MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 39 Fairy doll x pretty nun (four)

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Seeing that he was unclear and ready to open the quilt, Ke wanted to stop, and those words turned into a "wow" cry, as if it was not clear that he was not coming to the quilt, but to do something evil about her.

Unexplained, it was even more unclear that Ke was physically uncomfortable. She opened the quilt with ease and then fell on the bed. It was... the tip of the nose was filled with a smell.

"..." Unclear after the beginning of the embarrassment, and finally understand what happened, she was helpless and funny, staring at Ke away with a mistake, as if asking: What is going on?

"..." Ke's little face was ashamed of red, like an oversized red apple, she turned her head and closed her eyes to death.

It’s just too shameful!

She is countless, but she can't control herself. Now she is incontinent! And it was all seen by the woman, which made her fall in love with the woman in the future?

If there is a chance, she wants to die now.

Unexplained, Ke Lihong turned his head and turned his head. He was surprised that Ke was too shameful when he was a young man. She looked annoyed and said: "I am careless."

Before she went to sleep, she felt that there was nothing else to do. Now I finally remembered that this milk doll had twice consumed rice soup today, which must be excreted.

Ke Li: "..."

Please don't talk to her, she is dead.

Ke’s intention to go on the road to death is gone, but it’s not as clear as she wished.

In the next moment, she felt that she had not been able to take herself out of the bed. She did not know how she had to go, but she herself disliked herself.

Although she has not lived for twenty years, she simply does not know how to bring her children. Therefore, there is only one cockroach on Ke's body, and there is no change in clothes, let alone the diapers used for that.

Unclear and quietly wiped the dirt off the body, there was no sense of disgusting, and then took Ke to take a bath in a tub filled with hot water.

Ke Li was consciously swaying in the tub, trying to wash her body with a chubby hand. The attitude of the woman now makes her a lot easier. Fortunately, she did not dislike her. The woman is really a good person.

It’s so shameful today, she’s certainly not so embarrassed when she was a child.

Unexplained, Ke’s action to give himself a bath is that the milk doll is having a good time in the water. She is worried that Ke will leave the house accidentally, and the consequences are simply unimaginable. She is busy reaching out and holding Ke’s little arm. Carefully scrub her small pp with a towel.

The baby's skin is very tender, and it doesn't matter if the water is drawn, so the unidentified movement has been put lightly, because as long as she is a little harder, Ke's body will inevitably leave a red mark.

Unexplained washing and washing, I found that the face of the milk doll in the water is getting more and more red, she is only caused by the water vapor, and did not think much, but I don’t know when Ke was so helpless in front of people.

Even if there was a bathroom play in the last world, it was made by, not like now, like a chicken scorpion that was easily picked up, and there is nothing that can be done about what is going to happen.

The small pp was cleaned for the first time. It was unclear and helped Ke to clean the second time. This time, Ke could finally sit in the tub. The warm water poured from the bare head, and Ke was comfortable. The eyes opened again, and the heart said that it was finally clean.

Unexplained, looking at Ke's black and white eyes, I tried to use the child's tone to say: "I will tell you the next time I pull the stench, otherwise I have to take a bath every time. Now the weather is cold and I will get sick."

Unexpectedly, Ke couldn't understand, and he used his hands to draw. He didn't realize that the person in front was just a milk doll.

Seeing Ke did not respond, she regretted: "And you don't have clothes to wear now, there is only that one, now it is dirty by you, I will wash it for you, you will only sleep in the future." It is."

Ke Li: "..."

It’s just an illusion that the woman is really abandoning her.

She couldn’t speak, and she could only use the chubby hands to slap the water to show dissatisfaction. It’s too unfair!

Why is she always injured?

If you can, Ke Li really wants Peas to help her find the psychological shadow area, spicy chicken system!

However, it is not clear that Ke’s action is that she is having a good time in the water, and she can’t get it.

Before the water in the tub became cool, it was not clear that the ke was removed from the tub. Because there was no hair, it was only necessary to wipe the whole body with a towel, and it was put into the bed and touched the bed. Ke was cold and had a nap.

Unexplained to wash the only cockroach, and finally worry about the clothes worn by Ke, she went to ask no teacher, and found some small clothes from there.

Unexplained, Ke Lijun was lying on the bed, laughing and flattening his clothes. Wen said: "This is the clothes I wore when I was a child. After you put it on, it is a little nun."

Ke Li: "..."

She didn't want to be a nun!

Ke Li had to admire the female host's inner drama. She could only pretend to be a tiger's head and squinted at her eyes. She looked at the little clothes with a confused look. In fact, the clothes were not suitable for her to wear. It should be worn by the female host. of.

However, the clothes of the ancients were long, and she was right to be a nightgown.

The clothes are very old, but they are well preserved. Ke is unclear to wear clothes for himself. The body has finally had a little more temperature. She slipped into the warm bed and was shy by the female master. She Everything that I have never thought of in my life has been done.

Really shame!

Ke was so shy that he had been in the bed for a long time, and he didn't hear the sound of going to bed. She got out of the quilt and saw that she was sitting on the bed, as if she was sewing clothes.

The candlelight in the house was a little yellow, and the unidentified body was covered with a golden halo. It was so beautiful, and Ke was suddenly moved.

It was her mother Shen Qing who did not give her clothes, but the woman owner also sewed her clothes at night.

She remembers that the woman will get up at about 4:30 tomorrow to prepare for the five-point morning class.

Ke flew a small short hand and short legs, crawled and climbed on the bed, finally climbed to the unidentified side, and reached out and pulled her sleeves, the face was terrible.

The unclear point that was being focused was pinched to the hand. When she saw the expression of Ke Li, her heart was shocked. Then she understood it and said, "Do you want me to sleep?"

She doesn’t know what the normal family’s children are now, not to mention that she doesn’t even know how old she is. She just thinks that Ke has not had half of her hair. It should be born soon, but the normal newborn child also has Lanugo.

I didn't think about it, I didn't think about it. The world is big, there is nothing strange, and she doesn't know much.

She had plans to make clothes for Ke, but she got up and tossed when she fell asleep, and she felt that it was more important to wet the bed.

I didn’t know what I had just sewed in front of Ke, and said, “Look, this is the little quilt that I just sewed for you. If you have to wet the bed in the future, you can urinate on it.”

Fortunately, her sheets were not stained together today, otherwise the weather would not be enough to wash the sheets.

Ke Li: "..."

It is not a clothes! She wants to take back the touch!

Unknown to put a small quilt on the sheets, and put Ke on the small quilt, then reach out and touch her smooth and round bald, gentle and said: "Hey, sleep."

In fact, there are very few unclear words on weekdays. In addition to her practice, she spends most of her time studying with the abbot to deal with the affairs of the temple.

She is a master sister, and her future abbot will be her sooner or later.

However, this has made some people dissatisfied. Some people have rivers and lakes, and the meditation is very strong. So some teachers and sisters are not the ones who are bent on the Buddha. They are more or less greedy, or they are secretly sneaking. The position of the abbot.

It is not clear that it is best to meet with Xiao Shimei and the other sisters. Although other teachers and sisters also fear her, she is very transparent, so there is not much gossip about them.

Nowadays, I don’t know what to say about a baby doll that can’t talk. It’s unexplained, but it’s also good. Children always have to learn to talk, or what if she only learns to read the scriptures?

Unexplained gaze was softer, and Ke’s hand on his head was gently rubbed.

"..." Ke Li feels that this is not good. If this continues, the woman will treat her as her jealousy, but she will fall in love with the woman!

But it was really comfortable. There was a thin layer of cockroaches on the unclear hand. Ke did not admit that his bald head was enjoying the feeling of being touched by the woman.

She also wants to touch the bald head of the woman.

Thinking of her little short hand, Ke decided to wait for her to sleep while she was sleeping. She had been waiting for her to fall asleep. The result was not clear but she did not fall asleep for a long time. Instead, she extended her hand from time to time and explored her nose. Is testing whether he is still alive.

"..." Ke Li was flustered by his own thoughts.

Unclear, I was really worried. After I had more than one person, she couldn’t sleep. She worried that Ke would not sleep well and worried that she would accidentally press such a small milk doll.

However, what worried her most was that Ke’s breathing was very light. She could hardly hear it. She thought that something happened, such as being bored, or otherwise, so she had to try it with her fingers from time to time.

As for what to do if she is not angry, she has not thought about it yet.

Ke Li felt that if he went on like this, neither of them could sleep. She could guess the reason for not knowing what to do. He simply did not endlessly and immediately shrank into the unidentified arms.

Can you always hear her breathing?

After getting close, I didn’t know that I could hear the breath of Ke’s breath at any time, but she still worried that she would turn over and press Ke, but there seems to be a more important thing.

Regardless of whether Ke can understand, there is no clear saying: "When you want to pull the stench, remember to cry and call me, don't pull on me."

Ke Li: "..." **** female host!

On the next day, Ke woke up early, and was awakened. In order not to lose face again, but also for the woman owner not to wash clothes in the big winter, she let go of her throat.

Unexplained, I was awakened by this scorpion. I haven’t heard the sound of playing the board yet. It seems to wake up earlier than usual.

She first checked whether Ke was urinating again. As a result, Ke was even more powerful. She was busy getting out of bed and holding Ke to solve the physiological problem.

Ke was so comfortable, but fortunately, he could still hold it. Otherwise, she had to dismantle the **** system. As of last night, it was definitely an accident!

Peas: [...] This pot does not carry it.

In the days that followed, Ke was lying in bed all day, when she did not know how to chanting, she "floated" in the past as a wooden fish. When she was not chanting, she spent all kinds of crying, as long as she wanted to go to the toilet. She is very sturdy, and she specializes in unclear hours, and in the morning she acts as an unidentified alarm clock.

She came and went, and the nuns in the temple knew that their master sister had raised a milk doll. The milk doll had no hair on her head, and she was more bald than them, and she was still fixed every day, than in the temple. The sound of playing the board was also on time, and from time to time there were nuns to watch Ke.

Ke turned a blind eye to this. She didn't have to get in bed, when she was shameless? Even if she is shameless, she must think about the woman.

Peas can only sigh about this: the host is really shameless.

After such a month, Ke Li was able to talk arbitrarily, and he was able to get out of bed. Although he could only say two or three words at a time, it was very different from ordinary people.

Unexplained only when she is learning fast, or when she is abandoned, she has some age, which is normal.

Now Ke is not worried. When she goes to the toilet every day, she stretches out her chubby hands and makes an unclear bald head. When she wakes up, she laughs and screams: "Unknown."

[Host, are you really not in the Gazette? 】

"I just like to touch the head of the woman's head?" Ke Li did not like to touch the bald head of the woman, she thought it was probably fresh.

Peas turned a blind eye: [Host, you have been here for a month, and you have been tired of touching it for a month, not to mention the fact that you are now using a stamp, you will admit that there is such a small cockroach. 】

Ke Li also returned to Peas with a white eye: "I don't care, anyway, I am still just a milk doll just full moon!"

The relationship between the two is natural, and it is a bit more colorful than the previous oligarchy.

Unclear every cry of Ke Li is accustomed to it, and understand what she wants to express, every day, she is willing to work hard to get off the bed.

During this period, it was not clear that Ke Xiao had taken a small name called 荼荼, and as for the legal number, he was still not prepared.

In fact, it was not clear at first that Ke Yihui was his own younger sister. As a result, her master thought that she was not too young. After the younger apprentice grew up, she should also be the abbot, so Ke Li became her apprentice. .

Ke Li is repulsive to this name, hey, isn't that saying she is bald? When she thought of holding it for another two months, she had hair. When she was, she must have lost her face in this month and found it back on the woman.

However, the dream is very full, the reality is very skinny, and I have not waited for Ke to accumulate merits and grow my hair.

Zhang Wei’s coming to this time is completely because of the singularity of the meditation, and most of the dignitaries in the capital have come here to worship and worship the Buddha.

He is a premature baby. He was physically weak since he was born. He lived a little bit like a man. In Xiangfu, he also valued his strong and strong younger brother. People in the capital also pointed at him, often. Speaking of mercy, there is no mercy.

Since the medicine is useless, ask the Buddha to bless, and the dead horse is a living horse doctor.

However, this time he came not only to seek physical health, but also because he heard the quiet and sorrowful nuns are beautiful and refined, and want to come to see.

When I heard that Zhang was coming, Ke Lizheng was walking with a short short leg behind the unidentified person. There are many people who come to Shangxiang today. If you don’t know who to guide the incense in front of the Buddha, it is equivalent to the temple wish in the temple.

"Master..." Ke was wearing a big robes, pretending to go to the bathroom, but he had to leave the unclear to leave here. He had to hand over the difference to the younger sister Jing Xuan in advance, and left with Ke.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Unclearly, she put down her errands and took Ke to the latrine. Ke stayed away from life and only stared at herself.

Ke left his own small, can do whatever he wants, did not say a word, barely stood there, said that he could not go out anyway.

I don’t know what Ge is doing, but I still admire her.

However, the trend of the plot is always doomed. When they stayed in the backyard for a long time, thinking that Zhang Hao had left, Zhang Huan was still there, and the ghosts were still unclear.

"Does the donor have something?" Unclear, she has encountered many male pilgrims' eyes before. It is bare, it is uncomfortable, but it is not this time.

After the slag, Zhang Huan did not think about concealing his own eyes. In order to gain a good impression, he took his eyes back and turned to Ke Li. The set was almost like: "Is this a master's disciple? Can such a small person walk?"

Not waiting for the unanswered answer, Ke Li suddenly ran to Zhang Wei's face, a pair of hugs, she looked very small, stumbling when walking.

Jun sheep eight two four five zero nine

Zhang Hao had never seen such a bald little nun, and even though there was no hair root on his head, he went down and took the person up.

However, he did not have a good hold, he felt that his arms were suddenly wet, and a strange smell came, and then the little nun in his arms jumped from his hand very disgusted.


"Hey, you are not jealous." Unclearly, he quickly took over the troubled Ke and turned to Zhang. "It’s a poor education, and it makes the gangsters rude to the son."

"..." Zhang Yan looked at his body with a smack of smell, and he thought of the little nun to learn a meal, but he couldn’t really do something about a milk doll.

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