MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 556 Departure capital

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  Huaxia District won the first place in the national war activities. It is self-evident to the extent of its contribution to the national economy. It is normal for the official to hold a celebration feast. The prince is naturally responsible for coming forward.

   The offline meeting place is in the capital. All the people invited are those with extraordinary influence in China. It can be said that they have the power to dominate China.

Chenghai city is in the south, actually quite far from the capital, but this kind of gathering is very necessary to participate. It is estimated that other people are also the same, knowing what is going on, so regardless of the days, the sea and the north will take the time to go, even if there is Those who can’t really participate will also send a representative in the past.

   "How long is it?" Xiao Feng had already found his clothes and asked while putting on his body.

   "It is the third day after the invitation was initiated. Because you are comatose for one day, there are now 2 days left." Liu Qiangwei answered.

   "It's still in time, so go for it. After a week of fighting in the national war, there are many things. Just take this opportunity to go out to relax and breathe." Xiao Feng said.

"Then I'll book the flight ticket immediately. Will we have 5 tickets? Would you like to bring Xiao Ling and cocoa? Otherwise, after we leave, there will be only two of them in the villa." Qian Duoduo said immediately, but remembered again Why continue to ask Xiao Feng.

   "Let's go and see if they want to play with them for a few days." Xiao Feng thought about it and didn't make up for Xiaoling.

   "I'll ask." Si Yejing said and turned to go out, and went to Xiaoling's room.

   "I'm going to have something to eat first, and I'll wait to ask Xiao Ling before I book a flight." Xiao Feng is indeed a little hungry. Although his body is not a big deal, the physical exertion can't be ignored.

  Obviously, with Xiaoling's level of playfulness, he will not miss any chance to join in the excitement. Before Xiao Feng eats two bites, he sees Xiaoling jumping upstairs excitedly.

   "Brother, are we going to play in the capital?" Xiao Ling is still barefooted, looking forward with beautiful blue eyes.

   "I'm going to the meeting, not to play, there will be a lot of people, don't be fooling, otherwise you won't be taken." Xiao Feng shot a preventive shot.

   "I promise to obey obediently!" Small zero-shot chest guarantee, but it is difficult to say how much credibility.

   "Let's pack things up, it is estimated that I will spend two days in the capital, and give Coco a call to let her follow." Xiao Feng said while swallowing food.

   "Good!" Xiao Ling hurried upstairs again.

Chenghai City is not a developed city. There are only two flights to the capital every day. At this time, there is only one flight at night. Unfortunately, Duo Qianduo found that there was no first class when booking. Tickets, only economy class.

   "Huh? It's not the peak tourist season, why are the first-class tickets sold out?" Qian Duoduo curiously holding a tablet.

   "It is estimated that this national war event has exhausted the players. I want to go out to breathe in the past few days. I saw the price of several scenic spots in the morning have increased." Si Yejing said aside.

   "Or contact the airline, just pack a passenger plane." Liu Qiangwei came over and thought about it.

   "Yes! Let the Crown Prince guy come forward, we should give a lot of money." Qian Duoduo agreed.

   "It's not the same to buy Economy Class." Xiao Feng interjected.

   "How can this be the same!" Qian Duoduo immediately gave Xiao Feng a glance, "It's not that we are a few pampers and don't want to squeeze the economy class, mainly because you missed your schedule!"

"Yes, Xiaoshen, you should be a bit conscious of being the first person in the game world. Some of our beautiful beauties are not afraid of crowding, but you can't lose your identity and appearance." Zhanhun Ziyi also added .

  Liu Qiangwei didn't speak, but she obviously didn't want to squeeze the economy class, which was inconsistent with her identity.

   The same was true. The **** of milk, together with the president of the union of the second largest hegemony in Huaxia District, and the owner of the first chamber of commerce in Huaxia District, if they went to the meeting in economy class, it would not be good to hear.

   "Then you can do it, don't delay your trip, it will take one day for Chenghai to fly to the capital." Xiao Feng shook his head, too lazy to control them, and continued to eat to supplement his physical strength.

   "Okay, it's done! Let's go!"

   didn't wait too long. After everyone simply packed up their belongings and game helmet, Qian Duoduo came behind Liu Qiangwei and said with a smile.

   "Let's go!"

   Xiao Feng is playing time with Xiao Ling and Si Ye Jing to play poker. Originally this set was almost lost, which just happened to throw the hand.

   "You slap!" Xiao Ling holding a good hand immediately trumpeted.

   "Do you still want to go? Hurry up and pack things up." Xiao Feng pulled his face.

   Obviously, the attraction of going to play is bigger for Xiaoling, and immediately went upstairs to pick up things.

   "Shameless." Si Yejing is also a good card, with a glance at Xiao Feng.

   "Did you not pick you up for a few days, itchy skin?" Xiao Feng squinted at her.


  Siye Yejing did not understand the meaning of Xiao Feng’s words, the earlobe was red, and he went upstairs with a hum, too lazy to talk to Xiao Fengkou.

The flight time is at 7 pm, and the car is driven by eleven to the airport. Because of Xiao Feng’s group of seven and the number of people is relatively large, the hotel’s three-row welcoming car is used. Since the villa is empty, ten One security task can be put down for a few days, but people still have to be arranged to watch.

  Because there are fewer flights, the boarding time is still relatively early. After a simple dinner at the airport, boarding at 6 o'clock, then Xiao Feng they followed Liu Qiangwei to the first class.

   "Sorry! Several passengers, the economy class is opposite, the first class of this flight has been packed."

But as soon as he reached the first-class entrance, a group of people was stopped by a smiling middle-aged woman who came out from the inside. The middle-aged woman was dressed as a flight attendant and had a thick makeup on her face. She looked at Liu secretly. Rose's young and beautiful face was a little amazed and a little jealous.

   "We are the people who have packed the first class." Liu Qiangwei stopped, her tone was cold, which was her usual tone.

"Are you kidding me? Please ask a few of you to make trouble. The person who took the first class on this flight is our Shaodong family of civil aviation. He can decide how long our flight will take off in one sentence." The smile of the middle-aged flight attendant narrowed. Minute.

   "Call Zhou Tianhao out." Liu Qiangwei did not waste too much time with her, and her voice was still cold.

   "You... who are you? How do you know our Shaodong family's name?" The middle-aged flight attendant immediately stunned, his eyes uncertain.

   "What's the noise outside?" An inquiry came from the rear, and then a figure came out of the first-class aisle. When I saw so many people outside, my eyes were swept first, and I immediately greeted him with a polite smile.

"Welcome! Welcome milk god, president Qian, kill emperor, purple dress beauty, and two little princesses, this one must be President Rose? Didn't expect your true face to be so amazing, I was almost taken aback, It's so rude." This is a middle-aged man, very polite, and greeted Xiao Feng with a few smiles.

"The God of Doom?" Xiao Feng recognized him for a moment before he found a sense of familiarity. It was one of the masters of the Doom League. The God of Doom, often followed the president of the trade union Doom Tianzun, and Xiao Feng had seen it many times. .

   "Mr. Zhang, they..." The middle-aged flight attendant also returned to God at the moment, and whispered to the God of Doom.

   "They are the guests of the Shaodong family, hurry and prepare the drinks." The God of Doom warned quietly.

   "Yes, I will go here..." The middle-aged flight attendant lowered his head, no longer dared to look at Liu Qiangwei, bent down and hurried away.

   "Quick! Come in quickly! The president has been waiting for a few more time!" Immediately, the Doomsday God of War invited.

   "Well, is the Doomsday God also on the plane?" Xiao Feng coughed and peeked at the Ning Keke behind, and whispered to the Doomsday God of War.

   "Dharma God has something to come, is the milk **** looking for something to do with him?" Doomsday God of War quickly replied.

"it's okay no problem."

   avoids the embarrassment of abducting her daughter in person, which made Xiao Feng relieved and waved his hand.

   It seems that the Doomsday God of War does not know Ning Coke, and Ning Coke also does not know the people of the Doom League.

   Doomsday Heavenly Lord is the so-called Shaodong family, and received the news to welcome it. He is very kind to Xiao Feng and Liu Qiangwei. After all, Doomsday League is already a **** vassal of midsummer.

   "I really didn't expect that the milk **** and the president rose, you also set off today, and happened to be able to walk together." The flight attendant who sent the drink up, and the doomsday Tianzun politely served for Xiao Feng and laughed.

   "Unexpectedly, the trade union president of the Doomsday Union has such a large family business, and the civil aviation of Chenghai City is its own." Qian Duoduo was restless to pick and choose among several different flavors of wine, grinning.

   "Chairman Qian really hurt me. How dare I, a small household, compare with your one-thousandth industry." Doom Tianzun smiled quickly.

But it is also true. If you take the whole service first, if you take the Huaxia District alone, the Treasure House must be the well-deserved number one, and the money is also the undoubtedly the first rich lady in the Huaxia District, even if you jump out of the game world. You can also fight against the well-known rich in China.

  Although they met with Doom Tianzun offline, they didn't chat for long, after all, after going to the capital, there was still the opportunity for large offline gatherings.

   So after a few weeks of courting with each other, and not waiting for the plane to take off, everyone lay on the seat one after another, put on the game helmet and started to go online one after another.

Although Xiao Feng also brought a gaming helmet, but he was comatose all day and night, he did not have the idea of ​​playing games at the moment, took some food and drinks to continue to replenish the previous loss of the body, adjusted the body state, and went to take a bath After some washing, I came back and prepared to go online.

   "Coco, are you afraid of flying?"

   However, when he came back, he found that he would rather sit nervously on the seat and did not wear a game helmet to enter the game, but looked at the landscape slowly receding outside the window, and the plane had already started.

   "I...I, take the plane for the first time..."

  Ning Keke still looks timid. They have lived with Xiao Feng for so long, and the character of the little rabbit has not changed much.

   "Put the helmet into the game, so that you will not be afraid, we will arrive tomorrow." Xiao Feng stretched out his hand to draw the curtain and said to Ning Ke.

   "Well...old, old man...can I sit next to you?" Ning Keke nodded and looked at Xiao Feng secretly, asking carefully.

   "Of course." Xiao Feng touched her small head, and laughed, the first class was still very large, and there were many seats. Several of them couldn't sit down at all, and there were empty seats everywhere.

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