MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 10 10%

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Shen Rongyu took Ji Qingzhuo, and soon arrived at Yu Sukong's cave. There was a water area in the middle of Xuanyunzong, where the mountain springs converged, and then flowed to other places through underground rivers. This lake is called Whitewater Lake.

On Baishui Lake, there are several caves scattered here and there, most of which are lived by elders who are good at water spells and lead their disciples. Only the island in the middle of Baishui Lake has the most favorable location and is owned by Yu Sukong.

In Xuanyun Sect, the power of the elders is ranked according to their level of cultivation. Yu Sukong's status is extremely high in the sect, and no one understands why he wants to take Ji Qingzhuo away.

On Baishui Island, the vegetation is lush, and there are water birds walking gracefully on the shore. At this time, the day has passed, and dusk has fallen, and a crimson light smears from the sky to the lake surface, which makes the lake surface shine with a beautiful golden red light.

Yu Sukong seldom stays in the sect, so there is only one building on Baishui Island, three or two courtyards, connected into a piece, hidden among the lush trees.

After Shen Rongyu came here, he only lived in one of the courtyards, even if it was only a small courtyard in the Cultivation of Immortals sect, the configuration was luxurious and grand, with a quiet room for training, a pill room for refining medicine, and a dormitory for sleeping.

In the courtyard where Yu Sukong originally lived, water was diverted into the courtyard, forming a small pond. The courtyard has not been inhabited for a long time, and frogs and fish come here, making noise at night, and Shen Rongyu does not want to come here.

Ji Qingzhuo followed him down the flying sword, and stepped on the soft grass. Only then did she feel that her heart had returned to the ground, and she removed the hand covering her eyes.

Shen Rongyu was still holding her wrist. He didn't want to cling to her, but he just forgot to let go. Who would have thought that the biggest villain who planned to overthrow the entire world of cultivating immortals at this time was actually getting close to a woman for the first time?

It was Ji Qingzhuo who turned his wrist and pulled his hand back.

Even though Yu Sukong's residence could be called simple, in her eyes, it was already luxurious enough. Looking at the quiet courtyard built with white stones in front of her, she asked in amazement: "Which one do I want to live in?"

"You can live in the whole courtyard." Shen Rongyu put his sword into its sheath, and he planned to leave.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, where do you live?" Ji Qingzhuo subconsciously asked.

Shen Rongyu thought, Ji Qingzhuo is somewhat dependent on others, does she want to live next to him?

He pointed to his residence, which was a small courtyard on the westernmost side.

Ji Qingzhuo took Maomao with him, and immediately walked towards the easternmost side.

Shen Rongyu likes to be quiet, and Ji Qingzhuo's choice is exactly what he wants.

However, something always felt wrong.

"I'll just live there, I won't disturb you." Ji Qingzhuo whispered, she lowered her head and removed the black cloth covering Mao Mao's eyes.

Shen Rongyu just nodded, he is not a person who cares about others, but since he has already lived in the same cave with her, Ji Qingzhuo's cheap master Yu Sukong told him to help take care of her, so he still has to do what he should do. able to do.

He is a person who is very good at disguising. If he wants to play Xuanyunzong's senior brother Guangfeng Jiyue, he will play it seriously.

"I will unlock the restriction of the courtyard for you." Shen Rongyu said.

He walked in front, and Ji Qingzhuo followed behind him. This appearance really looked like a conscientious senior leading a school girl who had just entered school.

However, everyone knows that this senior brother is not as gentle and gentle as he appears on the surface.

Shen Rongyu came to the gate of the courtyard. The gate of the courtyard was made of stones with colorful glazed polarized light. I don't know what kind of precious stone was used. Shen Rongyu pressed the restraint in the courtyard with one hand. In an instant, the long-standing restraint was lifted was opened.

The gate of the courtyard is open, and there is a stream meandering inside, and a wooden corridor passing through the water. The water surface is almost flush with the corridor surface. The layout of this small courtyard is ingenious.

"It's so beautiful." Ji Qingzhuo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Shen Rongyu stood with her hands behind her back, noncommittal, no matter how beautiful she was, she would be destroyed.

Ji Qingzhuo put down the luggage from Maomao, and settled Maomao down first.

Shen Rongyu was about to leave when she heard a strange voice coming from Ji Qingzhuo.

Ji Qingzhuo, who was tidying up her things, clutched her stomach embarrassingly, it was really bad, she was hungry, except when she arrived at Xuanyunzong in the morning, she ate several carrots, and she didn't eat after that.

Cultivators with immortal bones, in a place with rich aura like Xuanyunzong, can still maintain their physical strength by unconsciously pumping out aura, but Ji Qingzhuo can't. The fundamental structure is different, she can't practice, isn't it a matter of course.

So, she didn't eat for a day, and now her stomach is growling, it's not really embarrassing, is it?

She hoped that Shen Rongyu would not notice this voice, after all he is a monk and he is a descendant of Dongshan royal family, so he should never have experienced the feeling of starvation, right?

Ji Qingzhuo planned to wait for Shen Rongyu to leave, and then take out dry food to get some food for himself.

But soon, Shen Rongyu's calm voice sounded behind her: "You are hungry."

Ji Qingzhuo's hands in arranging things froze, and she tried hard to **** her stomach tightly so that it wouldn't growl.

"It seems to be a little bit, but it's okay." Ji Qingzhuo said, she felt that her stomach tightening strategy seemed to be effective, because her stomach didn't seem to grow.

But as soon as she finished speaking, her stomach grumbled again, as if she was a little disappointed.

"There is no food on Baishui Island." Shen Rongyu leaned aside with his sword in his arms, and he raised his eyes to look at Ji Qingzhuo.

"I'll make some myself later." Ji Qingzhuo took out the bamboo tube containing rice from his luggage.

As a result, she slipped her hand because of nervousness, and the bamboo tube full of rice turned over and fell into the water. The falling rice grains attracted fish in the water to swim over to grab food.

Shen Rongyu: "..." Could there really be such a stupid person?

This is Ji Qingzhuo's last dry food, she looked down at the rice scattered in the water, feeling a little melancholy.

After Shen Rongyu leaves, she will reluctance to pick it up and eat it again.

But Shen Rongyu refused to leave, he was waiting for Ji Qingzhuo to ask where he could eat.

If he didn't say anything, Ji Qingzhuo wouldn't take the initiative to ask.

Until the afterglow of the setting sun was about to disappear, Ji Qingzhuo was extremely hungry, so she rolled up her sleeves, she thought, if you lose face, you can lose face, even if Shen Rongyu didn't leave, she still had to find a way to get some rice to eat.

When she was about to grab food from the fish, Shen Rongyu held her hand.

"Elder Duan Qin's cave next to Baishui Lake has mortal food." Shen Rongyu said.

In Xuanyun Sect, at regular intervals, there would be food prepared in the cave of the elders. After all, disciples whose cultivation had not yet reached the Golden Core still needed to eat.

Shen Rongyu didn't need it, because shortly after he started, he was a Jindan cultivator.

"Okay, Brother Xiaoyu, I'll go over there." Ji Qingzhuo nodded gratefully at him.

But she forgot one thing, there is no transportation from Baishui Island to the shore.

She walked in front, and Shen Rongyu followed her until Ji Qingzhuo came to the shore of Baishui Island and discovered the fact that there was no means of transportation.

After all, she is still a mortal, she has not adapted to the life of a monk at all.

At this time, twilight had come, and the sword pinned to Shen Rongyu's side shone with snowy light, which was particularly dazzling in the dark woods.

Ji Qingzhuo stood on the shore, looked at the moon in the lake, and sighed, what kind of days are he living every day.

Shen Rongyu guessed some of Ji Qingzhuo's psychology, and her mind was not hard to guess, if he didn't speak, she would wait here until dawn—or run back to pick up the scattered rice in the stream.

Shen Rongyu guessed right, Ji Qingzhuo was planning to do this, she actually wanted to do it a long time ago, but Shen Rongyu has been guarding her, making it inconvenient for her to do such a shameful thing, she also has face.

"Let's go." After a long time, Shen Rongyu's voice sounded, and he stepped forward and walked to Ji Qingzhuo's side.

"Ah?" Ji Qingzhuo turned her head, and at her height, she moved her eyes slightly upwards, just in time to see a little bit of Adam's apple exposed above Shen Rongyu's neatly pressed skirt.

He is perfect, even there is almost no wrinkle that shouldn't be there on the clothes. Rather than saying that he is a person, it is better to say that he is like an image carefully played, as if he is a puppet controlled by himself.

"Take you to dinner." Shen Rongyu said.

"I have to eat three times a day." Ji Qingzhuo said.

Shen Rongyu: "?" Do normal people eat four times a day?

"In the evening, sometimes you may have to eat again." Ji Qingzhuo replied honestly, "It's just for supper."

"I will lead you there." Shen Rongyu said lightly again.

He wanted to see when Ji Qingzhuo, this rotten piece of wood, would be able to come back to life.

Ji Qingzhuo nodded, she was held by Shen Rongyu's wrist again, and an invisible air flow circulated again.

They flew into the sky, Ji Qingzhuo still wanted to cover her eyes, but Shen Rongyu stopped her hand: "Since you want to cultivate immortals and ride between heaven and earth, why should you be afraid of heights?"

Ji Qingzhuo blinked, she didn't want to cultivate immortality, and she was only afraid of heights.

She was sullen and didn't speak, if it wasn't for Shen Rongyu, she wouldn't have come here.

"Don't talk?" Shen Rongyu spoke again, and this was almost the day he talked the most, because Ji Qingzhuo was more bored than him, and he almost had to say three or five sentences to get her to talk.

"I..." Ji Qingzhuo didn't dare to look down, because the bright moon was in the sky, illuminating the entire Xuanyun School brightly, and she could see at a glance how high in the sky she was.

Her hands and feet were trembling, but she only closed her eyes tightly, and the wind was blowing towards her face, bringing a bit of comfortable coolness.

Shen Rongyu is indeed not a good person, under his palm, he felt Ji Qingzhuo's trembling, and he finally felt her fear.

He let go of her hand, and Ji Qingzhuo lost his center of gravity for a moment. She was really terrified. This thing was more terrifying than standing on the top floor and looking down, because the flying swords they were stepping on were so thin.

Another gust of wind blew, Ji Qingzhuo's figure was shaky, she fell down and fell directly into Shen Rongyu's arms.

In the wind, Shen Rongyu's hair brushed against his face, he stared at the moon in the distance, and was stunned for a moment.