MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 575 The third generation of artificial gods

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Xiao Feng did not have the interest of taking a leisurely stroll. He speeded up and walked along the muddy avenue to the entrance of the military base. On the way, he settled a line of individual combat vehicles and killed 70 elite soldiers in total. It took 3 minutes in total. To.

Immediately, at the end of the avenue, a circle of steel mesh walls connected with high-voltage and strong electricity appeared in front of Xiao Feng. Through the gaps in the steel mesh, the white walls and gates inside could be seen, and the interior of this virgin forest was almost cut out. It was empty and constructed such a small military base.

The steel mesh wall is only used to isolate the snakes, insects, and beasts in the virgin forest. It does not hinder Xiao Feng at all. In the front, inside the base behind the wall, there are already well-equipped troops standing by, and it is already when Xiao Feng appears. Xiao Feng was locked, and countless infrared rays focused on Xiao Feng.

The intensive gunshots are like firecrackers for the Chinese New Year. This is an elite North American troop with modern and sophisticated individual equipment. The number is even more than a thousand. You know, for such a small military base, a troop of thousands is already Very large scale.

   Well-equipped, large numbers of soldiers, and no shortage of large war machines. Such combat power is a terrifying force when drawn to any battlefield, enough to control a war-torn area.

   But, it is a pity that they are facing Xiao Feng.

This is a bloody-themed killing feast, with gunshots intertwined with blood and light, panic and screams, less than half an hour has passed, and there is no one alive in front of Xiao Feng, behind him The blood-stained corpses spread across the field.

  The long-lost killing seemed to have awakened Xiao Feng's cold humanity. His eyes were as indifferent as his expression, without any chance, he quietly glanced at the monitor head in front of him, and then calmly stepped towards the base.

   This military base is an underground base. The buildings on the ground are only a small part, and the central passage leading to the underground part is not difficult to find.


The all-metal thick and heavy isolation door was closed before Xiao Feng arrived. It seemed that he wanted to prevent Xiao Feng from moving forward, but Xiao Feng’s hands were far more terrifying than any machine. The all-metal isolation door 20 cm thick was easily handled by Xiao Feng. Just torn with bare hands, Xiao Feng directly tore a big hole in the closed central passage amid the sour metal distortion.

   There is no ambush behind the door, no people, only an elevator and stairs hovering down all around.

   Xiao Feng didn't seem to be rushing into a military base. It was more like walking in the courtyard. After confirming that the elevator was still working, he got on the elevator directly, as if he was not at all vigilant.

  From the elevator buttons, it can be judged that this military base has 13 floors underground, or the elevator can only reach the 13 floors underground. Xiao Feng did not hesitate and went straight to the last floor.


   The elevator door opened, and there was no expected ambush. Accompanied by the sound of the lights turning on one after another, a space with the main tone of white appeared before Xiao Feng.

   This is like a training base, almost as wide as an indoor football field. In the middle of the second half, there is a scene that is familiar to Xiao Feng.

a tree".

Xiao Feng had seen it in the deepest part of the heaven base. The thing that resembled a tree was actually rooted in countless pipes and wires, and connected to the container below, and that container was the thing that carried the biological mastermind. It’s secluded in the base of heaven, and here

   Around the "tree", there is a laboratory-like layout, with many instruments and equipment, but there is no staff present at the moment, as if it has been transferred in advance.

   But, it's not that this underground space is empty, but it's all concentrated in the first half, which is in front of Xiao Feng.

   "Welcome, the milk **** of China, or should I call you the **** of wind or the **** of hell"

Compared with the second half, the first half is basically empty, but with a strange shape. Whether it’s the wall, the floor or the ceiling, there is a semi-circular metal ball protruding at intervals, like It's like some kind of lamp.

   In front of Xiao Feng, there were 7 people wearing white radiation protection suits. They seemed to be waiting for Xiao Feng. The middle one was even more warmly welcome after Xiao Feng stepped out of the elevator.

   "Oh you gave up resistance"

   The elevator door closed behind Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng didn't do anything immediately, but looked at these people with a little interest, because they didn't have weapons in their hands.

"Haha, the Chinese milk god, let me introduce myself first. I am the third heir of the Bliss family, Andy Bliss. Since you arrived at the base, I have been monitoring you through monitoring. **** is on the top, and your combat power It’s really scary, but since I dared to appear in front of you, I am naturally confident that you have underestimated our Bliss family. I think you need to correct this point of view."

  The radiation protection suit is full-covered, only the mask is transparent. Through the mask, you can see that Andy who is talking to Xiao Feng is a gentle blond guy, smiling at Xiao Feng.

   "So, you, and you, are ready to die." Xiao Feng's expression returned to calm, and his eyes swept over Andy and the 6 people behind him.

   The six people behind Andy are all tall Western men, and they also wear white radiation protection suits. Although they do not have weapons in their hands, they give Xiao Feng a sense of threat.

"The first generation of artificial gods in heaven, the individual functions are indeed very powerful, but there is a weakness, that is, the adaptation rate is too low. It is said that to create a successful individual, failures and sacrifices must be more than a hundred times greater. Unfortunately, we do not There is not so much material, so I can only give up the first generation of artificial gods." Andy shook his head with regret.

   "What do you want to say" Xiao Feng's eyes remained unchanged.

"What I want to say is that even if the individual functions are very powerful, it is only the first generation after all, and our Bliss family has broken through the third generation of artificial gods, so you should also be eliminated." With a charming smile on his face, Di said, stepped back two steps, and let the 6 tall Western men behind him in front of him.

   "The third-generation man-made god" Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the six Western men in front of him.

"I didn't expect that the most famous person in the game world would actually die in my hands." Among the six western men, some spoke with regret in their eyes, but more of them were smirks. The voice just fell to the ground, arms He stretched out to Xiao Feng.


   In an instant, the electric light flourishes

In front of the western man, the two semi-circular decorative metal **** closest to the floor and ceiling, at the moment he stretched out his arm, suddenly emitted a strong electric light, and then two sturdy arcs seemed to be affected by him. Drove like lightning, or

   people say it is lightning

   The scene of "Thunder God" was somewhat familiar, which made Xiao Feng slightly surprised. He did not avoid it for the first time, but stretched out his arm to resist the two lightning bolts.

"It seems that there is still a big gap between the game and reality. You can't react to the speed of lightning at all. How about this is the power of the third generation of artificial gods. It is not comparable to your knock-out products, and I want to be very I’m sorry to tell you that you guessed wrong. There is no Thor here. Although Thor is also controlled by my Bliss family, the value he can create in the game world is too high. I still have no right to call him if he is present today. If you don't, maybe you can't even enter the gate of this base." Andy smiled and shook his head, a little regretful.

In fact, when Xiao Feng called out Thor’s name, he already knew that he had confessed. He had dealt with Thor many times. If Thor was present, he would not fail to recognize it. It was just a subconscious reaction to thunder and lightning attack. That's it.

   Immediately, Xiao Feng raised his arm, looked at the sleeves that had been blasted by the electric arc, and the large scorched area on his arm, shaking his head while speaking.

   "Is this the so-called third-generation man-made gods? Borrowing the attack capabilities of modern technology, it seems that heaven has hidden a lot of things in the experimental data for you."

   Although the arm was scorched and black, it was only a burn mark, and there was no skin trauma. Although the body had a numb sensation of strong electric current, the intensity was not even as numb as the leg numb after squatting.

Xiao Feng was originally curious about the third-generation artificial gods before trying to feel their abilities. However, Xiao Feng was disappointed. He has already determined that the so-called third-generation artificial gods only rely on their ability. The clothes on the body and the semi-circular metal ball device unique to this space can only control the electric energy to attack. The so-called third-generation artificial gods have at most only one weak electricity perception and control ability, which is similar to Thor, maybe it is Thor. The mother experimented with the artificial **** gene.

   "Why are you okay?" Andy looked at Xiao Feng, who was almost safe, and the smile on his face finally disappeared.

   "In this world, there are still many things you don't know." Xiao Feng shook his head, and had lost interest in playing anymore, and stepped closer to Andy and the six western men.

   "Hurry up and kill him, don't show mercy anymore" Andy looked ugly, as he stepped back, he ordered the six Western men in front of him.


   6 people shot at the same time, at least more than 20 semi-circular metal **** were activated nearby, and the arc was swirling around.


   But before they could attack, the vent door cover on their heads suddenly exploded, and then two figures, one red and one blue, fell swiftly from it, separating Xiao Feng and the six western men.

   "Sir, please forgive us for being late"

   is the ice girl and the fire girl. With her back facing Xiao Feng and protecting Xiao Feng, she seems to have entered a state of fighting. Fire and ice are condensed in their hands, and then a fire blade and an ice skate are shaped out of thin air.


   At the same time, there was a loud noise from the elevator that Xiao Feng had just used in the rear. Along with the elevator door being kicked away, a huge figure that looked like a black diamond arrived at a speed that did not match its size.

   "My lord, are you okay?"

   King Kong has also arrived.