MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 492 Three-turn task

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The prosperity of the dark city is concentrated in the city, and the dark city outside the city has no resources other than leveling, so there is relatively no figure.

Under the wall of the inaccessible city wall, Liu Qiangwei is studying the defense of the dark city. She has learned from the ranking list that Xiao Feng has successfully raised to level 50, which means that the problem of nc guards will start within two days. Layout.

"Yo, isn't this President Rose?"

As soon as Hua Manxian looked up, she found Liu Qiang, who was alone, and immediately walked up with a smirk on her face.

"President Hua"

Liu Qiang rose his head, his expression was very plain, and the temperament of ethereal dust was enough to make every woman feel ashamed. .

"Huh, it's worthy of being the No. 1 goddess list in China. This temperament, this charm, really envied my sister. No wonder that the goddess of milk will become a minister under the skirt and a tool for the rise of summer."

The tone of the flower is full of cynicism and satire, while also hiding jealousy.

She asked herself, her beauty has always been her unfavorable weapon, but just did not get half of the good in the hands of the milk god, and all the reasons for this were blamed on Liu Qiangwei in front of her.

Even the face that has not yet appeared, ranked first in the list of goddesses in China. The temperament alone can cause all women to be jealous. It is impossible to imagine how amazing the face hidden under the veil is, it is no wonder that the milk **** can be fascinated. The spirit is upside down, and she is not at all tempted by her flower-filled fairy.

"President Hua, please pay attention to some words." Liu Qiangwei's eyes remain unchanged, and her voice is still cold.

But she was speechless in her heart. What made her use Xiao Feng as a tool? If she had that ability, she would n’t be bullied by Xiao Feng before. If she had n’t put herself in for a compromise, I'm afraid that Midsummer and her will no longer exist.

"Are n’t I right? As far as I know, the midsummer union used to be in harmony with the **** of milk, but it returned to good overnight. Not only that, but it also embraced the thigh of the **** of milk and borrowed the influence of the **** of milk. With one fell swoop, the midsummer union took the position of overlord. "Hua Manxian sneered.

"In this world where interests are dominant, there is no eternal enemy." Liu Qiangwei's voice was cold and ethereal.

"I think it's an unspeakable deal for benefits. It's a pity that my sister has a perfect body. I just don't know if the sister was humiliated or flattered when she was conquered by the milk god." Hua Manxian Whisper.

"Chairperson Hua, are you provoking me?" Liu Qiangwei's voice finally cooled down, indicating that she could no longer breathe.

It was n’t that she was wronged and was justified, or that she was faceless. In fact, after she determined the relationship between her and Xiao Feng by coincidence, this kind of words could not touch her state of mind.

What really disturbed her was that when she recalled being picked up by Xiao Feng on the bed, the memories of every scene would make her blush and heartbeat, not to mention that she was still sleeping on Xiao Feng's bed at the moment, so she finally couldn't breathe.

"I dare not provoke the southern overlord, but my sister is the southern overlord. It is not safe to appear alone in the wild." Hua Manxian has a smirk on his face, looking around without the trace of other players. Said.

"Oh you mean, you can threaten my safety" Liu Qiangwei's tone was colder.

"Sister, don't be wrong

Yes, on weekdays, you are the highest goddess on the list, and you are the southern overlord with respect. I naturally do n’t have the guts, but now, I rarely encounter the situation where my sister is alone, so I ca n’t help but want to discuss with my sister. Now, by the way, I forgot to tell my sister that my profession is very aggressive. I do n’t know how my sister ’s fighting ability is as a priest. Have you learned the essence of the milk **** playing priest and can you stick to the rescuers? 's arrival "

Human Manxian said politely, but his eyes were full of sneer, a trick in his hand, a white light shining one-handed sword had been held in his hand, it was a fairy.

At the same time, Liu Qiangwei also heard a system prompt in her ear, was maliciously locked by Huamanxian, entered the battle state, and temporarily returned to the city scrolls and other props.

"Stupid." Liu Qiangwei shook her head and turned her head straight away, no longer wasting her eyes on Huamanxian.

"Who is the stupid one, the president of the union in the midsummer, who appeared in the wild without a person, this is not to die"

Hua Manxian sneered, holding a one-handed sword, he would launch his skills and rush towards Liu Qiang, but before he finished speaking, he was stuck in his throat.

Because there was no one in the previous second, there were suddenly more than ten figures, and the shadows were enough. Each figure was covered in the same black clothes. The character on the head was scarlet and purple, and the killing gas instantly enveloped all around. .

Hua Manxian's expression and limbs were stiff at the same time, because there were 3 daggers attached to her neck, she could clearly feel the coldness of the blade and the bone-chilling chill that swept her body.

"Red Summer Assassin in Midsummer"

Hua Manxian's eyes widened uncontrollably, and her voice was shaking, because at this moment, she felt the cold killing intention, and even made her forget that this is the game world, and only feel the blood of the whole body. It's freezing and freezing.

"Ding you to be maliciously attacked by players killing God 19"

"Ding you are maliciously attacked by the player to kill God 23"

"Ding you to be maliciously attacked by players killing God 44"

"Ding your life value is 0, you are dead."

But did not give Hua Manxian too much time to live. The three daggers on her neck were wiped at the same time, and her life value was instantly cleared. The body fell down, and then disappeared into white light.

Liu Qiangwei didn't look back at the process of Hua Manxian's quilt at all. More than a dozen scarlet and black assassins in black clothes also disappeared after killing Hua Manxian.

And Liu Qiangwei thought about the guard distribution of this city wall, then opened the friends list and sent a call to Xiao Feng.

"The flower-filled immortal of the dance pavilion is in the wild, what should I do"

In addition to being inferior in front of Xiao Feng, Liu Qiangwei's nature is still proud and cold. From the beginning of the wasteland copy, he has been provoked by Hua Manxian successively, and it is not her temper to swallow it.

But she is not a reckless person. As the president of the midsummer union, she naturally knows the intricate network behind Wuge, a well-known union.

So it seems that a simple complaint to Xiao Feng, in fact, is to consult Xiao Feng's opinion, to ensure that Xiao Feng will come forward when the time comes.

"The dance pavilion is not right."

Xiao Feng was a little stunned after receiving the call. He did n’t have much impression of the name of the union, but since

Provoked Liu Qiangwei's head, so if you pull it out, it will be over.


Once received, Liu Qiangwei hung up the call, then turned and walked towards the city, and opened the union channel.

Xiao Feng is already in the Holy City at the moment. He is going to find the Goddess of Light to give him three turns. By the way, he also brings Xiaobai back to play. For the Holy City with a bright atmosphere, it is still the birth point. Xiaobai still likes it. of.

"Goddess, my third turn is to find you"

The central temple, after Xiao Feng led Xiaobai in, asked the bright goddess sitting high above the seat.

The goddess of light leans lazily on the throne. Her model is synonymous with perfection. Any movement is beautiful, but too perfect to be too estranged, so high, so that mortals are in awe and can not afford blasphemy.

After hearing Xiao Feng's voice, the goddess of light slowly opened her eyes. It was a kind of detached, indifferent, looking down on everything.

But at this time her eyes softened slightly because she saw Xiaobai, who was tilting her head and looking at her curiously.

This made the Goddess of Light calm her indifferent gaze a little, and looked at Xiao Bai for a while before turning her attention to Xiao Feng.

"You are growing fast, which is beyond my expectations." The goddess of light spoke slowly, and her voice was also high.

"So please ask the goddess to give me three turns." Xiao Feng twitched his mouth and repeated.

"Since you have grown to this stage, you are also qualified to really join the temple of light. Do you have this consciousness and fight for the glory of light?" The voice of the goddess of light echoed in the central temple.

Truly joined the temple of light

This made Xiao Feng stunned, but still said, "I am the Honorary Archbishop of the Temple of Light, and I will naturally fight for the light."

"Very well, then you have to complete several tasks as proof of your consciousness." The goddess of light nodded slightly and waved at Xiao Feng.

"Do you accept the three-turn mission to fight for the glory of the light? 1 Go to the Great Gorge City on the border of the empire. There is an army of the empire. They desecrate the light, and the glory of the light cannot be defiled. Commander of the Legion, stand up for the Empire "

The task reminder sounded in Xiao Feng's ear, but it was only the first task that made Xiao Feng stunned.

He heard it right. The mission goal is to kill the nc of the human race empire or the level of the deputy commander. But are the temple of light and the human race ally not allies?

"Is there a problem?" Seeing Xiao Feng in a daze, the goddess of light spoke again.

"No problem." Xiao Feng hurried back and chose to accept the task. Since it was his three-turn task, no matter how wonderful he was, he had to complete it.

"By the way, Lord Goddess, I have a main city, but the predecessor is the dark main city, and I can only recruit the guards of the dark attribute, so I want to ask you if I can recruit the light guard in the holy city." Xiao Feng asked .

"Yes, but after you join the camp of the Temple of Light, go to the Chief Judge Kilo." The Goddess of Light nodded.

"That's good, and this, Master Goddess know how to use it" Xiao Feng said, and took out the myth-level task scroll from his body, and asked the goddess of light.