MTL - Dr. Green Dragon-Chapter 1096 Guild Wars (5)

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   Once Kelben's spell ceremony started, the vast magic fluctuations immediately alarmed all the magic sunflowers.

  Ritual casting!

  Legendary spells!

   Almost immediately, all of these magic sunflowers had an accurate judgment on this phenomenon.

and then…

   "Rainbow Law Wall" is useless!

   "Rainbow Magic Wall" can block all spells except "Great Disintegration", but "everything" is actually enclosed in quotation marks, and legendary spells are not included!

Just like the "anti-magic field" encountering legendary spells, the confrontation between "Rainbow Magic Wall" and legendary spells also depends on the level of the caster, and when the caster level of the legendary spell reaches level 29, this A confrontation is bound to win for the legendary spell.

   Outside, that is to perform legendary spells through the ritual circle...

   There is no luck, the minds of these magic sunflowers are only handed over for a moment, and the two magic sunflowers that created the two "rainbow magic walls" immediately lifted the two magic walls.

   Almost at the same time.

   "Automatic instant spell-projection!"

   Simpson was the first to move, and he was the only one.

   "Projection", this is a seventh-level magic, which has already exceeded the limit of Samuel's double "automatic instant spell".

Similarly, if the "Projection Technique" needs to prepare for "Super Magic Instant", it needs an 11th-level spell slot to prepare. Maybe there is a magic sunflower that has such a spell slot, but no one will Prepare the "projection technique" into it!

  At this moment, only Simpson, who has mastered the triple "automatic instant spell", can instantly perform instant casting.

  However, it was his side that moved first...


   He had already been preparing for it, and he was staring at Simpson earlier.

  A "crazy magic area" directly enveloped the leader of the magic sunflower.

  The "projection technique" was not released in time, and the magic energy was directly out of control.

  However, Simpson was also mentally prepared for this, and immediately let out a deep drink, reminding all the magic sunflowers, and at the same time, his figure drifted sideways.

  However, he did not wait for him to leave the "frenzied magic area" and perform the "automatic prompt" of the "projection" again.


   "It should be interrupted again!"

  I didn't see the crimson leader projected out for the first time, and this idea just passed through Isaac's mind.

   From his understanding, the crimson leader Simpson must have mastered the double "compound spell casting", and can perform three instant spells in each round.

This was interrupted once, and it can be counted as another "instantaneous" projection. That is to say, before Kelben's legendary spell is completed, this one who was already a step behind, under normal circumstances, this is at most one "Legendary Dispel" can be performed once!

   Of course, there are special cases.

For example, if this person performs "automatic spell instant casting-time stillness" first, then performs "projection" during the time-out period, and then uses the projection as the source of the spell to perform "legendary dispel", this can be done continuously Two dispersals.

  However, even so, with Lich Archmage and Phantom Archmage present, this side can still catch it steadily.

in this way…

  The only thing Isaac has to beware of is the remaining magic sunflowers.

  Although the remaining magic sunflowers are huge in number, most of them still have legendary spells left.

However, considering that "Projection" is a seventh-level magic, such a level of spells not only directly exceeds the limit of the "automatic instant spell casting" of the dark leader Samuel, but also needs to be prepared with spell slots. 11th-level spell slots.

   Moreover, someone has an 11th-level spell slot and has mental problems, so he really prepared the "Instant-Projection Spell".

   If there is no "Composite Spellcasting" specialty, but it can be projected "instantly", it is also impossible to keep up with the "Instant Legendary Dispel", and it is still useless.

  In this way, Isaac is not interested in these magic sunflowers...

   "As long as it is not projected instantly, as long as it cannot keep up with further instant countermeasures, everything is under control!"

  In the thought, the spell has already begun to be cast.

   As soon as the legendary caster's scepter was raised, the blazing super-magic aura bloomed in an instant.

   "Over limit - instant - extreme effect - time still!"

The instantaneous switching of the flow layer, in front of Isaac's eyes, everything, except for Alustriel who is immune to "time stillness", even Kelben's legendary ceremony suddenly stopped up.

  Extreme effect-time is still, the time of the limit five rounds stops.

  However, the first moment the spell was completed, Isaac continued to cast the spell not immediately, staring at the other side of the tunnel, but his heart moved first.

   "It didn't project immediately!?"

  Crimson leader Simpson, this has not been projected yet!

  Although it was a little unexpected, it was just right!

   "Dense Fog!"

   Already there is no reserve of cloud-like spells, and Isaac directly started the temporary construction of spells.

  Although such a temporary construction often means casting a spell for a full round, in the time-stop interval, such a casting method is irrelevant.

   Soon, a dense fog was called out, and directly enveloped the entrance of the tunnel.

  Dense Fog Art has an obstacle to vision, even true vision, which cannot directly penetrate.

   Coupled with enough duration, it is enough for it to continue to work after the time stop ends.

   This is the magic sunflower, and only by dispelling it or blowing it away can the projection be further completed.

  Whether it is dispelling or blowing up, obviously, you need to hurry up, this is another instant spell casting!

   "Acid Fog!"

   It is also a temporary construction, and it is also a cloud spell that obstructs vision and lasts for a long time, and it also has strong acid damage.

   Isaac naturally cast the highly toxic fog behind the "Dense Fog Technique".

   followed closely, but did not continue to cast spells. Instead, he counted the time and paused for a few seconds.

  That's it.

   "Lord of the Underground!"

  For this ninth-level spell, Isaac had already released the preparation for the spell slot when he was in the "Well of Radiance".

   What is being used at this time is naturally still a temporary construction.

  He stepped on the ground, and immediately, there was endless energy of the earth, centered on his humanoid body, forming a huge light and shadow like the spirit of the earth.

  Three consecutive rounds of temporary spell construction are completed, plus a few seconds of deliberate pause in the middle, this is exactly the end of four rounds.



  Spell-like abilities in the state of the Lord of the Underground.

  Accompanied by the endless power of the earth surging out from between the hands, a spell-like ability equivalent to "Earthquake" was also completed.

   Under the control of Isaac, it immediately pointed to the entrance of the tunnel.

   And then this spell was shot.

  Time stands still, and this is just the end.

  Everything in front of me returned to normal operation in an instant.

  Isaac stared at the other side of the tunnel, while waiting for the response of the magic sunflowers, but at the same time, the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

  Another "Earthquake Technique", without a pause, it just followed the previous one, and started to cast it.

   This is the moment.


   All of Simpson's reactions were fast enough.

   One encounters the "Frenzied Magic Area", which directly withstands the impact of magic backlash, and flies to the outside at the fastest speed.

   But no matter how fast he is, within the barrier where teleportation cannot be performed, at this time, only half of his body flew out of the "frenzied magic area", and he still has not been able to cast spells normally.

   But at this time.

  Global vision, outside the tunnel, the "Dense Fog Technique", and even after the "Dense Fog Technique", the "Acid Fog Technique" that exudes a highly poisonous aura fell into his perception.

   Without any hesitation.

   At the first moment, Simpson's telepathic thoughts directly connected to an elder magic sunflower.

  Elder Mokui also saw the barrier of the "Dense Fog Art".

  The "projection technique" just started, but it stopped immediately.

   raised his paw again.

   "Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

  A dark green light flew out instantly.

  The next moment, outside the tunnel, not only the "Dense Fog", but also the "Acid Fog" behind it had a large area, which dissipated directly.

   Naturally, it is the range of dispersing effect of "Legendary Dispelling Technique"!

   And this Elder Mokui is carrying out this dispersal.

   Simpson flew rapidly, but without any pause.

   In the blink of an eye, his huge body flew out of the "frenzied magic area".

   But this is the moment.


  Sudden vigilance in my heart.

  At almost the same moment in the tunnel, the landslides and the ground shook.

  It is much larger than the "Tunnel Swallowing Technique".

   Not only the tunnel in front, but also directly went deep into the "castable area", where the better magic sunflowers were, and even Simpson himself was shrouded in this cracking shock.


   "No, it's the Lord of the Underground!"

   Simpson's expression couldn't help changing.

  In other times, no matter how many "Dense Fog" and "Acid Fog" are outside, he will never miss the perception of "Earthquake".

  But at this moment, it was Kelben who was carrying out the legendary ceremony.

  The overly powerful magical energy finally affected his perception.

   Only now, the "Earthquake Technique" has come into effect, and he finally reacted.

  Of course, in fact, there is advance perception, which is useless.

  Nothing is projected outside, whether it is him or all the other magic sunflowers here, after all, it is impossible to dispel the "earthquake technique" that is acting from the side.

in this way…

   Another bad feeling in my heart.

  Simpson certainly knows the destructive power of "earthquake" in the tunnel environment.

The tunnel they temporarily opened is of average size. Even if the temporary reinforcement of "rock stability" has been carried out, it is inevitable to be damaged by the high-intensity shock impact of the "earthquake technique". Even if there is a collapse, it is completely Not surprisingly.

  If it's just destruction, that's fine, as long as there is a connecting space for the "effect line", their "projection technique" can be projected and maintained stably.

But I am afraid that a collapse will occur and this tunnel will be blocked directly. In this way, not to mention other magic sunflowers, even Simpson himself, who can cast the projection in advance, will also be disconnected because of the "effect line" between the main body and the projection. And the projection disappears directly.

  If such a thing happened at any other time, it would actually be nothing.

  Whether it's a temporary retreat, or an illusion of a spirit body, they won't be trapped in it. After the "earthquake technique" is over, they will regain this "magic-able area".

   But right now...

   "I'm afraid it's cooperating with that legendary spell!"

   Feeling bad for a moment, Simpson didn't hesitate.

   "Automatic spell instant - time stands still!"

  The tunnel was shaking violently just now, and the rock was just collapsing and falling continuously.

  Everything came to a standstill for a moment.


  Although he knows that if the tunnel finally collapses, even if his projection is released, it will also disappear.

  However, he can never just sit back and watch the legendary ceremony over there complete!

   In the blink of an eye, at the entrance of the hole where the thick fog had just been dispersed, a projection was cast.

The senses projected by this, immediately, on the side of the giant mountain, those spellcasters who are performing rituals, as well as the spellcasters in the state of "Lord of the Underground", as well as those few undead masters, all fell into the sky. Into Simpson's perception.

  At this moment, Kelben, who presides over the legendary ceremony, is already manipulating the majestic magical energy, tearing up the ground of the battlefield.

   Obviously, this is exactly what is going on, the same legendary spell as when the "Moon Tower" was knocked down with the previous blow.

   To be able to knock down the "Moon Tower", naturally, it is also possible to completely smash down this giant mountain, at least, all the tunnels in the giant mountain, there is no problem at all!

  In this way...

  Simpson does not think that the opposite side will give them the opportunity to open up tunnels and open up space again

   "No refund!"

   "Even more speed!"

   Besides, since he has already projected out…

   "Phantom spirit body!"

  The body made of matter is transformed into a spiritual state in a blink of an eye.

  In the state of the spirit body, if it is an ordinary caster, it may be difficult to cast spells normally because the spell-casting action cannot be completed, but the spell-casting of Felin Mokui naturally does not require any words and actions, which naturally has no effect.

   "Destroy the Orb!"

   Followed by another ninth-level spell.

  Of course, Simpson has consumed the ninth-level spells many times, but at this time, it is still necessary to use them.

  With the "Destruction Ball", this means that the tunnel collapsed, and even after that, he failed to stop Kelben's legendary spell. At least he could quickly open up a new space!

   "Burning Cloud Technique!"

   In the third round, a long-duration eighth-level cloud spell was thrown directly at Kelben.

  Regardless of whether this spell can interrupt Kelben's ceremony after the end of the time stop, at least it will cause considerable interference, which is inevitable.

   "Legendary Dispel!"

   In the last round, Simpson's "Legendary Dispel Spell" of his own accord pointed to the spell Kelben was casting.

  However, Simpson actually knew the dispersal of this shot, and it was almost impossible to succeed.

after all…

  The one who cast the "Lord of the Underground", and the three Undead Masters who followed him, were obviously preparing for this.


   But this is the moment.

  Looking at him, the leader of Mokui flinched again.

  Obviously still in the time-stop zone, a figure suddenly moved.

   On his side, the "Burning Cloud Technique" was thrown out.

  Over there, it should be Elastriol from the "Seven Sisters". An eighth-level conjuration spell was directly offset by the placement of "counter-spell".

  The Burning Cloud Technique didn't even spread out, it just dissipated into the sky!

   "Stop while immune!"

   "Still pretending to be still!"

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