MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 66 Fire prevention and anti-theft honey (11)

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Ke couldn’t stand still when he was lying in bed. Would you like to do it directly?

But if Ji Linxi doesn't feel that way, he will be embarrassed, and even if it is, he will give Ji Linxi a process of self-recognition. After all, the relationship between girlfriends is the easiest.

Upon hearing the sound of Ji Linxi, Ke left and sat up and got out of bed to find a hair dryer. He was very attentive: "I blow your hair..."

Ji Linxi looked at her strangely: "I didn't wash my hair."

She had already taken a shower, and this time I washed it just to give myself a fire.

"..." Ke left the hair dryer without hesitation. The good thing about the girlfriends is that everyone knows the truth and does not need to be tempted.

Seeing that Ji Linxi did not see the film, it looked very natural after coming out. He was lying in bed and going to sleep. Ke also climbed into the bed and poked her arm. He deliberately asked, "Don't you review?"

"No." Ji Linxi has a mental review, she believes that as long as she reviews, and then a sleepy, Ke will take the opportunity to sell a small video to her, she does not want to take another shower.

Ke Li did have this thought. She used to play Ji Linxi's hair and felt particularly good. She said, "What do you still wake up in the shower?"

Ji Linxi was playing with hair by Ke Li, smelling the fragrant smell of her body, and her body suddenly became hot and hot. There was an impulse to apply the means just seen to Ke.

Seeing that Ke Li was unprepared for himself, and because of his own curiosity, he had such a commemoration. Ji Lin said with a lack of confidence: "You didn't say that you were watching the film to wake me up?"

Ke Liwei laughed twice and approached some, until he was attached to Ji Linxi, saying: "That is different."

Ji Linxi tried to ignore the softness on his arm and said, "What is different?"

Not all of them are deceptive, and she has seen a video that I would not have seen. I think more here.

Ke Li seems to have not found his own burden on the wrong place, smiled and said: "I am for your good, or you can know so much new knowledge? Look at the small video is very up."

"..." Ji Linxi’s impulse was gone, and he stepped forward with Ke’s face and said, “You are a girl’s paper. Can we be pure? Don’t open your mouth and shut it up.”

Before high school, she was a pure and pure person. I don’t know how others should build a house. I don’t know anyway. Anyway, she has no object. Now it’s all done by Ke.

Ke did not agree with him: "Is that not the dress?"

"..." Ji Linxi was speechless for a moment, thinking that he would blame himself for seeing the female and female films, but she really did not believe that Ke had not secretly seen it, and maybe even had seen it.

At the thought of this possibility, Ji Linxi’s heart was somewhat uncomfortable. It was probably the first time that he felt that he and Ke’s three views were not quite the same.

Although these are her own thoughts, but it does not affect her mood, who makes the girl is a strange creature that loves to think and love the brain.

She turned around and closed her eyes: "You can do it anyway, don't open a yellow cavity with me anyway."

"I haven't opened it yet." Ke was a little embarrassed. If she counted it as a yellow-opening, then the bean-yellow yellow scrap is not a mouth or a small train?

Peas: [...]

"Don't say it, go to sleep." Ji Linxi pretended to be busy sleeping, this problem can be pulled for a night, and can also pull out other things, in fact, she did not sleep at all.

However, Ke Li is not prepared to let such a good opportunity. He must let Ji Linxi recognize his own sexual orientation. She poked the back of Ji Linxi and said: "Ji Linxi, how do you feel about it?"

Ji Linxi felt that the back of the spine was numb, and finally he did not hold back. He turned to block the mouth of Ke.

"..." Ke Li took the initiative to loosen his teeth after a short surprise. As a result, Ji Linxi was not willing to come in. He just rubbed her lips hard, and then a serious saying: "It is this feeling."

Ke looked at her dumbly and said, "I like my feelings?"

Ji Linxi shook his head and corrected: "No, it is the feeling of falling in love with you."

"..." Ke left a bit of a painful lip, thinking that he finally kept the cloud and saw the moon, and the woman turned herself out.

Her eyes were awkward and she was a little nervous at the moment. However, the next sentence of Ji Linxi was: "What do you think? I am joking with you."

"..." Ke left his face and didn't want to care about Ji Linxi, a **** with no interest.

"Mo Qi said that it is normal for a good friend to kiss each other. I haven't kissed it before, and I don't want you, don't be so angry." Ji Linxi applied all the words Mo Qi said to himself, feeling still Yes, in fact, there has always been a strange mood in my heart.

"..." Ke heard a sense of loss that gave me to me, and I was crushed by Ji Linxi, and said: "They look at a pair, Mo Qi is fooling you."

Ji Linxi has no love experience. Is it a pair of confession based on feelings and parties? Now it is a bit tricky to think of it. She is only comfortable when she is away from the soft chest. Q: "What about Ling Ling?"

Zhou Lingling has a boyfriend, but also a girl, but also the kind of mouth-to-mouth, is it a double? But when I have a boyfriend, I chat with other girls, what is the difference between derailment and derailment?

Ke Li resisted the itch feeling, and looked disgusted: "She is different. She sees people and kisses. She loves to catch a younger sister since she was a child, but she still likes men."

Zhou Lingling is probably the kind of straight girl that all les don't want to meet. He runs away after he finishes, and I still don't notice it.

Ji Linxi continues to say the opposite: "What about us?"

"As for us, I feel that you will kiss me without warning. I will be bent by you." Ke was innocent and did not have the awareness of mosquito coils. He pushed all the pots to Jiji. Lin Xi.

Ji Lin looked at Ke Li from the west and wanted to see some evidence of falsehood from her face, which proved that it was just a joke. As a result, Ke was always very serious.

She pondered for a moment and said seriously: "We are just good girlfriends, not the same as them."

They are too familiar, living habits, hobbies and hobbies are so familiar to each other that even if they think about two people living together in the future, they have never thought of becoming lovers - the kind of lovers who can do anything, probably because they used to be jealous. Love is vigorous.

Now Qingmei suddenly said that he was going to be bent by himself. Ji Linxi was a little panicked and suddenly eager to come to heaven, but he did not want Qingmei to lose to the sky. It was a contradiction.

Worried that Ke was refuting, Ji Linxi relied on his zero emotional experience to analyze: "They are first to become lovers, this is the girlfriends pretending, and we are girlfriends."

Ke Li: "..."

Is there a difference? The result is the same anyway.

"There are strong words, there are no mouths, and there is no mouth. Ji Linxi, you put your trousers on your face and don't recognize people. After you bend your family, you will leave it alone, and it will be very bad."

"..." Ji Linxi looked up at Ke's eyes and cautiously said: "Are you bent?"

Ke shook his head and shook his head. In the moment when Ji Linxi relaxed, "I don't know, I like you anyway."

" are serious." It may be false to say one time. If you say it twice, is it tempting yourself?

Ji Linxi is a little chaotic, but she does not want to break this balance, mainly because she has not yet transitioned from this relationship.

"Ji Linxi, I am responsible for it, you promised before." When Ke Lijun Ji Lin made a fuss, he kissed her and did not loose it for a long time.

The flame that Ji Linxi just pressed down was smashed up again. She was not sure if Ke was serious. They often made jokes between them, but this time Ke seems to be serious.

I feel that Ke is swaying on his lips. Ji Linxi has a feeling that he has never experienced before. He wants to linger with her lips and feel the feeling of being embarrassing. The reason slowly fades, she slowly Open the teeth and welcome the soft lips of Ke.

Ke was surprised and happy. The two had a deep kiss in the bed, and then they looked at each other. They were prepared to take the next step. After all, just kissing, the bed was too big.

Ji Linxi looked at Ke's indulging in love. The face in her desire was somewhat fascinated. She blocked her hand and whispered: "Give me some time."

Give her some time to think that they are not just a girlfriend, or they always feel uncomfortable, and they have the feeling that they have turned this brazen woman.

"Okay." Ke, who was forced to be brave and brainless, retracted his hand and fell asleep in the arms of Ji Linxi. The heart said that it was Ji Linxi’s heart defense that collapsed a little, acknowledging that they were not the **** socialist girlfriends. situation.

When I woke up the next day, no one mentioned the ridiculous thing of last night. I used to wash my face as usual, and finally went to the school for exams.

After coming to the school, Ji Linxi subconsciously observed the interaction between Mo Qi and her girlfriends. She and Ke Yi were similar. The relationship between girlfriends was originally defined as fuzzy, friendship, and lovers were not satisfied.

She turned her head and looked at Ke Li, because it was a weekend exam, so there was no mandatory wearing uniform. Ke was already very conservative, but Ji Linxi still couldn’t wait for her to put on a coat and cover it. The exposed arms and legs.

The examination room is the seat number according to the student number, so Ke left behind and saw that Ji Linxi was watching himself. Ke returned a big smile.

Ji Linxi: "..."

She turned her head and waited for the teacher to send the papers. In the morning, she was studying the language. Ji Linxi handed in the paper five minutes in advance. When I got out of the classroom, I saw everyone busy with the answer. Many people asked her what to choose.

"I don't know." She was dizzy in the morning, and she couldn't calm down. When she saw the subject, she could easily think of the things in the small video. When she saw the boys, she always shook the thoughts that should not be thought of. Things, I feel like a color|female, and then I feel even more unfriendly to boys.

This language is not the best at the language, especially the composition. Although she used to have frequent codewords and vocabulary and stalks, the novel is not an argument, and the codeword goes to the computer without handwriting.

She was so close to the number of words that she found that she was somewhat biased, and she added a paragraph of words in a hurry. It seemed to be particularly artificial, and then she went to find Ji Linxi.

Ji Linxi sees boys are not pleasing to the eye. In addition to the events last night, there is another reason, that is, she has just finished the papers. Some people say that Zhao Li and Shao Yixuan have fought and said that it is because of her.

Ji Linxi: "..."

She doesn't seem to have anything to do with them.

Ji Linxi snorted and said: "Go to the teacher."

It is useless to find her.

Ji Linxi has nothing to do with this matter. For the Ku Lidao who just finished the transaction, "How is the test?"

"Not bad, that is, the composition is not very likely to write." Ke was intimately holding Ji Linxi's arm and talking about the problems he encountered during the exam, not half uncomfortable.

"..." Ji Linxi was very depressed. Why did Ke still be so natural after asking his own question last night? She wondered if Ke was really just trying to try something that seemed exciting to her.

The relationship between Ke Li and Ji Linxi has not changed at all because she has always regarded Ji Lin as a girlfriend.

What happened to Ji Linxi was that she had always taken Ke away as a girlfriend. Now she suddenly threatened to like herself. She suddenly remembered that she had reminded her to go to her before she left, she did not believe it.

"A good afternoon exam is, we have to eat." Ji Linxi and Ke Li came to the cafeteria, and there were few people on weekends. It was easy to buy a meal and find a place.

The canteens of their school are well decorated, very petty-bourgeois, but only Xiaogui, Ji Linxi saw Mo Qi and her girlfriends together, and still feed food there.

Ji Linxi: "..."

When she was blind, she thought that the two people were really girlfriends?

She could have lost her thoughts about her relationship with Ke Li. Even if she gave her time to think about it, she still felt that she and Ke were a girlfriend.

In the end, Ji Linxi decided to let it go. It was just that Ke had never pretended to pretend that nothing had happened. Then she followed suit.

After a lot of self-resolving, the subsequent exams were much more normal. Ji Linxi’s status has been good. After the test on Sunday afternoon, he took Ke away to eat a big meal.

Ke Yiyi was going to eat a big meal, staring at Ji Linxi like a bad guy, and said with indignation: "I want to lose weight, do you want to keep me fat, and then say you don't like fat?"

"..." Ji Linxi did not think of this embarrassment, even thought that this idea is good, when she thought of Ke's fat appearance, she smiled and felt that Ke Li is a living treasure, seriously: "Sports weight loss is the right thing. To lose weight, go to exercise, and have nothing to do with eating."

Ke looked at her leisurely: "Do you exercise in bed?"

Since the beginning of the talk, Ke Li is more and more unscrupulous, and there is no more shame in front of her. Ji Lin Xi Ke took a look at the eyes: "...not allowed to flow so much in front of me, I don't like it. rogue."

Ke Li: "..." You like to be a rogue.

Ke was finally shut down, and Ji Linxi went to eat and drink a meal.

She is not really fat, that is, she weighs two pounds. At first glance, she can't see it. As long as she doesn't like a leaky stomach, she will be saved if she is overeating.

One weekend was used for the exam, and the next day was Monday. Ke was the same as the clockwork, and he was too busy to stop. Even the time to joke with Ji Linxi was not. It was the speed of the teacher’s change. Too fast.

The results of this exam were not ideal. Ji Linxi slipped from the first place in the school to the third place. The first place became the transfer student Zhao Li.

When he was out of school, Ji Linxi was called by the class teacher to go to the office to talk alone. Naturally, he added a class that was ranked 20 in the open.

The class teacher’s heart longevity: “Ji Linxi, have you been in love recently?”

She knows that Zhao Li and Shao Yixuan in the class because of Ji Linxi’s fight, said that it is best not to be a love triangle of dog blood. It is not easy to have a good student with good grades this year.

Ji Linxi looked down at Ke Li: "No."

"How did the performance decline? Your essay was obviously written with no intentions, and all the routines were used."

Ji Linxi: "..."

Probably because I saw the film the day before the test, it hurt her more dreams that night, the spirit of the next day was not so good, and Ke Li’s sudden confession made her almost fall in love.

Ji Linxi: "Teacher, my state was not very good that day."

"Then I will work hard next time." The class teacher smashed a lot. In fact, Ji Linxi was a little less than expected.

Ji Linxi is terrible: "Well."

The class teacher turned to black face and said to Ke Li: "Ke Yu, you have this result... You can take a good look at it yourself. You have followed Ji Lin to the table for so many days. How can you win me? Top ten in class?"

Ke Li: "..." How can a woman be a woman?

The class teacher finally threatened with a smile: "I will fight for the top ten at the end of the period, otherwise I will give you a position."

Their class is a key class, and the score difference between each is not large, so the competition is even greater. Ke Liyi said: "...Yes."

Both of them went out of the office and then took a deep breath.

Seeing Ke Li seems to be not very happy, Ji Linxi thought it was because of the tenth thing at the end of the exam. She knew that the head teacher was scary. After all, she would graduate in the next semester, and she would not be forced to do so.

She knocked on Ke’s head and said with a smile: “I won’t show me the film before the exam, or I’ll miss the exam. The class teacher still has to blame you for bringing me bad.”

"..." Ke stunned Ji Linxi with a faint look and asked, "Isn't that you can take it with you before the exam? Anyway, you have to be defamed to be bad."

Ji Linxi punishes Ke's hand punitively. When Ke is out of his hands, she said: "Go back and give me your **** account. I will help you keep it and save your day's yellow waste." ”

Ke looked at Ji Linxi with disbelief and said: "You don't want to secretly study it yourself?"

"No, I just don't like people who have yellow scraps in their heads."

Seeing that Ke is like a loose, Ji Linxi is stealing music in her heart. She finds that she is now particularly easy to control Ke Li. Although she knows that Ke is leaving herself, she hopes to continue this way and enjoy this. The kind of feeling that Ke is away.

"..." Ke reported the password of the **** account, and then hung on Ji Linxi, smiled and said: "Ji Linxi, I will give it to you in the future, you don't think about seven days no reason to return."

Ji Linxi wrote down the password, so she pushed her up and said: "I want to return today, the treasurer, are you 包邮?"

"No, but if you don't return it, I will pack it and pack it, and you will be satisfied." Ke Li went back and licked the earlobe of Ji Linlin, and said mysteriously: "You still have sex? Oh."

"..." Ji Linxi's ears were hot, and he slammed his feet, and his legs were almost so soft that he couldn't stand.

She does not do Liu Xiahui, she has to personally accept this enchanting!

After all, it is definitely impossible to change someone else.

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