MTL - Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall-Chapter 339 Immortal Fire Apricot Delicate

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  Chapter 339 Immortal Grade Fiery Apricot Delicate

   "This is the gift for me, the fairy herb Li Huo Xing Jiaoshu?"

  Huo Wu's red lips moved slightly, whispered softly, and repeated Ye Qifeng's words, her heart was filled with deep surprise.

  She raised her water-like eyes, gave Ye Qifeng a tender look, then looked at the red herb in front of her, subconsciously stretched out her jade hand, and took it over.

   Li Huo Xing Jiaoshu fell into her hand.

  Huo Wu instantly felt an extremely surging and hot fire attribute breath.

   This breath was transmitted to the tender body through the jade hand, making the Hokage Martial Soul in her body throb more violently, and the emotions conveyed were also more eager.

  This feeling is stronger and clearer than the feeling of the simple fiery red light shining on the body just now.

  Ye Qifeng nodded and introduced to Huo Wu:

   "This medicinal herb, named Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, is a treasure of heaven and earth that I obtained in a treasure field in the Sunset Forest. Its grade ranks at the level of immortals. It is a treasure that is infinitely more precious than the best medicinal herb."

   "Angry Fire Xingjiaoshu is a fire-attribute fairy herb that contains explosive and fiery fire-attribute energy. This thing only grows in hot places, and it can survive even in magma."

"It was originally a highly poisonous fairy with top-level fire poison, but it is rare and highly poisonous. Generally speaking, it needs to be combined with another ice-type poisonous fairy with top-level insidious poison, the star anise black ice grass. , before taking it.”

  Ye Qifeng smacked his left index finger lightly while talking, and under Huo Wu's astonished and surprised gaze, he took out another snow-white medicinal herb.

  This snow-white medicinal herb has a large octagonal white flower growing on the top, and the central flower is dotted with stamens, like ice crystals, shining bright white light.

  The whole herb does not have any fragrance, but it exudes a strange cold aura. The air-conditioning within ten meters is threatening, chilling the heart and numb the center.

  The snow-white medicinal herb is exactly the star anise black ice grass.

  The moment the Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass appeared in the air, a strange cold breath rushed over.

   This strangely cold aura, with Ye Qifeng as the center, enveloped the entire ten-meter radius.

  Huo Wu was standing less than half a meter away from Ye Qifeng. Naturally, she was shrouded in a strange cold aura, and her delicate body couldn't help shivering violently, as if she was about to freeze in the next second.

   Fortunately, she has Li Huo Xing Jiaoshu in her hand.

  The scorching aura emanating from Liehuo Xingshu blocked the strange cold aura, and even occupied half of the ten-meter radius.

  For a moment, fiery red and snow white, blazing hot and extremely cold, are divided by the middle point between Ye Qifeng and Huowu, each dividing half of the area, and they are clearly separated from each other.

  Ye Qifeng held the star anise black ice grass in his hands, and gestured to Huo Wu who was a little dumbfounded watching this scene, and then said softly:

   "This herb is the star anise black ice grass."

   "The Star Anise Mystic Ice Grass and the Fiery Apricot are delicate and sparse. The attributes of the two are diametrically opposed, and they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other."

"Precisely because of this characteristic, when the Star Anise Black Ice Grass and Liehuo Xingjiaoshu are taken together, the top-level Yin and Fire poisons contained in the two can restrain each other, and the poison can be eliminated. .”

   Speaking of this, Ye Qifeng paused, changed his voice, and said:

"However, because Huo Wu has a fire-attribute physique, you are not suitable for taking star anise black ice grass. Even if you don't mention the top-level insidious poison it contains, the ice attribute it contains alone is a kind of poison to you. .”

   "So I picked this Fiery Apricot plant as a gift for you."

  Ye Qifeng pointed to Liehuo Xingshu in Huowu's hand, and then said:

   "This celestial medicinal herb, Lihuo Xingshu, happens to be very compatible with your Naruto martial soul. As long as you take it, you can improve your physique, strengthen your talent, and even allow your martial soul to evolve."

   "As for the toxicity of Lihuo Xingshu, you don't have to worry. I have used special methods to purify and remove the fire poison and impurities in advance."

   "Now, the Fiery Apricot Plant in your hand only has pure medicinal power and fire attribute energy. It will not have any side effects and can be taken directly."

  Listening to Ye Qifeng's words, Huo Wu held the fiery red apricot, which was as delicate as a Chinese cabbage, and her jade hands trembled slightly.

  At this time, she finally realized how precious the gift Ye Qifeng gave her was.

   Is this the fairy herb, Li Huo Xing Shu?

   As long as you take it, you can improve your physique, strengthen your talents, and even evolve your martial soul?

  This kind of effect is already enough to be called an extraordinary creation.

   Such a precious treasure of heaven and earth, he actually gave it to me without blinking an eye?

  At this moment, Huo Wu was extremely touched, her heart was filled with unprecedented warmth, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

  Her eyes were moist, and when she looked at Ye Qifeng, her eyes became even hotter, full of deep love and affection.

   "Okay, Huo Wu, you should take this Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu first, don't let it be exposed to the air for a long time, or it will cause the medicine to lose its power."

  Ye Qifeng opened his mouth to remind him.

  At the same time, he flipped his wrist, and put the star anise ice grass that he had just taken out back into the amethyst crystal ring.

  The icy atmosphere in the arena suddenly disappeared, and Huo Wu was brought back to her thoughts by this change.

  She didn't refuse, and didn't say much, she silently remembered Ye Qifeng's kindness to her.

   Then, according to Ye Qifeng's prompt, prepare to take the fairy herb Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu in his hand.

   "By the way, Huo Wu, there is one thing I need to talk to you first."

  At this time, Ye Qifeng seemed to think of something, and suddenly added a few words:

   "After taking Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, your Hokage Martial Soul should evolve. At that time, the Martial Soul Fusion Skill that I combined with you - Yaoshi Huolian, may be affected to a certain extent."

   "It may just disappear, never to be assembled again, and of course, it may not have any effect."

  Huo Wu was taken aback when she heard the words, her eyes widened:

   "Huh? Taking Liehuo Xingjiaoshu will affect our martial soul fusion skills? Then I won't take it."

   After finishing speaking, she stretched out her little hand, and handed Lihuo Xingjiaoshu back to Ye Qifeng.

  Ye Qifeng froze for a moment, then said softly:

   "It doesn't matter, the martial soul fusion skill is gone, it will be gone, it doesn't affect anything, you'd better take Liehuo Xingjiaoshu first."

   "No, I don't want to!"

  Huo Wu bit her rosy lower lip and shook her head lightly.

  Ye Qifeng looked at Huo Wu's resistance, and was slightly taken aback, then suddenly understood something, and asked softly:

   "What's the matter? You are worried, if there is no martial soul fusion skill, there will be one less link between you and me, right?"


  Huo Wu lowered her head slightly, blushing and nodded.

  Martial soul fusion technique—Yaoshi Huolian, she and Ye Qifeng worked together to display it.

   This is her thought, and it is also the key to maintaining contact with Ye Qifeng in her opinion.

  She also thought about performing the martial arts fusion technique with Ye Qifeng a few more times.

  Because of the particularity of the martial soul fusion technique, soul masters who often perform the martial soul fusion technique in combination will gradually deepen their mutual understanding, and the relationship will become closer. In the end, they will either become close relatives or beloved ones.

  She wants to take advantage of the particularity of the martial soul fusion technique to become mutual love with Ye Qifeng.


  Huo Wu didn't want to lose Ye Qifeng's martial soul fusion skill.

  Even if the temptation and benefits of taking the fairy herb Liehuo Xingjiaoshu are great, she is unwilling.

  From Huo Wu's slightly twinkling eyes, Ye Qifeng probably saw her thoughts.

  After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand, held Huo Wukong's little hand, and said to her seriously:

   "Don't worry, Huo Wu, even if the martial soul fusion skill is gone, it doesn't matter. The relationship between us doesn't need a martial soul fusion skill at all."

   "I ask you, do you like me?"

   "Of course I like it."

  Huo Wu quickly raised her head and said eagerly.

"I like you too."

  Ye Qifeng showed a smile on his face, and continued:

   "Look, you like me, and I like you too. We both understand each other's feelings, so what does it matter if you have the martial soul fusion skill? Right?"

  Hearing Ye Qifeng clearly said that he likes her, Huo Wu opened her small mouth and suddenly froze.

  Although Ye Qifeng also expressed that he liked her when she confessed, but that time didn't count, because it wasn't a real liking, it could only be regarded as appreciation.

   Now is the real liking, the liking that includes emotion.

   Oops, it feels so good!

  At this moment, Huo Wu suddenly felt that everything was worth it, and the martial soul fusion skill didn't seem to be that important anymore.

  Huo Wu just wanted to say it’s okay, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly hesitated:


  Ye Qifeng pondered slightly, his face became slightly serious:

   "Huo Wu, listen to me."

   "Your current strength and talent are considered outstanding among your peers. It is not too much to say that you are a top genius, but it is still not enough."

  "The enemies I will face in the future will become stronger and stronger, and may even come from above."

   Saying that, Ye Qifeng pointed to the sky.


  Following Ye Qifeng's finger, Huo Wu glanced at the sky, but only saw a clear sky and a few white clouds, and she didn't understand what he was referring to.

  Ye Qifeng didn't explain too much, but continued:

   "Those enemies cannot be dealt with by a mere martial soul fusion technique."

   "If you want to fight side by side with me in the future, you need to improve your physique and enhance your talent, so that you can have stronger talent and strength."

   "And this fiery apricot plant was specially selected for you."

  Who is the enemy Ye Qifeng refers to, Huo Wu does not know.

   But she understood another thing.

   That is, if you want to stand side by side with Ye Qifeng and fight side by side in the future, you must have sufficient strength and realm.

  But with her current talent and strength, it is almost impossible to meet that requirement.

  For Huo Wu, who is proud, extremely strong, and loves to fight, being unable to fight side by side with the person she likes is worse than death.

   But if she wants to improve her physique and enhance her talent, she can only take the gift Ye Qifeng gave her—the fairy herb Liehuo Xingjiaoshu.

   "Okay then, I'll eat!"

  After thinking for a moment, Huo Wu still nodded and let go of her insistence.

   "Then take it as soon as possible."

  Ye Qifeng immediately told Huo Wu how to take Liehuo Xingjiaoshu:

   "The method of taking Lihuo Xingjiaoshu is very simple, just bite and eat. After eating, immediately meditate to refine the medicinal power."


  Follow the method Ye Qifeng explained.

  Huo Wu sat cross-legged on the flat boulder, brought Li Huo Xingshu to her lips, and took a light bite.

The Fiery Apricot looks like a cabbage, and its size is almost the same as a cabbage, but because it is a treasure of heaven and earth nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, Huo Wu only took a small bite, and the whole Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu instantly turned into a warm current and flowed into the lower abdomen.

   Immediately afterwards, a majestic medicinal power, with extreme heat and explosion, exploded in the body and spread throughout the limbs.

  Huo Wu quickly concentrated and began to meditate to refine the medicinal power.

  Since she had just absorbed a top-quality medicinal herb not long ago, she was quite familiar with entering the state this time.

   However, the difference is that the medicinal power of the two cannot be compared.

  The herb that Huo Wu absorbed this time is a fairy herb.

  Among the celestial herbs, Lihuo Xingjiaoshu is also among the best.

   In addition, after being infiltrated and strengthened by the yin and yang power of the Liangyi space, the medicinal power contained in it is extremely powerful, which can be called terrifying.

  If Huo Wu had to meditate and refine alone, it would definitely take a lot of time, and it would also bring some pain.

  Ye Qifeng didn't think too much, and went straight behind Huo Wu, and also sat down cross-legged.

   Immediately, he stretched out his palm proficiently, and gently attached it to her back, injecting her with the power of the two instruments of heaven, helping her to speed up the refining of the medicinal power of Li Huo Xing Shu.

  Time is as slow as running water.

   After Huo Wu took Liehuo Xingjiaoshu, the time it took to refine the power of the medicine was much longer than that of the top-quality herb before.

  Even with the help of Ye Qifeng, it took a full four hours.

  In the evening, Huo Wushuang was worried about his sister, so he came to the hot spring lake once.

Seeing Ye Qifeng and Huo Wu sitting cross-legged on the flat boulder, although they didn't know what they were doing, Huo Wushuang was very sensible and didn't bother them, and even brought dinner for them specially, using a thermal insulation The food box was filled and put aside.

  When Huo Wu finished her meditation and woke up, it was already night.

  As Ye Qifeng expected.

  After successfully refining the medicinal power of the immortal medicinal herb Fiery Apricot.

  Huo Wu has not only strengthened his physique, but also greatly improved his talent, and his martial soul has evolved from a top martial soul to a super martial soul.

  Evolved due to the level of martial arts.

  The Hokage Martial Soul with Huo Wu himself as the main body, changed from the original illusory and hazy state to a more solid and clear one.

  The fire attribute given by Hokage Martial Soul was originally only the top fire attribute, but now it has evolved into the ultimate fire attribute, and the color has also changed from a light orange red to a deep and pure wine red.


  Huo Wu's soul power level has also been directly raised from level 33 to level 40. As long as she gets another soul ring, she can be promoted to a veritable soul sect.

   In this way, Huo Wu's combat ability was once again greatly enhanced.

   Thank you [Shackles of Fate] for the reward of 100 starting coins! Thanks [book friend 20220826143414476] for the reward of 100 starting coins! Thank you [Always Quiet 961] for the 100 book coins!



  (end of this chapter)

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