MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 90 Spring in the dungeon (sixteen)

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"Shut up, sleep."

Ke Li said that he turned and fell asleep. Xin Xin wanted to say something, but let alone do something. She only felt hot on her face, and all kinds of emotions poured into her heart. Especially embarrassing.

So... can that kind of thing be handled at will?

The most desperate thing is that Ke Li even said so directly.

Xin Xin had to do other things to divert attention, but she is now weak, and even getting out of bed is a problem. She can only check her roughly. The wound on her shoulder has been re-wrapped. It is known that Ke is out of bandage. Fortunately, the clothes have not been changed.


When Xin Xin’s eyes slanted, he saw the light red tooth print on Ke’s shoulder. He recalled the power of biting down at that time. He didn’t know what to say at the moment. In the end, she simply learned Ke, and fell asleep, pretending to pretend. Have not happened.


This is the only dream that Ke has made since coming to this world.

In the dream, there is no such thing as a heart-wrenching madman, and there is no such thing as a spicy chicken system with her. But there is a gentle and intellectual time, Shen Qing who is tempted every day.

How familiar life, Ke Li only feels that the whole body has been liberated as never before.

In the dream, she sent her a big white bear and other body pillows. As for why she should give it to her, she doesn’t know, she doesn’t want to be white, she is naturally happy.

It is a white pillow that feels soft and soft. It can be a night's dream when you sleep at night. The only shortcoming is probably... is the chest a little small?

No, it should be an airport just in addition to the small peas, which is flatter than her airport.

Ke was holding the pillow, and the hand unconsciously "measured" the size of the cup until it felt hot and squirted in the chest, and felt the chest was a little flustered. She almost slammed the big white bear in the middle of the body. The pillow kicked out of bed on the spot...

"..." Ke did not think that he would have such a consequence when he slept in his life. Even a person in his arms did not know, and his hand was still on the chest of others, although the chest was basically flat. ...but in the end I can still feel the chest.

She can only be like a thief in the night, a knuckle and a finger on the knuckles, the heart is very eager to quickly withdraw from the place that does not want to come, but also worried that this will wake up the people in the arms, to It is even more difficult to clean up.

When Ke left his right hand back to his normal position, he had already sweated his face, and his left hand was still behind the heart of Xin’s brain as a pillow.

Her first reaction was to feel that her clothes were still there, and then she later sighed: she... she was eaten with tofu!

Although she did not suffer.

Despite this, Ke Li is still rigid and afraid to go straight up. She is afraid that she will accidentally encounter a wound of Xin, and she is afraid that she will wake up and ask herself why she is holding her. It is even worse to explain the situation, let alone her. I don't know how Xin Xin went to her arms.

So at the moment of Xin Xin’s eyes, Ke decided to preemptively. She took back the left hand behind Xin’s brain at the fastest speed, sat up straight, and looked very serious. “Let’s say, how did you get from? The escaping from the hands of Guan Lizhen? Frankly wide, resisting strictness."

Xin Xin has some swear words: "..."

Then the cheeks could not help but burn.

Seeing Xin’s face has an unspeakable flush, and Ke is secretly shocked under the centrifugal. She is afraid that she has just been awakened by her own “蹂.躏”. It can be seen that Xin Xin did not find a mole, and felt that she had a flush on her face when she woke up. It is normal, like Xin Xin, who is not honest, and the person who specializes in chest is more normal.

Ke was holding his throat and clearing his throat. He explained in a grandiose manner: "Knowing the root cause can cure the disease. This is specially explained before Gu Dafu left. I am not caring about you. Don't think too much, don't be passionate." ”

"..." Xin Yan's face gradually became normal, but she did not speak, but her hands were on the side of the bed. It seemed that she wanted to sit up, think of what she was lying on, and then quietly confronted Ke, like It is to see what is weird from the eyes.

Ke moved uncomfortably, thinking of the dream he had just made, and his heart was even less, and he still had some guilty conscience.

Can Xin Xin’s disregarding attitude makes her feel that she is looking for herself. People don’t need her care at all. She said: “Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, anyway, it’s not my business, then continue. Lying here is a matter of self-destruction."

Her tone was normal at first, and the more it came to the back, the more it came out. Ke didn't know why he was holding a anger.

She didn't want to admit that she really wanted to know the beginning and end of this matter, but Xinyi didn't say it. Anyway, Xin is not her. Anyway, she didn't just have a dream. By the way, I enjoyed the airport. Who hasn't? An airport? Besides touching it, I don’t have to be responsible. She is still buried in the chest!

Ke was more and more eager to get angry, and he was mad at the bed. When he was wearing shoes, he was almost swayed by his own clothes. She simply carried the clothes and walked barefoot toward the door. She wanted to stay away from Xinyi, a woman who didn’t know how to be good.

"There is a deep pool behind your stone room." Xin Xin opened his mouth faintly, as if he wanted to make it all clear.

Ke’s body shape was fixed for a few seconds in the same place, but he continued to open the door and strode out, and the “嘭” sound came to the door.

"I..." Xin Xin looked at the door still trembling, his lips moving, his hands clenching his chest, turning his back to the door and closing his eyes...

Staying in the spring is very troublesome. Because Ke is so concerned about Xin Xin’s sudden and considerate, she may face unemployment anytime and anywhere. Therefore, when she heard Ke’s wake up, she suddenly flashed a glimmer of light and planned to discuss it with Ke Wei in a short time. Taking care of the hard things, she will be lighter when she is too big, and she will take care of her as a hostess.

As a result, she did not think clearly about the rhetoric. She heard a loud noise from the door. Then she saw that she was angry with her face. The hem of her clothes was raised high and she walked towards herself like a rogue.

Liu Chun suppressed all kinds of messy thoughts in his heart and greeted him. He was shocked: "Master, now it’s cold, how can you come out without shoes?"

Without being in the same room as Xin Xin, Ke Yi felt that his mood was brighter. He did not care to continue moving forward. Hu said: "The shoes don't fit, you can lose."

"Then I will let Ada buy more new ones." Staying in the spring is not busy, then follow Ke Li, as a competent small follower.

Ke did not answer this question. When he walked to his door, he just turned around and suddenly turned his head and said: "Yes, she woke up. You should give her something to eat blood and make her. Let her Go early and leave early, anyway, those things are not worth much."

"Yes." All the springs should be answered, and the result was heard by Ke Li. "I knew how to save a white-eyed wolf. I should leave her to feed the wolf in the mountains."

The last sentence can be described as full of flavor.

"..." Liu Chun scratched his hair in a stunned manner. I really didn't know what happened during the time when she was not there. Then she thought of Xin's current situation and said: "She just came to the moon, It is not advisable to make up, especially for blood."

Otherwise she will wash the sheets every day.

Ke’s expression was stagnation, and he dropped the sentence “That’s only you happy” and went back to the house, and staying in the spring is still guessing what happened in the house, but the next day, she found a piece. Unbelievable things - Ke Li and Xin Xin began an unprecedented cold war.

"Ada, what can I do?" Liu Chun turned around as a gyro around the Ada group. "The owner and the bad woman have not spoken for two days. It is still so good before..."

Ada said: "Isn't their relationship bad? Xin Xin is not a good person, and sooner or later he will hurt the owner."

"You know a fart!" Liu Chun couldn't help but swear, and hurriedly said, "Gu Dafu said a few days ago that the people of the cult have searched people in the village next door, which is obviously coming to us. And they still have nothing to do with this, just waiting to be double-edged by one arrow?"

Ada is silent for a long while, seems to be thinking about this, and finally: "You use the wrong word."

Stay in spring: "..." You don't even know a fart!

Ke has been idle at home for the past few days. Compared with the hard work of taking care of Xin Xin in the past few days, it is not too easy, but there is nothing like leaving what Spring says. She is free to ask about the outside world. By the way, I want to take countermeasures. She doesn't want to be stabbed again by the poisonous needle of Guanli, and it is impossible to harden it. The best way is to find a way to avoid it.

As a result, I don’t know if it’s enough to be hidden. The people who have been in the glass have not been able to find it. Instead, the situation is getting better every day.

Because of the special embarrassment of Ke, after the Xinyi's moon, the spring has spared no effort to stew the big soup. The face of Xin Xin is so rich, and it is gradually able to move normally. Various ideas will naturally follow. .

"Doctor, can I recover?" These days, the doctor will come to Xinxin to regularly pulse, and only this time Ke will come to the Xinxin room to listen to the situation.

Xin Xin saw Ke's rare women's costumes, she looked at her eyes more. She always felt that Ke had to look good when she was away from women's clothes. Ke did not even give her eyes.

Gu Dafu said: "It is possible to pick up the ribs, but the damage to the viscera is irreversible. What's more... your legs should have been affected a lot this time?"

Xin Xin listened to her involuntary movement to her legs. Her legs were indeed able to walk, but after being affected by various influences, she could not support her standing for too long, and her legs would be so soft that she was now seated again. Wheelchairs, but fortunately, they can stand for a while, which also eliminates all kinds of embarrassment when solving physiological problems.

She said: "My legs didn't work before, it didn't matter."

"But it has an impact on us. Imagine that you are recovering from the beginning, and it will definitely be bad for me." Gu Dafu pointed out that Ke is away. "In my heart, I really hope that you can continue this way if you can get it. It’s better to be chubby. In fact, you can still maintain the status quo.”

"..." Xin Xin is not reconciled, still hopes: "Is there really no way?"

Gu Dafu: "No."

Xin Xin: "Is there a thousand killings, and there is no way to damage 800?"

Gu Dafu: "No."

Xin Xin still wants to ask again: "That..."

Gu Dafu said: "To tell you the truth, your current physical condition is impossible to practice martial arts unless you want to die in the same place and die immediately."

"..." Xin Xin's hand squatted tightly on his lap and did not speak for a long time.

Ke looked at the whole journey, Xin Xin's eyes began to be bright, she knew that Xin Hao was eager to hear that she could recover, but with Gu's answer, the light in her eyes was dimmed little by little.

"Hey, the sun hasn't settled yet, go out to the sun?" Ke said and did not hesitate to push Xin Xin to the yard. The evening breeze, the afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on Xin's face, as if a layer was laid. Gold powder.

This is the first time they have been alone since the last unhappiness. The two people did not speak, but they were relatively speechless. The intention of Ke Li was to let Xin Xin ease his emotions.

When the sunset gradually subsided, the sky gradually disappeared, and the surrounding area became a dark night. Xin’s hand on his leg was released, and he said, “I was last...”

She didn't know what to think suddenly and suddenly, and the corner of her mouth pulled out a self-deprecating arc: "The last time I wanted to make it clear to you, but it is useless now. Anyway, it is all alive, watching the enemy go away... ...cough..."

Xin Xin said that he covered his mouth and coughed up violently. As Gu Dafu said, she was seriously injured inside. No matter how tossing, it was just a short-lived ghost.

When it comes to the last thing, Ke Li first thought of that dream, and the pillow without a chest and the airport that someone thinned out, I don’t know if the meat is coming back now...

After hearing the coughing sounds, Ke's thoughts were all disrupted, and he heard an owl's voice, his face changed slightly, and he pushed her into his room.

Xin Xin swallowed at the moment of entering the house, then stopped coughing, but his face was red, and Ke Li only felt that her lips were much redder than before, like being blood-stained.

This idea made her very uneasy, but she didn't have time to ask again, because the owl cry that I just heard was the whisper left by Ada, meaning that the person who was born in Guanli would have to find it here.

"Are you alright?" Ke Li said that he waited for the answer and took Xin Xin up. As a result, he overestimated his arm strength and almost slammed Xin Xin to the ground and his feet.

Xin Xin reflexively hooked Ke’s neck and huddled into the bed. At this time, she had already noticed that it was wrong, but because she had not discussed it beforehand, she did not know what Ke had to do, and she could only die. Suppressed the urge to cough.

When Ke was too angry to breathe, he began to undress, until he was not wearing anything, and he was shy and said: "The next step is to listen to my arrangement."

Xin Xin looked at the waves of the chest from the chest, and even did not have time to answer, I felt the hair was smashed into a ball, then put a hat on the top of the head, the clothes were opened, and Ke soft body Ironing yourself over...

"Mother-in-law, the small inquired, this is the last family in this village, the male's congenital legs and feet are inconvenient, the female's is a good birth, are ordinary farmhouses." Follow the way all the way.

"That should also be carefully searched. When the rebellious Xinyi escaped, the injury was serious. The teacher had orders: to see people, to see the dead, and never to return empty-handed." The closer the ghost mother is to the courtyard, the more uneasy it is.

Ke Li has already withdrawn. This is what she knows. Now she is worried that Xin Ke and Ke are in one place. When two people are more easily recognized, she has been searching very detailed and naturally slow.

Followers: "Yes."

Because only the stay in the yard left the spring, other people have long been looking for a place to hide, so the ghost mother-in-law and the group entered the small courtyard and saw only one person in the spring.

The follower couldn't help but be suspicious. After a group of people ping-pong and searched for a while, the only one who had not searched for it was: "Who is there? How can you not hear the sound? It’s hard to make this grandfather personally Go in and catch it? Isn't it..."

"There is my grandfather and wife." Liu Chun flustered and said, "They have rested, and my family's legs are inconvenient and inconvenient to come out."

"Since the legs and feet are inconvenient, it is not working in the arable land, let the mother-in-law come out of the head office." The followers said that they would go to the house, and walked halfway into the road and worried that the inside was the Xin who was looking for it. Weak, he had a chance to move, and waited for the ghost mother-in-law to push the door, but he was blinded by the spring in the house.

I saw that the bed not only worked in the arable land, but also a rare female squatting posture, even with a full house of gasping 吟 | 吟 ......

The author has something to say: Ke Li: Ya Yan Butterfly

Xin Xin: The blood trough is empty (in the **** battle)

Ghost mother: I said don't come in.

There was a bug in the previous chapter. In other people's opinion, Ke was already dead.

Ps. Today is the industrious author Jun (*/ω\*) will be in the future

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