MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 92 92%

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Ji Qingzhuo saw that Candle Moth's bun suddenly reflected light, and countless compound eyes stared at her, making her gaze directly into her pupils.

She was stunned, and Zhu Mo's fake beautiful eyes blinked at her: "I was afraid of scaring people to death, so I conjured up a pair of human eyes, how about it, don't the fake eyes look good?"

Ji Qingzhuo looked away and landed on Zhu Mo's beautiful eyes. This time, she finally didn't feel like she was being watched.

"Little mute, are you guilty? Why don't you dare to look at me?" Candle Moth covered her lips and smiled again.

Shen Rongyu raised her eyes and glanced at her, Zhumo's laughter stopped immediately, she observed Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu carefully: "The people who came back this time are much better-looking than the last time."

She licked her fingertips, opened her sleeves, and flew down from the beam, and the opened gray sleeves were also painted with shapes like eyes.

Ji Qingzhuo lowered her head and rubbed her eyes. The candle moth made her feel very uncomfortable, and the demons didn't give people a positive impression. This candle moth was especially scary.

Shen Rongyu's gaze fell on Candle Moth's hand that was holding on to the beam. There were several cut marks on the bony wrist exposed from the sleeve.

Candle moths are the most evil and greedy race among demons. What they want to take away is not human life, but human souls—take them away thoroughly, and make human beings willingly offer them up.

Seemingly noticing Shen Rongyu's gaze, Zhu Mo's sleeves hung down to cover her own scars. The two tentacles hanging from her forehead have fluffy broom-like filaments, like reed flowers by the lake. At this moment, the tentacles trembled, and the round bun on her head also rotated a little.

She was observing Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu, she was more interested in Ji Qingzhuo, because Ji Qingzhuo was too quiet and looked scary. However, when she looked carefully at Shen Rongyu's facial features, the round bun flickered again, and she blinked.

"You are so familiar." Zhu Mo moved closer to Shen Rongyu, the scale powder on her sleeves scattered, and Ji Qingzhuo sneezed silently.

At this moment, the hidden murderous intent around Shen Rongyu suddenly appeared. In the dark place of the hall, behind the light and shadow of countless curtains, there was a faint spring of blood climbing on the wall, and he regarded the candle moth as his target.

Ji Qingzhuo seemed to feel the change of Shen Rongyu's breath around her - this was the first time she heard from a stranger that someone thought Shen Rongyu looked familiar, and he cut off his connection with this world. Perhaps, even if someone knew who he was, they would not Didn't recognize him.

She tugged at Shen Rongyu's sleeve, and Shen Rongyu closed her eyes, her expression as usual.

"It's such a beautiful face, just like a painting." Zhu Mo giggled at Shen Rongyu.

Shen Rongyu spoke expressionlessly, and forcibly changed the topic: "What do you want to order from the Lantern Festival?"

"What do I want to order?" Zhu Mo moved closer to Ji Qingzhuo again, and she was almost close to her cheek.

Ji Qingzhuo could feel the tentacles on Candle Moth's forehead touching her cheeks, and the scales flew around. She felt itchy nose again and wanted to sneeze.

Shen Rongyu held her wrist and dragged her behind him. The candle moth was so fast that she flapped her sleeve and flew to Ji Qingzhuo again.

"Although the girl who came last year could talk, she was very afraid of me." Zhu Mo pursed her lips and smiled, her smile was shy, and her tubular mouthparts were inadvertently exposed from her pursed cherry mouth.

Ji Qingzhuo looked at the tubular mouthparts under her red lips, and his thoughts began to wander again. This demon looks like a moth.

At night, these light-following creatures would crash into the burning candles in the room, pounce on them without hesitation, until their bodies were burned.

Why did this demon come into being?

"Are you thinking about what I am?" Candlemoth smiled at her again, with a sweet smile.

She twitched her sleeves: "I am a demon, a man-eater."

Of course Ji Qingzhuo knew that she was a demon, she folded her hands together, making a butterfly flutter, as if asking her.

"It's a moth." Candlemoth walked into the hall, and suddenly a flame blazed on her drooping gray sleeves, like a candle.

"I don't like fire." Candlemoth said his appeal, "At the lantern festival, I don't want to see the fire in the lantern."

This was a very tricky order, and Zhu Mo made things difficult for her because she saw her stupid appearance and easy to bully.

She is a demon and has no empathy for humans.

Ji Qingzhuo nodded, Zhumo smiled again: "Are you agreeing to this request?"

Although I don't know what to do for the time being, it doesn't affect Ji Qingzhuo agreeing to Zhumo's request first.

"Why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs send such a silly girl here this year?" Candle Moth said with a smile as she touched her antennae with her hands.

"So, do you have any other orders?" Shen Rongyu really didn't want Ji Qingzhuo to stay here, this candle moth was too evil.

And...he wasn't sure whether Candle Moth had made a deal with the humans here. If not, it would be difficult for her to find Ji Qingzhuo.

The next moment, Zhu Mo tilted his head and said, "Oh, if I hadn't made a deal with the emperor of Liang, I would definitely come to find you. Your soul is delicious, right?"

Ji Qingzhuo knew that the candle moth was asking herself, so she shook her head quickly. She thought that she was a boring person, and her soul must be tasteless and not tasty at all.

"Go on, if you have anything, come to Candle Palace and ask me." Candle Moth waved her hand.

This was almost the best time for her to face the mortals in the palace. Ji Qingzhuo was very quiet, and she would not show fearful ugliness. She didn't feel upset when she saw it.

Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu left, and after leaving Candle Palace, Ji Qingzhuo dared to speak: "Xiaoyu, she is so scary."

Her reflex arcs are so long, and it's only now that she starts to feel scared.

"She is a very rare type of demon, named Candle Moth." Shen Rongyu said, "Candles burn their bodies and contribute energy, and moths follow the light to fight the flames at night without hesitation until they die, and she does the same. "

"Candlemoth made a deal with human beings. She will get what he wants for human beings. Similarly, in exchange, after fulfilling wishes, Candlemoth will absorb human souls—other demons take human souls, mostly by force. Candlemoth The moth absorbs the souls that humans are willing to offer after the transaction, and the energy obtained will be greatly increased." Shen Rongyu introduced the characteristics of the candle moth, "The candle moth burns its own vitality to fulfill human wishes. Afterwards, she will turn into a cocoon, devour human beings, absorb the soul energy of human beings in the cocoon, and break out of the cocoon again to gain new life."

"Emperors in the world, there are always people who think that they can control the candle moth and exchange it with them in order to gain more wealth and power." Shen Rongyu looked into the distance.

"So..." Ji Qingzhuo understood Shen Rongyu's introduction, she thought, this candle moth is a bit strange.

"Candle Moth cuts her wrists and bleeds every month, and injects her own vitality into the contract formation. Their blood can affect luck and make the wishes of those who trade with her come true." Shen Rongyu thought of the candle moth on the wrist. scars.

Those scars were clumsy, not crisp at all.

Moreover, this candle moth is not weak, she doesn't look like she has burned a lot of vitality - she still has time to tease Ji Qingzhuo.

Shen Rongyu doesn't understand, is Ji Qingzhuo so funny? Why does everyone want to poke her twice to see what happens.

He called: "Zhuo Zhuo."

"Huh?" Ji Qingzhuo responded, she raised her head to look at him, she looked at the tips of his ears.

"Zhuo Zhuo doesn't look at me." Shen Rongyu's voice is bewitching.

He pointed to where Ji Qingzhuo's eyes fell - the tip of his ear: "These are my eyes."

Shen Rongyu made a joke, Ji Qingzhuo immediately looked away, she thought, how could Shen Rongyu use this to tease her.

She always likes to avoid other people's eyes, but she didn't expect to be embarrassed by Candle Moth and directly looked at her.

"Because he is afraid of people and doesn't want to look at people, that candle moth is not a person." Shen Rongyu said.

"But she is just like a human being, she is good-looking and can talk." Ji Qingzhuo replied.

— Much like people, they are generally a source of trouble.

"If you want to cross the candle moth, you can't use brute force. If she has already burned her life, you can directly subdue her to cross the transformation, but she is still very strong." Shen Rongyu asked Ji Qingzhuo, "Zhuozhuo, can you do it alone? ?”

Ji Qingzhuo has no plans yet, but crossing the candle moth is her goal, so she nodded.

She seemed to remember something: "The lantern festival, fire cannot be used, and the lanterns are going to be lit again. I think of a place."

"What?" Shen Rongyu asked her.

- He doesn't have the habit of looking at the scenery on the road, but Ji Qingzhuo does.

"On the bank of the river outside the snow capital, there are some little spirit beasts called 'Firefly Wings', which are similar to fireflies, but much brighter than fireflies, and they also appear to glow in winter." Ji Qingzhuo said softly, "They light up , will die soon, let's go and bring some back."

Ji Qingzhuo knew about the existence of Yingchi from the Elder Qu Ting. Qu Ting said that Yingchi only appeared in the north.

Shen Rongyu is not very interested in this kind of gadgets, his attention is on another place, he looks for a topic to talk to Ji Qingzhuo: "So, why is it that you will die soon after the light is turned on?"

Ji Qingzhuo blushed: "Xiaoyu doesn't know?"

Shen Rongyu really didn't know that he only had to deal with the annual test in the spirit beast class, and he didn't bother to understand the rest of the knowledge.

"Xiaoyu, you are the number one in the assessment of spirit beasts." Ji Qingzhuo felt that Shen Rongyu's number one was worthwhile.

"Firefly wings will naturally shine when they seek a mate. After courting, they will mate and lay eggs, and they will naturally die soon." Ji Qingzhuo said softly.

Shen Rongyu coughed lightly, he knew why Ji Qingzhuo was blushing, she was always so shy.

But he still wanted to tease her: "Why is Zhuo Zhuo blushing?"

"I—" From the word "courtship", Ji Qingzhuo always easily associates it with the red airflow in the cultivation space. There is no logic, just unreasonable associations, and it is this "unprovoked" that makes her even more shy.

She... what is she thinking, it's not double cultivation, it's red air flow too much.

Ji Qingzhuo fell into his own random thinking, and his face turned even redder. The key question Shen Rongyu asked was innocent and innocent, as if he didn't know anything.

She lifted the hood of her cloak, trying to cover her entire head, the fluffy fluff fringing her cheeks.

But she moved in a flustered manner, and one ear was exposed. Shen Rongyu looked at the tip of her red ear, and couldn't help but raised her hand to touch it.

It was cold, so he put his palm down and covered her ears with his whole hand.

"Zhuozhuo, I don't know how to shine, so what are you shy about?" Shen Rongyu leaned forward and asked her.

His big palm covered her ears, so his deep voice sounded more magnetic. Ji Qingzhuo buried his face in the furry hood, shook his head, and didn't know what he was denying.

But... just... Her chaotic thoughts finally turned into one sentence.

She still really wanted to see Shen Rongyu shine, was it his head or his feet?

Of course, when she practiced at night, the red air flow that Shen Rongyu transformed told her the answer.

In the past few days, the fish and birds in the sea of ​​blood, and the red airflow are tired of acting, now that he has new material, he naturally wants to show it to Ji Qingzhuo.

Ji Qingzhuo was still being kissed by him at first, and the hand transformed by the red air flow gently caressed the side of her ear, and then he lowered his head and bit the tip of her ear.

It was numb and itchy, but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was just weird. Ji Qingzhuo raised his hand and scratched the red airflow.

The red air whispered in her ear: "Zhuo Zhuo."

"Huh?" Ji Qingzhuo, who was dazed by his kiss and whose eyes were blurred, turned her head sideways, her eyes were full of water.

The red air flow probed in front of her, and then the end suddenly lit up with a red light, shaking towards her.

The author has something to say:

Zhuozhuo: Xiaoyu, can you perform that one more time?


Xiaoyu: I can't shine.