MTL - Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall-Chapter 336 Wuhun Highness's next stage development plan

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  Chapter 336 Wuhun Highness's next stage development plan

   Bibi Dong reclined on the lavender pope's throne.

  The whole person is extremely lazy, like a weak and boneless delicate beauty.

  Her figure is even more soft and exquisite, with attractive curves, which naturally exudes an astonishing charm. Under the purple halo of the pope's throne, it is so astonishingly beautiful.

   However, in this unparalleled beauty, there is a trace of imperfection.

  At this time, on Bibi Dong's beautiful face, her exquisite eyebrows were slightly furrowed, the center of her brows was tightly wrinkled, and her curly and slender eyelashes were even trembling slightly.

  She doesn't seem to be in a very good condition, she looks like she is worried, and the beauty of her body is slightly damaged by this.

  She seems to be thinking about something, troubled by something, restless, causing emotional instability.

   But looking carefully, it was not that simple. She seemed to be enduring some pain, so she felt a little uncomfortable.

  Bibi Dong's mood at this moment is not calm, her heart is full of complicated thoughts, all kinds of thoughts are rushing in her mind, her negative emotions are also surging, and her body is also a little tired.

  Ye Qifeng was not in Wuhun City for more than two years.

   Except at night, when she habitually returned to Ye Qifeng's Holy Child Hall to rest, the rest of the time was almost spent in the Pope's Hall, busy with government affairs.

  Although according to Ye Qifeng's suggestion, she handed over many trivial matters of Wuhun Temple to that sissy Ju Douluo Yueguan to deal with.

  Even every six months, Hu Liena, who finally had time to return to Wuhun City from the death training camp to recuperate, was caught by her to study and help with government affairs.

  But for the ideals in her heart, Bibi Dong couldn't help doing many things by herself, so she was inevitably a little tired.

  Because of Ye Qifeng, Bibidong realized some of her past mistakes, although the previous encounters were still so profound, still so painful, and still tortured her sanity from time to time.

  But with the existence of Ye Qifeng, her broken heart was comforted and warmed, and she was no longer so crazy, but became much more rational.

  For the Qian Family of the Angel Family, Bibi Dong's hatred in her heart was still undiminished, and she was still thinking about destroying and killing them all.

   As for Wuhundian.

  Now Bibi Dong has no intention of destroying it, but regards it as her own property.

  Since that old **** Qian Daoliu handed over the Wuhundian to her, there is naturally no reason to return it.

  Qian Daoliu still wants to take it back?

   Haha, don’t even think about it!

  She wants to hold the Wuhun Palace firmly in her hands, and use it as a starting point to lay a solid foundation for her dreams.


It is worth mentioning that.

  Although Bibi Dong dreamed of unifying the Douluo Continent, she had no idea of ​​letting the entire Douluo Continent fall into hellish chaos, killing, and depravity, nor did she have the idea of ​​dragging the whole world to be buried with her.

  There are only pure ideals and goals left in her heart.

   That is to become the most noble and supreme woman in this world, a generation of queens, empresses!

   Maybe this is the only way to make up for my physical imperfections.

   This is what Bibi Dong thought in her heart, and she has been working tirelessly for it, and her physical and mental exhaustion came from this.

  Of course, in addition to this, her physical and mental exhaustion are also caused by the erosion and influence of Rakshasa's evil thoughts.

  After all, Ye Qifeng is not around, so she cannot suppress and purify negative emotions for her.

After more than two years, although Bibidong listened to Ye Qifeng's words very much, and tried her best to suppress the urge to enter the Rakshasa Secret Realm to practice again, the Rakshasa's evil thoughts in her body were constantly eroding her body, Affecting her emotions and sanity, there are even signs of accelerated erosion.

  At this moment, the negative emotions in her body have accumulated a lot, and the symptoms of headache have recurred again.

  This symptom had already started several months ago.

   The erosion and influence of Rakshasa's evil thoughts on Bibi Dong was much faster and more serious than Ye Qifeng expected.

  If it is not suppressed and purified in time, her symptoms will probably become more serious and worse.

  Bibidong really wanted Ye Qifeng to come back quickly, but she didn't want to delay Ye Qifeng's training, and she didn't want to hinder Ye Qifeng's journey to become stronger because of her own affairs.

  So she didn't tell Ye Qifeng about her condition, but chose to endure it silently, dragging it on until now.

at this time.

  Bibi Dong's body was limp in the middle of the pope's throne, her brows were slightly frowned, and she silently endured the double exhaustion brought about by her body and spirit, as well as the discomfort caused by her headache.

  Although she didn't feel good, the expression on her fair and delicate face was calm. After all, this discomfort was nothing compared to the pain she had experienced before.

  At this time, a storm was blowing in Bibi Dong's mind, constantly thinking about the development of Wuhundian.

  In the past few years, with the continuous financial support provided by the Pan-Continental Business Alliance, today's Wuhundian has completely got rid of the shackles of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo in terms of economy.

  The development of Wuhundian is extremely rapid.

  Countless civilians have benefited from the platform of Wuhundian Pancontinental Business Alliance and lived a better life.

  Combined with the measures of Wuhundian to awaken Wuhun for free for common people, and issuing monthly donations to low-level commoner soul masters, Wuhundian, which already has a good reputation among commoners, is even more popular than ever before.

  Countless commoner soul masters chose to join the Spirit Hall, causing the number of soul masters mastered by the Spirit Hall to double or triple in just a few years.

  This speed of development has greatly exceeded Bibi Dong's expectation, it is even faster and better than she expected.

  Originally, she planned to consider the development plan after Wuhundian in a few years.

   Now it is not used, and you can directly enter the next stage.

  The economic problem has been resolved, and the next step is to consider political and military development.

   First, the political aspect.

  At present, Wuhundian is just a pure soul master force.

  Although it holds land about the size of a kingdom and a province, it is not a country or a province. It is more like a theocratic and religious organization.

  Although the ruling system of Wuhundian has been developed for thousands of years, the organizational structure from top to bottom is already perfect enough, but it is not suitable as the ruling system of a country.

  After all, the Wuhundian system was formulated for the power of soul masters, to suppress evil spirits and maintain the peace of the mainland, not to rule a country.


  The political system of Wuhundian must be reformed, and it must be reformed above the empire or dynastic system.

   After all, in Douluo Dalu, strength is the most important thing!

  Because of the existence of soul masters, they can practice and master extraordinary abilities, but ordinary people cannot practice.

   Compared with ordinary people, soul masters with powerful power have natural advantages in identity and status, so it is impossible to achieve absolute equality between soul masters and ordinary people.

  Therefore, to establish a unified empire or dynasty, after layers of design, to formulate a strict and careful ruling system, is more suitable for the current situation and reality of the Douluo Continent.

  The idea in Bibi Dong's heart is also inclined to build a unified empire. She has already figured out the name, and it is called Wuhun Empire. Well, although it is good to call it Dong'er Empire, but think about it or forget it.

  She doesn't want everyone to call Donger Donger in the future.

   This nickname is only qualified to be called by the people closest to you, um, and your favorite people.

  So, the name of this unified empire should be the Wuhun Empire.

   This can be regarded as saving a little face for Wuhundian, after all, it is an empire built on the strength of Wuhundian.

  Ahem, let’s talk about this later, it seems too early to think about it now.

   Right now, it is better to focus on the development and reform of Wuhundian.

  However, the political reform of Wuhundian is imperative, and preparations must be started.

  Otherwise it will be too late.

   If there is no effective ruling system, even if the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire are destroyed, and the Douluo Continent is unified, it will not help, and there will inevitably be chaos

  Secondly, regarding the military aspect.

  The power of soul masters in the Spirit Hall is unprecedentedly strong, the number of soul masters is huge, and there is no shortage of talents. It is easy to form several soul master legions.

   However, in terms of ordinary soldiers, it is extremely scarce.

   After all, the area of ​​land under the direct jurisdiction of Wuhundian is roughly equivalent to a kingdom and province, and the population is not large. Even forming a knight corps is somewhat difficult.

  So in the next stage of Wuhundian's development, the biggest problem it faced was the lack of land and population.

  Without land, where will the population come from? And the lack of population, where will the source of soldiers come from? Without a source of soldiers, how to recruit enough soldiers? How to form a knight corps and strengthen your military strength?

   After all, the war to unify the Douluo Continent is not just a war between soul masters, but also a war between ordinary armies.

   The two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo are old empires after all, with extraordinary military strength. Even the slightly weaker Tiandou royal family has an army of millions.

  Although more than 99% of the soldiers are ordinary people, soul masters only account for a very small part.

  But if you only rely on the power of the soul master mastered by the Wuhun Temple to face millions of military forces, no matter how powerful or elite your soul master is, you will still be torn to pieces.

  If hundreds of thousands of soul masters in the entire continent are under the control of the Spirit Hall, then it is good to say that dealing with the military power of the two empires is not a problem.

  However, the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, in addition to millions of troops, also have many soul masters loyal to them.

  Besides, no matter how powerful the personal power of a soul master is, it is still not enough to look at in front of the military power condensed by the imperial machine.

  Unless one breaks away from the constraints of Douluo Continent's rules and becomes a **** high above the earth, he can suppress the current world by himself.

  So in addition to the Soul Master Corps, Wuhundian has to form its own ordinary Corps to cope with the military strength of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

  Besides, in the war, many things, including logistics support, food transportation, etc., also need to be done by ordinary soldiers. You can't rely on soul masters for everything, right?

  That's not realistic.

  Although the number of soul masters mastered by Wuhundian is many, it is also limited.

  These soul master powers are better concentrated and formed into a more powerful and elite soul master army.

  In addition, after the war is over, the occupied land also needs ordinary soldiers to be stationed in the future and maintain order.

  A legion of soul masters can't do this.

  So even if the number and strength are not comparable to the ordinary armies of the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, Wuhundian must have its own ordinary army.

  The number of ordinary soldiers is insufficient, which cannot be solved well for the time being.

  However, what is lacking in strength, Wuhundian has a more powerful and elite soul master army, which can make up for it.

  The key is still the problem of the source of soldiers.

  The issue of the source of troops involves the issue of population and land.

   As for the population and land, we can only think of a way to start from the affiliated kingdoms, duchies and provinces of the two great empires, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

   It's better to start with the affiliated forces of the Tiandou Empire that have been infiltrated to the brim.

   Not to mention, the stealing plan proposed by the beast Qian Xunji still has a little effect. Although it is difficult to steal a huge empire, it is still possible to steal and control smaller kingdoms, principalities, and provinces.

  However, these actions have to be carried out secretly, so as not to leak the plan, cause trouble, and delay the development of Wuhundian.

   As for the Star Luo Empire, it is a bit difficult to handle. It is not advisable to infiltrate and steal directly, because it is easy to be exposed.

   After all, the Star Luo Imperial Family's control over the affiliated forces of the Star Luo Empire is much stronger than that of the Heaven Dou Empire.

   As for the affiliated forces that have good relations with the Wuhun Palace among the two great empires, they can use the method of wooing them to secretly fall to the Wuhun Palace.

  As for those swaying wall grass, you can use coercion and lure to make them use by Wuhundian.

  Even if there are some disgusting rats in it, it doesn't matter, after the Wuhun Empire is established, or after the unification war is over, it won't be too late to clean it up slowly.

   And those stubborn diehards, just wait for the war to start, and send them to die.

  As long as you control some kingdoms, principalities or provinces, with these lands and populations in hand, you can alleviate the scarcity of soldiers.

  Similarly, controlling some kingdoms, duchies, or provinces is also conducive to the early deployment of the Wuhun Temple. In the middle of the two empires, insert sharp knives and lay the groundwork.

  When the time is right, you can take the opportunity to start a war and promote the process of mainland reunification.

   Except for the problem of the source of troops.

  The collection and storage of various metals, leather, hard armor and other war resources, as well as the research and manufacture of weapons, etc., are big problems.

   These must start to prepare.

  His Highness Wuhun's development plan for the next stage will focus on these aspects.

  Thinking of this, Bibi Dong felt that her head was getting bigger, and the pressure was like a mountain, pressing on her shoulders, so heavy that it was almost impossible to breathe.

   "There are really too many things to do!"

  Bibi Dongyu supported her cheeks with her hands, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, her Liu eyebrows were slightly raised, and she couldn't help sighing in her heart.

She is a woman. Although she is far stronger and tougher than ordinary people, she still feels tired and tired. She can't help but want to find a reliable chest to cuddle with. Subconsciously, she suddenly thought of the figure of Ye Qifeng :

   "It would be great if Xiaofeng could come back and help me sooner."

   Thank you [Everything is less than Qiqi] for the reward of 2000 starting coins! Thank you [Kefei] for the 100 starting coins!



  (end of this chapter)

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