MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 6 Escaped woman x was escaped from marriage

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Ke was tense and nervous, lying in the ground, only to feel the back of his back from the cold fingertips, and then after a groping, felt a sudden loose chest, she was busy holding the clothes next to her arms, Cover your chest tightly and prepare to wear your clothes as fast as you can.

There was a bit of an urgent voice behind the scene: "You don't wear it first."

"..." Ke Li’s brain was a little chaotic, and he subconsciously stopped listening.

I wonder if the woman owner will not really be indecent as herself?

It’s still a big winter, the environment here is not good, and there is a princess waiting outside, the most important thing is that she is not ready yet.

Ke Li’s mind has turned a thousand times, all of which are based on the assumption that if you want to do it, what should you do?

What is the mean? Still want to refuse to welcome? Or actively seduce?

These are not the singles she can do. At first she held the idea of ​​being a character in the world of the novel, but now she feels that everything is so real.

For a moment, I was overwhelmed.

At the time, Jane looked at the beautiful back of Ke, which was as smooth as a gel, and some of them were wrong.

The butterfly bone on the back is always flying away at all times, the waist is even more full of grip, and the two red bands on the back line the skin more white and attractive.

She stared at it for a while, and saw that Ke's body gradually began to goose bumps, and then suddenly returned to God.

When Jane’s face was red and red, her body was a little hot, and she coughed two times in a concealed manner. After slowing down, she remembered the business she was going to do.

Ke was aware that the back of his eyes had left, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, holding his clothes and putting them on his body. Anyway, it was a matter of fact to cover himself first. However, there was a shadow in front of him, but it was a simple moment. Came to her front, staring at her in a good way.

"..." Ke's clothes had not been able to be put on. I didn't expect that Jane would have such a thing. He had to hold the clothes that had just been put on a little, and he was stuck in the chest. It was like a small bully that would soon be bullied. daughter in law.

"Sister Qu Si, what is your expression? I just want to see you... there is no stubbornness."

The sound of Jane sounds serious, as if the pictures with color are just the fantasy of Ke.

"..." Ke was blushing and looked cheeky. "No... stay, my sister is going over, I... I change clothes."

Time is not very convinced, and then listen to Ke said so, more and more want to look at that place, then said: "Everyone is a woman, I will not look at it?"

Ke Li: "..."

It is because women are scared.

At the time, Jane did not sing a singer. Before she dressed, she suddenly turned around because she suddenly remembered the scald of Ke, but did not want to see the beautiful back that could not be covered.

She said: "Sister Qu, let me look at your chest. If you really stay, you should treat it better."

Ke is even more red on the face, partly because of the shame that people need, and more because it is cramped in front of others.

She really didn't know how the woman could say this way naturally, but as an obedient little white lotus, she had to bite her red lips and tweakly remove the clothes from her chest.

Although there is a good view of the spring in front of you, you can't see a little bit of love on the simple face.

She really looked at the red mark of Ke from the chest. Even if the blisters were eliminated by themselves, the burnt place was obviously different from the surrounding white.

"My sister is right, there is nothing wrong with it." When Jane looked at it, he turned his back and said, "You should change your clothes soon, or you should catch cold."

She said she walked straight out of the room.

"..." After leaving for a while, Ke was so busy that he put on his clothes and asked him to wear the system: "Doudou, do you say that the woman is cold? Is it natural? I saw that I was so choppy, I didn’t even have Do you react?"

[...] Peas found that some of them could not understand Ke Li, and they were still very scared. They were about to be strong, and now they seem to be somewhat lost.

It thought for a moment, said: [Does the host want to be crushed by the female host? 】

Isn't this just shaking m?

"..." Ke's hand was moving fast, and when he heard this, he almost spit out an old blood. He said, "You want to be defamed. I just worry that this will go on, and the task will not be completed."

Peas sighed with a sigh of relief: [This host can rest assured that the woman's strength is not so good. 】

Ke snorted and finally satisfied a little.

On this side, Jane did not know how she came outside, she took a breath of air, and her mind was still messy.

Ke Li saw that the plump body was dangling in her mind, especially the softness of the over-white, and the above-mentioned a bit of red, her instinct was not going to go on like this, but she wanted to treat everything she just saw as a secret. Hidden in my heart.

"What's wrong with you? How is your face red?"

Cold was not taken off the shoulder, and Jane was shocked, as if she was found to be doing something bad, she insisted calmly: "I am fine."

Dongpu was not convinced about this. Shantou looked at the house: "What about your sister's sister?"

"She is still changing clothes." Jane said while taking Dongpu to the other side, for fear that Dongpu would rush in and see Ke's body.

Dong Hao knows everything about it and smiles: "Small."

Time: "..."

When Ke returned from changing clothes, Dongpu’s intuition was different. The two people who were just intimate were doing their own things. They looked like they were quarreling, but they could not see the anger.

Dong Xuan held his chin in one hand, his eyes circulated between Ke Li and Shi Jian, and his thoughts were more and more interesting.

The three people gathered together to look at the plum blossoms in a speculative manner. They didn't continue to play with the snow. After all, it was everyone's show, or they should pay attention to the image.

Although it is not his own body, Ke can be seen on the face of the light is still very embarrassing, on the way back, the two have no words, and there is no closeness.

The green bamboo is very strange, thinking that it is the singer of the singer who is angry with her. She looks at it carefully and can't see where there is trace of anger. Instead, she seems to be avoiding something.

After a difficult day, the time of Jane’s mind was always filled with the picture that should not appear. In addition to the young people’s mind, and did not know how to solve it, they went out to practice the sword at night, and it seemed that there was only a bitter cold wind. In order to calm your mind.

When Jane came back, he first dispersed the cold at the door before entering the inner house.

At this time, Ke Li has been slowed down, and it will be seen sooner or later. She always looks like she is waiting in bed, and some grievances say: "Jane sister, it is so cold in the bed."

At the time, Jane felt that Ke was extremely embarrassed when he said this. It seems to be seduce himself. When he thinks about it carefully, he feels normal. It seems that the previous few days have come like this, but I don’t know why I suddenly feel wrong today.

She stood far away, glanced at the water vapor on her clothes and smiled. "My body is heavy and I have to go to a bath to give you a warm blanket."

"Yeah." Ke was so embarrassed at this time, as if what happened before has forgotten the general.

However, her heart is already roaring, and it is still very contradictory. She is afraid that Jane will come to 100% intimacy tonight, but she is still not ready, busy: "Doudou, the current good value and intimacy What is the difference?"

[Good value is 86, the intimacy value is 85 percent, there is still a long way to go from the mission, the host is refueling, and strive to be married by the female host as soon as possible. 】

Ke Li: "..."

She wants to remove this system.

On the other side, when I was bathing, I looked down at my chest. Everyone was a woman. She knew that she was away from her, but why would she feel that Ke was extraordinarily attractive?

When Jane wanted to think that she was very unfair, she took a handful of cold water and sprinkled it on her face before she stopped thinking.

After returning to the room, Shi Jian did not think as anything as Ke’s thoughts. Instead, he tried hard to go to bed early. As a result, he couldn’t help but think of the graceful figure, and he became more and more uncomfortable. When Ke was away, his arms were a little stiff.

Peas are a pity: [The female master is still not open, it seems that the host you are not enough. 】

Ke Li: "..."

She hopes that the woman can slowly open up and make her feelings more natural. She is still a straight girl. She really does not want to commit herself, but the task is there again, and she does not want to do it.

Thinking so, Ke Li once again felt that this task is really unfair, there must be conspiracy!

On the following day, Jane’s look was not very good, because I was thinking about it all night. When Ke was concerned about Jane, I couldn’t help wondering if my rhythm was fast, and the female hostess would be disgusted, otherwise it would not be early in the morning. This is a cold look.

But she did nothing?

Is it good to see her?

Beans secretly speechless, very uncomfortable to comfort: "Do not rush the host, warm boiled frog, take it slowly, and you are the time to write a letter home. 】

Ke is slamming her thighs. She has been fleeing for two months. Seeing that she is going to celebrate the New Year, it is time to write a letter to go back to Jiang’s father, Kemu, to report peace. Otherwise, they thought she was kidnapped by her time after she fled. The war between the two countries is not good.

Although she knows that Kefu Kemu has long known that she is in the time, because she arranged this in the original novel, but she is still careful. After all, after the invasion of the scum male system, some details may have changed.

Ke wrote a letter when he was absent, but when she had just finished writing the letter, Jane came in. Ke was too busy to use the book to hold the letter, holding a book in his hand, and reading a book of the sage.

At a glance, I saw a corner of the letter, saying: "Sister Qu, you are writing a book?"

Ke couldn’t help but nodded and nodded. "Well."

Somehow, Jane did not know how. Some feared that Ke would go straight back after writing the letter, but she still insisted on calmly saying: "Is it finished? I will help you send it."

Ke was busy waving his hand: "No, I will come by myself."

Time is not to follow: "You will say where you want to go."

Ke Li had to let Jane send the letter to Jiang Guo, and he would do it in a pub.

There was a place where Ke Siqu and Kemu were in contact. Kemu was very fond of her daughter. This wedding also wanted to listen to Ke Siqu’s opinions. However, if Ke’s father took care of the family’s face, he would not agree. One out, just did not expect Ke to escape marriage.

Ke Li said that it was just an ordinary pub. When he was not suspicious of him, he took the letter and went outside. He was thinking about seeing the year and the end, and he didn’t know if his sister would go home, but this time. Home, they do not know if they can have a chance to meet again. After all, after returning home, I don’t want to be married.

When Jane thought about it, she was a little upset, and she couldn’t help but see that she had just returned home. She didn’t say cold and greeted her, she was going to find someone to send a letter.

However, the face of Shiyao was extremely bad, stopping her way, saying: "Jane, brother has one thing to tell you."

When Jane saw him on the face, and with a thin anger, guessing should be a big event, stop: "Brother, but what happened?"

"Your sister who is thinking about music is not simple..." When he was not slow, he said the news he had checked.

It was quietly listening, but the brows were deeper and deeper, and the hands slowly became fists, and the paper in the hands became crumpled.

After waiting for the moment, when Jane stared at the letter in his hand, there was still a trace of luck in his heart, but there was no need to lie to her. She hesitated to open the envelope for a while, but the contents of the letter confirmed the time. Said.

When Jane’s eyes were reddish, it became cold and cold in the next moment. It seemed to be able to bear ice slag, and his heart was also stuffy, disappointed, lost, and more shameful for being cheated for so long.

When Jane took the letter and turned back to the house.

Ke was always unconstrained in the time, especially when Jane was absent, she was flying herself. At this moment, she was lying on the bed, even though she heard the sound without any confusion. After all, Jane was always used to. Her one.

She smiled sweetly: "Jane sister, are you coming so soon?"

However, I did not hear the response. Ke looked awkward and suddenly heard the eager voice of Peas: [Warning warning: The feeling of goodness is negative, and it is continuing to decline. 】

Ke Li: "..."

She didn't do anything today, why is the good value negative?

Peas stared at the good value, squinting and could not bear to look straight: [Host, it seems that you really want to be stunned by the female host this time. 】

Ke Li: "..."

When Ke sat down and saw it, Jane’s face was cold, and because of her arrival, the temperature dropped to the extreme.

The powerful atmosphere of the woman's lord surrounded her, and Ke recovered her temperature for a long time. She couldn't help but make a nap and said: "Jane... Jane..."

In my heart, I am rethinking what I have done wrong.

"You lied to me." The sound of Jane was not ups and downs, not questioning, but a positive sentence.

Ke took a break and looked at the envelope in Jane’s hand. I remembered that I only wrote that letter today and immediately understood what happened.

She was originally planning to tell Jane later, after all, it was her own novel, and the time period of each emotional node could still be remembered clearly.

However, it was neglected that there was still a scum male system. The story that should have happened three months later was advanced, and now the female lord was personally dismantled. She was silent and did not speak.

It’s not about loading, but about how to explain it.

The more silent Ke was, the lighter the hope was, the colder she asked: "You, Ke Siqu, is the daughter of General Jiang Guoda, and the object of escape is Jiang Guoshi, are these right?"

Ke nodded and said: "Yes."

When Jane’s heart sinks a little, thinking of what he just knows, he can’t help but anger: “You have been to Laos in the morning, and you like Lin Wentian. You are here for him, you are so close. I am also for him!"

When Jane became more and more angry, she did not get angry and she concealed her identity. After all, she never asked carefully, only when Ke was an ordinary woman.

She is angry that Ke will like others, and that person is her fiancé, and then string together the things, are talking about a naked fact: she was cheated, and was cheated for a long time. .

Ke's docileness to her in the weekdays, her dependence on her, may just be a play, just to get close to her, and then close to Lin Wentian, or Ke Li really is a fine work.

Ke is like listening to other people's stories. When he listened to Jane, he said the crimes of Ke Siqu. These are all happened in the original plot. She does not intend to deny it.

After the time is finished, Ke is close to the courage, and the closer he is, the more he feels cold. In fact, her heart is still a little panic. After all, the woman’s person is decisive and decisive.

She had no doubt that the woman host would execute herself on the spot. In order to make her look less embarrassed, she went forward and asked the system: "Doudou, if I die in this world, what will the task be?"

[If you die in the mission world, even if the mission fails, and the completion of the final mission will increase, it is even more difficult. 】

Ke Li: "..."

The peas bitterly said: [Host, your task can be more than this one, you must control yourself, you will enter one more world when you die more, and bend yourself once. 】

"..." Ke was getting closer and closer, and his eyes were gradually reddening. The crystal tears swirled in her eyes, as if she was the most wronged person.

Peas once again were impressed by the acting skills of their own hosts.

When Jane’s eyes were cold and cold, she looked at Ke Li, who was close to her. She wanted to see if she could have any tricks. In fact, she had already turned to the sea because Ke did not explain a word.

Ke sighed, and it was still a little girl. How could she have played with her old aunt? When she approached, she clung to the waist of Jane, and buried her head in the soft chest.

I didn't expect that there would be such a thing. When I was so stiff, my hands fell on my sides, and I didn't give Ke a response. The face was stretched like an ice sculpture.

Waiting for Ke to get enough, I feel that I don’t explain it anymore. I should be frozen and smothered by the low pressure around the time. I’m squeaking and whispering: “Jane sister, actually I... I only like women.”

Peas are busy holding the chin that does not exist, knowingly ask: [Host, when are you bent! 】

The steel pipe Zhike left the road: "I want to bend and bend, I want to straighten."

[I am not afraid of bending and bending and being broken. 】

Ke Li: "..."

When Jane heard Ke’s words, there was some sorrow in the cold eyes.

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