MTL - Dominating Sword Immortal-Chapter 1466 闯剑神塔

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"This is my primary skill based on the 160th primary kendo **** pattern - Tianzhilan!"

"This is my primary skill based on the 172th primary kendo **** pattern - the hanging sword!"


Xue Xinjian has practiced dozens of primary skills in one breath. Each primary skill has been repeatedly practiced nine times. In these nine times, sometimes it is fast, sometimes slow, sometimes fast and slow, sometimes split apart. Spread it for a while, let everyone see it as clearly as possible, and see it thoroughly, reducing the difficulty of comprehension.

"Dan Yun Jian Sheng, how many kinds of primary skills did Xue Xinjian know?" Ye Chen was surprised.

Dan Yun Jiansheng replied: "As far as I know, a few million years ago, Xue Xinjian realized more than two hundred kinds of primary skills. I don't know if these millions of years have come to comprehend the new primary skills. In addition, Xue Xinjian also realized six intermediate skills, and the strength is not low in the ultimate Juggernaut of our Sword God Palace."


Ye Chen is sincerely convinced.

I have learned that the primary magical technique has been spent for 25,000 years, but until now, he has not completely perfected the blood, and there are still some shortcomings. Ye Chen does not need to ask to know, more than 200 of the understanding of Xue Xinjian Kinds of primary skills should be perfected, otherwise they will not come out to offer ugliness.

Without leaving, Ye Chen carefully watched Xue Shenjian's performance of the primary magical skills. Although the same kendo **** pattern, the skills of each Jiansheng comprehension are different, but the source is the same, no matter what. Others use their skills to have more or less sentiment and inspiration.

In ten days, Xue Xinjian performed a total of two hundred and seventy-two primary skills. An average of twenty or thirty kinds a day. After the exercise. Snow Heart Juggernaut is gone.

"Haha, my sword gas Danxia is finally perfect."

Dan Yun Jian Sheng laughed loudly, Jianqi Danxia is his primary magical skill based on the 350th kendo **** pattern. The more the kendo **** pattern number is, the more difficult it is to comprehend, the corresponding power. The bigger, in general. No primary Juggernaut is willing to follow the numbering and slowly comprehensive elementary skills, so the strength is too insignificant. For example, the first and second ones are basically no difference, so most of the primary Juggernaut and Dan Yunjian Like the Holy One, you will choose one or two more difficult primary kendo miracles to comprehend the magical skills. Dan Yun Juggernaut chose the 350th primary kendo miracle map.

"At this stage, you should not focus on breakthroughs. This kind of thing can't be rushed. You should earn more contributions. Redeem the basic kendo **** pattern, according to Ganlu Juggernaut. Comprehend the magic, it is also a kind of grinding for itself. Practice, perhaps when comprehending a certain kind of primary skills, it is a breakthrough that goes with the flow of nature."

Leaf dust dark road.

It took another few months for Dan Yunjian to travel through the entire area of ​​the primary Juggernaut Island with leaf dust. Immediately, the two separated and Ye Chen returned to Qinglian Island.

Five thousand years later, Ye Chen’s primary magical skills have finally improved, and the strength has risen to the next level.

"It's time to go to the tower of the sword."

Ye Chen wants to see, with his own strength, he can reach the first floor of the Jianshen Tower.

Dan Yun Jian Sheng went to the fourteenth floor.


There are four towers of the Sword God Tower. The first Sword God Tower is in the area of ​​the primary Juggernaut Island. There are only nine floors. The second Sword God Tower is in the area of ​​the Sword Juggernaut Island. There are eighteen layers. The third Sword God Tower is in the There are twenty-seven floors in the area of ​​the senior Juggernaut Island, and the fourth Sword God Tower is in the core area of ​​the Sword Palace, with 36 floors.

Ye Chen first came outside the first Jianshen Tower in the primary Juggernaut Island area.

When I first came here, Ye Chen saw a primary Juggernaut dejected and dejected. Obviously the challenge failed.

In the Sword God Palace, the Junior Juggernaut is the least number of groups. Because they can become members of the Sword Shrine, each one is a stunning and amazing person. It will soon become an intermediate Juggernaut. Of course, there are some cases. Some of the qualifications are excellent, but the low-level anti-Supreme Supreme also has the opportunity to join the Sword-Shenzhen, which leads them to advance in the early period, which requires a long period of time, and the same as Ye Chen is a minority.

Ye Chen not only came in as the primary Juggernaut, but also realized the complementary rules. It is necessary to know that most of the high-ranking Juggernauts have not been able to comprehend the complementary laws, such as the Ganlu Juggernaut and the Shadowless Juggernaut.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Chen came to the first floor of the Jianshen Tower.

Each layer of the Sword God Tower has a sacred sword guard. If you want to smash it, you must defeat 傀儡剑圣.

On the first floor, Yan Jiansheng was too weak and too weak for Ye Chen. Just a light sword, Ye Chen defeated the other side and went to the second floor.

A tea time passed, and Ye Chen passed the first Jianshen Tower.


The sound of the sword rang, and the sword **** tower was bright.

In the primary Juggernaut island area, many junior swordsmen were seen.

"One more person passed the ninth floor."

"The ninth floor is not very difficult. I have already reached the eleventh floor. I don't know if this person can reach the first floor."

Most of the primary Juggernaut can reach the ninth floor, so it is not surprising that people often pass the ninth floor.

Entry into the intermediate Juggernaut Island area requires an application.

Three days later, Ye Chen was allowed to enter the intermediate Juggernaut Island area.

In front of the second sword **** tower, Ye Chen walked in.

The first nine floors are released directly.

The tenth floor.

The eleventh floor.

Twelfth floor.

Ye Chen slammed into the thirteenth floor.

The law of complementarity is too strong. Although Dan Yun Juggernaut has realized fifteen kinds of magical skills, the comprehensive strength is not stronger than Ye Chen, because Dan Yunjian only understands two rules, namely the law of water and the fire. The law.

On the thirteenth floor, Ye Chen was finally dragged.

Even if the force of the Five Elements Law is motivated, there is no way to defeat the opposite sword. The attacking power of the opponent is only a little worse than the leaf dust that broke out with full force, and the power of the five elements of Ye Chen cannot last.


Dissipating the power of the Five Elements, Ye Chen was shot by the other side.

The thirteenth floor failed.

“A total of 490,500 contributions.”

Ye Chen showed a satisfactory smile. The first time the sword **** tower had such a good result, the contribution value was enough to redeem one or two of the first four kendo gods.

The first kendo **** pattern, the first need to exchange 100,000 contributions, the second 200,000, the third 300,000, the tenth one million, and so on.

At the beginning, the leaf dust comprehend the **** primary kendo **** pattern is not bad, it is the fifth.

Taking into account the half-sound, Ye Chen decided to redeem the first primary kendo **** pattern.

Everything must always start from the simple, high and high is not a good habit, only the foundation is fastened, and the comprehension of the skills will be faster and faster.

The first elementary kendo **** pattern is a contribution value of 100,000, and there are still 300,000 yuan left. Ye Chen is not in a hurry to use it. First, he will realize the first kendo **** pattern.

Ps: The public number sword tour is too virtual.

——(To be continued.)