MTL - Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 1009 Screening of "Rain in the Day" (16)

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"Okay, next." The teacher said.

In the classroom, the students read the text one by one in a serpentine order, and it was Mawson's turn after a while.

The gray figure stood up, there was no upper half of his face in the picture, only his mouth opened and opened again, unable to make a sound.

The teacher's questions gradually turned into severe questions.

A head hangs down.

A pair of eyes looked over helplessly.


Tian Gang looked down at the notebook on the desktop, looked up at the blackboard from time to time, and looked like he was copying the key points seriously.

He kept an eye on his nose, his nose and his heart, and he was determined not to disturb the center of the storm. Before he became a mature and indifferent adult, he took the lead in following his heart and learned how to protect himself wisely.

The sound of merciless reprimand resounded through the classroom.

Tian Gang no longer felt those two gazes that made his conscience feel tormented.

He remained silent, lowering his head to shrink his sense of existence, like every student who is angry with the teacher. He blends into them, blends into the group, becomes a part of the public, and thus gains a sense of security.

The afterglow of the orange-red sunset diffused over the campus. Tian Gang stood at the door of the school doctor's office. *

He waited for Mo Sen, who had a small ice pack tied around his neck, and also for the self-deceiving amnesty.

"Then what... I'm sorry. That's right, it's just... something in class.

"At that time, your voice was hard to speak, right? When the teacher asked you to get up and answer the question...

"I didn't notice. At that time, it seemed that you, Mo Sen, looked at me.

"...I'm so sorry, if only I noticed.

"I didn't have time to help you explain to the teacher, I'm really really sorry."

The embarrassing tone, the finger scratching his cheek uncomfortably, and the relieved smile after hearing "it's okay".

In the past, Tian Gang turned around under the soft light filter, jumping for joy, as if he had never done anything wrong, so he didn't need to be relieved.

"Anyway, it's great that you're fine! Let's play games together when we're free!"

With his back facing the burning clouds in the sky, he smiled brightly, and the side of his face was painted with a magnificent red color, like a bunch of dim light entangled with false warmth.

The dreamlike memory suddenly shattered and was replaced by a cold corner of the hospital.

"—Actually, I secretly begged He Ye afterwards, please don't bully Mo Sen again."

Tian Gang, who was still wearing a pothead as an adult, said in a low voice, "But at that time He Ye asked me impatiently..."

"'If he didn't bully him, would he bully you?'

"I'm just, speechless."

Qiu Xue looked at Tian Gang, hesitated to speak, and finally remained silent, watching his ashen-like side face quietly.

"So." Tian Gang took another breath, "At school, in order not to get involved, I kept a distance from Mo Sen."

"It took a while after that. I don't know if Mo Sen has gone through the dropout procedures and hasn't come to school."

"He Ye said, 'It's boring if no one bullies you'... Then he ordered me to bring Mo Sen out."

Tian Gang lowered his eyes, stared blankly, and his words became more and more blurred.

"I had to call Mawson and lie to him and say:

"'He Ye suddenly felt conscience-stricken and wanted to apologize to you for what he did before'... something like that.

"That's it, Mo Sen was tricked out."

Tian Gang's throat squirmed, his hands clasped tightly together, trembling uncontrollably.

"Then, then..."

The screen pans, and the intersection is bustling with people.

The last daylight remains in the sky, near dusk, the red and green traffic lights are dim, and a thin figure walks erratically, as if in heaven. *

He Ye and a few followers stood in an alley not far away, their expressions were terribly indifferent, and their words were not so much urging as pure domination.

"Hey, come on!" he snapped.

The crowd was like a stream, and compared with the hurried passers-by, the group of street girls with cheap makeup and scantily clad stands out. Bars, barbershops, pedicures, massage parlors... The signboards of formal-looking facilities are full of gloomy lights. Some people who know the inside story refuse to pay attention to them, and some people who want to take the bait.

Mo Sen walked to the street, facing the obscene place across the road.


The crooked buttons were unbuttoned with thin hands, and the school uniform shirt was opened in the wind. The thick black handwriting was like an ancient tattoo, and the branding penetrated the skin and reached the bottom of the heart.

"Luye No. 2 Middle School Senior One Class C"


Mo Sen, who was forced to introduce himself by the handwriting, continued to take off his school pants and boxer briefs.

Standing in the shadows, He Ye and the others laughed loudly, shouting vulgar and straightforward words one after another.

"Hurry up!"

"Why are you so depressed, little brother—"

"It's not like you can't get up at all, is it?"

"Hurry up! Everyone is watching!"

The laughter was sharp and piercing, and only Mo Sen's back and his hands under his belly were in the picture.

In the evening, people passing by after get off work or school, the first scream sounded, followed by the second, and the third...

The voice was so loud that it even overwhelmed the laughter in the alley.

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha, it can't be done. It's too strong, that guy is too powerful!"

The servant laughed so hard that He Ye couldn't stand still.

"It can really be done!" He grabbed Tian Gang, who was the only one with a bad face, "Look, isn't it super funny?!"

"Ah, ha ha, ha ha... yeah..."

Tian Gang squeezed out a little smile, his eyes fluttered helplessly, and the shoulders and backs held by He Ye felt a burning pain.

"It's disgusting, how could you do such a thing..."

"Luye High School, Mo Sen... What, UU Reading is disgusting!!"

"If you don't have money to go whoring, do you just stand opposite and masturbate... Uh uh..."

"The current underage is really..."

Shocked screams were mixed with voices of hatred, contempt and disgust turned into sharp arrows that pierced the young man in the center.

He Ye's voice is still ringing, like a medicine pestle, crushing dignity, crushing psychological defenses, grinding them into something intense, extreme, distorted and mutated, suppressing things, filling Mo Sen's mouthpiece like sludge, Bury him alive here.

That hand is faster.

Full of self-shattering cruelty.

Humiliation, pain, and raw pleasure mingled together, and crude prodding sparked a near-death breakdown.

Mo Sen turned his head with his mouth open.

Tian Gang flinched to avoid his gaze.

Like never before.

"—I stood with He Ye and the others, laughing at Mo Sen and despising him together."

Tian Gang's voice was difficult, his drooping eyelids closed tremblingly, and he closed his eyes as if dreaming, and said, "I have always, never forgotten the look in Mo Sen's eyes at that time."

"Very...desperate look.

"The light in the eyes is gone, there is no spirit, no hope...

"Simply, it doesn't look like the eyes that a living person can have."

Tian Gang shivered slightly, and swallowed repeatedly in his throat, the sound of his breath dissipated in the air, his breathing was so light that it was almost inaudible.

"..." Qiu Xue pursed her lips and didn't make another sound.

*See Chapter 101 "Day Rain" (12) for details

*See Chapter 107 "Day Rain" (15) for details

The can is broken, and it will not be opened.

Next update: 12.3 at 9pm

(end of this chapter)


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