MTL - Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth-Chapter 1738 break out

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  Chapter 1738 Outbreak

  1771, outbreak

  In the teleportation array, there are still a steady stream of people arriving, and the Dragon Kingdom Australia base will not refuse anyone. Even if you know that these people who come from the mainland, it is good that only 1% of them can really stay and settle.

This time, Luo Bing guessed wrongly. With the appearance of Zhonghai, the native land of Liu Haolong Kingdom, the "Kung Fu World", this person with Huoyun Cthulhu and others had been conquered long ago, and now it has been completely taken down by Liu Haolong Kingdom. Four hundred million or more of our own people.

  Most of these people need to be retrained. For those who start with literacy, the best way is naturally to pull them out of the original heavens and put them in a new environment.

   And Longguo Australia base is such a good place.

  Liu Hao’s Longguo executives have estimated that about 50 million people will be relocated from it and directly filled into the Australian base, but it has not yet happened.

   On the contrary, it is the millions of civilians who came through the teleportation array. After the battle at the base is completed, there will not be many settlers who are really willing to stay.

  Because most of these people already have their own fixed assets in Zhonghai.

They have gotten used to their place of residence, and where they really want to practice, Zhonghai also has a feasible teleportation array, such as the current battle at the Dragon Country Australia base, they get the news and feel that they will participate in the battle, how much will it really cost them? time?

  In addition, there is not only the continuation of habits, but also the concept of hometown, which sometimes cannot be persuaded by seeing more opportunities;

   Besides, there is nothing in Zhonghai. Isn’t the city huge enough?

In the eyes of these people, it is impossible to have a better place than Zhong Hai University, such as Zhong Hai University, which has permanent quasi-sages, and the universities of the Longguo Australia base are well-known, and in their view it is propaganda result.

  Their arrival today is just a matter of experience. They know that there are countless monsters that can be hunted here, and their level is not very high. There is no need for other local mountains to compete for prey, and they will come after a little publicity.

  These comers do not actually have a high average cultivation level, and the fifth and sixth ranks occupy the majority;

  The reason why they were able to come, even because someone protected them through the teleportation array, they actually had far less real combat experience than the hunting team members who fought all day long.

  When they really went to the front line, they realized that they were too immature compared with these people who had long been accustomed to fighting monsters.

  Actually, the real hunters of the Dragon Kingdom Australia Base are among the top in terms of combat experience compared to all nearby hunting grounds.

  There is an important reason here, that is, the monsters in the hunting ground are endless, no matter how many are hunted, they can be replenished from other regions the next day;

  The density of its monsters is even ranked first among the hunting grounds designated by many humans and monsters.

  In such an environment, it is almost impossible for those who step into the hunting ground to enter and exit calmly. Sometimes it is easy to enter, and if you want to exit, you even need to fight back all the way. One can imagine how rich his combat experience is.

  This kind of combat experience is no longer one-on-one, but facing a group of people.

  The effect of such long-term training has also been well reflected on the battlefield. Facing the monsters rushing forward, few people will really be in a hurry.

  The previously fixed hunting team was even more incisively and vividly played in it, and the cooperation between them was unobstructed. As long as the teammates were still around, these people didn't need to worry about whether their backs would be attacked by other monsters.

   Such a situation, for the people who arrived in Zhong Hai, existed only in their imaginations, and it was no wonder to them that there were really no mountains near Zhong Hai.

  The monsters that need to be cleaned up from time to time in the entire surrounding area are mostly from Taihu Lake, from the crabs in Taihu Lake.

   This group of crabs, known as the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, which used to be extremely expensive, has almost become Zhong Hai's biggest hunting target. How much combat experience do they have?

  They are not those student groups. You must know that today's student groups have been through their entire experience throughout their student careers. Even if they are a little immature, they are much better than these people.

  Through such a strong comparison, they also completely understood their own position, let go of the 'pride' in their hearts, and at the beginning they could only serve as backup personnel. When something really happened, they were asked to step up and temporarily help.

  Even if they took over some logistics, they found that some things were not as busy as the people in the original base, which made them feel ashamed again.

   Such a situation cannot be said to be ignored by the high-level officials of Longguo, but noticed and let it go.

  It is impossible for high-level officials to take care of the experience of every commoner. In many cases, they can only rely on self-awareness. They are not soldiers, and it is impossible to order them to go to the front line;

  They live well in a big city like Zhonghai, because the trade in it is enough for them to live comfortably.

  If they just want to live like this, that's enough. If they want to take a step forward, they can only use their talents, otherwise stagnant cultivation will become their normal state.

  The flowers in the greenhouse are doomed that their future upper limit can almost only stay at this stage.

  Everyone knows that the promotion of a monk must be accompanied by fighting. Fighting with the sky and people is not just talk.

  The great terror between life and death is often the possibility to maximize the potential of a monk.

   But such an approach is also based on numerous corpses. If you survive it, if you survive it, you will go to a higher level. If you fail to survive it, you will only become food in the mouths of monsters.

   This is completely different from a group of people killing a hairy crab along the shore of Taihu Lake. Compared with the fight with countless monsters before them, those are more like a play.

  The reason why they have such a strong contrast is still determined by the environment.

  In today's Zhonghai, a new world channel has appeared, but the world of kung fu can only be said to have entered the extraordinary in front of it. The top-level combat power, in the era of spiritual recovery, can be subdued by almost random people.

   Such a world, besides adding hundreds of millions of people to the Dragon Kingdom and giving it a larger resettlement space, how much effect can it have?

   It can only be said that this kind of world appeared too late. If the spiritual energy recovery first appeared, the various exercises in it would definitely become the objects of positive learning for everyone. What about now?

   Maybe even the monks at the bottom level just glanced at them.

  Huoyun Cthulhu's ability to catch bullets with his fingers can't be said that everyone can do it on Liu Hao's earth today, but it's not much different. Some elementary school students can easily do it, and that's the difference.

   Didn't you see Huoyun Cthulhu being forcibly moved out of the Kung Fu world, and he looks like a dog?

  Why doesn't this guy continue to be arrogant? He is not stupid, he is too aware that his little kung fu is in the big world of spiritual energy recovery, so he can only lift his shoes, if he is not honest, he will only have a dead end.

   The millions of folk monks who came from Zhonghai quickly adjusted their mentality, and after a few days of work, they gradually integrated into the battle.

   Don't think that this battle itself is a tacit understanding, but the actual competition is also very cruel.

   In the back and forth competition for the bunker, no one can count how many bones were laid in it.

  How many of the corpses of monsters were found after the Games can be known.

But who knows, even if it is so tragic, it is just the temptation of the monsters. The real battle has not yet started, that is, the real high-level monsters are still waiting to enter the battlefield. They are peeping, waiting for the most suitable Time to get involved.

   These truths, whether they are the frontline commanders or the general headquarters in the rear, are all clear. Every command point has now arranged several ninth-level monks to come to sit in the town. Isn't it a kind of defense?

  When the real high-level monsters entered the battle, people still underestimated the ferocity of this battle.

  Yaozu have never been stupid. They were forced to compromise by humans this time, how could they be happy in their hearts, and it would be impossible not to take the opportunity to vent.

  The Yaozu's approach is very simple. They know that defeat in this battle is inevitable, and the only thing they want is to make the human side suffer a lot.

  What they want is to be caught off guard, even if the human side has taken precautions, they pretend not to know. When they mobilize high-level monsters to participate, they can be said to swarm up, and there are also many ninth-level monsters among them.

  As soon as the great war broke out, the monks of the Ninth Session, who originally wanted to take a look at the situation, knew that they had to participate;

   It was also because of their decisiveness that the Yaozu's calculation did not have much effect.

  In the area that the ninja was in charge of, Nara Shikamaru was already standing on the top of one of the fortresses, watching him commanding calmly, but in fact the movements in his hands never stopped.

Within the consciousness of obsessing Liu Hao, Nara Shikamaru has completely exploded his shadow control skills. Compared with the original ninja world, it is already a leap of several levels, whether it is range, speed, or killing The flow of power is completely unimaginable as a type.

  He also discovered that Nara Shikamaru had used his wisdom to the extreme, and he seemed to be very clear that even if the lethality of the shadow under his control increased, the practice that really changed the overall situation was not part of it.

  Nara Shikamaru uses his shadow skills more to delay the enemy. He seems to have never thought of causing damage to the enemy, but it is enough to delay the monsters at the most critical time.

   That is, this little delay is enough to make these monsters fatal.

  His approach is the most disgusting, but also the most practical.

  In such a place where countless people are fighting, any hesitation will be for nothing, let alone always be launched at the most critical time.

   Obsession Liu Hao also saw that if Nara Shikamaru fought alone with the monsters of the same level, the real chance of winning or losing would not be too great.

  Sometimes you have to admit that most of the time, monsters think differently from humans. Even if their wisdom is perfect, after the battle, more is given to instinct than wisdom.

  Facing such an opponent, Nara Shikamaru's fighting wisdom is often unable to be used at all, and he can only rely on head-to-head to decide life and death, but in this regard, this guy is really not an expert.

  Contrary to him, it was Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi. They were not smart enough, but they never thought too much about it. Instead, they allowed their combat experience to increase rapidly.

Ino is like this at this time, jumping lightly is not a pig among pigs, deer and butterflies, it is more like a flying butterfly, and the thought power blade flying around her is controlled by her like a harvesting machine, many seventh and eighth ranks The monster beasts don't even know who killed them.

  In such a place where the battlefield erupts, naturally the greatest attention can only be attracted by some shields, and the biggest shield is none other than Akimichi Choji.

  This family with changes in size can not be said to have been truly developed in Choji's generation, but compared to the ninja world, it is absolutely indescribable.

  Supplemented by countless monsters eating meat and many Xuanwu Dazun's world monsters eating meat, the Akimichi family has really ushered in an explosion. Their family is the family that has integrated the entire ninja world into the earth, and is truly like a fish in water.

  They are very clear about where their family's greatest strength lies, and they have never doubted the development of this strength.

  Don’t think that Choji Akimichi’s stature has only changed by seven or eight meters, and that he has not exploded to the extreme;

   On the contrary, on such a battlefield where countless people participate, such a body size is enough, and no matter how big it is, it can only passively withstand a greater concentration of fire.

  What he wants is to guard the ninja front line, he is the biggest city wall, not only need to resist, but also need to obey the orders of Nara Shikamaru, where there is a gap, it must be blocked there.

  In the section of more than ten kilometers that the ninja was in charge of, the three of Zhuludie cooperated consistently.

  They didn't participate in the real ninth-level battle, but they were like a real insurance that firmly blocked the large-scale impact of high-level monsters.

  Standing on the top of one of the fortresses, Nara Shikamaru always looked at the sky from the corner of his eyes from time to time. After about an hour or so, his raised heart finally returned to its original position.

  He had to admit that in terms of individual combat power, the ninth ranks who came to support were indeed much stronger than them;

Five ninth-level human beings not only blocked seven ninth-level monsters, but now three of them were beheaded, and the remaining four may not survive for long. If they continue, they will either become part of the corpse, or they will only be able to survive. get away.

How did he know that all of this was in the plan of the general headquarters. Li Jing can only be said to be mediocre in the prehistoric world, but in Liu Hao's earth, he is also a top-level combat power, and his military command methods are appropriate. military **** level.

   It has long been known that the big monsters of the monster clan have a trick, and the arrangements made in advance are naturally no problem.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that every area can be completely blocked, and some places are still broken through, causing tens of thousands of casualties.

   Such an accident, even Li Jing, cannot avoid it.

  (end of this chapter)