MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 577 Hit hard

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   This is a white world, invisible to the heavens and the earth, and invisible to the edge, with a white mist lingering beneath my feet, illusory and unreal.

This world is not stable. In the distance, sometimes the wind is surging, sometimes the waves are rolling, sometimes the wind is strong, sometimes the lightning is thunder, only the place where Xiao Feng is is calm, but this peace is only temporary, it is where Xiao Feng is. Above, a black vortex is gradually taking shape and expanding, seeming to have a tendency to swallow the world.

  "Spirit...the world"

Xiao Feng still maintained the posture of hugging Xiao Ling, his eyes filled with disbelief and loss of consciousness, until he found that his arms had suddenly become empty, he slowly raised his head like a walking corpse, his eyes staring blankly at this sudden switch world.

   He looked around at a loss as if he had lost his soul. However, in the next moment he was shocked and his eyes were refreshed again, because he saw Xiao Ling again!

   Not far from him, Xiao Ling's figure was translucent, floating there.

   "Xiao Ling! Is that you! Xiao Ling!"

   Xiao Feng, like a demon, stumbled towards Xiao Ling, but did not notice that the phantom in front of him was a bit strange. This Xiao Ling was like a puppet, without the slightest expression in his eyes, but like a dead thing.

It wasn't until Xiao Feng rushed closer that the translucent Xiao Ling's figure fluctuated a little, which seemed to be a biological instinctive reaction. Her empty eyes turned to Xiao Feng, showing fear and resistance, and then a blonde hair behind her. Suddenly growing against the wind, it turned into a sharp thorn-like blade, piercing towards Xiao Feng.


   Xiao Feng didn't avoid it, or said he didn't avoid this thought and thought at all, and he was pierced by the magical golden blade in the sound of a sharp weapon.

   This also made Xiao Feng's figure stiff, because it was a sharp pain that went deep into his soul, and the tearing pain was enough to make Xiao Feng's soul tremble, and it also made Xiao Feng a little awake.

   "Why... what..."

   Xiao Feng stopped just two steps away from Xiao Ling, staring at Xiao Ling in disbelief.

   "Hee hee! I caught you!"

   However, without waiting for Xiao Feng or Xiao Ling to make the next move, an abrupt laughter suddenly sounded, and then another petite figure appeared in Xiao Feng's spiritual world, and the position of appearance was behind Xiao Ling.

   This is also a little girl, skinny like malnourished, wearing shabby clothes that don't fit well, holding a dirty bear doll in her hand, who is not Noah or who.

   "No wonder my father is always looking for you, wanting to destroy you, letting you grow up, you can indeed hurt that child."

   Then just before Xiao Feng had time to react and became horrified in his eyes, Noah actually stretched out his hand to Xiao Ling, and then Xiao Ling's translucent phantom turned into light foam and disappeared instantly like a punctured bubble.

"what are you doing!!!"

   Xiao Feng's eyes were bloodshot instantly, and the entire spiritual world was also violently fluctuating as if the sky was turned upside down. The sky and the earth were full of scarlet blood.

   "Big brother, calm down first, she is not your little zero, but the biological mastermind of your current base, just a spiritual body without self-awareness." Noah quickly spoke and waved to Xiao Feng.

   "Biology... Do you mean that she is Xiao Ling..." The sharp pain in his chest calmed Xiao Feng a bit. He looked down at the wound on his chest and said in a daze.

   Xiao Ling is just a cloned person, Xiao Feng already knows this, and Xiao Ling's mother, in all aspects, has been shown to be in the cultivation chamber of the tree that Xiao Feng had seen before.

"Yes, as a biological master itself, there is no thought, let alone a mental body, with only a little biological instinct. If you continue to approach her just now, you will really die. This is your spiritual world. It's where your soul is. If you die here, you are really dead." Noah explained.

   "Why... is this... Xiao Ling..."

   However, Xiao Feng didn't fully listen, he was still a little lost, looking at the place where Xiao Ling's phantom disappeared.

   "Big brother, I can save Xiao Ling." Noah said suddenly.

"What are you talking about!" Xiao Feng, who was lost the moment before, turned his head and looked at Noah with scorching eyes. His body trembled with excitement. If the wound on his chest hadn't healed, his spirit was still suffering from severe pain. In the trembling millet, he had already stepped forward and grabbed Noah's shoulders.

   "I'm not talking about saving her. Her life characteristics are dead. I can only make her reborn in the game world." Noah explained.

  "The game world...transfer?" Xiao Feng was taken aback, and immediately reacted and asked.

   "Yes, she was reborn in the game world through transfer, and she can only live in the game world forever." Noah nodded and said.

   "It's okay! It's okay! As long as you can bring Xiao Ling to life! No matter which world you are in!" Xiao Feng said excitedly, he has no extravagance at the moment, only wishing Xiao Ling to come back to life.

   "But, big brother, you have to help me complete a few tasks." Noah added.

   "As long as I can see Xiao Ling again, I will accept any conditions." Xiao Feng was taken aback and glanced at Noah, but he answered without hesitation.

"Hee hee, then it's settled, big brother, my time is running out. This place shields external sources of information, and the induction I leave on you is getting weaker and weaker. After you go out, we will pass Let’s meet at the login device." Noah smiled, her figure faded, but suddenly she thought of something and added to Xiao Feng, "By the way, big brother, you have to leave this place quickly, because of this The interference system of the place was destroyed by you. Dad has discovered this place, and soon he will come and destroy it."

After    finished speaking, she disappeared completely in Xiao Feng's spiritual world in the middle of Noah's beautiful wave of hands.

   Xiao Feng stayed in a daze for a while, and then his spiritual world gradually recovered calm, then slowly closed his eyes and woke up.

   opened his eyes, first of all, there was a violent dizziness and weakness in the brain, which was a sequelae of severe mental trauma.

   is still half kneeling on the ground, holding Xiao Ling in his arms, but Xiao Ling in his arms has lost his life characteristics, and his body temperature has gradually become cold.

   A touch of grief appeared in Xiao Feng's eyes, his body trembled slightly, and then he placed Xiao Ling's body gently on the ground and slowly got up.

Looking back, at this moment, the scene of this underground space made Xiao Feng frown. The culture chamber has broken, and countless ducts like branches have lost their roots, and the jelly-like thick cell culture solution wrapped a vaguely petite figure from the culture chamber. Slid out and piled on the ground.

   Nearby Andy's figure lay on one side, unconscious, and a little further away, King Kong's sturdy body was half kneeling on the ground, struggling for countless times to stand up, but trembling and unable to get up countless times like a loss of strength.

   Farther away is the Ice Girl Huo Girl who is lying on the ground, only her eyes can move, she is looking eagerly at Xiao Feng's side.

Xiao Feng's steps were a bit swaying, but at least he was able to walk around. He shook his head to make himself awake. First, he came to Andy and confirmed that Andy was still alive. His eyes were cold and his foot was broken. Di's neck then came to King Kong again.

"grown ups……"

   King Kong struggled, but couldn't stand up, as if he was relieved, he barely shouted at Xiao Feng.

   "It's okay, I'll recover in a few days."

   Xiao Feng checked King Kong's physical condition and found that there was no abnormality. Then, when he checked his brain, he found that he was the same as him, his spirit was severely damaged, and his consciousness could hardly control his body.

   With King Kong's physique and only mental injuries, he can cause such a heavy injury, but with his recovery ability, he should be able to recover in a few days.

   In the end, it was the Ice Girl and the Fire Girl. Xiao Feng squatted next to them to check, and found that the situation was almost the same. They were all mentally seriously injured, and the brain was completely unable to give action instructions to the body.

This kind of mental injury, if you change to an ordinary person, must be a severe concussion or Alzheimer’s, or even direct brain death. Only the very human nerves of King Kong and Ice Girl can resist, but after a period of recovery, they can’t run away. of.

   This also made Xiao Feng a little relieved. He stood up, and when he was thinking about how to get the disabled people out, he suddenly felt instinctive and looked in the direction of the elevator suddenly, his eyes pressing.

  Because the elevator is actually running at this moment, as the number in the floor display jumps, you can see that the elevator is descending towards this floor.

   This made Xiao Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, because he didn't feel the breath of **** members in the elevator, or even noticed any breath, but if no one was operating, the elevator would not be able to run automatically!

   Therefore, Xiao Feng had to be alert, and walked a few steps in the direction of the elevator, blocking King Kong and others who were not able to move behind him.


   In a crisp sound, the elevator stopped at the floor where Xiao Feng was. Then as the elevator door slowly opened, Xiao Feng's pupils gradually enlarged, staring at the elevator in shock.

   What did he see!

   He actually saw an angel!

   This is not in the game world! But in the real world! He actually saw an angel! A living angel! It looks exactly like the angel in the game world!

   But it is not quite right to describe it as being alive, because the angel who appeared in the elevator did not have any anger, but was cold, and only cold, ruthless, and indifferent in his eyes, as if it were a machine without emotion.

   But this scene made Xiao Feng very familiar, because the angel warriors summoned by his divine power—the Gate of Heaven also had the same, even exactly the same breath!