MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 100 100%

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After Ji Qingzhuo finished her breakfast, she was ready to act. She wanted to find a reason and went to guard near the Candle Palace. If Meng Yaolan really wanted to spy on the information in the Candle Palace, she could stop her in time.

After Shen Rongyu left, she put on her cloak and went to the House of Internal Affairs.

Before meeting the female officer, Ji Qingzhuo met Lan Li first. At this time, she was joking with several other female officials in the courtyard. Seeing Ji Qingzhuo walking into the door of the House of Internal Affairs, she immediately looked at her , with bad eyesight.

The Lantern Festival was held very well, especially... Lan Li knew that the female officer in charge of the Lantern Festival was also made things difficult by the Candle Moth. Every year, the Candle Moth wanted to see the Lantern without candlelight, but None of the female officials did this.

—Of course, the Emperor Liang was not so stupid, he would not blame the female officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for failing to meet Zhu Mo's unreasonable demands.

Of course, it would be great if someone can fulfill the candle moth's wish.

Liang Xing knew that Candle Moth was in a good mood last night, so he even drank more wine with him that night, and only then did the conversation behind the relief wall last night.

The reward he gave to Ji Qingzhuo has already been handed out, and it will be placed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Originally, if Ji Qingzhuo couldn't come today, the female official would send someone to give the gift.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't think that what he did was so powerful, but if he said it was so powerful, it was those firefly wings that were trying to shine brightly to court him.

She didn't know that she had received a reward, she only knew that Lan Li looked at her with unfriendly eyes.

But she had her own things to do, so she didn't plan to talk to her, and just walked straight to the small courtyard where the female officer worked.

Lanli took a step forward and directly grabbed her arm—Ji Qingzhuo's silent appearance often makes people misunderstand that she is easy to bully.

"You are so eager to claim credit to receive the reward, but don't you think it's an honor to make that demon happy for a lantern festival?" Lan Li said to Ji Qingzhuo.

Ji Qingzhuo didn't think about making anyone happy, she just tried her best to complete the task,

Lanli has already received news from her family that there will be monks coming to clean up the evil spirits in the palace. She was already afraid of such evil spirits, but she has only been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs these years, so she endured it all the time.

Now she knows that there is no need to please Zhumo, and she should be captured by the Meng family from Xuedu soon.

The name of the Meng family has been heard even by ordinary people in small places like them, because the former patriarch of the Meng family was the leader of the righteous way in the world of cultivating immortals, and the Yuanwu real person who suppressed the barrenness under the Yuanduanlou.

Such a large and decent cultivating family, even Lan Li is in awe. Now her family has received the Meng family, which gives her pride and confidence that she doesn't know where she came from.

People like the "Ning Xian" in front of me who rely on pleasing evil spirits and flattering them will be expelled from the palace after the emperor wakes up.

Ji Qingzhuo stopped, and she tried to pull her arm away from Lanli's hand, but she was so strong that she couldn't pull it.

"Ning Xian, you don't dare to look at me, are you guilty? Because some monks came to arrest the demons last night, you are afraid that they will also capture you who pleases the demons." Lan Li spoke again.

At this moment, Lanli raised her chin and faced her with a proud attitude. Ji Qingzhuo had always been so silent and obedient, which made her involuntarily want to bully her until she showed a different expression.

However, Ji Qingzhuo just raised her head slightly, and she glanced at Lanli's eyes—just a momentary sight contact.

Lan Li looked into her eyes, her eyes suddenly became blurry, her eyes were so beautiful, like clear spring water, filled with waves and falling flowers.

Her hand loosened involuntarily.

Ji Qingzhuo lowered her head, it was Lanli who asked her to look up at her...

She closed her sleeves that were wrinkled by her, and walked to the small courtyard where the female officer worked, but Lan Li really didn't catch up to make things difficult for her.

Ji Qingzhuo knew that she had just inadvertently used the ability given by the system... This ability is not under her control, it seems that as long as she looks at someone and what is in her mind, that person will do what she thinks .

The art of soul control is really difficult to control, and she... has to do this, she has no strength to break free from Lanli's imprisonment, and she can't keep hoping that the female officer will appear again to rescue her.

Ji Qingzhuo sighed softly, and only knocked on the gate of the female officer's courtyard.

As soon as she saw her coming, the female officer raised her head and pointed to several big boxes in the courtyard: "Miss Ning, it just so happens that you are here. These are all gifts from the emperor. Your lantern festival is very good." Well, the adult in the palace is very happy."

Of course Ji Qingzhuo knew that Zhumo was in a good mood last night, otherwise she wouldn't have told so much about the past to Emperor Liang.

She nodded, but she was not ready to accept these gifts, because they were too expensive, and she was now the "Miss of the Ning family", these things did not belong to her.

So she gestured, saying that it would be good to send these rewards to the Ning family.

The female officer praised her for being knowledgeable and thinking about her family in everything, which made Ji Qingzhuo even more embarrassed, her cheeks flushed.

She still has her own things to do, she just gestured in bad sign language, and asked the magistrate if she could go to Candle Palace again today, she wanted to ask Candle Moth about the Lantern Festival, so that she could refer to her when doing things next time Feedback.

The female official looked at the sign language she was gesticulating, and the hand that had been writing and signing the document paused. She asked in surprise, "Miss Ning, aren't you afraid of that adult in the palace?"

Ji Qingzhuo shook her head silently, she was only afraid of her ubiquitous eyes, but she was not very afraid of the demon itself.

After all, it's just a moth.

"If you want to go, you can ask, the adults on the left and right will not harm the people in the palace, nor will they harm the people of the Liang Kingdom." The female official continued to close her eyes and sign, and said to Ji Qingzhuo with a smile.

This sentence made Ji Qingzhuo a little surprised. Once she became serious, she would not be indifferent to the outside world.

The last time she crossed the village outside the small mountain village of Yunliang, because her cultivation base was not high, she could use the umbrella to cross it with her strength.

But this time the candle moth cannot be transformed directly. She must know the content of the transaction between the candle moth and the Emperor of Liang, and what the negative energy represented by the candle moth is, so that she can enter her heart and take her across like a cocoon. Transformation—Because the candle moth has spiritual wisdom, the stripped negative energy is also a mass of spiritual consciousness, which can be purified slowly with time.

This is also the reason why Ji Qingzhuo has not done anything for a long time. She still needs to learn more about the relationship between Zhu Mo and Emperor Liang.

What the female official said now is a key message, "Candle moths will not harm the people of Liang Guo." You must know that it is impossible for demons to have compassion. Although candle moths prefer to **** souls that are willing to offer, if they are hungry , will directly devour the souls of mortals, and there is no taboo about whether mortals are friends, relatives, or good friends of the transaction object.

Therefore, once you trade with the candle moth, it means giving up your conscience and soul, and cutting off all relationships between yourself and those around you.

Ji Qingzhuo secretly wrote down this sentence, she nodded, and then asked the female officer in sign language why the candle moth didn't hurt people.

The female officer said with a smile: "The emperor said she would not, so she would not. The emperor is the most wise and powerful monarch in the Liang Kingdom, and we all trust him."

Ji Qingzhuo thought, if Emperor Liang had always been the image she saw last night, then he really had such a charm—a humble and firm monarch.

With the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she took her booklet recording important affairs and went to Candle Palace.

——Her actions were approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so no one can drive her away or question her.

Ji Qingzhuo stepped into the carriage waiting outside the House of Internal Affairs. The winter was very windy and snowy. With her status, she could naturally use the carriage to travel to Candle Palace.

She hugged the thick cloak she was wearing, leaning against the wall of the carriage, her long eyelashes drooping slightly, drowsy.

Until she came to the Candle Palace, she was still holding a small heater in her hand. As soon as she opened the soft gauze curtain outside the carriage, she saw a familiar figure.

Meng Yaolan was dressed in red and was standing outside the Candle Palace. She was guarded by two members of the Lan family—presumably the Lan family brought her into the palace. As for the reason, I don't know. .

Her head full of blue hair was bound by a red rope, perhaps to adapt to the festive atmosphere, she wore a red dress, just like Ji Qingzhuo specially wore pale pink clothes today.

The sound of the carriage rolling over the snow was not too loud, just enough for Meng Yaolan to hear, she turned around and looked at Ji Qingzhuo.

—According to the logic, she should not know Ji Qingzhuo, so she doesn't show familiarity now, politely not revealing Ji Qingzhuo's disguised identity.

As for Ji Qingzhuo, the change in her expression was minimal, so even if she was a little surprised when she saw Meng Yaolan, no one could see her emotional change.

She stepped on the prepared wooden steps and got down from the carriage, and Meng Yaolan also came up to greet her.

"Is it Miss Ning from the palace?" She asked with a smile, and even intimately acted with Ji Qingzhuo.

But... Her seemingly gentle greeting made it difficult for Ji Qingzhuo to answer, because it was a yes or no question, she couldn't nod her head, let alone shake her head.

Therefore, Ji Qingzhuo remained silent, and only looked at the snow scene behind Meng Yaolan. At the end of the red palace wall, a palace servant was sweeping the snow.

She didn't set her eyes on Meng Yaolan, because her red dress looked very dazzling in the snow, and she couldn't see such a bright color.

"It is said that the monarch of the Liang State has managed the Liang State very well these years, and has recovered many of the lost land of the Liang State. I came to the palace to see the results of his governance. Now it seems that it is really good." Of course Meng Yaolan Knowing why Ji Qingzhuo ignored her, she said to herself, "The palace is very simple, not as extravagant as other mortal emperors, which is really rare."

When she commented on Liang Guo's palace, she also used the tone of a high-ranking person, because in Meng Yaolan's own opinion, their family of cultivating immortals is much nobler than the mortal royal family.

It is an undoubted fact that monks have always discriminated against mortals.

Ji Qingzhuo has always had this attitude towards Meng Yaolan - "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

So where she could respond, she put her hands in her sleeves, hugged her own small heater, and kept nodding.

Seeing her nodding, Meng Yaolan couldn't help laughing: "Miss Ning is really cute."

"Are you going to Candle Palace too?" She suddenly asked Ji Qingzhuo.

——She is very smart, in fact, she knows that she is not qualified to enter Candle Palace at all, but now that she has met Ji Qingzhuo, she can just get close to her and join her in Candle Palace.

The author has something to say:

Well, the abilities given to Zhuo Zhuo by the system before are actually abilities that she already possessed.