MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 551 Second Union Conference

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   Both the First Expeditionary Force and the Second Expeditionary Force successfully entered the two target battlefields, the plan was successful, and the results obtained were extremely amazing.

   The players who can kill the Huaxia District and go to the two battlefields of North America and India are the top players in the Huaxia District. Almost all of them are masters of the first echelon. Naturally, the combat power does not need to be questioned.

The Indian theater and the North American theater selected as targets are also the second and third theaters in addition to the China region. According to statistics, the players in the Indian theater exceed 400 million, while the North American theater also surpasses 200 million, in such a huge player base, as the first echelon player, that is, the player who has successfully made three transfers, the proportion does not exceed 5.

   That is to say, for the expeditionary forces in the China region, 95 players in the two target theaters can be crushed and can be used to score points

   And the data proves that the effect is also significant.

   The first echelon players in the North American theater had to return to the North American theater to intercept and hunt down Huaxia players, which put a lot of pressure on the various border channels in the Huaxia area.

   And the scores in the North American theater and the Indian theater are even more terrifying. In just one day, the ranking of the activities of the Huaxia district rose from seventh to fourth

   On the second day, the sixth day of the event, the ranking of Huaxia District has officially risen to the trend of the second place photo, and the first place in the event is nothing to say

Xiao Feng also spent two days in the North American theater, and by the way, he now has a level of 69. He is still one level away and can make four rounds. But at this time, the Imperial City once again heard the news, Huaxia The District Union Conference was held again.

"what's the situation"

   Xiao Feng is still the one who arrived late. As soon as he entered the venue, he saw the scene of endless debate, so he asked.

   "The milk **** comes first and calm down"

   The crown prince was also in a headache. After seeing Xiao Feng, he was relieved and greeted Xiao Feng quickly, and stopped the noise at the scene.

   "The milk god, hello, long-cherished name"

  Xiao Feng hadn't been seated yet, but a black player who didn't know where he came from stopped Xiao Feng, and he politely greeted Xiao Feng.

"this is"

   Xiao Feng was stunned. How did the alliance conference in China ran out of a foreign player, so he looked towards the crown prince.

   "Milk God, let me introduce this, this is the president of the first trade union in the Indian theater, Gragul, this is the purpose of the Union Congress is related to him." Seeing Xiao Feng's doubts, the crown prince explained immediately.

   "What does it mean" Xiao Feng asked, because he didn't receive the news before coming.

"Hello, milk god, this is the case. Our Indian theater has realized our own mistakes deeply. We should not be fooled by the North American theater and join the theater alliance against China. Now our Indian theater has quit the theater alliance openly, and I promise you will no longer be an enemy of Huaxia District. I hope that Huaxia District will be generous and forgive us for the mistakes we made in the Indian theater." The black player Glagur said sincerely and put his posture very low, it is a sincere apology. .

  After listening to Xiao Feng, he was stunned. He turned his eyes to Liu Qiangwei at the rear. The Indian battlefield was in charge of midsummer. After two days of fighting, the Indian theater ran over to beg for mercy.

   "We are already in India

  The war zone has scored over 300 million points. "

Liu Qiangwei returned Xiao Feng with a private chat message, leaving Xiao Feng speechless. They were too ruthless. If you know that the Second Expeditionary Army heading to the Indian battlefield only has more than 10 million people, if you want to score more than 300 million points, On average, everyone has to kill 30.

Although the base of players in the Indian theater, plus two full 48 hours, this number is not exaggerated. Except for those who hang back to China, the expeditionary players who remain on the Indian battlefield have killed at least 50 people. the above.

Xiao Feng finally knew how the ranking of activities in the China region went up, and rushed to the second place in two days. Dare to contribute more than 300 million points to the Indian theater, and to know that the total score of the North American theater now ranked first is only 1.1 billion. , Only leading 200 million in China.

   Plus the players in the North American theater have also been hit back. According to this trend, at the end of tomorrow's event, Huaxia District's position to win the first place should be stable.

   However, the premise is that the fat in the Indian theater cannot be let go, and the daily increase of nearly 150 million points directly affects the final ranking.

"I believe that China is a country of etiquette and an ancient civilization. Our diplomatic relations between China and India have always been very harmonious. This time, we were provoked by the Indian theater and participated in a war zone that was unfavorable to China. Alliance, but we also paid a painful price, which made us wake up and feel guilty, so I represent all the players in the Indian theater and come to China to present our most sincere apology. At the same time, I also urge everyone in China Compatriots, show the generous demeanor of China and withdraw from our Indian war zone"

  However, Gragul's attitude is very humble, and his tone and posture are very low.

   Xiao Feng already understood what was going on, and knew the reason why the venue was arguing endlessly when he first came in. Obviously, it revolved around whether to let go of the Indian theater.

Xiao Feng looked up at the venue and found that there was still no result at the moment. The quiet debate was still going on. The Huaxia District Union Conference was composed of the top 100 trade unions in the Huaxia District. They were also the main force of the second expeditionary army attacking the Indian theater. Know more about the situation in the Indian theater than they do.

   "Hmm, if you don’t commit me, I don’t commit anybody. I didn’t see any hands when attacking our China district. Now I know I’m afraid. Do you want peace?

   "Yes, those who commit me Hua Xia will be wrong even if this is far from it"

   "I think it's enough to kill two days, and then kill it. What's the difference between holding strong and weak? It's no longer a big country style."

  But these trade unions are still divided into two groups, there are main battles and main unions, and it is clear that there are more main battle groups.

   "What does it mean"

   Xiao Feng sent a private chat message to the crown prince and asked, this matter is likely to affect the final ranking at the end of the event.

   "The above said that things in the game are up to us to make up our minds, they do not interfere." The crown prince replied.

   Xiao Feng was silent for a while, but I didn't expect that the ball wouldn't be picked up on the top, but think about it too, no matter which choice it was, there was no way to make it easily. It was very embarrassing, on the one hand, it was diplomatic influence, and on the other, it was national interest.

   So I left this ball to the crown prince, Xiao Feng was also testing the crown prince's attitude, because even if there is no clear statement, but the crown prince's attitude

   is the attitude above.

   "Since the above allows us to solve it, then we can only vote. This is the most reasonable way." Unfortunately, the Crown Prince's attitude could not be tested at all. After replying to Xiao Feng's sentence, he got up and said.

"Okay, now that the milk **** is here, then we will officially start this alliance meeting. I believe you all know the purpose of this time is to fight against peace on the issue of the Indian theater. The major trade unions vote, The major trade unions participating in this alliance conference hold 1 vote, the overlord union holds 5 votes, and the milk god, sword god, and **** of war have 50 votes each because of their special identities. Do you have any opinions?"

The crown prince opened his mouth to calm down the atmosphere of the meeting and voted. It was indeed the practice of Huaxia District since ancient times when opinions diverged, but the number of votes held made many people silent.

   Can participate in the Union Conference, it must be the major trade unions and major forces, or the president of the trade union, or the person in control behind the scenes. In short, they are the highest-ranking group of people in China.

  The major unions have 1 vote, and the overlord has 5 votes. There is no doubt about it, and they have no opinions.

  However, each of the three god-level players has 50 votes. What are the votes added by the 3 people, which is more than the total number of all unions present on the scene, and they need to vote for a fart.

It is impossible to say that they have no opinions, but there are opinions that have opinions, but no one dares to raise them. Just as they are the highest-ranking group of people in Huaxia District, they are also smart people and will not easily offend God. Players still offend three of them in one sentence, so they are silent.

   "It seems that you have no opinions, so the voting begins, please ask the three great gods to take the lead." The crown prince did not say anything. After seeing the silence, the audience said.

   "I'll come first. I haven't been to the Indian theater, and I don't know what happened, so I abstained."

  Batu was the first to speak out, but the atmosphere of the venue was changed in one sentence.

   "I also abstain from voting." Ximen Fuxue immediately spoke, his voice very cold.

   It was obvious that there was a slight commotion in the conference hall. The major unions that were still silent reactivated again, and the unbalanced psychology just felt relieved.

   Right, the great **** has the style of a great god.

   "How about you, the milk god" Crown Prince looked at Xiao Feng again, but there was a trace of solicitation in her eyes.

  To tell the truth, it was unexpected for Xiao Feng that Xi Tu and Xue Biaoxue abstained. Xiao Feng finally reacted after seeing the Crown Prince's gaze at the moment.

   It turned out that it had been designed for a long time, and it was just for letting him express his position. Xiao Feng finally understood that this alliance meeting and the reason for giving them so many votes, dared to have buried the pit.

   However, Xiao Feng was not a stage fright. After learning that he was making himself a head bird, he just shook his head helplessly, and then looked up at Glagur.

   "Give me a reason to let you go." Xiao Feng said, his eyes calm.

   "We just want to live"

  Glagul's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. I don't know if it was the reason for his recent poor health. His lips were trembling.

   "India has a total population of 1.4 billion. If you drop further in the ranking, you will starve to death, many people, many people"