MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 137 137%

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The last person to die in the experimental base was No. 1.

It's not that Ji Qingzhuo has no familiar people in this cold experimental base. She has known No. 1 for a long time.

These experimental subjects were allowed to leave the base once when they were eight years old. This was actually a social observation experiment of a technology company. They wanted to record the reactions of these experimental subjects to the outside world.

The place they went to was not far away. There was a market here. The technician in charge of recording the data gave each experimental product a ten-yuan currency and told them that they could choose a gadget they liked on the street at will. , buy it down.

At that time, the flaws in the No. 1 gene hadn't been revealed yet, they were just a group of ignorant little girls, she and Ji Qingzhuo held hands and went to the market to pick things out.

In fact, at that time, the differences in the personalities of different experimental products had already been revealed. Ji Qingzhuo hid behind the generous No. 1. No. 1 was very interested in the bustling streets, but Ji Qingzhuo was not interested in these noisy voices and No. 1. She didn't care about the chaotic picture, she was even a little scared.

No. 1 dragged Ji Qingzhuo around, Ji Qingzhuo was soft-tempered and would not refuse others, so he could only put his little hand in No. 1's, and let her lead him away without breaking free.

On the 1st, I walked into a jewelry store, the store was brightly lit, there were beautiful brooches in the glass cabinets, and ribbons of various colors were placed on the shelves on the other side.

Ji Qingzhuo likes these beautiful things very much, but she only has ten yuan and she can't afford them, so she just stares blankly.

No. 1 took a fancy to a blue silk scarf and asked the boss how much it was. Seeing that it was two children, the boss thought they were here to make trouble, and had no intention of selling it, so he just said a price of 15 yuan. .

No. 1 nervously picked up the ten-yuan note in his hand, and Ji Qingzhuo handed her his own.

"I... I'll just buy a cheaper one." Ji Qingzhuo said to No. 1.

In the end, the blue ribbon was beautifully tied around No. 1's wrist. At this time, it was almost time to go back.

Ji Qingzhuo took a fancy to a small mirror at a roadside stall on the corner of the street. Although she also liked those beautiful trinkets, she only had five yuan.

So she brought back this small mirror, which was also the tool she used to contact Shen Rongyu later.

Later, the flaws in the No. 1 gene were exposed, and she really became a bloodthirsty monster, but she was still wearing a blue silk scarf that Ji Qingzhuo shared half of the pocket money so that she could buy it.

No. 1 stole Ji Qingzhuo's small mirror. Ten years later, No. 1 knew that Ji Qingzhuo often talked to the mirror, like he was crazy.

Number one didn't know why she stole the mirror away, maybe, she thought, only in this way would Ji Qingzhuo pay attention to her.

A person like Ji Qingzhuo can easily catch the eyes of those paranoid people, because she looks so easy to control.

However, all those who tried to control her forgot one thing, that is, she was the most successful experiment among them.

Ji Qingzhuo, who temporarily forgot about Shen Rongyu in the psychological healing room, always felt that she had forgotten something, but at this time, she actually had the ability to come to various parts of the experimental base.

In ten years, she was able to leave all the range of infrared surveillance and shuttle freely in the experimental base.

She has such a dangerous ability, but she is gentle and kind, and there is no trace of rebellion in her body.

The disappearance of the small mirror made her panic. She felt that she had lost something, but she didn't know what it was.

She searched aimlessly in the experimental base, and even dared to sneak into the top-secret database in the experimental base.

—She has the ability to enter this database, but she knew that this database is absolutely not allowed to enter, so she really obediently refused to go.

But in order to find Shen Rongyu, whom she had forgotten for a while, she went into the database.

Here, she discovered the truth about the experimental base. She knew that the last experimental product left behind would become the human brain computer of this technology company for the rest of her life. After she collected enough information from the outside world, she didn't even need her body anymore. There is only one brain left, which is connected to a computer that is as big as a city. Using a living human brain, it becomes a cold machine.

This is a more terrible confinement than death. She will be with the machine for the rest of her life without any life, because since they were born, their bodies have been set with genetic locks. Once they betray the technology company, their thinking will be killed.

If you live like this, it is better to die directly.

Moreover, Ji Qingzhuo also knows that what this technology company will leave behind in the end is actually experimental individuals who are less prone to mania.

And she happened to be the perfect individual.

At that time, she could choose to pretend to be manic, and let the technology company take her away and destroy her directly.

But... Although Ji Qingzhuo temporarily forgot about Shen Rongyu under psychological intervention, her promise to him has been deeply engraved in his mind.

Ji Qingzhuo ran out from the database, with her back pressed against the door, panting violently, she voluntarily walked into the cage of a lifetime for a promise she couldn't remember.

In the end, No. 1 and her were left in the experimental base.

The strange thing is that No. 1 didn't kill her—Ji Qingzhuo knew that once she showed any intention to kill, the staff in the technology company would subdue her and destroy her directly, and the remaining person would face a more difficult situation. A darker and more terrifying future of death.

Under such circumstances, the sooner one dies, the happier one will be.

One night, Ji Qingzhuo stimulated No. 1 with words, and she asked No. 1 to return one-third of the blue silk scarf to her.

After all, No. 1 was not as calm as her. In the end, she soaked the blue silk scarf in water, refrigerated it in the freezer overnight, and launched an attack on Ji Qingzhuo—in fact, there is no tool for killing people in the experimental base.

The ice pick pierced into the eyeball, Ji Qingzhuo's eyes were pierced like this, and she heard the sound of a small mirror falling from No. 1 body.

She fumbled and took the small mirror back into her hand.

Everything that happens here is seen by the R&D personnel of the technology company.

In the monitoring room, such a conversation took place.

"The intention shown by No. 17 is too obvious. She has entered the database and knows that the first person to do it will be taken away and destroyed. She is the most terrifying one."

The research team leader shook his head.

"No, she does know the essence of our experimental base, but she is too smart, she knows what to face after leaving the experimental base alive."

"For a living human being, that is the abyss of despair."

"She went voluntarily and gave up the chance of liberation to her companions. She is indeed the most stable and docile among the experimental subjects."

"Destroy No. 1 according to the regulations, take No. 17 away, and use all the resources of the company to heal her eyes."

When Ji Qingzhuo touched the small mirror, she finally thought of Shen Rongyu. She panicked, her eyes hurt so much, and she didn't know what to do, because she was about to enter a cage from which she could never get out.

So she held the mirror and called over and over again: "Xiaoyu."

When Shen Rongyu saw her again, she looked like this. Fortunately, she couldn't see anything.

He was very distressed, but his consciousness was almost blurred, and he didn't even have the ability to think.

At that time, Shen Rongyu could only respond to her in this way, and his lips and tongue could only form the word "zhuozhuo".

"Zhuo Zhuo."

"Zhuo Zhuo—"

"Zhuo Zhuo..."

Such a call, on the white hospital bed, in the center of the **** formation, I don't know how many times I have been called.

Ji Qingzhuo couldn't see anything, and Shen Rongyu didn't say anything, so when Shen Rongyu called, she responded.

In the middle of the sacrificial formation, the consciousness of the other sacrificial alchemists had disappeared, and they were freed from the sea of ​​suffering, but Shen Rongyu kept his consciousness alive amidst Ji Qingzhuo's responses.

In the sacrificial formation, the peerless demon soldiers took shape, and the sea of ​​blood surged, and above the sea of ​​blood, streams of red air twisted and twisted. This situation was extremely strange.

Ji Qingzhuo couldn't see it, she only knew that her Xiaoyu seemed to only be able to say "Zhuo Zhuo", and she didn't know what to do except respond to him.

She hoped that her eyes would get better and see his appearance soon, but unfortunately her eyes were injured too much, after several rounds of operations, it would take a long time to recover.

In the sea of ​​blood, Shen Rongyu's body was remodeled. First, he had lips and teeth, so that he could call Ji Qingzhuo's name more clearly, and then he had hands, so that he could easily wipe away the lost things in the depths of the sticky blood sea. The small mirror was salvaged, and he later had ears, so that he could hear Ji Qingzhuo's voice and her babbling in her dreams clearly.

Finally, he had eyes, and he could clearly see her figure lying on the hospital bed. He also reshaped his body and had his own brand new body.

In the sacrificial formation, the Blood Moluo Umbrella, which will cast a shadow over everyone in the world of cultivating immortals in the future, took shape.

Huang Xi thought that the magic weapon he sacrificed would be an extremely murderous image like a sword, spear, sword and halberd, but...he never imagined that it would be an umbrella.

— Umbrella ribs are twenty-eight, red light is bright, precious light is shining, this is an umbrella that can protect against wind and rain.

Because the main spirit on the umbrella is Shen Rongyu, even when his consciousness was so chaotic, he always protect Ji Qingzhuo.

If it is for her, she should really need an umbrella, to isolate her from the fearful eyes of the outside world, the danger she avoids, and the reality she does not want to face. She is absolutely safe under his umbrella. .

What could be more suitable for Ji Qingzhuo than an umbrella?

Shen Rongyu has never admitted that Huang Cai is his master. The three characters Xuemoluo Umbrella—Xuemoluo are the evaluation of him by the world, but the word "umbrella" is what he wants to dedicate to Ji Qingzhuo. No one would have imagined that in the depths of such a dark and terrifying cave, there can also be pure and sincere love. The secret is small, but it is unforgettable enough.

He is the umbrella, the umbrella is him, he is indeed a magic weapon.

Later, he could only carry the Burial Snow Sword with him, because other monks could put their natal spirit treasures into their bodies, but he couldn't, because he was the magic weapon himself.

On the day when Shen Rongyu became Xuemoluosan, Ji Qingzhuo's eyes no longer needed surgery, and they would recover after a period of recuperation, so the technology company first sent her to the computer.

Almost at the same time, they became tool-like existences.

The two destinies walking in their respective worlds are intertwined due to some coincidences, and there are two extremely desperate and extremely dark fortune lines. After colliding in one place, they can also bloom brightly.