MTL - Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall-Chapter 290 Pick jelly for Ghost and Raven

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  Chapter 290 Picking jelly for Ghost and Ruiwen

   Closer to home.

  Now the celestial herbs for the Binghuo Liangyiyan are in the hands of Ye Qifeng.

  Of course he wouldn't do harm like that **** Tang San, wasting resources, reckless, and using it to refine some poison.

   These immortal herbs, whether they are neutral immortals, tonic immortals, or highly poisonous immortals, he will make good use of them.

  As for the toxins and impurities in the medicinal herbs, they are not in the way.

  After that, he will use the power of the Liangyi space to use the Liangyi purification skills to purify and eliminate everything.

   Make it a more pure tonic.

   After counting and sorting out all the collected fairy herbs one by one, Ye Qifeng, Dugu Bo, Guigui and Ruiwen continued to pick the remaining top-quality and high-quality herbs.

  Thanks to the rich aura of heaven and earth in the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, the types and quantities of herbs with aura near it are unusually large.

   Immortal herbs are just a small part of it.

   There are even more of them are top-grade and high-quality medicinal herbs, and the quantity is not ordinary.

   It may take a lot of time to pick only Dugu Bo, Guimei and Ruiwen.

  Although I really want to process the fairy herbs that I got into pure tonics as soon as possible, but after thinking about it, I'm not in a hurry at this time, so I'd better pick all the remaining herbs first.

  Heart must be.

  Ye Qifeng didn't think about it any more, stretched out his body, and swept towards the next place, continuing to pick herbs.

  In the process of searching for and picking fairy herbs, he encountered high-grade and top-quality herbs that were suitable for picking. He also picked them and put them in his pocket.

  At this time, there are already many high-grade and top-quality medicinal herbs in his amethyst crystal ring.

some of.

   There are two top-quality herbs, the top grade of Cordyceps sinensis, the snow silkworm, and the cinnabar lotus, which has a miraculous effect on the treatment of fire poison.

It is worth mentioning that.

The herb that is said to be the most suitable for the waste master Yu Xiaogang to help him break through the 30th level of soul power is the best among Ganoderma lucidum. Nine grades of Zizhi.

   Soon Ye Qifeng picked it up.

   Without this ninth-grade purple lucidum, the waste master Yu Xiaogang will not be able to break through to level 30 so easily in this life.

  What golden holy dragon?

  It should be his destiny to stay at the twenty-ninth level of soul power forever, and only fart and fart.

  Holding the whole purple plant with emerald stems, a top like a cover, and nine symbiotic leaves, Ye Qifeng couldn't help but a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   Flip it over and put it away.

   Take a look at the sky.

  The white mist in the valley is transpiring, covering the mid-air of the valley entrance, and the original pure white sky is now becoming darker.

  It is approaching evening.

  Holding back his smile, Ye Qifeng decided to speed up the pace of collecting herbs.

  The other two main herb collectors, Dugu Bo and Gui Mei, also realized that night was coming soon.

   As a result, the speed of picking herbs was also accelerated.

  Suddenly, several figures in the valley moved around as swiftly as the wind.

   Soon, an hour passed.

   Night fell quickly.

  However, the valley was not completely plunged into darkness, but instead shone with various glimmers of light.

   Not only the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes at the bottom of the valley are illuminated with milky white and vermilion halos.

  All kinds of plants that grow naturally in the valley, as well as those immature herbs that have not yet reached the harvesting age, also have colorful emblems.

  The whole valley was suddenly shrouded in a misty light.

  The valley at night, compared with the daytime, is another beautiful scene, quiet and soft, natural and harmonious.

  In the silence of everything, the ground is full of colorful lights.

  In such a night scene, Ruiwen, who was following the ghost, saw it was full of splendor, little stars popping up, and a pair of watery blue eyes were full of surprise.

   "His Royal Highness, it is a good luck not to disgrace your life!"

  Ghosts were not interested in the beautiful scenery of the valley. He carried Ruiwen and flew to Ye Qifeng from a short distance away, and saluted concisely.

   Immediately waved his hand, took out all the jade boxes containing herbs from the storage soul guide, and handed them all to Ye Qifeng.

   "Hard work, elder ghost."

  Ye Qifeng nodded, expressed gratitude, and put away the herbs.

  At this time, Dugu Bo also flew over from not far from the valley.

  Falling down in front of the three of them, he looked at Ye Qifeng with a complicated expression, threw a blue leather bag over, and said in a hoarse voice:

   "Ye boy, this is for you, almost all the herbs I picked are in it."

   After taking the blue leather pouch, Ye Qifeng looked down and found that it was the wishful treasure pouch that could store living things and keep herbs fresh.

   Judging from Dugu Bo's meaning, it seems that he intends to give it to himself.

   Let’s talk about Dugu Bo, he has a strange temperament, withdrawn personality, and is not easy to deal with, but as long as he can get his approval, he will become extremely generous and can give anything.

  Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes, Immortal Herbs, and Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bags, you can give them away as soon as they are offered.

   Even his granddaughter ahem.

  Seven winds that don't stay overnight don't need it.

   There are Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes and Immortal Herbs, but they are almost the same.

  Of course, it would be even better if Dugu Bo and his grandson could show their loyalty.

   As for the wishful treasure bag, he really doesn't need it.

  Because he not only has the purple jade crystal ring given by his teacher Bibidong, but also the Liangyi space in the spiritual sea, and there is no shortage of space for storing living things.

   "However, I left a few poisonous weeds, do you have any objections?"

  At this time, Dugu Bo held up several medicinal herbs with his soul power, and gestured to Ye Qifeng.

   "No problem."

  Ye Qifeng waved his hand towards Dugu Bo, and said in a relaxed tone:

   "I promised my predecessors before that, among the herbs you picked, as long as you like them, you can take them."

   Saying that, Ye Qifeng transferred all the herbs in the wishful treasure bag to his amethyst crystal ring.

   "And this, senior, you can keep it for yourself."

   Then he threw the Ruyi Hundred Treasures Bag back to Dugu Bo, raised his left hand, and motioned to him, "I also have a soul tool that can store living things and keep herbs fresh."

"Oh well."

   Dugu Bo was a little stunned for a moment, but seeing that the other party also had a storage soul tool with the same function, he didn't say anything more.

   After all, he is the holy son of the Wuhun Temple, so it is normal to have such a storage soul guide.

  The Martial Soul Palace family has a great career, and they are much richer than him, the titled Douluo who can be said to be a loner.

  In this case, let’s keep it for our own use.

Nodding his head lightly, Dugu Bo took back the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag and hung it back together with the several poisonous weeds wrapped in his soul power and the five-inch long and short emerald green nine-section emerald hidden in his bosom. waist.

   "By the way, if senior is fine for the time being, why don't you do me a favor?"

  After Dugu Bo took back the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag, Ye Qifeng looked at him and suddenly asked.

   "What's busy?"

  Dugu Bo's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked in a hoarse voice.

   I really just dozed off when the pillow was delivered.

  Actually, Dugu Bo didn't really want to leave the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi right now, but just now he was thinking about why he should temporarily stay by Ye Qifeng's side.

  If he just left, it might be difficult to find Ye Qifeng again later.

   After all, granddaughter Duguyan hasn't met her yet.

  For the sake of granddaughter's happiness and future, such a genius cannot be let go so easily.


  Dugu Bo is still thinking about introducing his granddaughter to Ye Qifeng.

  Unclear about the little Jiujiu in Dugu Bo's heart, Ye Qifeng looked at him, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and said truthfully:

   "In a while, I'm going to pick two herbs and give them to Elder Ghost and Ruiwen. After they take the herbs and refine their power, I want to ask senior to protect them."

   "What the hell? You asked me to protect him?"

  When Dugu Bo heard this, a pair of dark green eyes stared at him, and he almost jumped up in surprise.

   Ghost was also shocked.

  But out of trust in Sheng Ziye Qifeng, he didn't say much.

  Looking at Ye Qifeng delicately, Dugu Bo pointed to the ghost, and said in a faint tone:

   "Ye boy, it's not that you don't know that I have a feud with him. If you ask me to protect him, you won't be afraid of my sneak attack?"

  Hearing the word "sneak attack", Guimei subconsciously cast a cold gaze towards Dugu Bo, accompanied by a trace of soul power coercion.

  This gaze made Dugu Bo's thin body tremble slightly.

  The ghost's realm strength is already at the peak of the ninety-fourth level of soul power, and half of them have stepped into the realm of Super Douluo.

   Among titled Douluo, there is a huge gap between the first level and the first level, not to mention the huge gap close to the four realms.

  At present, Dugu Bo's cultivation base is only a Title Douluo with a soul power of level 91, caught off guard, he is easily affected by the ghost's soul power coercion.

  Of course, after Dugu Bo reacted and used his soul power to resist, this slight tremor would soon disappear.

   "Cough~~Ghost Elder."

   Sensing the coercion of the ghost's involuntary soul power, Ye Qifeng coughed and stopped him.

   Hearing Ye Qifeng's voice, the ghost immediately restrained the coercion of its soul power.

  Hmph, this **** thing!

   Startled by the ghost's sudden display of soul power, Dugu Bo's expression turned ugly.

   "Sorry, Senior Dugu Bo, Elder Ghost didn't mean to target you."

  Facing Dugu Bo with an ugly face, Ye Qifeng first apologized, and then said softly:

   "I have always believed in the credibility of my predecessors."

   "You promise a thousand dollars, as long as you promise to protect the Dharma, you will naturally not do anything wrong with the ghost elder."

   Facing Ye Qifeng's words of trust, Dugu Bo was very useful.

  He suppressed the displeasure rising in his heart, hesitated for a moment, hummed softly, nodded and said coldly:

   "I'm fine."

   "However, you have to ask others if they agree with you before talking about it."

  Ye Qifeng smiled slightly when he heard the words.

  Know it's done.

  Dugu Bo's words may sound a little cold, but as long as he gets his promise, he will never break his promise.

  So don't worry about the threat he poses to the ghost.

   Then he looked at the ghost and explained softly:

   "Elder Ghost, the medicinal herb I selected for you is extremely powerful, and it will take a certain amount of time to absorb it, so it is best for someone to guard it specially."

   "In addition, during the period of absorbing the medicine, you may not be able to distract and protect Ruiwen. I kept Senior Dugu Bo for this reason."

"what do you think?"

   "It's all up to His Royal Highness the arrangement."

  Under the black robe, ghostly eyes flickered for a moment, but soon became firm.

  If possible, he certainly doesn't want to entrust his safety in the hands of others, especially in the hands of a dangerous person like Dugu Bo.

  After all, Dugu Bo and his old partner Juhuaguan are deadly enemies.

  Because of this incident, he and Dugu Bo naturally had some feuds.

  But based on his trust in Sheng Ziye Qifeng, Ghost still chose to agree.

  In addition, the ghosts don't know what herb His Royal Highness wants him to take, and they don't know which herb is so powerful that it needs a special guardian to absorb it.

  But since His Royal Highness Son said so, there must be a reason for him.

  After reading the picture volume of medicinal herbs given by His Royal Highness, the ghost knows that many medicinal herbs in the valley are a great tonic for soul masters. If they are taken, there will be some unexpected effects.

   Come to think of it, the herb His Royal Highness the Son selected for him should be some top-notch herb, right?

   Guimei thought silently.

  Different from old partner Ju Huaguan.

  Ghosts are not keen on those flowers and plants, although influenced by their old partner Juhuaguan, they can recognize some herbs.

  But I don't know much about immortal herbs.

   After all, Juhuaguan regards his family inheritance treasure book as more important than his life.

   I haven’t even seen Ghost, who has been my partner for decades.

  Of course, there are also reasons why Ghost himself is not interested. If he wants to watch, Juhuaguan will agree to it.

  So the ghost doesn't know at this moment that the herb that Ye Qifeng chose for him is the top fairy herb in the world.

   "Wait a moment, I'll pick herbs for Elder Ghost and Ruiwen first, and I'll deal with them by the way."

  After getting the consent of the two, Ye Qifeng left a word, then sat cross-legged, pinched his fingerprints in his hands, and planned to enter the Liangyi space.

   Suddenly he seemed to think of something, looked at Dugu Bo, and said to him:

   "By the way, senior Dugu Bo, if you have nothing to do, you might as well practice poison kung fu here again."

   "The aura of heaven and earth in the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan is extremely rich. Practicing here will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort."

   "Of course, the premise is that it can resist the two extreme poisons of ice and fire contained in it."

   "But you don't have to worry about that."

   "The poison power I gave you is actually not only able to condense the snake venom conceived by the Jade Phosphor Snake Martial Soul into a poison pill and transform it into a poison power."

   "At the same time, it can also absorb other toxins, refine them, condense them, and transform them into poisonous powers, such as the poison of ice and fire in this place."

   "If you practice here, you might get unexpected benefits."


  When Dugu Bo heard it, his breath became short of breath, and he asked in surprise.

   "Senior, try it and you will know."

   After saying this, Ye Qifeng didn't say any more.

  He closed his eyes, exuded spiritual power to encircle the purple jade crystal ring, and immediately pinched his fingerprints, and a black and white light flashed between his eyebrows.

  In the blink of an eye, the spiritual body entered the Liangyi space.

  After listening to Ye Qifeng's words, Dugu Bo couldn't wait to find a place away from ghosts, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice poison kung fu.

  For a while, he didn't notice the Liangyi imprint on Ye Qifeng's brow.

   Thanks [book friend 20220122201452605] for the reward of 100 starting coins!



  (end of this chapter)

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