MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 90 90%

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Shen Rongyu came back in the afternoon, and he announced a news to Ji Qingzhuo, probably because he was brought into the palace by Ji Qingzhuo, and he performed well in the palace—Ji Qingzhuo didn't know that he skipped work every day , how to behave well, so through the communication of the female officer, she worried that Ji Qingzhuo was shy, so she sent him to help her prepare for the lantern festival.

Ji Qingzhuo was still worried about what kind of assistant the female officer would assign her. If it was someone she didn't know, she wouldn't know how to communicate. If it was Shen Rongyu, that would be fine.

Originally, this time should be the time for Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu to practice the mirror formation. Now Shen Rongyu has mastered the mirror formation very well, but Ji Qingzhuo's mirror formation is not strong enough to resist pressure, so the two will meet in the afternoon Practice, if Ji Qingzhuo is too lazy to practice the mirror array, Shen Rongyu will practice the sword technique by himself.

It was the first time Ji Qingzhuo got a reward from someone else, so she planned to eat it with Shen Rongyu after the practice was over.

She took out the pastry first, opened the lid, and gave Shen Rongyu a look: "Xiaoyu, eat it after sword practice, and share half with you. It's rewarded to me by the palace."

Seeing that she seemed a bit greedy, Shen Rongyu said: "You eat first, and I will practice a set of sword skills first."

Since the last time he met Sombra, the frequency of his sword practice has actually become higher, because such a powerful demon has his eyes on him, and he must find a way to improve his own strength.

Shen Rongyu knew that although he used a sword, the sword was actually a burden to him. Most of the sword skills in the world of cultivating immortals are noble and pure, and there are very few evil and awe-inspiring sword skills. In fact, his real attack method does not rely on burial. Snow Sword.

But he still uses the sword, this Snow Burying Sword, which has been with him for many years.

While Shen Rongyu practiced the sword, Ji Qingzhuo held the pastry box beside him, and slowly stuffed a peach-flavored pastry into his mouth.

His figure is neat, the sword edge lifts up the snow and sand on the ground, reflecting the crystal light, and under the reflection of the sun, it refracts colorful light. This scene is beautiful and handsome. If it is an ordinary woman, there must be a sense of admiration in his heart, or Applauded.

But Ji Qingzhuo had been watching it for several days, and she was just enjoying the sword dance performance, wrapped in a thick blanket, sitting in the yard, with a pastry box on her lap, holding the pastry, and biting.

However, just when Shen Rongyu made the last sword move, something happened. The Buried Snow Sword was thrown out, splitting nine sword lights in mid-air, one real and nine false, flying into the air, just about to circle around After a circle, it returned to his hand, but Shen Rongyu seemed to sense something.

Something that is not extraordinary is approaching Youzhuyuan.

In an instant, his Snow Burying Sword lost its mana support, and the sword body fell, obliquely sinking into the snowdrift in the courtyard.

"Zhuo Zhuo, I'll go and have a look." Shen Rongyu didn't even have time to pick up the Burying Snow Sword, the figure had disappeared - at this time, no mana fluctuations could be revealed.

Ji Qingzhuo swallowed the pastry in her mouth, and she also knew what might have happened—the only thing that could make Shen Rongyu so vigilant was the shadow of that night.

The aura and radiance of the snow-burying sword after it was unsheathed were extraordinary, not like a sword that ordinary people could have, so Ji Qingzhuo put the pastry box on his lap aside, ran to the courtyard, and took the snow-burying sword that Shen Rongyu had left behind. Wrapped tightly in his arms.

She was afraid of the cold, so she wrapped a thick blanket around her body. Now that the blanket was working, the Burial Snow Sword would not be hurt by the sharp edge of the sword if she wrapped it in her arms.

As soon as Ji Qingzhuo put away the Burial Snow Sword, he heard a soft "meow" sound from outside the courtyard.

It was the black cat transformed by the shadow, and he found it here.

Ji Qingzhuo returned to the front of the main room with the Snow-Burning Sword in her arms, her steps were unexpectedly steady, without panic.

She is now a mortal and cannot reveal anything.

Thinking so, Ji Qingzhuo pretended nothing happened, and picked a pastry from the pastry box beside him.

She was actually very nervous, after all, it was... a demon with the strength of the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, if he wanted to kill her, she would not even have a chance to escape.

Ji Qingzhuo's hands were exposed all the time, her fingertips were slightly red, and she was frozen stiff by the winter air. Her hand holding the pastry trembled, and it seemed that the sour plum-flavored pastry fell from her hand.

Fortunately, she curled up into a ball, and the black shadow should not have seen this flustered movement, but if the pastry fell to the ground, wouldn't it show her nervousness?

In the end, the pastry didn't fall on the ground, and the Zanxue sword wrapped in her arms ate the pastry directly... Yes, I just ate it. Ji Qingzhuo, who lowered his head, saw the sour plum-flavored pastry being absorbed by the funeral snow with his own eyes. The blade is gone.

— It's not like she hasn't seen this sword kill people. After killing people, the body of the sword will devour the flesh and blood without leaving any traces.

In order to verify whether it was really eaten, Ji Qingzhuo took a few more and fed it - she was easily attracted by such strange things, so she patronized to observe the Buried Snow Sword, and Forget about the existence of shadows.

At this time, the black cat transformed into a black shadow has already lightly jumped onto the wall of Ji Qingzhuo's courtyard. From his perspective, he only saw Ji Qingzhuo wrapped in a thick blanket eating pastries in the courtyard—she was so good at eating, Eat a little fast.

"Miwu—" he called Ji Qingzhuo again.

Ji Qingzhuo knew that she couldn't pretend to be stupid anymore, so she raised her head to avoid the eyes of the black cat.

If she met a real black cat, she would not ignore it.

Ji Qingzhuo picked up another pastry from the wooden box beside him, put it in his palm, and stretched out his hand towards the black cat.

Her hand protruded from the sleeve, her wrist was white, her fingers were slender, and she was holding a crystal and lovely pastry. The black cat just looked at it, and then landed lightly from the wall, stepped on a string of plum blossom marks, and came to In front of Ji Qingzhuo.

He called her two more "meow meow" affectionately, then rubbed his head against the back of Ji Qingzhuo's hand, and then picked up the pastry in her palm.

As a result, Ji Qingzhuo, who was allergic to cat fur, sneezed a few times because of his approach. The black cat took two steps back, and he realized that his approach would make Ji Qingzhuo uncomfortable.

Ji Qingzhuo felt his nose itchy, so he sucked his nose, only to feel a little uncomfortable all over his body.

She didn't like this feeling. For her, the black cat's actions were almost threatening her.

He was very powerful, so she had to pretend to be a mortal in front of him. He could come and go freely in this Xuedu Imperial Palace, but she was helpless.

Fortunately, the black cat sensed her discomfort, and he quickly left with the pastry in his mouth—he was just here to confirm that Ji Qingzhuo was here, and he could come in a different image another day.

After he left, Ji Qingzhuo breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still a secret evil aura following behind the black cat.

—Shen Rongyu observed him all the way.

He stared at the figure of the black cat taking away the pastry, and only let out his own breath to test it—he scared him away that night, and his breath planted the seeds of fear in the black shadow's heart.

Because the aura he released that night was too terrifying, the black shadow believed that the owner of the aura was very powerful—at least stronger than him, which was why he was so cautious in the palace these days.

Shen Rongyu breathed out, just to scare him, he was just bluffing, but his insight into other people's hearts was too strong, he completely grasped Soi Ying's mind and grasped what he was afraid of.

Therefore, after sensing his aura, Hei Ying was so shocked that he couldn't hold the pastry in his mouth, so he just dropped the pastry in his mouth and ran away. The demon who can survive in the chaotic world where desolation is still alive , mostly cautiously.

Shen Rongyu's goal was achieved, and he was satisfied. He knew that such intimidation, if used too much, would not be fooled. It is actually an unwise choice to waste a precious opportunity here.

But... Ji Qingzhuo agreed, and only gave him food for himself.

He was lurking aside at that time, and he could even see Ji Qingzhuo's trembling hand stretched out towards him.

Sooner or later, the black shadow will be killed, Shen Rongyu thought so, and went back to Youzhuyuan.

At this time, Ji Qingzhuo was wrapped in a thick blanket, watching him jump into the courtyard, she was relieved, Shen Rongyu finally came back.

"Xiaoyu, your sword." Ji Qingzhuo handed her the Buried Snow Sword in her arms.

After being hugged by her for so long, the Burial Snow Sword was warmed by her body temperature, so when Shen Rongyu took the sword, he found that the sword was warm.

Turning his gaze again, most of the pastries in the box next to Ji Qingzhuo have been eaten—Ji Qingzhuo is not such an edible person, Shen Rongyu knows.

He handed back the cake held in his palm to Ji Qingzhuo: "I got it back for you."

Ji Qingzhuo took a closer look, this pastry was exactly the one she took out to deal with the black cat, but Shen Rongyu actually... snatched it back?

"He was too cautious, and when he was frightened, he ran away in a panic, and couldn't even hold the things in his mouth." Shen Rongyu said with a chuckle.

"You can't eat this either," Ji Qingzhuo said.

She directly stuffed this pastry into the body of the Burying Snow Sword: "Xiaoyu, your sword can eat it, why don't you just give it to it, I think it likes it quite a bit."

Shen Rongyu smiled: "..." I haven't even eaten a bite of this pastry yet, and I have stolen most of my sword?

He finally knew the reason why there were so few pastries left in Ji Qingzhuo's box.

"Leave for a while." Shen Rongyu said coldly.

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo continued to lean on the recliner in a daze. She felt that Zunxuejian was the same as Shen Rongyu. Giving Zanxuejian was equivalent to giving Shen Rongyu to eat. Anyway, he doesn't like sweets very much, does he?

Shen Rongyu carried the snow-buying sword and came to the corridor of the front yard, where Ji Qingzhuo couldn't see, he shook the sword.

He said blankly, "Spit it out."

He shook the Burial Snow Sword several times, and even spit out the cakes he ate just now. There were more than a dozen cakes in different colors, but they were still intact.

Shen Rongyu: "..." He couldn't eat it even if he spit it out.

So annoying.

He pointed his sword at the pastry he spit out again: "Eat it."

Waste cannot be wasted, this is something Ji Qingzhuo is reluctant to eat.

Burying Snow Sword: "?" You're playing with me, right?

It originally wanted to fight to the death, but it couldn't stand Shen Rongyu's toughness, so it ate the pastry again.

Shen Rongyu did some meaningless things, and went back to the backyard. At this time, Ji Qingzhuo was a little tired in a daze, leaning on the recliner, with his eyelashes half-drowsing, drowsy.

"If you are sleepy, go to sleep in the house." Shen Rongyu said to her.

He leaned over and was about to hug Ji Qingzhuo, but when Ji Qingzhuo opened his eyes, she shook her head: "Xiaoyu, no need."

She held the remaining whole box of pastries in front of him, blinked and said, "Do you want to eat?"

"Eat." Shen Rongyu replied, and he sat next to Ji Qingzhuo. The recliner can only accommodate one person. When Shen Rongyu's tall body sat down, Ji Qingzhuo was pushed aside. Does not take up much space.

"It's a bit cold." Shen Rongyu looked at the snow falling from the sky and said in a low voice. The snow fell on his long eyelashes, reflecting a little light.

Ji Qingzhuo pushed the hot tea on the small table in front of him to him.

Shen Rongyu took a sip, the bitter tea fragrance overflowed in his mouth, he continued: "It's still a bit cold."

Ji Qingzhuo was honest and didn't think he was telling a lie, so he spread out the thick blanket wrapped around him and gave him half of it.

When spreading the blanket, Ji Qingzhuo shivered when the cool wind hit, but fortunately Shen Rongyu leaned over quickly - his body was warm.

Ji Qingzhuo's body softened and she leaned against him, she asked softly, "Is it still cold like this?"

"It's not cold anymore." Shen Rongyu said.

When they talked, the white mist exhaled was dense, rippling a warm and reassuring atmosphere,

Ji Qingzhuo and Shen Rongyu were wrapped in the same blanket and huddled on the same recliner. In the vast snow field and howling wind and snow, it seemed that only the other party could keep him warm.

The author has something to say:

Shen Rongyu: Spit it out.

Burial Snow Sword: Vomit Vomit.

Shen Rongyu: Eat it.

Burial Snow Sword:? ? ? I really admire you, the sixth child.