MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 139 139%

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According to the plan, Shen Rongyu should control Ji Qingzhuo's body and take her away from the rooftop of the technology company. After leaving, he can even spare time to take a shower and change clothes, so that Ji Qingzhuo doesn't feel tired at all. know what happened.

Shen Rongyu knew that if Ji Qingzhuo knew the truth, she would collapse.

So, on the rooftop, he covered Ji Qingzhuo's eyes and walked out step by step.

But at this time, the noise outside the Yuanduan building became more and more noisy—Shen Rongyu knew about it a long time ago, but he had to rescue Ji Qingzhuo first.

He faintly felt that if he didn't act today, he would have no chance in the future.

However, his movements were slow after all. Before he could take Ji Qingzhuo off the rooftop, someone had already led a large number of monks to break through the Yuanduan Tower. In the formation, Shen Rongyu, who used the soul-controlling spell conscientiously, fought back.

The soul control spell was interrupted, and Shen Rongyu felt great panic. This was his first day of freedom, and according to the plan, this would also be the first day of Ji Qingzhuo's freedom.

However, the accident happened so quickly that he didn't even have time to take Ji Qingzhuo out of the technology company. In the corridor near the rooftop, there were many corpses of researchers who came to pursue him.

The moment before the contact was cut off, Shen Rongyu covered Ji Qingzhuo's eyes with all his strength, but—

When Ji Qingzhuo regained consciousness, she found that her hands were blindfolded, and her sight was blood red.

She suddenly started to panic, because she breathed fresh air, a cool breath that she couldn't smell inside the computer.

On the wide rooftop, the cool night breeze hit her cheeks with the breath of freedom, but... But, what is the price of freedom?

Ji Qingzhuo clenched the small mirror in her hand, Shen Rongyu's hand that she placed in front of her eyes slowly moved down, in front of her was the corridor stained red with splashed blood, beside her, falling Holding a small utility knife——Shen Rongyu just used this utility knife to lead her to break through many obstacles.

With trembling hands, she raised the small mirror. She tilted her head and saw herself in the mirror. Other people's blood stuck to her cheek, which was now black, her lips were pale, and her eyes were empty.

Shen Rongyu disappeared, and she called him several times, but he didn't respond.

Even though there was a separation before, but this time, Ji Qingzhuo knew that Shen Rongyu might not appear again.

The words that flashed through her psychological report hit her thoughts, and Ji Qingzhuo felt that she was about to lose her breath. Panting heavily, she ran back to the corridor, hoping that there was still a living person here.

All along, she has never believed in the real existence of Shen Rongyu. She only thinks that Shen Rongyu's world is an illusory country imagined by her, and Shen Rongyu is her partner. According to the psychologist, he is her second personality.

When she is irrational and harbors romantic fantasies, she will take Shen Rongyu seriously. When she is rational, she always feels that Shen Rongyu is her other side.

Ji Qingzhuo has never distinguished the boundary between illusion and reality, because everything she has experienced is absurd enough.

She knew that her batch of experimental subjects would become bloodthirsty monsters due to genetic problems, and she had always been afraid that she would become like the other companions.

Now, has she... Has become such a person?

She is really... very dangerous, and she should not even live in this world. The experiment was wrong at the beginning, and she is the product of mistakes

She couldn't control herself at all, and she didn't want more people to die.

Ji Qingzhuo leaned on the wall of the corridor with one hand, she panted heavily, and smelled the smell of blood, but after breathing in it for a long time, she actually felt that the smell was very good, it seemed thick or light, it was near and far away, permeated her nasal cavity.

There are a full hundred floors here, Ji Qingzhuo looked down from the stairwell, she thought, maybe she should just jump down.

But Shen Rongyu's last sliver of divine thought was still attached to the small mirror in her hand. He used his own consciousness to accept Ji Qingzhuo's punishment for betraying the company. At the last moment when he was about to leave, he was accidentally interrupted. Qing Zhuo's spiritual sense in this world is about to disappear.

Before disappearing, Shen Rongyu's divine sense influenced Ji Qingzhuo, causing her to slowly lift up the mirror.

"Will you stay with me all the time?"

"I will."

Even if you are alone now, you have to live on.

Even if the price of living is... forget me.

Ji Qingzhuo remembered her promise to Shen Rongyu. Looking at the sea of ​​blood spreading throughout the company, she felt a burning pain in her repaired eyes.

It seemed that if she looked at it for a second, she would go blind.

Ji Qingzhuo couldn't accept the scene in front of her. As long as she saw this scene, or thought of it again, she would feel pain in her eyes, and even her soul would collapse.

There is nothing scarier than having your worst fears come true.

Ji Qingzhuo's precise brain went through rigorous and rational calculations. In the end, she looked at herself in the small mirror and used the soul control technique on herself.

She had to forget all of this, she couldn't be crushed by this picture, she had to live on, and as long as she lived, she wouldn't break her original promise.

The eyes that were about to be shattered again by the picture in front of them closed—it was already dilapidated, but it still hadn't reached the critical point of collapse.

Before Ji Qingzhuo used the soul control technique to forget everything, she gave herself a procedure to leave here safely. With her ability, she could leave here directly, eliminate all traces of herself, completely hide herself, and lead a normal life.

She could only do this, if she didn't make such a decision at that time, she would also die in the technology company because of the collapse.

The next day, this matter hit the headlines of the news, Ji Qingzhuo looked at the black and white picture in the light curtain, and closed his eyes.

She couldn't remember anything.

It is impossible for Shen Rongyu to abandon Ji Qingzhuo, and there is only one reason for him to leave suddenly.

At this time, tens of thousands of monks from the orthodox sect besieged Yuanduanlou. The leader, Meng Yuanwu, was dressed in white and towered above him, just and ruthless like a **** descending.

She spoke with a cold voice: "Huangxi, you have done so many evil things, now you should pay for your life, right?"

Of course, Shen Rongyu knew that Huang Cai took his human skin to use as a disguise for himself, but he didn't expect that Huang Cai directly took his appearance as his image.

Logically speaking, a demon would not be so obsessed with appearance.

He was about to speak, when Meng Yuanwu hit a speech-silencing spell, and he fell to the ground slumped directly. The ghost fog near Yuanduanlou had been cleared away. At this time, the sun was bright, and he was still wearing human skin. It looks like bones, ugly and ridiculous.

Shen Rongyu's figure fell to the ground, making only a dull sound—the reason why the orthodox sect could attack so easily was simply because the earth vein and star formation covering the wilderness had been destroyed by him in advance.

It was Ji Qingzhuo who provided the solution to the formation, he himself who solved the formation, he was the one who killed Huang Cai, and it was Ji Qingzhuo who provided the plan to kill Huang Cai.

The fall of the number one demon in the world of cultivating immortals has nothing to do with these monks of the orthodox sect.

However, he, who had just escaped from birth, had to bear his identity as a wasteland and accept the righteous trial.

Even if he wasn't Huang Xie, but he was Xue Moluo Umbrella, in the eyes of these monks, he deserved death.

Shen Rongyu had no strength left, he had to use all his strength to even get up.

Meng Yuanwu looked at her, no one could see the clarity in the depths of her eyes, and her eyes were stained with despair and sorrow - there were so many monks present, except for Shen Rongyu, the only one who knew the truth was herself.

The earth vein and star formation has long been deciphered, and the Shen Rongyu in front of him, although the appearance is the same as the Huangxie, has a very different temperament.

He is not desolate.

But so what, he killed Huang Er.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, Meng Yuanwu admitted that she did fall in love with Huang Xi deeply before.

Meng Yuanwu didn't intend to kill him, she wanted to torture him slowly, making him feel the deepest despair, and...if he died, this beautiful skin would rot and disappear completely.

In this way, the last trace of the deserted existence is gone.

She shot another ray of magic light at Shen Rongyu, which just shattered the small mirror he was holding in his hand - she couldn't see the shining and beautiful things falling on him.

"A mere demon has a habit of looking at himself in the mirror?" Meng Yuanwu said to Shen Rongyu.

Shen Rongyu looked at the shattered pieces of the small mirror, and he stretched out his hand to try to touch it, but he could only touch the crystal powder.

His eyes were desperate and affectionate, this expression was captured by Meng Yuanwu.

At this moment, the rest of the orthodox monks manipulated the chains tempered by the magic-sealing stone to bind Shen Rongyu's body—he was too weak at this time, breaking the earth veins and star formations, killing wilderness and erosion, and the soul-controlling technique of divine sense spanning time and space... he power has been exhausted.

Shen Rongyu's body was tightly restrained by the demon-sealing chains. At this time, another abnormality appeared. In the middle of the crowd, a crazy old woman rushed out. She was no longer as delicate and beautiful as before.

But Shen Rongyu remembered her.

After a hundred years of desolation taking away other people's skin, in front of Yuanduanlou—

Only he knows who she is, and only she knows who he is.

She is his mother, the former queen of Dongshan royal family.

"He's not—" After seeing the image of Huang Cai, the former empress had tracked Huang Cai for an unknown amount of time, and now when she saw Shen Rongyu, she recognized that he was not Huang Cai, but her own son.

However, just as she said a word, a trembling feathered arrow flew from the slanting stab.

Behind the besieged righteous monks, the flag symbolizing the Dongshan royal family fluttered. The little princess who was protected by the Dongshan royal family emperor had succeeded to the throne and became the new queen. She also represented the righteous way and participated in this crusade.

On the battlefield, no idlers were allowed to appear, so, with her high ponytail raised, she shot the former queen to death with the hundred-step piercing archery technique she had cultivated since she was a child.

An arrow pierced the skull, and blood spattered, almost falling on Meng Yuanwu's white clothes. Jiang Qianke, who was guarding her side, was only a Jindan practitioner, and he blocked the blood.

The body of the former queen fell off the cliff in front of Shen Rongyu.

In the face of great despair, Shen Rongyu accumulated the remaining strength and broke free from the chain of sealing the demon.

He can't die here, he wants revenge, and he still wants to find Ji Qingzhuo.

But... the mirror was broken, and Ji Qingzhuo couldn't find it anymore.

On this day, Shen Rongyu regained his freedom, but he lost Ji Qingzhuo and his identity forever.

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