting, these two people outside are master-level. In front of them, they can't even count themselves as elementary school students.

He is aware of this battle, no matter who wins or loses the two outsiders, as long as he can watch all of them, and can return to Kunlun alive, he can not only enter Yuanying Realm properly, but also break through. Time can be at least one hundred years ahead!

The benefit is too great!

Of course, the only person in the formation at the moment who can see the details of the battle between the two is only the golden pill sword repair of Chi Yunzi, and the others only see the explosion of sword gas.

Especially Li Jiangang, he doesn't even care about this at all, because now he almost burst into tears!

Ling Yun suddenly appeared, Li Jiangang's mind was hit, and he did not expect that he really made a mistake. He thought that it was Ling Yun who left Ning Lingyu to attack the eleven factions of the five schools of Kunlun Mountain.

Ling Yun entered the battle easily, Li Jiangang was completely desperate, he had already closed his eyes there and was waiting to die.

Who knows how the peaks turn around!

Ling Yun went out again!

The two brothers and sisters chatted as if they were chatting with each other, and then Ling Yun started abruptly!

Ling Yun has become his own!

This made Li Jiangang not excited, he was already excited to jump up and cheer Ling Yun!

As for why the two brothers and sisters suddenly became enemies of life and death, Li Jiangang was too lazy to think about it, and had no time to analyze these. All his current thoughts were that of Ling Yun, the killing god. This time he was on his own side and was with him. "Fight side by side"!

To put it bluntly, the inspiration that Ling Yun's participation in the war brought to Li Jiangang was even better than his master, Jin Dan Jianxiu Chi Yunzi arrived!

It's not easy. You have the opportunity to fight side by side with the killing god. This sense of security is so indescribable!


Outside the mountain.

Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu flew upside down separately, and at least a kilometer distance was opened in the middle before they were able to stop.

For them, this distance is the most suitable for them to fight, and it is already close, almost equivalent to the face-to-face fight of ordinary people.

The two figures hovered in the air, facing each other, but the fighting method did not stop. The two flying swords were still in the air to catch up with each other, and they suddenly came and went, with each other attacking and defending, and fighting together.

Ning Lingyu controlled Feijian to attack continuously. She raised her eyes and swept Ling Yun. She mainly looked at the magic weapons that Ling Yun sacrificed instantly. The pupils of her beautiful eyes shrank, and she said in a cold voice: "I can’t think of a bird **** Place, in such a short period of time, you really got some fun stuff."

It sounded dismissive, but her words inevitably showed a hint of jealousy.

Blood-stained sword, emperor's pen, earth emperor's book, Shennong tripod, human king's seal, and of course the blue shadow flying sword refined by Ling Yun himself, the Yin and Yang Gang Qi sword, the golden dragon gun, and even the Dragon Emperor's magic sword.

Of course, there are those pyrite materials used in Lingyun's array.

In order to deal with Ning Lingyu, Ling Yun brought out so many housekeeping magic weapons at once!

Ning Lingyu has already seen some of these hole cards, but some of them have never seen it, nor have she heard Ling Yun say. The number of times he fought with Ling Yun together is too few, so the understanding of Ling Yun is far inferior now. Night stars.

Especially after Ning Lingyu's robbery, Ling Yun noticed that something was wrong. Since then, Ling Yun has intentionally or unintentionally reserved her.

The supreme Qing Emperor's tactic was the last time Ling Yun passed on her practice before Ning Lingyu crossed over.

Ling Yun heard a sneer in his heart and said that he really used it to deal with your hole card. I haven't brought it out yet.

Where is this?

He responded faintly: "I didn't expect that you could turn the fairy spirit into fairy power before rebuilding the foundation and use it at will."

Ling Yun can see that the reason why Ning Lingyu is so mad is that she dare to expose herself completely now, not because of the arrogance and arrogance of the fairy fairy’s soul, but because she possesses a secret method that can directly transform fairy spirit gas into fairy power. It is her biggest reliance that dares to be so arrogant.

Ordinary monks can only use true qi during the gas refining period.

After the foundation was built, it began to gradually transform all the true qi in the body into the true yuan, and the true yuan became great, and when the mood was cultivated, the Jindan could be formed. After the Jindan, there was the Yuanying, which was pure innate vitality. For a humanoid baby.

Yuanying is the Yang God. After experiencing the tricks, distracting, and then reuniting, he is qualified to realize the true avenue, turning everything into immortals. This is the practice of the virtual combination, and the body gradually has immortal power. Can go to the robbery soaring, after the success of the robbery is the real fairy, is for Mahayana, and then ascended to the fairy world.

Therefore, ordinary cultivators can't have fairy power before refining the virtual, let alone use it. Even if it is a physique like Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu, the talented understanding is far superior to ordinary people, at least to the Yuan baby realm. Is possible.

After practicing Qi to Yuanying, how many levels are there between them?

So Ning Lingyu can use fairy power at will, must have a secret method, and it is a very powerful secret method in fairy world.

In this regard, Ning Lingyu's undisguised triumph: "Thank you for speaking, thanks to the fairy body you created for me."

She didn't forget to stimulate Ling Yun at all times, but unfortunately Ling Yun completely ignored it, and he didn't regret it at all.

"Your fairy body? Ha ha."

Ling Yun glanced at her with disdain: "Then you just made such a big scene to make a breakthrough, you clearly have the power to break through the integration period, why did you stop at the peak of Kaiguang Realm? Well? This is probably not your character, right? ?"

This problem is fatal!

Who is Ling Yun? He once practiced in the eighth classic to the transitional robbery period, even now his soul is still a powerful soul in the robbery period. Of course, he knows what the comprehension person must face, experience, and how to break through. A realm.

With Ning Lingyu's physique, from the gas refining period to the foundation building, it is indeed extremely easy, almost like a rocket all the way, without any obstacles.

But after building the foundation realm, and then to the Jindan realm, the middle open light realm, the fusion realm, and the heart period, these three realms are a step by step for the current Ning Lingyu, thrilling step by step!

This has nothing to do with physique, genius perception or something, but because Ning Lingyu is now two souls!

As Ling Yun said before, one body and two souls are shared. As long as the body realm arrives, the two souls share nature and open the light realm. It is the realm of the self-cultivator who realizes his own avenue and gradually enlightens. This fairy fairy soul naturally does not need any enlightenment. Process, but after she reached this situation, the real Ning Lingyu must go through this process of enlightenment!

Otherwise, in the next state, the fusion state, she will not be able to integrate body and god, heart and mind, essence and knowledge, that is, it cannot be integrated.

The fusion environment cannot be merged, so what else to talk about Jindan Avenue? No matter what sacred the strong goddess soul is now, it is still subject to the restrictions of heaven and earth here. If it cannot be integrated, she will not be able to form a pill, and she will stop here forever.

Therefore, before solving this big problem, this "Ning Lingyu" did not dare to make a bold breakthrough, and could only stop at the peak of Kaiguang Realm.

All she needs is time, but Ling Yun has not given her this time, it is impossible!

After reaching the peak of Kaiguang Realm, the character of Ning Lingyu that everyone in the formation couldn't understand changed greatly because of this;

Ling Yun just talked about Qin Qiuyue just now. UU reading Ning Lingyu appeared a little confused and trance, also because of this.

Sure enough, after Ling Yun said that, Ning Lingyu's face couldn't help but express anger. Obviously, Ling Yun found her weakness very accurately!

"Humph, you think too much. I stayed at the peak of the open realm, just because this realm is enough to kill you, no need to be higher!"

"Really? Hahahaha..."

Ling Yun laughed as if he heard the biggest joke.

PS: First of all, let me tell you that Lao Bu is definitely not lazy today. The late update is because it is really difficult to write over the chapters of Ning Lingyu, because the content is related to the main line of the book and involves too much, including the true origin of Ning Lingyu, indicating that all the realms from foundation to ascension must be considered. The wonderful fighting process has made everyone enjoy watching it. The old step has been brewing for many days. Today, I have carefully outlined the details. I waited until late at night and started writing when the inspiration was the best. Not to mention the rest, I hope everyone is happy.

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